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Donald Trump Is a Tremendous President, and CNN Is a Tremendous Piece of Garbage: Deport the Crooked Media and Also Deport Mexican Illegals and Obama and People Who Prefer Fake News to Fox News
Donald Trump Is a Tremendous President, and CNN Is a Tremendous Piece of Garbage: Deport the Crooked Media and Also Deport Mexican Illegals and Obama and People Who Prefer Fake News to Fox News
Donald Trump Is a Tremendous President, and CNN Is a Tremendous Piece of Garbage: Deport the Crooked Media and Also Deport Mexican Illegals and Obama and People Who Prefer Fake News to Fox News
Ebook29 pages23 minutes

Donald Trump Is a Tremendous President, and CNN Is a Tremendous Piece of Garbage: Deport the Crooked Media and Also Deport Mexican Illegals and Obama and People Who Prefer Fake News to Fox News

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The media? The media is a joke! President Trump is doing many, many amazing things in office, and he's always sure to let us know that--but CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, and The Washington Post don't devote themselves to telling us what Trump is telling us about Trump. Instead, they focus on distributing fake news and ludicrous views. That sums up what most people in the media do, except for those fine folks at Fox News. Aren't they great? And isn't Wolf Blitzer an idiot? He and most other journalists and analysts in the media are anti-Trump propagandists who should be replaced with Trump's Twitter. And no one knows that better than President Donald Trump and political pundit Anderson Jimmerson. 

Read this book and learn what makes Trump so tremendous, and what makes the media so much of a joke, and what makes Obama so much like Benedict Arnold, and what makes Hillary such a crooked lunatic.

Release dateMay 2, 2017
Donald Trump Is a Tremendous President, and CNN Is a Tremendous Piece of Garbage: Deport the Crooked Media and Also Deport Mexican Illegals and Obama and People Who Prefer Fake News to Fox News

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Reviews for Donald Trump Is a Tremendous President, and CNN Is a Tremendous Piece of Garbage

Rating: 2.3333333333333335 out of 5 stars

12 ratings5 reviews

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Readers find this title to be a mix of humor and sadness. However, some readers find the content to be delusional and laughable. It is recommended to approach this book with caution."

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Shocking that this piece of egregious misinformation and political propaganda is available on a major app. It's pretty disheartening
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This "author" suffers from the The Dunning-Kruger effect. Complete and total delusion from a diseased mind. I heard it somewhere frrom someone.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    What the heck did I just read and why is this available at a major app?

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It's funny but sad cause true Fox news has no basis in reality

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This is actually laughable. You have to do better than that.

    1 person found this helpful

Book preview

Donald Trump Is a Tremendous President, and CNN Is a Tremendous Piece of Garbage - Anderson A. Jimmerson

Fake News and Real News

Let me get right to it. No intro. After all, President Trump is straightforward, so I want to be a straightforward, just like President Trump.

Donald Trump is a tremendous President—but there are all these crooked and/or stupid people in the media who won’t tell you what an amazing job Trump is doing. 99% of the media distributes fake news and ludicrous views. They are the crooked media. As opposed to Sean Hannity, who’s one of the few legitimate political experts in the media. Hannity is so smart and clear-headed and uncorrupt, that he will literally mention anything that Trump has ever done, and act like it makes Trump the greatest American ever. If President Trump scratches his elbow, Hannity will be sure to let you know what a great accomplishment that is.

But then you got these people over at CNN, and they don’t do what Hannity does. They don’t praise Trump incessantly and take his word for everything. They don’t validate Trump’s assertions that Obama is a wiretapping criminal, and people who come here from Mexico are criminals in general.

Who the hell do these media people think they are, with their insane brand of political coverage that involves disagreeing with President Trump? Who does this Wolf Blitzer jackass think he is, acting like he could possibly have a legitimate opinion that isn't the same opinion as Trump’s? If Wolf Blitzer had any intelligence or credibility at all, he would’ve accepted my offer to have him participate in a Mixed Martial Arts fight with Sean Hannity. I tried to arrange that match—but Blitzer didn’t want to participate. I guess he’s too busy shooting heroin over at CNN.

And then you got this talentless clown Rachel Maddow, she’s over at that circus they call MSNBC, she probably uses PCP instead of heroin, and this woman, she cannot take more than two breaths without

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