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Zoe's Realm of Sex and Spells: Book 1
Zoe's Realm of Sex and Spells: Book 1
Zoe's Realm of Sex and Spells: Book 1
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Zoe's Realm of Sex and Spells: Book 1

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Zoe is the 16th generation of her family dating back to the 1600's and the Salem witch trials. Every generation has produced a powerful witch, each specializing in a particular type or style of spells. Now, as Zoe seeks to learn her history and develop her own specific power, she is aided by the return of various generations from her family.

As Zoe begins to experiment, she learns through trial and error, not all problems should be subjected to magic....
Release dateNov 25, 2016
Zoe's Realm of Sex and Spells: Book 1

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    Zoe's Realm of Sex and Spells - P K Calah



    Summer 1993

    The young girl ran across the yard, sapphire eyes sparkling, golden curls floating out behind her. A toddler really, chubby legs pumping as she entered the flower garden. Ovita gazed at her daughter from the chaise where she lay sunning herself. The summer day was quiet, birdsong in the distance, the pool filter droning softly. Then, above that, she heard the buzzing, low and soft, almost musical, intermixing with the childish giggles.

    As she watched her daughter moving through the flowers, the knee-high primrose, the salvia brushing against the baby’s waist, she noted as the child touched the plants they seemed to brighten, grow stronger and healthier. Zoe moved into the taller flowers and out of view as the blossoms towered over her. She stuck her head out from between the full stalks of foxglove then pushed her way through and moved into the herb section of the garden. Zoe stood smiling, eyes closed with her face raised to the sun, and the humming grew. As Ovita watched, she saw the bees gathering, landing on the child’s arms when she stretched them out before her.

    More bees gathered around her head, drifting around her curls, seeming to almost move in a synchronized manner, over and over. As Ovita watched, the bee’s movement became almost hypnotic, her eyes lost focus as she unconsciously rose and moved toward her daughter. Reaching Zoe, she dropped slowly to her knees. The bees circle widened, creating a more elaborate dance as they surrounded mother and daughter alike. Zoe reached out for her mother’s hands, again giggling, and as their hands joined the giggle became a laugh, her mouth opened wide as she threw back her head with glee.

    Abruptly the laughter cut off, the child gagged, slapped her chest as she forced a gigantic cough. Ovita’s eyes flew open, Zoe, don’t eat the bees she admonished, watching a small bee exit the child’s mouth. Zoe turned her head to the side and spit. But Mommy, she said, I didn’t eat him, he flew in on purpose! Leaning in to her mother, Zoe’s eyes widened, her voice dropped to a whisper. He was trying to fly into my laugh, and then proudly, He likes my laugh.

    Late winter 1996

    Zoe Ovita called as she stepped through the backdoor, stomping snow from her boots and shaking it from her hair. What were you doing while you were outside over the weekend?

    Um, not much Mommy, just playing she replied as she looked up from her pancakes.

    "Uh-huh, and I see you were playing with birds again."

    Well, yes, I guess, Zoe murmured. They’re fun you know. I like watching them fly, I want to learn to fly.

    Well, I prefer you keep your feet on the ground. And speaking of ground, she continued, "the ground in the barn now needs a good cleaning. You left the barn doors open didn’t you?"

    Yep the girl gloated, I thought it was a great idea. I knew it would be cold and snow again last night, so I gave the birds a place to stay. She looked up at her mother, eyes round and innocent.

    "Humm, - I wish you’d told me about it, not only is the floor of the barn filthy, so is my car which was parked in there. Ovita looked at her daughter’s grinning face and sighed. Finish up your breakfast so we can be on our way. I want to drive through the car wash before I take you to school. And, I suppose I should stop at the garden center and pick up some bird food to get us through until spring actually arrives."

    Thanks, Mom, Zoe called as she sped off to get ready for the day.

    And Zo, Ovita called behind her daughter’s retreating back, let’s keep the birds visit just between us, OK? She shook her head, sighing as she picked up the breakfast dishes, hoping bird droppings weren’t as harmful to auto paint as she’d always heard it was.

    Spring 1999

    The music blared, reverberated off the walls. Laughter, full of joy, pure happiness, competed with the music in volume, as did shouting voices and splashing pool water. Zoe ran into the kitchen, calling out MOM! We need more chips, everyone’s hungry. Oh, and Mrs. J says if you’re leaving her out there alone as life guard, you better bring her a G&T. You want me to make it for her, Mom? I think I’m getting pretty good at it she said grinning.

    Ovita laughed, No, I’ll do it, you enjoy your friends. But by-the-way, I thought this pool party was just for your friends. There’s five times the number of kids here than what I expected. It looks like you invited the entire school.

    But Mom, Zoe explained, looking her mother in the eyes, These ARE my friends.

    Every one of them?

    Everyone she confirmed. Pretty much everyone I meet becomes a friend.

    Just because you’re so likeable? Ovita asked.

    Well, yeah, Zoe replied, And because I help them with things.

    Such as?

    Oh, you know, - the usual stuff. When they lose something and can’t find it, I ALWAYS can, and like when Jess wanted to ask Robert to be her boyfriend, I wrote the note for her.

    Did you just write it, or something more? Ovita questioned.

    Guess a little something more, I had to make sure it worked didn’t I?

    Um, sure Ovita murmured. Go on back to your friends, and here, take these chips and pretzels. And tell Mrs. J her GT’s on the way.

    Great Mom, thanks Zoe called over her shoulder.

    "But instead of mixing her friend’s drink Ovita sat, considering. It wouldn’t be long now she thought. I’m going to need to explain everything to her. Prepare her. Her progression is right on schedule. I need to make sure she understands all….

    Winter 2002

    Ovita dropped into the chair behind her, short of breath, her arm seemed to be going numb. Ah, shit she thought, this isn’t good. And it’s too early. I should still have time. She reached for the phone, fumbling, trying to deal with the numb arm and the blackness beginning around the edges of her vision.

    She dialed 911.

    We need to talk Zo, it’s time I get started, there’s so much to tell you Ovita pushed the buttons to raise the back of her hospital bed. "If family tradition holds true, I’ll have a few more years yet to teach you and refine your skills. You know the women in our family tree never make it past forty. I’ve always felt I’d break that tradition, what with modern health care and all, but this heart attack’s been a wake - up call. I still intend to be here beyond the family forty, but l want to get started on your education.

    And so Zoe listened as her mother began to explain what so many of the little things she took for granted really meant. Why she understood animals and plants, at times seeming to control them. Why she was so perceptive of her friends feelings and able to influence them. Why she could find nearly anything if she concentrated on it.

    And how it all began sixteen generations ago; with an ancestor named Abella, in Salem, in 1692.

    As I approached the campfire I thought, they’re drinking, and probably a lot. In fact, I think they’re drunk. Looking down at the fire I saw what appeared to be a cauldron, full of a dark substance, steam rising with a familiar aroma. The three women sitting around the pot were all laughing and talking non-stop - and at the same time - making it impossible to understand anything being said.

    I looked at the three women, feeling a mixture of fondness, curiosity and excitement. It seemed they’d always been a part of my life, along with the other ten; my ancestors – my grandmothers – going back sixteen generations, all the way to Abella, our family ‘Grande Dame’. Abella, the Salem witch, hung in 1692, one of the victims of the Salem witch trials. And the beginning of our family curse.

    Abella died at the age of forty, and since then not one female descendent has lived beyond the age of forty. Up until my mother, Ovita, that is; she celebrated her forty-first birthday before the family curse caught up to her.

    Funny, over the years I’ve been in contact with each female descendent except our original witch, Abella, and now Mom, I haven’t heard from her yet. And of course she’s the one I’d give anything to talk to.

    But here are three of my favorites, and there’s always something interesting or exciting about to happen when they show up. So, wondering what’s in store for me now, I called out what are you brewing up, and how much alcohol’s in it?

    Faye turned, motioned me closer and said, look again, dear, it’s dinner.

    As I looked, I saw not a cauldron but a large soup pot, not over a fire but on a gas grill. It simmered and bubbled, full of stew? Chicken soup? Vegetables? It smelled like each, and yet, something altogether different.

    It’s the herbs, darling, Jenelle said sweetly, that’s what you’re not focusing in on.

    Well that’s quite an understatement Klara interrupted. You know she’s neglecting my herb garden, and not really taking the time to study the lore. ‘Not focusing’ hardly describes it!

    That’s true dear, Faye added, you really do need to tend the garden better.

    You’ll appreciate the benefits a good understanding of herbs will bring you Klara stated, nodding wisely. "And with what’s ahead of you, you’ll need all the benefits you can get."

    What do you know about what’s ahead of me? I asked.

    You know that’s not for us to say, Jenelle replied, but you need to know when to use ginseng or when saw palmetto is called for.

    Oh, yes! exclaimed Faye, I remember once when fenugreek was accidently dropped into my tonic for Maybelle Smith, why she just bloated up to twice her normal size.

    Was it the fenugreek, or was it that you didn’t dry the nettle properly? questioned Klara.

    Or mixing recipes with contradicting results Jenelle commented. "That whole tonic was just an experiment."

    How else will we learn? Some experimentation is necessary, and anyhow, Faye defended herself, Maybelle was just fine. In fact, in the end she was quite pleased, ending up with the largest bosom in the county. She certainly took advantage of that when it came time for husband hunting!

    Klara chuckled. Yes, that’s true.

    Well, proper preparation is a must, stated Jenelle, then you really need to pay attention Zoe, in case you’re ever working on something swollen or overgrown. You’ll appreciate this help.

    I jerked my attention back from the mental picture I was developing to the three women around the pot. Did Maybelle Smith’s entire body swell up, or just certain parts, and what parts exactly?

    Now you’re thinking, Faye crooned. I believe I know what’s going on in your head dear, if you want to get that specific you’ll need to do more studying.

    Yes, and practice, added Jenelle.

    "In order to reap the benefits of this knowledge when I face what’s ahead of me" I said looking each of them in the eye one by one.

    Of course, Klara said softly. You can’t hide from your heritage, you have great talent and we want to see it put to good use.

    To break the curse Jenelle whispered. We think Ovita was on the right track. We believe you’ll be a real ‘sweet sixteen’, as Abella’s sixteenth descendant. That makes it even more imperative that you develop your talent, hone your skills, and set the family free!

    Ovita made tremendous progress added Faye. She broke the forty barrier. Now it’s up to you. You can set us free.

    And to get started, Klara cut in, try a little of this special recipe I’ve made for you. And she picked up a large wooden spoon and began to stir. The contents began to move, following the spoon, around and around the pot, which again seemed to resemble a cauldron more than a soup pot. As Klara moved the spoon faster, the liquid darkened, moved faster and faster beginning to form a small whirlpool, drawing my eyes in hypnotically. And as Klara pulled the spoon out of the swirling, dark liquid, she began tapping the excess off against the rim of the cauldron. Tap, Tap, TAP. Louder and louder the taps becoming a banging, a hammering, volume increasing into a final sharp crack that seemed to vibrate my entire body; my eyes closed.

    BANG BANG BANG the pounding continued, then a ringing was added. Ah – the doorbell - it finally registered. As I opened my eyes I found myself in the living room on the couch where I’d decided earlier to grab a short nap.

    Some ‘short’ nap, I thought, I’ve been out for more than two hours. Then again the doorbell, pressed three times in rapid succession. Whoever it is doesn’t seem to be going away I thought, so yawning and stretching I moved to the door.

    As I opened the door he was just turning away, the sound of me answering had him turning slowly back. He was tall, well over six feet, with a long, lean build. His hair was a dark blonde, full and wavy, and at the moment, windblown. The face was somewhat long and narrow also, matching his body type, and with a dimpled chin it was definitely getting my full attention. I had to look up to look into the pale ice-blue eyes. The full lips smiled, hi, he said, I’m Bill.

    Well, hello Bill. What can I do for you?

    You’re Zoe, right? Scott Horton was supposed to let you know I’d stop by for the keys he left with you.

    Oh, right, I replied, "he left a voicemail. Come on in, I’ll find the keys. So how do you know Scott? I’m sure I’d remember you if I’d seen you around."

    I was ‘around’ during college days; Scott and I were roommates for a while. My job just transferred me back here so Scott and I are back in touch.

    I turned from the desk, where I was sure I’d left the keys, to take a quick look at Bill’s left hand. He caught the glance and grinned.

    No, still single and loving it he answered the unspoken question.

    Clearly, I’m not the smooth operator I thought I was. A little embarrassed I said that’s good (that didn’t come out right!) and I stammered I mean good that you love it, not good that you’re single. Turning back to the desk I began searching in earnest, where the hell did I put those keys??

    Bill stood there with, if anything, an even larger grin, how about you? Single?

    Oh yes, I said and turned back to him with the keys in hand. Single and loving it.

    That’s what I was hoping to hear. So do you think two single and loving it people could get together for dinner and a movie soon?

    It sounds like fun to me, want to try for Friday night? I responded.

    I’ll be here at six to get you then he said turning for the door. But he stopped abruptly, turned back to me and again let the grin spread over his face. What type of movie do you suppose two ‘single and loving it’ people would like to see, a romance?

    Let’s go with a comedy I answered. And with that he walked out the door. As I closed it, I grinned!

    * * *

    On Thursday I decided to call Scott. Hey Zoe, good to hear from you. I owe you a big thank you for taking care of my place while I was away. The plants never looked better by the way.

    No problem Scott I replied. Did your friend Bill have anything to say?

    Only that the two of you had a chance to talk, and he liked what he saw - and wants to see more on Friday……

    I smiled to myself, I kinda liked what I saw too.

    Yeah, I’m sure. That’s never been a problem for him. In fact, Zo, I think I should let you know he had quite a reputation in college as a lady’s man. He got around.

    Is that still how he operates? I asked.

    Can’t say that I really know what he’s been up to since we got out of school. I’ve stayed here while he’s moved around a lot with his job. I can try to find out if you want.

    No, that’s ok Scott, I can probably figure out what’s what as we get acquainted.

    No doubt of that, if anyone can tune-in to people, it’s you. Have fun tomorrow.

    Thanks, I plan to I said then hung up the phone.

    * * *

    As I climbed into bed late Friday night, actually early Saturday, I snickered to myself, I felt physically tired but mentally wide awake. Had a great time tonight I thought, but I’m never going to get to sleep. Don’t know why I’m even bothering to get

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