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Family Bond: The McGregor Legacy, #3
Family Bond: The McGregor Legacy, #3
Family Bond: The McGregor Legacy, #3
Ebook201 pages2 hours

Family Bond: The McGregor Legacy, #3

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About this ebook

Rolando wanted more in his life than a ranch.His inner demons were his own, never feeling loved by his Padre. He always felt second best to his cousin Edward. What his Padre failed to see was his love for him.

Despite his judgmental ways. Would his life choices make him more than a McGregor? Or a disappoint to the name McGregor?

Release dateMay 11, 2017
Family Bond: The McGregor Legacy, #3

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    Book preview

    Family Bond - Alisha Guenzel


    There is so much that goes into writing a book. Where do I begin with my acknowledgements? There have been so many people in my life that has helped me make Family Bond possible.

    The first person I want thank is my daughter. Without her life lesson’s my muse wouldn’t had channeled Family Bond from me. My daughter has taught me so much of what family bond really is. When you are willing to do anything, lose much, just to see your child safe and happy.

    Then there are the creative people in my life. Authors like Alyson Raynes, who tells me never to give up and refocuses me when I start to doubt myself. My close friend Devika Fernando who is always pushing me to do my best at whatever I do.  There is also Jessica Ozment, thank you for your patience with me learning Photo Shop. I could never achieve the great POP of the cover if it wasn’t for your help. Last but never least, is Steve Wilhelm. You are my one of my biggest fans and I thank you for your creativity. For your passion for the craft of writing, pushes my muse to keep me on my toes.

    Of course, no story could be any good without it’s Beta readers. I must thank them as well. Steve Wilhelm, Stephanie Russel, and Jodi L Moore-Etheridge. I am forever grateful you are so patient with me and my re-writes of my stories.

    Last but never least I want to thank my fans in Alisha’s A-Team for being my fan base. Writing a story for yourself is one thing, but to write so your fans like it, well let’s just say that’s what I try to achieve. With your input and interest, I could not do that. So, thank you for your likes and shares.

    Other Books by Alisha Guenzel

    Stand Alones

    Unspoken Dream

    Jason’s Duty

    Dream Lover


    The McGregor Legacy

    Book 1 McGregor Sins

    Book 2 Road to Hope

    Family Bond

    There is nothing like family. Friends may come and go. But family stays with you whether you like it or not.  Family may not be blood. They may not even be the same race. It’s the love that ties them together. The history of the ups and downs that makes a family bond. How far would you go to save someone from their own undoing? This story is not about sins or even hope. It’s about family and how one person can change the direction of The McGregor Legacy. The Legacy that Jason, Jesse, and Jude hold so dear. Come see what happens when one of their children open their eyes to the real meaning of Family Bond.


    Family Bond

    Book 3


    The McGregor Legacy

    Alisha Guenzel


    Edward kept pulling at his collar waiting for his sister to come down the aisle. It had been five years since Beth met the love of her life and today they’d finally say ‘I do.’ He was happy for his sister she deserved all the happiness in the world. He looked into the congregation and saw his family. Mom was sitting next to Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Jesse and their kids. And Uncle Jude and Aunt Isabelle sat behind them with the twins and Rebecca. Over the years, they had all grown closer but lately it felt like they were going their separate ways. With him and Mary Beth starting their life and Luke off at collage. The younger cousins had started to spread their wings and some not for the better.

    Twelve thirty, the wedding was officially started. Three bells and the back door of the church opened. Beth walked in first with a smile so big Edward could see her molars from where he stood. Dad held her hand as they did the two step the preacher showed them. Time had been kind to his parents he thought as he watched his dad walk Beth down the aisle. Having grey hair suited him. At sixty he was ready to retire. And take mom somewhere warm all year around.

    The church was full family and friends and the day couldn’t be better. Although Chances family looked a little uncomfortable the town of Absarokee was beaming with delight as the eldest McGregor grandchild was about to change her name. Mary Beth and dad finally made it to the alter. Dad squeezed her hand and kissed her cheek as he lifted the veil off her face. The preacher began the ceremony.

    Who gives this woman away?

    I do. Jason said.

    We shall begin.

    Dad gave Chance her hand and went to sit next to mom. Most of the ceremony was a blur to Edward. There was a woman in the crowd on Chances side that caught his attention. She was slender and meek. With coal, black hair and blue eyes. Something captivated him to her. When she looked in his direction, he ran his hand through his hair. He wondered who she was. She wore a light blue dress that brought out her white skin.

    The rings. He barely heard the preacher.

    Edward the rings man. Chance taped him.

    Sorry. Here’s the ring. He gave Chance Beth’s ring.

    Edward looked back to where the woman was but she was gone. Had he imagined her? He looked back to his sister. She was kissing Chance. The ceremony was over. Beth was now an Anderson. Question was who the hell was that woman that made him forget about his sister’s vows?

    Later that afternoon he found his cousins sitting at a table. As usual they were laughing about something. Rolando was teasing Rebecca and she was getting irritated.

    Rolando I’m going to tell Padre. She waved her hands at her brother. Give me my head band. And act your age.

    Oh, la hermana. You wouldn’t know how to act if I didn’t tease you. Rolando handed her the head band. At seventeen Rebecca resembled Aunt Isabelle to a T. All the girls did in a way but Rebecca the most. Edward thought as he sat down next to Rolando. You know one of these days she’s going to get you back cousin.

    I know, but until she does, I still like to tease my little la hermana. Rolando laughed as Rebecca gave him a glare from the devil. That’s it, I’m leaving. You are so childish. She couldn’t come up with another word.

    Edward’s right you should stop teasing the poor thing. Roselyn came to sit next to her brother. She is going to get you back and then what will you do? Roselyn grabbed a glass of water as she watched the couples dancing.

    I will depend on you to get me out.

    Why don’t you just try treating her like her age? Edward said clearing his throat as he scanned the dance floor for the black-haired woman he’d seen at the wedding. You aren’t kids any more Rolly. Edward called his cousin by the nickname some kids had given him in school.

    Hey I hate that name. You know that.

    That’s my point. Becca is getting older you should treat her as such.

    You don’t understand, your sister is older than you.

    Doesn’t matter. I still give her the respect she should have. Dad taught me a long time ago that times change and with it you either respect the ones around you or they’ll end up hating you for it. Why do you think it took our dad’s so long to get back their brotherly bond?

    Because their jack ass’s.

    Padre isn’t a jack ass. Roselyn said smacking her brother.

    My point is Rolly, they didn’t respect each other. And do you really want that for you and Rebecca.

    Guess not, but who died and made you wise?

    Not wise cousin, just smart. I actually listen to my dad.

    Look man, I got to go. Just think about it.

    Edward patted Rolando on the shoulder before heading towards Chance. He was with an elderly man that looked uncomfortable. Why Edward did not understand since it was a party. Reaching him he stuck out his hand and shook his brother-in-law’s hand in congratulations.

    Edward, hey man what’s going on? Enjoying the party?

    Yeah, it’s great Chance.

    You haven’t met my father, have you?

    No, not yet.

    Father, this is Edward McGregor. Mary Beth’s brother.

    Nice to meet you sir.

    Edward put his hand out to shake the older man’s hand. But the older Anderson didn’t take it. He only nodded. Feeling uncomfortable Edward turned to Chance. He didn’t really have much time to talk. It was getting late and he had a herd to take care of. Can I ask you a question man?

    Sure, what’s up?

    I saw a woman with black hair on your side of the church. I was curious if you knew who she was.

    Um, no I don’t. Chance tried to smile. I don’t know anyone on my side of the family that has black hair. Chance gulped trying not to seem out of sorts. It was probably someone from school. Maybe one of Mary Beth’s friends.

    She would have been on her side. Why are you acting weird?

    I’m not, I just don’t know of anyone. Walking up to his wife he asked, Hey honey, did any of our friends from college come? I can’t remember.

    No, not that I know of why?

    Edward saw someone he wanted to meet.

    Chance took Beth by the hand and turned toward him. He was hiding something Edward could sense it. What it was he had no idea. But at that moment he didn’t have time to figure it out. He gave Beth a hug and shook Chances hand. I got to go love birds. But it was a beautiful ceremony.

    Thanks Edward. Beth gave him a kiss on the cheek.


    He waved her affection off as he left to find his mom and dad. They were sitting at a table with his uncles and aunts. They had become close over the years. He wondered if that was because they finally let go of his grandfather and the ties that bound them to the obligation of being a McGregor or if it was their age that made them realize it was time to put the arguments to rest.

    Mom, dad, uncles, aunts. He tipped his hat towards the ladies.

    Edward. It’s been awhile. Uncle Jesse said putting his hand out to shake it.

    Been busy with the herd.

    Just like Jason, I see. Jesse chuckled as he ran his hand over his red and white beard.  Don’t work too hard son.

    Oh, I don’t just enough to take care of my horses.

    You should come check out the new ones I have. Jude spoke to his nephew. I need someone to break them. And with Rolando at the garage all the time he doesn’t have time to work the horses the way he used to.

    Sure, can it be next week. Foxy is due to have her baby anytime now.

    That’s fine.

    Edward looked at his mom and dad. Jason was watching the dance floor as mom was nodding her head to the beat. I need to go. Want me to come back after the evening feed?

    Nah, son. I can get your mama home. Be careful out there.

    Dad, it’s summer. I’ll be fine.

    Just listen to him Edward. Haley got up and hugged her son.

    Alright, alright. Stay out of trouble you two.


    Starting up his truck he forgot about the whisper fairy that had plagued his mind for a brief moment. He had a ranch to get home to. A horse who needed his attention and a budget book that needed some tweaking. There would always be time for romancing a woman. But the summer was here which meant a new year began at the McGregor Ranch. Everyone thought he took after his dad. And although it was true he had his gift. He liked to think he took after his grandfather’s instead. He took pride in that. Both his name sake and Jonas knew what they wanted and they took charge of their life. His dad was all about love and your better half. Well, his better half had four legs and a neigh for a voice. He didn’t need the drama of caring for another person the way dad felt towards mom. Love was for saps and he was no sap.

    Chapter 1

    The next few days were spent by Foxy. She’d be delivering her first foal and Edward wanted to be there. He had been walking her around to give her exercise when the phone call came.

    Eddy what are you doing? Roselyn asked in a cheerful tone.

    Walking Foxy why? He sighed knowing what was coming next.

    Oh. Geez I really was hoping you’d come to Missoula with us.

    Why can’t you go yourselves? You know she’s about to drop her foal. This is a crucial time right now.

    I know, but it’s Rolando. He’s acting weird again and I need you to talk to him.

    When is he ever acting like he’s supposed to.

    That’s not what I mean and you know it. Please I wouldn’t ask you if it wasn’t important.

    Alright, give me an hour.

    Thanks Eddy, you’re the best. Love you.

    Love you too. Bye.

    He hung up the phone and walked Foxy to the hitching post. He tied her up and brought out his brush. She was so round now that her time was almost up. When he stroked the middle of her belly he could feel a little hoof. Any day now.

    Not long now mama. And once your foal is here, you’ll have to teach it to listen. He whispered to his horse.

    That’s your job son. Jason said coming into the barn.

    Dad, I didn’t hear you come in.

    You never do. But that’s okay. How’s she doing?

    Okay I think. Roselyn wants me to go to Missoula tonight. I don’t think I should since Foxy will drop her foal soon.

    I’ll be here if she does son. You need to go have fun with your cousin.

    But dad, Foxy is my priority. Just like this ranch is also my responsibility.

    Edward, until your mother and I sign on our retirement home in Florida I can still help with things around here.

    I know it’s just. . .

    Go, I’ll take care of Foxy, she’ll be fine.

    Edward pulled at the lead line and led her into her stall. She closed her eyes as he gave her head a pet or two. He kissed her nose and left the stall. He turned

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