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Crazy Love
Crazy Love
Crazy Love
Ebook48 pages32 minutes

Crazy Love

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About this ebook

“Hi, I’m Trish.

This is my diary. It was the most important week of my life.

I didn’t like myself before that week. I was a bitch, a real bitch.

Then I met someone, and things began to get a lot better.

And then things got a lot worse...”

Crazy Love is the hard-hitting story of Trish Green – and how she grew up in the course of one week.

Written, edited and designed for teen readers who love gripping stories with as few obstacles to reading as possible. Particularly suitable for dyslexic, struggling and reluctant readers with a reading age of 7 and over.

Release dateMay 2, 2017
Crazy Love

Eric Brown

Twice winner of the British Science Fiction Award, Eric Brown is the author of more than twenty SF novels and several short story collections. His debut crime novel, Murder by the Book, was published in 2013. Born in Hawarth, West Yorkshire, he now lives in Scotland.

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    Crazy Love - Eric Brown

    Crazy Love

    Eric Brown

    Published by infinite press

    © Eric Brown 2006, 2017

    Cover image © Adrenalina

    Cover and interior design by Keith Brooke

    First published by Barrington Stoke, 2006

    No portion of this book may be reproduced by any means, mechanical, electronic, or otherwise, without first obtaining the permission of the copyright holder.

    The moral right of Eric Brown to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988.


    Chapter One: At the Zoo

    Chapter Two: Stuck Up Bitch

    Chapter Three: Ducks and Dorks

    Chapter Four: The Nest

    Chapter Five: First Impressions

    Chapter Six: The Fight

    Chapter Seven: You’ve Changed...

    Chapter Eight: Gaz Again

    Chapter Nine: The End

    Chapter Ten: The Pain Inside

    Crazy Love

    Chapter One

    At the Zoo

    Hi, I’m Trish – Trish Green.

    This is my diary. I kept it for a week. It was the most important week of my life.

    I didn’t like myself before that week. I was a bitch, a real bitch.

    Then I met someone, and things began to get a lot better.

    And then things got a lot worse...

    * * *

    I was on a school trip to the zoo with my friends Kat and Lisa. We were sitting next to the monkey cage and eating burgers. The rest of my class were with Mr Carter, staring at the animals in the cages.

    I was staring at animals, too. These animals were called boys.

    There was another school at the zoo, sixth-formers from a posh school in the country. The lads were real cool, like some sexy boy band.

    They’d seen us looking at them and they were messing around, pretending to fight among themselves.

    I was wearing my school uniform. I wished I was wearing my short denim skirt with the tight T-shirt that said This Bitch Bites on the front. Then the boys would really have stared at me.

    I mean, I’m the best looking girl in my class. Everyone knows it. That’s why Kat and Lisa hang around with me. They’re both a bit fat, with round faces like burger buns.

    Put your tongue back in, Trish, Lisa said to me.

    They’re looking at us! Kat said.

    I said, "Wrong. They’re looking at me."

    Lisa and Kat didn’t say anything. They knew I was right.

    The teacher in charge of the other school shouted at the boys. One of the boys smiled and waved at me, but I pretended I hadn’t seen him. They followed the teacher to the car park and onto a coach.

    Just my luck!

    Kat said, "Cheer

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