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7 Ways to Love
7 Ways to Love
7 Ways to Love
Ebook101 pages1 hour

7 Ways to Love

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About this ebook

My name is Andre Young, author, speaker, and Founder & CEO of You Evolving Now, LLC. It’s my mission to impact lives and relationships of men and women everywhere; allowing YOU to live the life of your dreams! My 7 Ways to Love shares how to have an EVOLVED relationship with your partner, those close to you, and most importantly… YOURSELF!

Throughout my years as a Mental Health Counselor, Founder & CEO of You Evolving Now, a Person, Partner, and Parent… I am excited to present the 7 key points that prove to make or break relationships and life satisfaction. As you read and EVOLVE, I encourage you to think about the message, ponder my questions… and most importantly… live your answers!
Release dateMay 8, 2017
7 Ways to Love

Andre Young

Andre Young is a professional speaker, author, leadership trainer, and Founder of You Evolving Now, LLC. He worked as a Mental Health Therapist for 19 years, played sports at every level from high school to professional, has been an employee, a business owner, and self-employed, written 3 books focused on enhancing Leadership & Work/Life Harmony. As Founder of You Evolving Now, it's his mission to enhance Leadership and Work/Life Harmony for organizations, leaders, employees, and teams with his high-energy, interactive, culture-changing leadership training programs and speaking engagements; allowing a professional and personal evolution!

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    Book preview

    7 Ways to Love - Andre Young


    Way To Love

    Get Your Triangle Right

    Chapter 1

    Get Your Triangle Right

    In this frantic pace of life, it’s easy to let the daily duties of the day become more important than living a more EVOLVED way. It’s easy to let your life, your kids, your job, and the day to take over. Now add this up day by day after day, month after month, year after year, decade after decade… how can happiness, joy, love, and relationships win?

    We are all busy in our own way… throughout my time as a marriage counselor and CEO of You Evolving Now, I have encounter numerous men and women and hear the same thing. Typically, men pridefully say and defend themselves with, I work, work, work. Women tend to say with pride, My life revolves around my kids. Do you know where they say this… in counseling with their marriage hanging by a thread or already over. Work is necessary, but cannot be the only thing that brings value to you or the relationship. I’m sure your kids are amazing, but what does your partner hear, when you say "My life revolves around my kids?… That they are not important, can be pushed aside, put on hold, and are irrelevant. So what to do?

    Let’s get your triangle right! Imagine a triangle… at the top is your faith. If you are a faith-based person and your faith helps you to be a better person, have a better relationship, and live an honorable life… that is at the top. If you are not a faith-based person… talk with your partner about your dreams, motto, and vision for your relationship and family. This is what guides you… not the kids, not your job, and not the duties of the day. What kind of relationship and lifestyle do you both wish to have and enjoy?

    On the bottom-right side of the triangle, is you and your partner. This is the person you have chosen, love, and respect… remember to cherish, love, respect, date, and care for each other… and make sure your kids witness it!

    On the bottom-left side of the triangle, is YOU. It’s necessary to care for yourself, treat yourself, follow YOUR dreams, and live your best life. The kids are not forgotten… they are in the middle of your triangle. All points of your triangle will revolve around them filling them with love, lessons, and direction.

    If your job is on the top… what happens when that job goes away? If your children are on the top… it breeds entitlement, parental servitude, and… the kids are supposed to leave one day. What will it be like ending up in a house with someone you’ve neglected for 20 plus years? They may no longer be the person you remembered… add resentment, possible dissatisfaction and/or lack of interest… and you have a recipe for possible disaster. So… get your triangle right and EVOLVE!!!

    Chapter 2

    It’s Always Too Something

    In today’s hectic pace of life, you are busy! Busy with work, with the kids, the schedule, the house, etc. You are moving at warp speed; getting things done and checked off the list… only to wake up tomorrow and repeat. At this pace, it’s always going to be Too Something. Too busy to slow down, too busy to take a vacation, too busy to date your partner, too tired to be intimate, too comfortable to meet new people, too comfortable to change… always too something!

    There is no one willing to give you more time. It’s the most valuable asset you have… In order to live your best life and EVOLVE, you will need to take it and make it. Take time and make to time spend with yourself to relax, plan, and recharge. Take time and make time to spend with your significant other; date, relax, talk, and be! Take time and make time to date your children; get to know them without the schedule of events and command statements… or else it will always be Too Something to have the relationships you want, live the life you desire, or become who you could be.

    What have you/are you missing out on because it’s Too Something? What will you take and make time for, allowing you and your relationships to EVOLVE?

    Chapter 3

    The Great Demotion

    Remember when you were younger and had all of the time in the world to do the things you wanted to do! Remember being in college and the whole world was for you and all the decisions you made were for and about you… where you lived, who you lived with, where you were going, and what to do for the day. Having a social life was of the utmost importance; coming and going when and how you wanted. They were great memories…and some… not so much, but it was certainly all about you! Then came love, then came marriage, then came babies in the baby carriage… and you became smaller and smaller, less and less important, and more and more insignificant as your new name… Mommy, Daddy, Hun, and Honey took over. Today, If you actually heard someone say your real name in your own home it would be

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