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Crystal's Grand Entry
Crystal's Grand Entry
Crystal's Grand Entry
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Crystal's Grand Entry

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Sell Caleb? Never! That big, gray Appaloosa horse is the reason Crystal Blake's in the Idaho state rodeo finals. Including the rodeo queen contest. But if Crystal won't sell him to the stranger from Texas, does he want her horse bad enough to steal him? And why does he want only Caleb? Crystal, her older sister Karla, and her friends won't quit until they get to the bottom of this latest mystery. Meanwhile, Karla and Crystal's boyfriend, Shawn Sorensen, seem to be getting awfully chummy. Does she have a good reason to be jealous? And Crystal's tempted to back out of the queen contest when she learns all that's required.

PublisherBly Books
Release dateMay 3, 2017
Crystal's Grand Entry

Stephen Bly

Stephen Bly (1944-2011) authored and co-authored with his wife, Janet Chester Bly, more than 100 books, both historical and contemporary fiction and nonfiction. He won the Christy Award in the category western novel for The Long Trail Home, from The Fortunes of the Black Hills Series. Other novels were Christy Award finalists: The Outlaw's Twin Sister, Picture Rock, and Last of the Texas Camp. His last novel, Stuart Brannon's Final Shot, finished with the help of his widow, Janet Chester Bly, and three sons--Russell, Michael, and Aaron--was a SELAH Award finalist. She just completed her first solo adult Indie novel, Wind in the Wires, Book 1, Trails of Reba Cahill.

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    Book preview

    Crystal's Grand Entry - Stephen Bly

    Crystal Blake Adventures

    Book 6

    Crystal’s Grand Entry

    Stephen and Janet Bly


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    Copyright©1986 by Stephen and Janet Bly

    Cover illustration by Paul Turnbaugh

    Cover Book design by Chris Patchel


    for the rodeo girls

    of the N.H.S.R.A.

    Chapter 1

    A Generous Offer

    "$34.50," Crystal quoted under her breath. And no one even gets to see it. A brand-new, silky, red western blouse buried beneath a gray, hooded sweat shirt and fleece-lined, denim jacket. She yanked her collar around her near frozen ears and waited her turn to ride.

    To the west, the rolling hills of the Owyhee Mountains. North, stretched the broad prairie and wide canyons of the southern Idaho Snake River plateau. Many told Crystal it would be warm enough to sunbathe. Now she regretted not bringing her down parka.

    Can you believe this is June? she complained to the girl sitting on the horse next to her.

    The girl didn't answer. She focused instead on the arena where a dark-haired girl cut out a white-faced steer.

    Absolutely nothing left of my famed California tan. This time she spoke to Caleb, her big, gray Appaloosa horse. I’m as pale as a mushroom, braced against an icy wind blowing dust in my face, standing in line at the girls’ cutting event of the Owyhee County High School rodeo. What ever happened to the beach bunny? She hugged her jacket tighter, then shook her long, blonde hair against her ears.

    For a tenth weekend in a row, Crystal traveled with the Highland High rodeo team. They’d been to Twin Falls and Glenns Ferry, St. Ignatius and Walla Walla, Deary and Spokane, Grangeville, Shoshone, and John Day. Now, Bruneau. Eight out of nine times she won the girls’ cutting event. But today was the only one that mattered. This was the qualifying rodeo for the state finals, which could springboard her to the national finals.

    Making national finals was what rodeo was all about.

    Crystal twisted in the saddle as her Native American friend Gabrielle Northstar rode up. Gabrielle wore a pair of bright pink, furry earmuffs, but kept her black hat on straight.

    Where did you get those? Crystal asked.

    Gabrielle beamed. From Teresa. I think they’re my color. Travis says they look good on me.

    It’s cold enough to snow, Crystal wailed.

    I thought you California converts liked the snow.

    In June? Hey, I’m ready to thaw out. Oh! Crystal pointed to the arena. She lost him. A steer cut around the contestant and scampered back to the herd.

    It snowed in Sun Valley. I guess Charles and Diana will get to ski after all. Gabrielle raised up on her mount for a better look at the arena.

    Why would the British royal family want to come to Sun Valley in June? Isn’t that a winter resort?

    Don’t ask me. I'm not the least bit British. Gabrielle snickered. Are you up next?

    No, I'm next to last. The herd’s a little skittish this morning. Hope I get a feisty one.

    What are you worried about? You never lose. Gabrielle reached over and patted Caleb's nose. She still thinks she has something to do with this event, doesn't she, big guy?

    Did you decide if you’re going to enter the state queen contest? Crystal asked.

    I haven't qualified yet. Gabrielle stood up in the saddle and looked toward the grandstand. But I'll enter if you will.

    Hey, I might if I score 140 or above right here. Crystal spurred Caleb up a few steps.

    Piece of cake. I’ll go get our entry blanks.

    The rodeo announcer blared out, Next up in girls’ cutting, we have a Winchester cowgirl, Crystal LuAnne Blake.

    Crystal believed the cutting event to be the least interesting for the fans to watch. No eight-second buzzer. No thundering calf to rope. No squirming goat to tie. No barrels to circle or poles to bend. Just a rider, a horse, and a calf, each trying to make the right moves for two and a half minutes.

    Her right hand in the air, Crystal rode up to the flagger. She signaled, the red flag fell, and she walked Caleb through the little herd huddled against the wood-railed arena, then to the fence. She turned the horse. They walked back with calves dodging every which way.

    All but one.

    The pigtail on the line got separated from the herd by a blonde girl and gray Appaloosa. He darted around the horse, but Caleb forced him back. In a determined effort to escape the stalking horse, he made four quick turns and shot off for the far end of the arena. A couple rodeo officials cut him off.

    Crystal and Caleb re-entered the herd.

    This time they singled out a solid black calf who made it clear he wanted no part of isolation from his friends and family. Every time he broke back for the herd, Caleb intercepted. Crystal could tell she had a good ride going. She didn't have to give Caleb any instructions. He knew what to do.

    Caleb still played with the black calf when Crystal heard the announcer call time. What few folks remained in the grandstand to watch the event clapped and cheered as she headed to the rail where Gabrielle and Teresa Patterson waited.

    Hey, Little Flash, Teresa said. Some guy from Houston, Texas wants to speak to you.

    What about? Crystal peered in the grandstands to see if she could spot her father.

    How would I know? Maybe he wants to give you an oil well, Teresa teased. He’s an old man, at least forty.

    The score for Crystal LuAnne Blake was 149. That certainly puts her on top in the first go round at this point. The announcer’s words bounced across the open arena.

    Come on, Little Flash, Teresa said. Let’s go see this Texas dude.

    Remember, I’m your agent, Gabrielle prompted. I get fifteen percent of all royalties you make on endorsements.

    Crystal laughed. Knock it off. It’s probably someone looking for my dad. He goes to Texas about every year.

    The three girls trotted out of the arena toward the stables and the parking lot crammed with pickups, campers, and horse trailers. Teresa pointed to a man in a soft, wool-fleeced, suede coat leaning against a blue pickup. He’s over there by that dually.

    He sauntered toward her as she dismounted. Crystal LuAnne Blake, my name is Sam Trehar, but you can call me Sammy.

    Crystal shook his outstretched hand.

    I drove all the way up here from Houston to see you.

    You did? So, he wasn’t here for her dad.

    Yes, ma’am. Well, actually, I had to bring a couple horses up to Salt Lake. So, I figured, why not go on to Idaho and see that young girl who's winning all the silver in cutting out calves?

    You heard about me in Texas?

    I like to read the NHSRA Times. According to the results posted, you’ve won every cutting event you’ve entered this spring, except the one at St. Ignatius.

    It's Caleb, mainly. The horse is the key to winning in cutting. She tried to explain while she blushed with pride.

    Caleb, huh? Interesting name. And you’re right about the horse doing the job. That’s why I’m here. I’m very much interested in buying a good cutter. I'd like to make you an offer on that big gray gelding of yours.

    Oh, Caleb’s not for sale, Crystal quickly shot back.

    Sam Trehar beamed. Now, I knew you’d say that. But I’ve been around this business a long time. An extraordinary horse like Caleb there is not ordinarily for sale. But I'm talking about a special sale. I’m talking $5,000 cash.

    Gabrielle broke in. She's got state finals and national finals to take care of first.


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