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The Australian Travel Book: The Ultimate Australian Travel Book
The Australian Travel Book: The Ultimate Australian Travel Book
The Australian Travel Book: The Ultimate Australian Travel Book
Ebook276 pages2 hours

The Australian Travel Book: The Ultimate Australian Travel Book

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About this ebook

In this extensive ebook I will be sharing with you all my knowledge about travelling around Australia. Discover where you should visit, read all about the different states, learn about different tours to do, use our handy tour guides and so much more.

We will also give you all the different useful links and resources that you could possibly need!

This will give you all the knowledge you need to know in order to have the best ever travel experience in Australia.

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Release dateApr 20, 2017
The Australian Travel Book: The Ultimate Australian Travel Book

Read more from Dom Milner

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    The Australian Travel Book - Dom Milner

    Table of Contents

    The Australian Travel Guide: The Ultimate Australian Travel Book | © Dom Milner | Table of Contents

    The Australian Travel Guide: The Ultimate Australian Travel Book


    © Dom Milner

    Table of Contents

    INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................... 3

    FIRST THINGS FIRST............................................................................................................... 8

    INTERNATIONALVISITORS................................................................................................... 17

    TRAVELING TO/AROUND  AUSTRALIA WITH CHILDREN................................................. 28

    OVERVIEW OF AUSTRALIA STATES AND NEW ZEALAND................................................ 30

    KEY WAYS TO SAVE MONEY ON YOUR GREAT AUSTRALIAN & NEW ZEALAND ADVENTURE.......................................................................................................................... 54


    THE BEST ACCOMMODATION OPTIONS WHEN VISITING AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND............................................................................................................................... 75

    TRAVELING AROUND AUSTRALIA  AND NEW ZEALAND................................................. 79

    HOW TO DISCOVER THE MAGIC OF AUSTRALIA'S & NEW ZEALAND'S MAJOR CITIES ON CHEAP AND FOR FREE.................................................................................................. 85

    THE BEST WAY TO EXPERIENCE THE OUTBACK AND OTHER OFF THE BEATEN PATH PLACES................................................................................................................................ 104

    HOW TO IMMERSE YOURSELF IN AUSTRALIAN CULTURE AND MEET THE LOCALS................................................................................................................................ 108

    TOP10S................................................................................................................................ 118

    EXAMPLE EXCURSIONS..................................................................................................... 131

    GETTING MARRIED IN AUSTRALIA OR NEW ZEALAND................................................. 134

    TOP 20 AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND HOLIDAY PLANNING FAQ........................... 143


    Why travel to or around Australia and New Zealand?

    If you are lucky enough to already live in Australia or New Zealand, you already know that you will never have to look for something to do, or spend the day indoors doing nothing.

    There truly are a world of opportunities and places to visit in these two countries; it will always be a difficult decision to choose just what to see, but it will be ever so worth it. 

    In Australia you can dive into the Great Barrier Reef, visit the oldest standing museum, visit the Sydney Opera House or swim with dolphins – just to name a small handful of opportunities.  There really are no limits to what you can find to do. 

    New Zealand has the most amazing forests, wide open plains, deserted beaches and beautiful cities.  You can go whale watching, take long walks on the beach, swim, or hike to your hearts content.

    At night you can put your feet up and be fully refreshed for the next action packed day or just have great food with great wine and take in the great culture of Australasia and party with amazing people.

    If you are booking a holiday to Australia or New Zealand, you are going to have to try and make sure that you have as much time as possible to experience fully what each place has to offer.

    A good four weeks is needed to take in as much of Australia and New Zealand as possible.  But even in that time you will only see a fraction of what Australia and New Zealand have to offer.

    It's so easy to get the Australia and New Zealand bug, one visit will have you wanting to keep coming back as it's a very easy continent to fall in love with.

    The best place to get a taste of what to see and expect to see in Australia and New Zealand are the official tourism sites:

    Where can I find all the info I need?

    We've already established that planning a trip to Australia and/or New Zealand is not easy, especially when you have to read hundreds of brochures, traverse what feels like thousands of websites just to even get an idea of what to do when you get there.

    We have complied this book by doing all of the above work for you.  We've talked to people who live there, lots of travel agents and to people who have been there, seen it and done it. 

    This is no normal travel book, as it gives you all the information you need and also we are not afraid to give you the links required for further information which will help you save money on your trip.

    In a nutshell, we hope that everything you need to plan your amazing trip of a lifetime can be found here.  If you feel that anything is missing, please let us know and we'll try our best to incorporate your ideas in a future edition.

    What mistakes to avoid when traveling to Australia or New Zealand?

    Traveling to Australia or New Zealand is similar to traveling to other countries.  Both Australia and New Zealand are countries where you can easily mingle with other people especially if you speak English, even as a second language.

    There are a lot of places and locations that you can go and visit plus numerous events and things to do are waiting for each and every tourist that goes to Australasia.

    With all the things and places waiting for you to explore, you'll need to make sure that you won't fall victim to several of Australasia’s travel mistakes.  You've got to plan it out to have the best vacation, without hurting your budget and time.

    Travelers from overseas (and Australasian citizens alike) frequently commit traveling mistakes; there is absolutely a long list for these.  However, here are 5 of the top mistakes they do make:

    1. Waste money by booking an all-inclusive tour with an unreliable tour operator.  All-inclusive tours are perfect for people who don't want to be bothered with planning their day to day itinerary when on a tour.  But the one thing that you need to make sure, is to find a reliable tour operator that would put your needs first before their profit.  Find someone who has personal experience in a certain tour operator and research for feedback before booking an all-inclusive tour from them.  You have to be conscious on the amount that you paid versus the service that you're getting.

    2. Omitting travel insurance.  You will never know what you're going to get into when you travel. Australia may be a peaceful country without news of terrorism or lesser crime rates but always remember that wherever you go, accidents may happen.  This is the best time to invest in travel insurance to fully enjoy your trip.  Knowing that you're covered whatever happens to you, it will surely put your mind at ease.

    3. Overlooking foreign exchange rates and foreign transaction bills.  When traveling to another country, always check the exchange rates.  You may want to trade your funds for currency before your trip, or you can have your funds traded at major banks or ATM’s, airports and hotels in the country.  The latter gives you less favorable rates though.  Credit and debit cards are a must if you're traveling, because it's convenient and is a ready alternative to cash, however be sure to check with your bank as you may well pay extra fees on your transactions.


    4. Don't forget the sun tan lotion! The Australasian sun is very hot, so look after yourself by wearing a high factor sunscreen and apply it regularly.  Always wear sunglasses and keep hydrated.  Nothing dampens a holiday more than sunstroke, or being ill from dehydration.

    5. Not being aware of the animal dangers.  Australia has sharks and crocodiles, poisonous spiders and snakes and marine stingers.  Always be aware of their potential presence and take heed of any advice and wear protective gear where appropriate (like when bush-walking).

    There are still a lot of travel mistakes people make when going to Australia or New Zealand that we haven't listed here, but one thing that travelers should remember; it doesn't hurt to be prepared before the vacation, so that you can have as much of a worry free holiday as possible. 

    Over the following chapters, we will help you plan your Australian and New Zealand trip, so that you don't make costly mistakes, and give you tips on how to save money on your trip of a lifetime.

    How to be a savvy traveler around Australia/ New Zealand?

    People travel to Australasia for various reasons.  But the one thing we all have in common is that we want to travel safely and in comfort, so that we can make the best out of our journey.  Here is some good Australian travel advice on how to be a savvy traveler.

    Savvy travelers need to know the distances and the route to be taken.  Australia is a big place to travel to, and around.  By knowing the distance you will make proper arrangements and have the option to arrange your long distance travel at night and shorter journeys in the day time. 

    You should get and study maps of Australia and New Zealand to help understand these distances and to assist you picking suitable accommodation that is not too inaccessible or miles away from where you thought it was.  (Remember cities are big places too.)

    Secondly people traveling to Australia and New Zealand from abroad need to have the right travel visas and passports before being allowed in the country.  You also need to have paid the two way air tickets to avoid being stranded in parts of Australia.

    Another piece of valuable advice is that you should be prepared for any accidents as Australia is prone to natural disasters like cyclones, flash floods and storms.  So to minimize this risk you should travel when the likelihood of such natural disasters is low.  Be up to date with information from help centers.

    Weather plays an important part when traveling.  You will need to consider the seasons, what part of Australia or New Zealand you intend to travel to, when you want to travel to Australia and your budget to pick your ideal and safest holiday time. 

    When traveling to Australia, normally you will have to carry some items like lap tops, clothes, cameras, your medication and your currency.  Before doing so you need to consider the customs laws in the country, certain things will have a charge on them as you enter the country.  It is never good to take ant food stuffs into these countries, as that can get you a two hundred dollar, on the spot fine. 

    Although Australia and New Zealand have a low crime rate and are considered safe destinations, it is always a good idea to be highly aware of your personal safety.  The same principle applies whether you are at home or abroad and is absolutely the most important aspect of being a savvy traveler.


    The Major Decisions You Need to Make Before Traveling Around Australia and New Zealand

    Resulta ng larawan para sa australian travel Australia is considered as being the home to some of the most beautiful scenery in the whole world.

    When planning to travel to or within this beautiful country, it is essential to have a good plan that will enable you have maximum fun, and also get to the most your visit.

    One thing that a lot of people regret, when visiting Australia is that they neglected to visit Australia's neighbor – New Zealand, so if at all possible it should be on your travel itinerary.

    Really the first thing that you need to establish is your budget (we will go into more detail on this in the next section), as the majority of your decisions are likely to stem from how small or large this figure is.  It will affect the following decisions:

      How long are you able to visit Australia for?

      How much is it going to cost to get to your preferred destination(s)?

      Are you able to visit both Australia and New Zealand?

      Will you need to stay in one state of Australia and explore that, or can you afford to see more of Australia?

      What type of accommodation should you book?

      How many tours can you book?

      How will you travel about within Australia (and/or New Zealand)?

    Some research will address some planning issues, like what to expect in certain areas and dangers to be aware of (like wild animals, or unpredictable weather).  In the hot months, the extreme heat catches many visitors unawares, so always plan ahead here and be prepared to bring plenty of sunscreen, a sunhat and drink plenty of water.

    Planning what to see in Australia and New Zealand is half the battle in planning a once in a lifetime trip.  You and your family should get together and make a list of the things you'd all like to see.  There is likely to be some ruthless decisions to be made, as things to do and see in Australia and New Zealand are so vast and varied.  One way to get around this is

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