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Twice Tethered: Tethered Wings, #1
Twice Tethered: Tethered Wings, #1
Twice Tethered: Tethered Wings, #1
Ebook240 pages3 hours

Twice Tethered: Tethered Wings, #1

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2016 Beacon FCRW Finalist!

Humans and Sensari interacted little until the formation of the nascent country of Vega. Shaken by the events that followed, the two races would never be the same.

When brilliant human scientist Priya Desai goes to work for Genetic Realms, sparks fly with the black-winged CEO, Morgan Steele.

As they succumb to their desire, what should have been a night of pleasure turns into a witch hunt.

Priya and Morgan have their own battles to fight within the melee, and there's no desire sweeter than that which you can't have.

Step into the world of Tethered Wings and let your imagination and passion soar!

Release dateJun 1, 2017
Twice Tethered: Tethered Wings, #1

Sabine Priestley

Sabine Priestley is a lifelong fan of science fiction and romance novels. When the characters in the Alien Attachments series started talking to her, she had no choice but to write. They’re still talking and she’s still writing. Sabine lives in Florida with her husband, kids, cats, and a whole mess of characters in her head. For more please visit

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    Book preview

    Twice Tethered - Sabine Priestley

    Chapter 1

    Priya stood in the shadow of the glistening twin towers that made up Genetic Realms Corporation .

    Above, incandescent wings flashed brilliant colors in the sun as the sensari arrived for their workday. After landing on platforms that extended from each floor, they retracted their wings, becoming indistinguishable from humans.

    It was hard to believe this was real. The offer letter. The job. The childhood stories of a land where humans and sensari lived and worked together. The nascent country of Vega was now her home. After six years of grueling graduate studies, she was ready to start living.

    The crisp morning air carried a hint of ocean and a serious dose of freshly cut grass. She hated that smell. Hated the sound of lawn mowers that went with it. No idea why.

    A bloodcurdling scream rent the morning air. High above, two sensari plummeted in a tangle of arms, legs and wings. The mass split apart and one righted himself in an awkward maneuver, then disappeared onto a landing platform.

    The other cartwheeled in a horrifically beautiful aerial dance. With each attempted stroke of his wings, one bent backward, its main spine snapped in half.

    Two other males dove after the figure, but couldn't get a hold with him spinning. He wasn't going to make it. He was going to hit the ground. She couldn't look away.

    The sensari tumbled downward. Not quite free fall, but too fast. His scream stopped with a muted thud on the lawn.

    She should help. Do something.

    Sensari descended from all around, and humans ran from the ground floor of the nearest tower.

    She wasn't a medic, hadn't even refreshed her stupid CPR certification in years.

    The male cried out, which meant he was alive and conscious. That had to be good.

    Holy fuck. A tall blonde woman with a surprisingly deep voice rushed over to Priya. Ambulance is on the way. Did you see what happened?

    They must have collided midair, about half way up. One made it to a balcony. But this guy, he hit hard.

    This was not an omen. She didn't believe in omens. Her mother did, though. She saw signs in bird poop. One whiff of this and she'd demand Priya come home. She wouldn't do it. She'd come here against her mother's wishes. It had been brutal on both of them, but this was her life. This was home now. She tried to ignore the sick feeling in her stomach. Not an omen.

    They collided? The woman's hazel eyes filled with disbelief.

    I'm assuming that's what happened. They were falling by the time I saw them.

    Sensari don't have midair collisions. Ever.

    Priya started to say otherwise, but she didn't want to be rude.

    The woman extended her hand. Tara Newton. Her grip was firm, but not crushing. She had to be six feet tall even without her four-inch heels. Although her hair was shiny, there wasn't any of the trademark luminescence of sensari. Was it rude to ask?

    Priya Desai.

    Tara smiled. You're one of the newbies.

    Yeah. There was a large crowd now on the lawn. That poor man.

    Sirens pierced the air as an ambulance approached from the main gates.

    Come on, Tara said. Let's get you inside.

    The screams had stopped, but nothing could be seen with all the bystanders gathered around.

    Priya's hands shook as she gripped her purse's shoulder strap.

    You okay? Tara asked.

    I hope he makes it. This was not the way her first day was supposed to start. Time to shake it off.

    At their approach to the visitor entrance, glass doors slid open, and they stepped into a vast foyer. Floor-to-ceiling windows brought the outside in with an atrium feel. The click of their heels echoed through the granite and marble space. Muffled strains of vaguely familiar instrumental music came from overhead.

    She followed Tara around a metal-framed leather seating arrangement to an imposing marble counter occupying the back wall. The air was cold and smelled of lemon-scented cleaning product.

    Tara stepped behind the counter and sat at a computer terminal. So, what's your major?

    Double masters in biology and genetic engineering. And proud of it.

    Nice. Welcome to the GenRealms family.


    Out on the lawn, the crowd was dispersing as the medical techs attended the poor sensari.

    Okay, give me a minute and I'll see what they have planned for you today. Tara's fingers flew over the keyboard. Looks like you're with Davis. She's the head of personnel. I'll show you the way. I think you'll like it here. They take good care of their people. She glanced out on the lawn before leading the way to glossy black elevator doors.

    It's quiet in here, Priya said, impressed with Tara's quick pace.

    This is the visitor entrance for humans. We don't get many of those. Davis will give you the tour. Check in with me later and I'll fill you in on all the gossip she leaves out.

    Honestly, Tara. An older woman in a gray tailored suit walked up behind them. Did you see… The woman waved brightly-colored folders toward the entrance.

    Priya nodded. She'd never forget that scene.

    The lady squeezed her upper arm. I assure you this has never happened before. Never. The tab of one of the folders in her grasp flashed red. She flipped it open and scanned the contents before returning it to the others with a slow shake of her head. You must be Ms. Desai.

    Priya accepted the woman's hand. Warm with small bones. You can call me Priya.

    It's lovely to meet you. I'm Mrs. Davis. Head of Personnel. I'll be with you most of the day, apart from lunch at noon. That's just for you and the other two recruits.

    The lunch was moved up to 11:45. Tara tapped her fingers against her outer thigh in beat with the music, which had gone from slow melodic to upbeat pop.

    Mrs. Davis checked her phone. I wasn't notified.

    You will be in about ten minutes. Tara smiled at Priya. The new-hire lunch. Yum. The food isn't bad either. Might be as close as you ever get to our fearless leaders. Enjoy it. She turned and raised an eyebrow at Mrs. Davis. Can I come?

    You had your turn, Mrs. Davis said, eyeing another red blinking tab in her stack.

    True, but that was six years ago. Tara doubled the tempo of her fingers. I doubt they even remember me.

    Go on, get back to work. Mrs. Davis pressed the call button for the elevator.

    Tara winked at Priya. Have fun. Try not to drool.

    Ms. Newton. Really. Mrs. Davis waved her off with the folders, three of which were now blinking red.

    Tara grinned and handed Priya a card with her number on it. Call me if you need anything. Or just want to gossip.

    Must you? Mrs. Davis straightened to her full five-foot frame. Her expression was stern, but her eyes showed more affection than consternation.

    You know I must. Tara spun and returned to the counter.

    Mrs. Davis shook her head. She is incorrigible, but extremely talented. She eyed Priya's shiny black heels. Something tells me you two are going to get along just fine. There was no sign of disapproval in her eyes. They were brown, like her own, and her smile appeared genuine.

    I got that impression as well. Priya's first-day jitters eased a notch. This was going to work.

    Your records are quite impressive, Priya. I noticed you did volunteer work with children during your graduate studies.

    Yes. It was a program to help underprivileged kids get access to the university and help find funding. The program had been challenging. Spending so much time in the inner city with the destitute was eye-opening. It had been gut-wrenching when she’d lost another teen to the streets, but it was worth it to see confidence light those kids' eyes when, after a lifetime of being told they couldn't, they discovered they could. If only one could bottle that kind of self-assurance.

    That is commendable. Genetic Realms has an extraordinary outreach program. The very nature of Vega draws citizens from both the human and sensari territories who are looking for a better life. Many are quite poor, especially the sensari. You know they can never return to Mandori, don't you?

    No. Priya hadn't known. She wondered why the sensari country of Mandori didn't see the value in Vega the way humans’ Anarica did, but then she knew little about the sensari.

    They're considered traitors. The woman's voice dropped a notch. They've risked everything to come here. Mrs. Davis shook her head. We run an educational daycare, pre-school through age six, on-site. It's free for both employees and the community. Many of our people volunteer and provide classes and assistance to the children. Genetic Realms is big on community service. I thought perhaps the center might interest you.

    I'd love to work with younger kids. We dealt mostly with teens at the university.

    Wonderful. I'll put you into contact with Tom. He'll get you sorted once you've settled into a routine here. The elevator doors opened to smoke-colored mirrors and polished chrome. Davis stepped in with her practical leather shoes and pressed the button for the seventieth floor. The seventieth. Genetic Realms was fifty-two floors taller than Anarica's current tallest building. The sensari knew how to build.

    Mr. Doon and Mr. Kelt are our other new recruits. Mrs. Davis scanned each red-flashing folder in turn, after which they returned to their original cream color. I don't suspect you'll see much of them after today. They're both focused on nanotechnology, and will be working in the other tower. You'll be assisting in Dr. Kondic's lab here in Tower One. You'll like her. She runs a tight ship, and has a lovely sense of humor. I do hope you like music. Her lab tends to be on the loud side.

    Works for me. She mentally crossed her fingers the woman wasn't a country music fan.

    The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Before they stepped out into the plush carpeted space beyond, a thin blue light scanned them from head to toe.

    What was that? Priya couldn't determine the source.

    It's used for identification purposes. Once we get to my office, I'll match it to the one obtained when you entered the lobby and assign it to you. No need for security badges and such around here. It's much more efficient.

    A thin man with wire-rimmed glasses hurried toward them. Have you heard?

    You mean… Mrs. Davis motioned toward the outside. I got here just after. Any word?

    I'll be speaking with the hospital shortly. Can you give me access to his file? It's Miller. Daniel Miller. I'll notify his family. They said he was still conscious and talking in the ambulance. The man was mouse-like and fidgety.

    Mrs. Davis keyed something into her phone and hit send. Use this access code. And please, keep me informed.

    Of course. He hurried away, his phone clutched to his chest.

    Not an omen.

    Broad sliding glass doors dominated the wall to their right. A concrete platform extended out into thin air for fifteen or twenty feet beyond. Even from this distance it was dizzying, and with no handrail around the edges, it made her stomach drop. She couldn't even imagine standing out there, seventy floors up. No way in hell would she get near that edge.

    Fascinating, isn't it? Mrs. Davis asked as three sensari flew past.

    Extremely. The image of that poor man falling flashed in her mind, triggering a pang of guilt at defying her mom. No. Her life. Her choices.

    I've been here nearly ten years and I still find it thrilling. Davis spoke quietly, wistful.

    Two sensari approached the platform with wings flared a good ten feet tip to tip. Both wore tailored suits and were so damn graceful. With a whoosh of wings, they tilted to a standing position and landed. Morgan Steele, the CEO, and Christopher Gotti, the Senior VP. Steele was the taller of the two. His wings and hair shone a deep purple-sapphire when the sun hit them. Gotti had jet-black hair, skin of golden-taupe, and wings of translucent amber. He was particularly striking because of his emerald eyes.

    They must be here about Miller, Davis whispered.

    The pair’s wings extended fully, then retracted behind their backs.

    That was amazing. The wings, not Miller. Although that was amazing too, in a horrific kind of way.

    I assume you know who they are?

    Oh, yes. Every woman with a pulse knew who those two were.

    Come along, Mrs. Davis said. We don't want them to catch us drooling, as Tara would say.

    Priya laughed at the out-of-character statement. She desperately wanted to stay, but Mrs. Davis had a point. And apparently, she'd be dining with them in a few hours. The thought made her nervous as hell.

    The morning flew by with paperwork and a whirlwind tour. The complex was massive, it would take weeks to orient herself. Most of the people she met seemed nice enough. She suspected those who weren't overly engaging were of the genius variety, who tended to be socially awkward. She knew the type well, and was comfortable in their midst.

    Lunch finally rolled around, and Mrs. Davis took her up to the staggering one hundred forty-second floor of Tower One.

    A petite woman with brown hair sat at a desk centered between two sets of twelve-foot double doors. Mrs. Davis introduced Morgan and Christopher's personal assistant, Lori, before leaving for her own lunch.

    The thought of meeting the two sensari in person had her gnawing on a cuticle, which she forced herself to stop. Bad habit, that.

    Lori showed her to a small waiting area where the other two recruits were perched on their chairs. Awkward and nervous in their suits and ties, they introduced themselves, then returned to pecking at their phones.

    Priya stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows. Vertigo swept over her and she grasped the steel frame. Few humans had ever been this high without an aircraft, and it was more than a little mind-blowing.

    The city spread for miles before reaching the coast, where the landscape changed from high-tech modern to rustic. She'd read the history. The trading post Vega was founded on was called Seven Falls, and much of the original village remained. Forty years older than Vega's twenty-six, it was constructed of wood and brick. The buildings there rarely rose over two stories, and the streets were lined with river rock brought down from the mountains. Gas street lamps completed the picture. In a nod to their origins, the presidential compound resided there to this day.

    To the north, three of Vega's seven waterfalls cascaded down the mountains. Her brother Jake was going to be so jealous. She grabbed her phone and snapped a few pictures to send to him later.

    Her phone buzzed, and she stepped away from the glass to check it.

    Got your number from the PR database. So, are you team Morgan or Christopher? I'm honestly torn. Ping me when you're done :-) Tara

    Priya'd had a picture of Christopher on her wall for over a year when she was younger. I think I'd have to say Christopher. I had a teenage crush on him.

    They should be there in three, two, one…

    The office doors opened and Priya shoved her phone in her purse. She crossed her arms, but that seemed like the wrong body language, so she clasped her hands in front of her and tried not to look like an idiot. It was a nice gesture, meeting new employees and all, but she could have done without it.

    Christopher was even more gorgeous up close. He wore a perfectly tailored suit which hinted of muscle and screamed power. No sign of his wings.

    She'd watched a video online that showed how the main ribs telescoped into themselves when retracted. The membrane between was paper thin, but strong as steel. She'd found the process oddly erotic.

    Christopher's body briefly filled the doorway before Morgan Steele sauntered into the room. His gaze locked onto hers, and she was hit by a flash of déjà vu. She was close enough to touch two of the most powerful men in Vega, probably the world, and she couldn't look away from him.

    He finally broke the connection when he followed Christopher with introductions. Standing behind the other recruits, she fought to calm her rioting nerves. What the heck was that? The new shirt she wore had a tag in the side seam and it was poking her. She pulled at the fabric.

    Next in line, Christopher's handshake was firm and professional.

    When she came to Morgan, she nearly lost her vertical position in the world. His touch sent her body into sensory overdrive. The attraction reached nearly panic proportions, and heat flushed through her from head to toe.

    It's nice to meet you, Ms. Desai. His voice was husky and smooth. Sensuality incarnate. And that accent, the way he articulated the common language? Damn, it was sexy.

    She yanked at her shirt again. Thank you, it's a pleasure. Her voice came out steady, thank god, and pleasure was definitely the word.

    He released her hand and motioned for her to follow the others. Just the thought of him right on her heels sent another surge of insane energy through her. She swallowed hard and raised her chin a notch. It was only lunch. What's the worst

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