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Corporate Takeover: Brains to Brawn
Corporate Takeover: Brains to Brawn
Corporate Takeover: Brains to Brawn
Ebook66 pages43 minutes

Corporate Takeover: Brains to Brawn

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In this 14000+ word continuation of the Corporate Takeover saga, rival businessmen enlist the aid of Raquel Benson and the Janus Institute for their own nefarious purposes. What neither realize is that a larger game is being played, one that will change them both forever.

Containing a pair of slow male to female transformations, this newest story features explicit sexual content and seductive feminization fun!

PublisherLyka Bloom
Release dateApr 20, 2017
Corporate Takeover: Brains to Brawn

Lyka Bloom

Lyka Bloom writes various forms of fiction, but erotica has become a new passion. She preferstransformations and games of control, and enjoys exploring all the perverse kinks bubbling beneath the surface of sexuality.

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    Book preview

    Corporate Takeover - Lyka Bloom


    by Lyka Bloom


    First Edition. April 20, 2017 at Smashwords.

    Copyright © 2017 Lyka Bloom

    Written by Lyka Bloom

    Part One – The Trap

    Lars thanked whatever higher power may be for the woman's decision to join him on this side of the desk, offering him a generous look at her shapely legs. She was in her mid- to late-thirties, but she had clearly been keeping herself fit and healthy. Lars's own preferences tended toward the younger blondes, stereotypical but satisfying, but this woman was making a strong case for a more mature addition to his stable of extracurricular entertainment.

    And you understand that there is no going back?

    Her voice shook him from his reverie, and his eyes flitted up to her cool gray eyes.

    That's the whole point, isn't it? He smirked, meeting that flinty gaze.

    This was the downside. Women like Benson had their own agenda, their own expectations. He preferred the younger girls too preoccupied by his wealth and power and the potential for a taste of each to concern themselves with their own needs.

    It is. But you can never speak of this to another soul. I am not in the business of making deals with men who are going to brag to their friends about what they have done to a rival.

    What do you take me for? Lars frowned, indignant.

    Benson stood, poised atop sexy cream-colored heels that gave her legs a slender appearance.

    I take you for the man who tweeted about his company's takeover of a rival manufacturer two hours before the papers were signed, collapsing the deal before it could be finalized. The man who also found himself caught on camera with a woman half his age in a compromising position by the woman's then-boyfriend. This sort of behavior suggests a lack of discretion I cannot abide, Mr. Foster. That you know about the Janus Institute at all disturbs me. That you now want to use its methods for your own ends is even more disturbing.

    She leaned back against her office desk, crossing her legs at the ankles as she balanced on a sharp heel. Her skirt was a similar cream color, her top white and elegant in its simplicity.

    I don't know what sort of operation you run here, Benson-

    Miss Benson, please.

    "Fine. Miss Benson... I think it is in both our interests to keep my involvement with you and your 'Institute' a secret. Your work here, though impressive, is not strictly legal, or am I mistaken?"

    Raquel Benson's thin lips spread into a smile. She took an almost immediate dislike to the man, with his expensive suit and his habit of staring at her legs and chest like she was another of his bimbos under consideration. If she had to bet, Benson would have placed good odds on the fact that Foster's boardroom was bereft of women, save for the one or two allowed in to serve coffee.

    So, I can count on your own sense of self-preservation to protect us both?

    "Something like that. I've explained the situation to you. If Prentiss gets his work to market behind my back, I am ruined. You'll be doing me a big favor, Miss Benson, and I don't bite the hand that feeds me. In fact, you might get an anonymous donation or two. It all depends on how thoroughly you can complete the task."

    I believe you will appreciate the end results, Mr. Foster. As part of our mutually-assured destruction, I am going to need you to sign some papers to that effect.

    You're not very trusting, are you, Miss Benson?

    What in this world can be taken for granted?

    Touché, Foster said, leaning forward to take the papers Benson offered him. She came prepared, he would give her that. It looked like a standard non-disclosure agreement. He'd signed enough of these in his day to know what it would state: no discussing Benson, her institute, or Benson or Foster's involvement with the impending disappearance of Carlton Prentiss.

    If the Institute delivered as advertised, he would have his hands on Prentiss's new formula for an energy drink that was both sugar-free, effective, and unburdened by some of the more dangerous chemicals that made its users feel jumpy or anxious. It was an organic delivery method of pure kinetic energy potential, and whichever company ended up with it was going to make a killing.

    Fierce Fuel, Foster's company, had done well, but sales had been declining since the advent of the farm-to-table hippies began nit-picking every little ingredient. The first to come to market with a so-called 'healthy' alternative to standard energy drinks was poised to drive lesser companies out of business.

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