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My Bisexual Husband’s Movie Ménage: Hot Wife MFM with MMFF and MM
My Bisexual Husband’s Movie Ménage: Hot Wife MFM with MMFF and MM
My Bisexual Husband’s Movie Ménage: Hot Wife MFM with MMFF and MM
Ebook53 pages30 minutes

My Bisexual Husband’s Movie Ménage: Hot Wife MFM with MMFF and MM

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Victoria and her billionaire bisexual husband, Tony have commissioned a well known adult movie director to shoot a hot movie with them both as the stars.
They are introduced to Dirk Thrust and Veronica Starr - two of the hottest adult movie stars in the industry who co-star in the movie which comprises an incredibly hot - if somewhat unconventional - foursome in which the ladies pair off and entertain each other whilst watching the guys enjoying each other's sexy, toned bodies in an unbelievably sensual bisexual scene.

The director joins in the fun, adding his own BBC to the proceedings which climaxes in an intense MMMFF scene to bring the movie to an astonishing finish.

EXPLICIT: 10,000 words of intensely hot bisexual action in which a wealthy couple take part in a no-holds barred movie shoot with hot adult movie stars and have their sexy ménage filmed for their private delectation.

Release dateMay 1, 2017
My Bisexual Husband’s Movie Ménage: Hot Wife MFM with MMFF and MM

Jennifer Lynne

Jennifer Lynne is a lifelong advocator of all things hedonistic, and a writer who loves what she does - writing exactly the type of steamy erotica stories that get her personally hot under the collar. In her objective to provide intelligent, wonderfully written and thoroughly engaging tales with something for everyone, Jennifer Lynne leaves no subject untouched and no taboos unbroken! Every story is lovingly crafted with a beginning a middle and an end, with believable characters and and engaging plot that explores the most sensual, erotic and often sometimes darkest fantasies. Jennifer comes from a varied career in the sensual pleasures, having organised hedonistic parties for the rich and famous, run an agency that catered to the bespoke fantasies of an exclusive clietele (some of which feature anonymously in her tales of debauched sex and lust) and toured her native England as the burlesque striptease performer Peachy Derierre. Jennifer sincerely hopes that you absolutely love her stories - they are for ladies, for gentlemen, for couples to read together - and if there she always loves to hear from her fans... If you have your own fantasies you would love to see brought to life by Jennifer's talented pen, or if your desire is to have yourself as the star(s) of a Jennifer Lynne story, then check out her bespoke story service on her website;

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    My Bisexual Husband’s Movie Ménage - Jennifer Lynne

    Bisexual Husband Series Book 1


    My Bisexual Husband’s Movie Ménage

    Hot Wife MFM with MMFF and MM


    Jennifer Lynne

    Copyright 2017 Jennifer Lynne

    Published by Jennifer Lynne at Smashwords

    All characters depicted in sexual acts in this story are fictional and 18 years or older

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    My Bisexual Husband’s Movie Ménage

    About Jennifer Lynne

    Other books by Jennifer Lynne

    Connect with Jennifer Lynne


    I felt Veronica’s firm hands on my hips, my backside taking a welcome respite from her relentless spankings. I realized too that Dirk had quit slapping Tony’s ass and figured that the time had come for us to move onto the next scene. I allowed Veronica to roll me over and laid there under her admiring gaze whilst staring up at her gorgeous little tits, firm, taut tummy and naked slit. I looked across at Tony and saw that Dirk had rolled him over and his stiff cock was pointing straight up in the air, aiming teasingly at Dirk’s smiling, flushed face.

    Now, Tony and I had participated in swinging before, we’d swapped partners with couples we’d met online or at one or other of the swinger’s parties we used to frequent. But we’d never quite enjoyed a foursome like this before – previously when we’d swapped it had been for a new partner of the opposite sex, never a fully bisexual foursome. So, as I gazed up at Veronica Starr’s nude body poised as it was over mine, and watched Dirk Thrust manoeuver himself up along my husband’s body to present his huge cock to Tony’s eagerly awaiting mouth, I knew that this was going to be one hell of a sexy night to remember. And, of course, we would get to relive it time and again all thanks to Jackson and his ever-prying camera.

    Go suck it, Veronica whispered to me, her breath hot and sweet against my ear. Our breasts touched, her pointy little nipples jabbing into mine and setting them alight with desire. I did as I was told and shuffled around on the bed to get my face close to Tony’s – getting there just as Dirk’s cock pressed against my husband’s lips. I kissed Tony, our lips hot together, the thick, bulging head of Dirk’s cock squashed between us. Tony flicked out his tongue, lapping at my lips and the smooth, rubbery cock flesh. I followed suit and wrestled with both my husband’s lips and the dick that invaded our making out. Tony ran his tongue up and down the impressive length of Dirk’s dick – my earlier estimate of nine inches seemed inadequate now I was so incredibly up close and personal with the thing – and I dipped my tongue into the sensitive eye at its tip, savoring the salty taste of the dribble of pre-cum that oozed from it. Then, I slipped the end of

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