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Free To Be Me
Free To Be Me
Free To Be Me
Ebook122 pages1 hour

Free To Be Me

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About this ebook

Are you aware that fear, doubt, guilt, insecurity, and even sickness can be a form of bondage, which can keep you from being all that God created you to be. “Free To Be Me” will show you how you can be set free from the bondages in your life so you can live life to the fullest. It can be used as a ministerial tool in Bible Study, group ministries, or read in your personal time.

PublisherStacy Rhodes
Release dateApr 24, 2017
Free To Be Me

Stacy Rhodes

Stacy Rhodes defines herself as a woman chasing afterGod. Her calling is to minister to God’s people through sharing her numerous testimonies and answered prayers.She came up under the leadership of Bishop Anthony and Valarie Russell of New Covenant of Peace World Impact Ministries. She attends Conquerors Church under the leadership of Pastor Sam Moore and his beautiful wife, Lady Lashawn Moore.Stacy was born in Detroit, Michigan, lived in Highland Park, Michigan and Detroit East and West side. She currently lives in Clinton Twp., Michigan where she has been a resident for the past twelve years. Stacy has five beautiful children and six adorable grandchildren who she loves dearly.

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    Free To Be Me - Stacy Rhodes

    Free To Be Me

    Stacy Rhodes

    Copyright 2017 © Stacy Rhodes Free To Be Me

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

    Bible verses quoted from King James Version, New Living Translation, American King James Version, New King James Version, Amplified Version, and New King James Version

    Table of Contents




    Free To Be Me

    Point 1 – Broken Trust

    Point 2 – Disappointment

    Point 3 – What Others Want You To Be

    Point 4 - Familiarity

    Point 5 - Disobedience

    Point 6-Hidden Sins, Fears

    Point 7 – Emotional Baggage

    Point 8 – People-pleasing

    Point 9 – Being Easily Offended

    Point 10 - Debt

    Point 11 – Feeling Persecuted

    Point 12 – Bondage of the Mind

    Point 13 – Bondage of Religion and Tradition

    Point 13-1 – Bondage of Tradition

    Point 14 – Bondage of Relationships

    Point 15 – Bondage of Grief

    Point 16 - Spirit of Deception

    Point 17 - Being a Victim

    Author’s Note

    About Stacy Rhodes


    This book is dedicated to God’s people and to my children Anthony McClain, Marie Johnson, Gregory Rhodes, Emmilia Rhodes, and Kenyetta Swift. To my beautiful grandchildren Louis Green, Emmanuel Lyles, Christian and Jordan Childs, Rhianna Johnson, and Payton Jade McClain. I love you all.

    This book is made possible by the grace of God, through many trials and tribulations that I have suffered throughout my life to become the person that I am in God. I thank God for giving me the courage and helping me push pass my fears to help me finish this book.


    I thank God for His wisdom and strength over the years. I acknowledge I am nothing without Him and cannot do anything in my own strength, but I can do all things through Him. Only through Him, will this book prosper and reach the people and children who need it. I thank God for the resources, the inspirational thoughts, and prayers. I give Him all praise.

    To my beautiful daughter, Emmilia Rhodes, who made me stay at the feet of God. Thank you to my sons Anthony McClain and Gregory Rhodes and my other beautiful daughters Marie Johnson and Kenyetta Swift who sowed seeds into the publishing of this book.

    To my sister, Jean Turner, (who I miss so much but always inspired me and looked after me while she was on this earth). The struggle of dealing with her death inspired me as I remember how much she believed in me and wanted me to finish living my dreams. To my family who always kept me in prayer. They are a ministry by themselves.

    To everyone who inspired me, prayed for me, and helped me to grow in my walk with God. To my family, this was a ministry alone, my sister Patricia McClain, my brothers Kevin Terrance and Tyrone McClain. To my nieces, grand nieces, nephews, grand nephews, and cousins, I thank God for each of you.

    I would like to give acknowledgement to everyone who helped me get this book out of my mind and onto paper. Pastor Sam Moore and Lady Lashawn Moore, I would like to say thank you to my pastor and his beautiful wife for their support and desire to see others blessed and living their dreams.

    To my church families, Conqueror’s Church and New Covenant of Peace World Impact Ministries and Faithful Priest Ministry, I love you. Thank you to Bishop Anthony Russell and Valerie Russell, Pastor Reuben and Darnella Edwards, Apostle Kevin Binion. You sowed the Word of God in me and praise and worship in my life.

    Thank you to Pastor Audrey Johnson, my mentor, sister, and friend who kept me lifted in prayer and encouraged me, corrected me, cried with me, walked with me, instructed me and blessed me. You are a true friend and woman of God.

    I thank God for Emma Hampton, my mom, whose words can never express all the areas she has helped me in; I love and thank you.

    To God be the glory for His mercies endure forever and His grace is sufficient. Thank you that this twenty-year dream is finally happening. I love you, Lord, and thank you for believing in me when I did not believe in myself. Thank you for loving me when I stopped loving myself, but most of all thank you, Lord for saving me.


    This book is to help us all break free from the bondage of the many different things that keep us in fear, shame, guilt, sickness, and with false thinking.

    So many forms of bondages defeated me in life until I came to Christ. He delivered me from each and every one of them (He is still working on many more). I remember feeling stuck in my life, but thank God for His son Jesus and the Word of God that transformed me and set me free. It is simply amazing and satisfying to be able to be free so I can help others.

    It was indeed a struggle to get out of bondage and to get out of all of my mess, but it is what I had to do for my sake, my children’s sake, for my grandchildren’s sake, and my family.

    Like me, you will feel good when you know in your heart that peace is real and that curses can be broken off your life, forgiveness is possible, and the renewing of your mind is possible through Christ. To be able to take control of your emotions, feelings, and thoughts by giving it all to Christ, casting them down and not giving them life or a place in your mind to grow. To be willing allows God to be the potter and you the clay.

    I have learned that it is so much easier when we let God lead and direct us. When we submit to His will for our lives that is when we are indeed FREE.

    This is why I titled my book Free To Be Me, because finally in a life spent serving so many others I now have freedom to be myself. I am free to be who I was called to be from the foundation of this earth.

    I hope and pray that this book will give you that same freedom. It is simple and to the point, not a lot of words and theory. It is based on the Word of God because that is what set me free. I believe that it will do the same for you if you trust in God with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding, but acknowledge him in all your ways and let him direct your path. I know it is not easy to look at yourself and admit your problems and issues, but it will help you to become free.

    There are issues we all face daily. We are at war with ourselves and with others. We may feel stuck, like there is no way out of the lives we have made. But we must renew our minds and walk in our destiny through Christ Jesus.

    I am here to remind you that God is sending you help, but you must be open and willing to receive ( i.e. all are a work in progress). We all have to walk out our salvation until His return.

    There is something in these pages for sinners and the saved. I am doing it God’s way. In Jesus’ name. Nevertheless Father, not my will, but your will be done….



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