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Negotiating Her Release
Negotiating Her Release
Negotiating Her Release
Ebook199 pages2 hours

Negotiating Her Release

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Ashe MacAvoy is Wilmington PD’s chief hostage negotiator. Using her infamous grace under fire, and the expertise of Detective Chase Weber, she frees a roomful of innocents from three armed captors. But the guy pulling the strings is still out there, and Ashe’s life is in danger. Chase wants to protect her. Can he also shield her from the broken heart at the end of this adrenaline-filled attraction?

Detective Chase Weber doesn’t mix business with pleasure. Well, not anymore. He’s learned his lesson and is happy with the world back on track. Enter Ashe MacAvoy, whose life he’s saved twice in less than twelve hours. Somehow he’s become her guardian angel—a role that’s giving him a devil of a time. She’s a pain in his ass...and a need in his heart. So maybe having the world upended isn’t such a bad thing after all.

Release dateMay 3, 2017
Negotiating Her Release

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    Book preview

    Negotiating Her Release - Becca A Miles


    Ashe MacAvoy is Wilmington PD’s chief hostage negotiator. Using her infamous grace under fire, and the expertise of Detective Chase Weber, she frees a roomful of innocents from three armed captors. But the guy pulling the strings is still out there, and Ashe’s life is in danger. Chase wants to protect her. Can he also shield her from the broken heart at the end of this adrenaline-filled attraction?

    Detective Chase Weber doesn’t mix business with pleasure. Well, not anymore. He’s learned his lesson and is happy with the world back on track. Enter Ashe MacAvoy, whose life he’s saved twice in less than twelve hours. Somehow he’s become her guardian angel—a role that’s giving him a devil of a time. She’s a pain in his ass…and a need in his heart. So maybe having the world upended isn’t such a bad thing after all.


    Becca A. Miles

    PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, business establishments or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Boroughs Publishing Group does not have any control over and does not assume responsibility for author or third-party websites, blogs or critiques or their content.


    Copyright © 2017 Rachel A. Brune

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. Unless specifically noted, no part of this publication may be reproduced, scanned, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of Boroughs Publishing Group. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or by any other means without the permission of Boroughs Publishing Group is illegal and punishable by law. Participation in the piracy of copyrighted materials violates the author’s rights.

    ISBN 978-1-944262-72-3

    E-book formatting by Maureen Cutajar

    This book is for Suze, who supplied the wine and cheese…and the knowledge!


    Although a longtime fan of romance, in particular romantic suspense and paranormal romance, I would never even have known where to start were it not for the mentorship of Suze Winegardner, who provided valuable coaching and editorial assistance at every step of the writing process.

    I also want to thank my sister, Thea, for her extensive collection of Kresley Cole novels—they kept me motivated when I was completely stuck.

    The ladies and gentlemen of Writers Helping Writers of Fayetteville, NC, provided feedback and guidance along the way. Couldn’t have done it without you folks!

    Last, but not least, many thanks to my ever-patient and ever-encouraging husband. Ten years and counting, my love!


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    About the Author


    Chapter 1

    Ashe watched her captors admire themselves on the television mounted in the foyer of the Wilmington Post Office. The major cable news shows and the local affiliate showed the same close-up over and over again—a masked man with his pistol pressed to the head of a tall blonde woman in a navy business suit. A made-for-prime-time clip, only this wasn’t a movie of the week. It was a Tuesday morning in downtown Wilmington, and Ashe MacAvoy was right in the middle of it.

    Why aren’t the cops doing anything? Richard hissed, keeping his voice low. The tension in his voice bordered on panic, and Ashe felt a pang for her fiancé as they sat amongst the other hostages, their hands bound in front of them with zip ties. They’re just sitting out there.

    Honey, there’s a lot going on right now, Ashe whispered, so as not to draw the attention of the four gunmen clustered around the TV. They’ve got a handle on it, but these situations are always tricky.

    She and Richard sat in a short row of men and women. Some of them had been standing in line a short while ago, while those dressed in their blue postal service polo shirts had been waiting on customers. Ashe felt their collective worry and desperation keenly. She was used to being in the middle of situations like these—but as a member of the hostage response team, gathering information on the perpetrators, trying to make the right call for the team commander.

    While she had often had to put herself in the mind-set of the man—or, more rarely, woman—captor on the other end of the phone, she had less experience identifying with their victims. This situation was sure making up for that lack.

    The picture on the TV changed to a close-up of a man standing next to a white truck. The scroll underneath identified him as Detective Lieutenant Chase Weber, the on-scene commander. He gestured firmly, indicating to the cameraperson he should point his camera someplace else.

    Ashe recognized the detective’s name, but his face was unfamiliar. She hadn’t had the chance to work with Weber yet. She studied him closely, looking for clues about the man who was handling the situation. His dark brown hair was military buzz-cut short, and his square-jawed face was set in a deep scowl, but he projected a reassuring calm, which helped with Ashe’s escalating apprehension.

    The frame of the camera shook as the lens pointed away, and then the screen cut to a female reporter speaking from a respectable distance away from the police tape.

    The wall phone rang before the news cut away to a commercial. One of the captors picked up the receiver.

    Yeah? he growled. Who is this?

    Ashe couldn’t hear anything from this distance, but she strained her ears anyway.

    Are they trying to get them to let us go? Richard nudged her hard enough that she almost toppled over.

    Shh, she whispered back. I’m trying to hear.

    Ashe, I just want to know, Richard whined.

    I’m sorry, honey, she said. I’m trying to hear what technique they’re using.

    Richard stared at her.

    What tech—?

    Hey, what are you two talking about? She hadn’t seen him approach, but one of the masked men now loomed over her and Richard.

    I just wanted to— Richard began.

    The captor hit Richard hard across the face. Ashe gasped.

    I said, no talking.

    Please. Ashe tried to catch his eye to turn his attention away from Richard. Don’t hurt him. He was just trying to protect me.

    The captor raised his hand again, then lowered it. Tell him to shut up.

    As he walked away, she let out her breath. Turning to Richard, she reached for his face. He winced, grabbing her hand and forcing it away. She had never seen that look on his face before—she expected the hurt, but not the anger she saw there.

    Ashe turned her attention back to the screen. A Barbie doll reporter in an expensive dress stood in front of the building, the camera operator managing to get her, the front of the post office, and a shot of Detective Weber all together.

    Ashe tried to remember what she knew about Weber. Their paths didn’t cross regularly, but she had heard about Weber’s reputation. He didn’t have a lot of friends, and there were rumors about his personal life, or lack thereof, but he was solid and got the job done.

    The loud noise of the gunman slamming the phone receiver down made Ashe jump. The woman sitting next to her gasped and started to cry. The gunman swore.

    What is it? one of the other captors asked.

    They’re trying to play games with us. He swore again, then picked up the phone receiver and bashed it against the phone again and again, smashing it until it fell into pieces scattered across the floor.

    Ashe took a deep breath. This wasn’t good. If the gunmen destroyed the means of communication with the incident response team, that meant they were about to raise the stakes.

    Things were about to get bad for the hostages.

    All her training told her to keep still, not to make herself a target, but she had another duty. She folded her legs under her, a movement that was awkward with her hands bound and her legs encased in a narrow A-line skirt she had worn for the special occasion.

    What are you doing? Richard hissed. A red welt had risen on his cheek where their captor had belted him.

    Trust me, honey, Ashe said. This is something I have to do.

    You’re going to get me killed, Richard said. He added somewhat belatedly, And all the rest of us.

    Ashe rose to a kneeling position, shuffling forward so as to draw their attention, but not standing all the way, so as to not appear a threat. Excuse me?

    What the hell are you doing? The gunman pointed his weapon at her.

    Ashe swallowed as she stared into the barrel. Following the jumpy movement made her queasier.

    I’m really sorry, she said. I-I hate to bother you, but I think I can help.

    Oh really? The gunman sneered. What are you going to do, bake us a cake?

    I’m a trained hostage negotiator with the city, Ashe said quickly, hoping her voice wasn’t trembling as much as her knees. I might be able to talk to someone and help you.

    I doubt it. The captor gestured with his weapon. None of you are going to be much help until we start showing we’re serious.

    My name is Ashe MacAvoy, she cut in. This is my fiancé, Richard Taniger. What’s your name?

    None of your business, the gunman snapped.

    We just came here to get our marriage license notarized, Ashe explained. We’re no threat to you. Come on, just your first name.

    He regarded her coldly. She felt a chill. Steve. Call me Steve.

    Okay, Steve, she said. Now, I know you don’t want to hurt people. But I know you are in a difficult situation.

    Don’t try to play psych games with me, sister. Steve stepped forward, grabbing her by the collar, pulling her to her feet. Get on the phone, and get those guys out there to clear a path. I want a safe exit for me and my team in ten minutes, or we’re going to start shooting, starting with Mr. Taniger here.

    Ashe’s heart skipped and almost didn’t restart as Steve shifted his aim from her to Richard’s head. She pretended not to notice the moisture that welled in her fiancé’s eyes, or the quickening of his breath.

    You got another phone? she asked, gesturing to the broken remnants clinging to the wall.

    Jack, give me one of the cells. Steve raised his voice. A second later one of the other gunmen brought a white bag filled with the cell phones they had collected earlier. Steve pulled one out and handed it to her.

    Ten minutes, he barked. On second thought—make that five.

    She called the central number for the local precinct. It took her a few tries to get through; her shaking fingers kept fumbling on the small keypad. Finally, dispatch patched her over to Detective Weber.

    Who is this? He was sharp and abrupt, but his deep raspy voice reached through the line and immediately calmed her.

    This is Special Liaison Ashe MacAvoy, hostage negotiation, she said.

    Where the fuck are you people? I’ve been expecting you on scene for twenty minutes. Definitely pissed off.

    I’m inside the building, she said.

    There was silence on the line. You’re calling me from the post office? he asked, his tone incredulous. Are you telling me you’re part of this situation?

    Yes, she said. I have four minutes to figure out a deal, or they’re going to shoot my fiancé in the head.

    There was a long pause. She looked at the live feed on the television. Weber had the phone away from his ear, and it looked like he was pounding on the car with his free hand. She couldn’t see his face, but his body language said it all.

    Weber came back on the line, his voice calmer and reassuring. Okay. Let’s solve this problem.

    Thank you, she sighed.

    Hold that thought, he said. Listen, if you can convince them to head out the back, we can give them what will look like a safe passage.

    Okay. Right, out the back exit. She enunciated clearly and spoke louder. And you can guarantee that you’ll pull your troops back?

    Yes, he said. At least long enough to get my guys—

    Steve yanked the phone away. Put this on speaker, he directed, then handed it back.

    Yes, sir, she said. Okay, Detective Weber, you’re talking to all of us.

    Right, he rasped. As I told Ms. MacAvoy, we are going to pull our troops back from the rear exit. You’ll have a clear passage away from the building through the loading dock. From there, you can go anywhere you want. We just want to get these people out alive.

    I’m going to look out the back in five minutes, Steve shouted. If I see one cop, one flashing light, I’m going to shoot her in the head.

    You won’t, Detective Weber answered in his deep, calm voice.

    Steve disconnected the call then tossed the phone toward pile of cells in the white bag.

    All right, listen up, he yelled. All of you, face down on the floor. Now. Steve waved his gun for emphasis.

    The hostages looked at each other then hurriedly began moving into prone position as best they could, covering their heads with their bound hands.

    Ashe moved to join them.

    Not you, Steve barked in her ear. You’re coming with us.

    Chapter 2

    The back entrance of the post office opened up onto a loading dock alongside a narrow driveway just wide enough for the postal vehicles to drive up, load, then head out on their deliveries. True to his word, Detective Weber had ensured that there wasn’t a police vehicle to be seen. Ashe didn’t know whether to feel relieved or more frightened. She settled for concentrating on not falling apart.

    The four men edged out, pushing Ashe in front of them. Steve held her arm tightly, pressing his handgun to her temple with his other hand. She swallowed

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