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TekARK Book Two: Simulated Reality
TekARK Book Two: Simulated Reality
TekARK Book Two: Simulated Reality
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TekARK Book Two: Simulated Reality

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TekARK offers an alternative idea on religion, one that's shaped primarily by the modern world. Aided by scientific theory and fact, it draws together the notion of the divine with the idea of the Simulation Hypothesis. At the same time, however, it also holds that all ancient major religions are in fact real and true, having come from the very same divinity in order to spark differentiation in our world.

Here in Book Two we move onward, explicitly laying out the idea that ours is a simulated reality as created by God. It explores exactly what it is that concept means to us - how it would only be logical for God to utilize a process at least markedly similar to what we understand as a simulated reality. Furthermore, it describes how such a process would indeed imbue God with the typical powers we understand Him to possess over our reality: Omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, and so on.

It then explores various bits of evidence at the very least strongly supporting the belief in a simulated reality. These not only include scientific and technological evidence, but also draws directly from existing religious beliefs. Indeed, going along with the understanding that all major religious systems came from our same Creator, the notion of the Christian Trinity is utilized as particularly strong evidence for a simulated existence.

Lastly, we explore various scientific understanding that seem to go hat in hand with a simulated reality: Our current understanding of the Big Bang and moment of Creation being just one of many. It also relies heavily on quantum physics: The double slit experiment, quantum entanglement, the measurement problem, etc.

So although the understanding that ours is a simulated reality as made by our God might be a difficult pill to swallow at first, the work tries to ease the idea in gradually, before then making a strong case as to just how we might come to realize our existence in such a way.

This work is primarily intended for those who have been searching for their faith, yet have always come up empty thus far; those of a realist/scientific bent, who seek to explore their own faith whilst still retaining their core principles and understandings; or merely the curious and inquisitive sort, who are perfectly content in their beliefs but are always desiring to continue expanding their minds with new knowledge.

TekARK sprung out of my own beliefs, consisting entirely of them, when I myself found that no existing faith adhered to exactly what I saw and thought of this world. Since my beliefs evolved to become so markedly different from anything else "out there", I committed to writing them down and sharing them with the world at large that others in my position might not have to craft something entirely from scratch in order to express and understand their faith. Likewise, they merely are my own beliefs, and nothing more than that - whether others should find them useful in their own lives or not, I cannot say, only that this is what "worked" here for me.

Release dateApr 26, 2017
TekARK Book Two: Simulated Reality

Richard T. Adams II

Born just outside of our nation's capital in Falls Church, Virginia in 1983, Richard has always been told he possesses a considerable gift for writing. Having always found immense intrigue with assorted religious ideas and exploring them thusly, over the past several years worth of time he arrived at a set of relatively unique religious beliefs that fit his own personal beliefs and worldview about life. Choosing to commit himself to applying said talents toward those very ends by delving into such an unusual perspective regarding the shape his own personal faith ultimately become, it's precisely this endeavor which he finds himself working toward completing just now! Facing many a considerable health problem that have plagued him since his early childhood, Richard has turned to his writing primarily as a means of escapism from the grim realities of his own personal life. Furthermore, as an avid fan of countless many supernaturally based horror, thriller and sci-fi works (coming in any number of different mediums - from the written word onward to films, television and video games), Richard has also found himself writing the occasional piece of fiction on top of his various non-fiction based works - whether in short story form, or else as full blown novels! An as of yet unfinished novel about the original horror film aficionado, Tod Browning, is still in the process of its very earliest of stages, whilst a full length fantasy novel about Jesus Christ's most infamous apostle, entitled The Reckoning of Judas Iscariot, is just now nearing its own completion here today!

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    Book preview

    TekARK Book Two - Richard T. Adams II

    As Written By: Richard T. Adams II

    Dedicated to my beloved mother, Elizabeth Adams, who tragically passed from this Earth as I finished writing much of the contents of this work. Her assistance, although sadly cut short as it was, proved invaluable – truly an incredible treasure, just as she herself was throughout her life.

    I love you, Mom, always and forever.

    TekARK Book Two: Simulated Reality by Richard T. Adams II. 2240 Beacon Lane, Falls Church, VA 22043

    Smashwords Edition, Published April 2017

    © 2017 Richard Adams II. All Rights Reserved.

    Introduction To A Simulated Existence

    10: Simulations: Ordered Sets of Rules

    11: Ordered Sets of Rules Being Represented Technologically

    12: The Blatant Benefits Of Creating Our Universe As A Technologically Based Simulation

    13: The Simulating Divinity Of A Technological God

    14: An Example of a Technological God’s Guidance By Nudge

    15: The Technological God’s Form Of Existence: Explained By Way of the Christian Trinity

    16: Dispelling Common Misconceptions About A Simulated-Like Existence

    17: Supportive Evidence As Seen With The Big Bang And Creation

    18: Quantum Mechanics – Entanglement and the Double Slit Experiment

    19: The Automated Perfection of Darwinism and Evolution


    Prelude To A Simulated Existence

    Prior to beginning the more in depth examination that’s forthcoming in these pages, I’d like to begin by first dipping our toes into the murky waters with something of a prologue.

    Part of what led me to all this was the fact that I’ve long felt as though the countless many startling transformations our world has undergone in recent times should also allow us to better address and/or perceive the nature of divinity – in new or different sorts of ways. The many improvements coming from such rapid progress as we’ve made lately should not be something exclusively exploited by invention, technologies or whatnot, but instead could easily promise to open brand new ground in areas that have in the past each proven impossibly mysterious or unknowable to our long ago ancestors.

    So at the time, the preceding was exactly that which I sought to carry out for myself: Looking at matters of faith, but with the benefit of modernity – coming from our relatively advanced contemporary perspectives. Now, after some countless years worth of diligently exploring, learning and applying such discoveries towards these very ends, I came to find that my suspicions there had in fact ultimately proven to bear weight. By going at the task of asking the age old question (ones that all men and women have forever posed) -quite simply, asking themselves Why?- but also, only by doing so armed to the teeth with all the fantastical aspects as embodies this modernity of ours…? At least for me, what this resulted in was an almost unrecognizably different set of conclusions to that simplest, yet at the same time the most complex and impossible, of all questions.

    What’s more, however, is that I didn’t come to this by ignoring or discarding any aspects of existing religious thought… for no, it was just the exact opposite! You see, it was only when such matters were looked at through a lens of our traditional religious belief that things really and truly started coming together for me in that sense. Not only did those prior religious understandings about the nature of divinity better inform many of these ‘new and different‘ ideas this journey of mine ultimately yielded, but I actually found both start to flow together – most naturally & effortlessly!

    It therefore resulted in producing something of a rather seamlessly interwoven tapestry… to the point it all began to appear as though it was done by design! In fact, that’s exactly the case to be expected here, too: The grand design of a divine omnipotence that both sees all and knows all, able to create the most incredible of plans and then nudging us along in whatever direction might be necessary for us to take.

    Suddenly, the idea of our existence being one that’s simulated in nature not only didn’t conflict with my own existing faith and religious understandings, but instead appeared to validate such things all the more! Almost at once, everything really started falling neatly into place after that – as those earlier beliefs about divinity started to find themselves organically supporting and blending together with the thought of a simulated reality.

    So that’s the interesting thing here: Instead of merely trying to discuss and explain the thought of simulations from some abstract philosophical notions or mind-numbing scientific ideas getting cited as evidence, we actually find numerous purely religious matters used as such evidence in support of a simulated existence! What this means is that, rather than going on and on about quantum this and philosophical quirk that, many religious concepts stand as evidence supporting a simulated view of reality.

    These are the sorts of things that, strictly by themselves, might not have made much sense in our minds long ago -with such aspects as are often claimed to be beyond we mere mortals, simply the nature of an inherently unknowable and superior divine being. Something like, say, the concept of the trinity found in Christianity; a being that is at once three distinct things -a Father, a Son, and a Holy Spirit- and yet somehow ultimately produces only but a singular omnipotent entity. Or for another, finding a possible explanation behind having an End of Days at all – wherein existence much as we know it comes to an end in its entirety.

    So when whatever so-called normal pieces of evidence as have been used over the past several years supporting a simulated reality in such circles -the decidedly dry academic realms of various sciences and philosophical concerns- are taken alongside and added to these more religious or divinely based aspects…? Then it is my firm belief that we now suddenly find an extraordinarily powerful case

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