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Switzerland Travel Guide
Switzerland Travel Guide
Switzerland Travel Guide
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Switzerland Travel Guide

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The Switzerland Traveler's Guide to Make The Most Out of Your Trip.
Melted chocolate drizzled over fresh, crusty bread. Snow glinting on the treetops as the train whisks you ever higher into the mountains. The chime as the clock strikes noon and it’s time for yet another delectable lunch of the finest French cuisine. And knowing that in a few hours you will be tucking into Italian-inspired fare before heading out for drinks in the old town.
The mountainous scenery in Switzerland is characterized by its variety and depth. The hills curve around crystal blue lakes in summer, while in winter a coating of snow covers the rolling landscape. The fields stay fresh and green while the forests thrive with regular precipitation. Luckily it is not often subject to fog, clouds, or pollution, unlike other places in Europe. It can be terribly disappointing to miss a stunning sunset due to inclement weather. Here in Switzerland you can climb up tall peaks or march to the top of a cathedral tower to see for miles around. Search online or look at a book and you will glimpse just a few of the striking scenes that are commonplace in the country.
Switzerland is well known as being home to a large portion of the Alps mountain range, which also runs through France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, and Austria. But there are more mountain ranges other than the Alps. The Jura Mountain range in the northwest is not far from the Swiss town Neuchâtel, and the border with France. The Matterhorn range in the south of the country lies right on the edge between Switzerland and Italy, serving as a natural borderline. Within the center of the country are the Jungfrau and Eiger mountains, which are full of charming resorts that cater to those on a relaxing holiday.
With all of these mountains Switzerland is famously idyllic as a skiing destination for both Europeans and Americans. Many dream of swishing down the white slopes during the day and drinking Swiss hot chocolate by a fire at night, roasting your toes over an open fire. There is winter climbing and mountaineering, snowshoeing and many other activities to keep you active in the cold, as well as plenty of luxurious, indoor treats to enjoy too when you need to defrost.

Release dateApr 22, 2017
Switzerland Travel Guide

The Non Fiction Author

Author|Graphic Designer|Publisher|Non-Profit Volunteer|Freelancer

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    Switzerland Travel Guide - The Non Fiction Author

    Switzerland Travel Guide

    The Switzerland Traveler's Guide to Make The Most Out of Your Trip

    By The Non Fiction Author

    Published by The Non Fiction Author

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright ©2017 The Non Fiction Author

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. All pictures are held by commercial license and may not be duplicated by anyone without express permission.

    Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.

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    The information provided in this book is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. The author's books are only meant to provide the reader with the basics travel guidelines of a certain location, without any warranties regarding the accuracy of the information and advice provided. Each traveler should do their own research before departing.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Why You Will Fall in Love with Switzerland!

    Chapter 2: Tips to Make the Most Out of This Travel Guide

    Chapter 3: Planning Your Trip Ahead (Transport, Visas, Packing)

    Chapter 4: Swiss History, Culture & Food (Don't Miss the Food!)

    Chapter 5: West Switzerland: Geneva and Bern

    Chapter 6: East Switzerland: Zurich and the Alps

    Chapter 7: Tips and Tricks For an Unforgettable Visit

    Chapter 8: Bonus! - German, French & Italian Words and Phrases You Must Absolutely Know

    Chapter 9: Aren't You Excited? Your Journey Is About to Begin!

    Chapter 1:

    Why You Will Fall in Love with Switzerland!

    Melted chocolate drizzled over fresh, crusty bread. Snow glinting on the treetops as the train whisks you ever higher into the mountains. The chime as the clock strikes noon and it’s time for yet another delectable lunch of the finest French cuisine. And knowing that in a few hours you will be tucking into Italian-inspired fare before heading out for drinks in the old town.

    The mountainous scenery in Switzerland is characterized by its variety and depth. The hills curve around crystal blue lakes in summer, while in winter a coating of snow covers the rolling landscape. The fields stay fresh and green while the forests thrive with regular precipitation. Luckily it is not often subject to fog, clouds, or pollution, unlike other places in Europe. It can be terribly disappointing to miss a stunning sunset due to inclement weather. Here in Switzerland you can climb up tall peaks or march to the top of a cathedral tower to see for miles around. Search online or look at a book and you will glimpse just a few of the striking scenes that are commonplace in the country.

    Switzerland is well known as being home to a large portion of the Alps mountain range, which also runs through France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, and Austria. But there are more mountain ranges other than the Alps. The Jura Mountain range in the northwest is not far from the Swiss town Neuchâtel, and the border with France. The Matterhorn range in the south of the country lies right on the edge between Switzerland and Italy, serving as a natural borderline. Within the center of the country are the Jungfrau and Eiger mountains, which are full of charming resorts that cater to those on a relaxing holiday.

    With all of these mountains Switzerland is famously idyllic as a skiing destination for both Europeans and Americans. Many dream of swishing down the white slopes during the day and drinking Swiss hot chocolate by a fire at night, roasting your toes over an open fire. There is winter climbing and mountaineering, snowshoeing and many other activities to keep you active in the cold, as well as plenty of luxurious, indoor treats to enjoy too when you need to defrost.

    In spring and summer the ice melts and Switzerland blooms with color. The flowers are well tended in the city parks and the fields turn a spring green. The countryside holds terrific beauty and a great way to experience it is a simple walk through the hills. There is more daylight than in winter so you can get a later start on the day and still have plenty of time for walking along the lakeside promenade of Zurich before the sun goes down. In good weather the outdoor cafes fill up as people watchers stake out their seats for an afternoon of observing locals going about their day. A strong cup of coffee is the perfect pick-me-up after spending a few hours shopping for a wristwatch, and try the pastries drizzled with rich chocolate.

    If cold weather is your nemesis, you can still see snow all year round. Switzerland has the longest glacier in Europe called the Aletsch Glacier, located near the Jungfrau peaks. Switzerland also has the biggest waterfall in Europe by volume of water, the Rhine Falls not far from Zurich. These remarkable sights are easily accessible with a tour group or on your own, so bring a camera and good walking shoes.

    There are a multitude of wonders to be found in Switzerland. Many of these like the Castle of Chillon, near Montreux, or the Castles of Bellinzona, in Ticino, are well placed on the tourist itinerary. You can see the grand Abbey at Saint Gallen and try some of the wine from the Lavaux Vineyards near Geneva. But if you look a bit further you can still find plenty of quieter gems to explore without the crowds. Visit the information centers in town for recommendations or just get a little lost in a new place. You never know what you will find!

    Switzerland is a diverse, landlocked

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