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Sunday's Child
Sunday's Child
Sunday's Child
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Sunday's Child

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Georgianne Whitley’s beloved father and brothers died in the war against Napoleon Bonaparte. While she is grieving for them, she must deal with her unpredictable mother’s sorrow, and her younger sisters’ situation caused by it. Georgianne’s problems increase when the arrogant, wealthy but elderly Earl of Pennington, proposes marriage to her for the sole purpose of being provided with an heir. At first she is tempted by his proposal, but something is not quite right about him. She rejects him not suspecting it will lead to unwelcome repercussions.

Once, Georgianne had wanted to marry an army officer. Now, she decides never to marry ‘a military man’ for fear he will be killed on the battlefield. However, Georgianne still dreams of a happy marriage before unexpected violence forces her to relinquish the chance to participate in a London Season sponsored by her aunt. Shocked and in pain, Georgianne goes to the inn where her cousin Sarah’s step-brother, Major Tarrant, is staying, while waiting for the blacksmith to return to the village and shoe his horse. Recently, she has been reacquainted with Tarrant—whom she knew when in the nursery—at the vicarage where Sarah lives with her husband Reverend Stanton.

The war in the Iberian Peninsula is nearly at an end so, after his older brother’s death, Tarrant, who was wounded, returned to England where his father asked him to marry and produce an heir. To please his father, Tarrant agreed to marry, but due to a personal tragedy he has decided never to father a child.

When Georgianne, arrives at the inn, quixotic Tarrant sympathises with her unhappy situation. Moreover, he is shocked by the unforgivable, brutal treatment she has suffered. Full of admiration for her beauty and courage Tarrant decides to help Georgianne.

Release dateMay 8, 2017
Sunday's Child

Rosemary Morris

Rosemary Morris was born in Sidcup Kent. As a child, her head was ‘always in a book.’ While working in a travel agency, Rosemary met her Hindu husband. He encouraged her to continue her education at Westminster College. In 1961 Rosemary and her husband, now a barrister, moved to his birthplace, Kenya, where she lived from 1961 until 1982. After an attempted coup d’état, she and four of her five children lived in an ashram in France.Back in England, Rosemary wrote historical fiction and joined the Romantic Novelists’ Association, Historical Novel Society, Watford Writers and many online groups. To research, Rosemary reads non-fiction, visits museums and other places of historical interest. Her bookshelves are so crammed with historical non-fiction, that if she buys a new book she has to consider getting rid of one. Apart from writing, Rosemary enjoys time with her family, classical Indian literature, reading, vegetarian cooking, growing organic fruit, herbs and vegetables and creative crafts.

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    Sunday's Child - Rosemary Morris

    Sundays Child

    Heroines born on different days of the Week

    By Rosemary Morris

    Digital ISBNs

    EPUB 978-1-77362-171-5

    Kindle 978-0-2286-0377-1

    WEB 978-1-77362-172-2

    Amazon Print 978-0-2286-0378-8

    2nd Ed. Copyright 2018 Rosemary Morris

    Cover Art by Michelle Lee

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this book.


    Hertfordshire, England


    Fourteen year old, Georgianne Whitley leaned over the banister to watch her aunt’s butler admit a handsome cavalry officer dressed in uniform. One day, her mamma frequently assured her, she would marry such a military man, a member of her dear father’s regiment. Of course, this officer was probably too old to ever be her husband. However, in future, she was sure she would meet someone equally handsome with whom she would fall in love. She giggled. ‘Love is not the main prerequisite for marriage,’ Mamma always claimed. According to her mother, rank, lands, and wealth were more important whereas, according to Papa, love was the only reason to marry.

    She turned her head to look at her cousin, Sarah Tarrant. Who is he?

    Don’t you recognize him? He is my half brother, Rupert, Lieutenant Tarrant.

    Of course, but he has changed so much since I last saw him five years ago. He is taller.

    Careless of whether or not he would look up and see her, Georgianne inched forward until, bent almost double, she could still gaze down at him.

    Rupert removed his shako, revealing his thick, sun-kissed fair hair.

    Sarah put her arms around Georgianne’s waist. If you are not careful, you will fall.

    Georgianne gripped the rail of the highly polished oak banister while she straightened.

    "Look at your gown. It’s crushed. You’re such a…a hoyden."

    She stamped her foot. No, I’m not.

    Yes, you are. My mamma says you are.

    Well, she is wrong. In spite of her denial, rueful, she looked down at her crumpled, white muslin gown. What would her aunt say if she knew Papa had taught her to shoot? Once again, she peered over the banister. A ray of June sunshine from the window illuminated the gold braid on Rupert’s scarlet uniform. Yes, one day she really would marry such an officer to please herself, and her parents.

    Chapter One

    Hertfordshire, England

    November 1813

    Rupert, Major Tarrant, caught his breath at the sight of seventeen year old Georgianne. Black curls gleamed and rioted over the edges of her bandeau. Georgianne’s heart-shaped face tilted down toward her embroidery frame. Her hands lay idle on her gown. It was lilac, one of the colours of half-mourning. A sympathetic sigh escaped him. She wore the colour out of respect for her father, who lost a hand and leg, during the Battle of Salamanca, and died of gangrene more than a year ago.

    There had been so many deaths since he last saw Georgianne. Not only had her brothers died during the storming of Ciudad Rodrigo but his elder brother had drowned six months ago while bathing in the lake on their father’s estate.

    He advanced into the room with Adrian, Viscount Langley, at his side. Georgianne looked up and smiled. He caught himself staring into her hyacinth blue eyes, fringed with long black lashes. Colour crept over her high cheekbones. Her arched eyebrows drew together across her smooth forehead. Egad, she had the sweetest countenance he had ever seen; one with the lustrous, milky white sheen of china, and bow shaped rose pink lips to catch at the heart.

    Georgianne stood.

    He bowed. My condolences.

    Sarah, clad in full mourning for her older half-brother, stood to make her curtsy to Langley. I trust you have everything you require, my lord?

    Langley bowed. Yes, thank you.

    My lord, allow me to introduce you to my cousin, Miss Whitley.

    Georgianne curtsied as his lordship crossed the parlour to make his bow.

    Tarrant inclined his head. Ladies, please excuse us, we must see to our horses.

    Sarah shook her head at him. See to your horses? The grooms can do so.

    Georgianne gurgled with laughter. Ah, Sarah, have you forgotten how cavalrymen fuss over their mounts?

    Excuse us.

    * * * *

    After the gentlemen left, Georgianne glanced at her cousin. She had seen little of her since Sarah yielded to the family’s persuasion to marry Wilfred Stanton, heir to his uncle, the Earl of Pennington.

    Despite her reluctance to leave home because of her mamma’s unfortunate habit, and extravagant displays of grief over the loss of her husband and sons, Georgianne agreed to visit her cousin Sarah, who suffered from melancholy after the birth of a son.

    Anxious for her mamma and two younger sisters, she reminded herself Whitley Manor—on the southern outskirts of Cousin Stanton’s Hertfordshire parish—lay a mere fifteen minutes away by carriage.

    Are you daydreaming, Cousin?

    Georgianne pretended to be busy untangling another strand of embroidery thread. No.

    Did I tell you Papa wants Tarrant to resign from the army now he is Papa’s heir? Sarah’s needle flashed in and out of her work.

    Yes, several times. Georgianne shivered, stretched her hands toward the fire, and fought a losing battle with the draughts in the old vicarage.

    Are you not interested in dear Tarrant?

    Georgianne bent her head. Once, she had wanted to marry a military man. However, after the loss of her father and brothers, she changed her mind for fear death might snatch him from her, either on the battlefield or as a result of wounds sustained in combat. She shook her head, remembering the dreams she harboured three years earlier when she last saw Major Tarrant. How her life had altered since then. Most of the time, she lived cloistered at home in reduced—yet not impoverished—circumstances. She spent her life in an endless round of mending and embroidery, both of which she detested. Her only escape from this drab existence consisted of daily walks, rides, or reading her beloved books. A yawn escaped her. Oh, the tedium of her days at home.

    You have not answered my question.

    Georgianne gathered her thoughts. Yes, Sarah, I am interested in Major Tarrant. After all, we have known each other since we were in the nursery.

    Good, but what are you thinking about? You are neglecting your sewing.

    Georgianne picked up her needle and thrust it in and out of the chemise, careless of the size of her stitches. Already she loathed the garment and vowed never to wear it.

    Papa wants Tarrant to marry, Sarah rattled on.

    Eyes downcast, Georgianne set aside her sewing and wrapped her arms around her waist for comfort. Before they died, her brothers and father had expressed their admiration for Major Tarrant in their letters. She shrugged. Once upon a time, she had built a castle in the air inhabited by Major Tarrant, a mere lieutenant when she last saw him.

    Mamma still insisted on love not being the prime consideration for marriage, but novels and poems contradicted her opinion. Georgianne wanted to fall in love with one of the many eligible young gentlemen available: maybe a titled gentleman like Viscount Langley provided he was not a military man. She shrugged. Certainly her mamma would regard the Viscount favourably. His lordship was wealthy, possessed good manners, and his height and broad shoulders equalled Major Tarrant’s. However, although she found no fault with him, Mamma might not approve of the Viscount’s skin—almost as dark as a gypsy from exposure to the sun while serving abroad—and his hair and eyes, sufficiently dark to rival any Spaniard’s. Her spirits lifted. The rectory would be a happier place with two fine young men in attendance. She was glad to be here, despite her acute concern for her family.

    Sarah’s voice ended her musing. Have you heard Tarrant inherited his godfather’s estate and fortune? Besides his pay, his income is thirty thousand pounds a year.

    Georgianne nodded. Yes, I know. Major Tarrant is exceptionally fortunate. Sarah blinked. Why are you smiling?

    Georgianne stood and crossed the room to look out of the window. I am happy because, so far, Major Tarrant and Viscount Langley have survived the war, which has taken so many lives and affected everyone in some way or another.

    She must force herself to remain cheerful. Papa had died eighteen months ago. It was time to set grief aside, if she could only find the means.

    Thankfully, there was much to look forward to. After her presentation at court, she would be sure to meet many engaging gentlemen, one of whom she might marry. In time, she could help her sisters to escape their miserable existence.

    Georgianne drummed her fingers on the windowsill. Her thoughts darted hither and thither. She glanced around the parlour, inhaling the odour of potpourri and lavender-scented beeswax.

    Wilfred Stanton entered the room. He stood with his back to the fire, hands clasped over his paunch. Mrs. Stanton, my uncle, the Earl of Pennington, has arrived unexpectedly, and is resting after the rigours of his journey. Tarrant and his friend are busy with their horses. No, no, do not disturb yourself, my love. No need to bestir yourself on my uncle’s behalf.

    Cousin Stanton’s lips parted in a smile revealing yellowed teeth. Ah, I know what you ladies are like. Have you been matchmaking? There must be a dozen or more eligible members of the fair sex amongst our neighbours who would be eager to meet Tarrant. If they knew of his visit, I daresay all of them would harbour thoughts of marrying him.

    Indeed, Sarah said in a colourless tone of voice.

    Georgianne, accustomed to taking long walks every day, fidgeted. She found it difficult to tolerate Sarah’s sedentary habits.

    Sarah, will you not come for a walk? You know the doctor is concerned by your continued lethargy. Do not forget he encourages gentle exercise to improve your health. She stared out at the dark grey clouds. Suddenly they parted and sunlight bathed her. It heightened the colour of her gown and warmed her. She reached up to smooth her bodice and noticed a movement in the shadowed east wing. Was someone peering at her through the small, diamond-shaped panes? There were no menservants in the household. Could it be Cousin Stanton’s uncle, the earl?

    Sarah stepped daintily to her side, and slipped an arm around her waist. Come, it is time to change our clothes before we dine.

    Chapter Two

    Georgianne stepped lightly down the stairs shortly after dusk, and entered the well-appointed parlour where everyone would assemble before dinner was announced.

    With nervous hands, she smoothed the skirt of her lilac gown. Satisfied, she twitched the grey satin bow into place beneath her bosom. Why was she so anxious for the major to see her as a young lady and not as the little girl he last saw in her aunt and uncle’s house?

    Her reflection in the mirror above the fireplace reassured her. The talented village dressmaker had made her stylish gown from a length of material found in the attic. The style flattered her shapely breasts.

    She adjusted a knot of ribbon which ornamented one of her puff sleeves.

    Enchanting, an unfamiliar male voice murmured.

    Georgianne stared at a reflected face. He must be Stanton’s uncle.

    Did I startle you, Miss Whitley? If so, I apologise.

    How did he know her name? Of course, Sarah and Cousin Stanton probably told him she was their guest. She turned to make her curtsy to the old gentleman dressed in the height of fashion in a perfectly cut black coat, fawn waistcoat, and black pantaloons. He raised his quizzing glass to his eye and scrutinised her. Although he gave her no cause for alarm, she repressed a shudder when his gaze lingered on her bosom. Please stand aside, my lord. It is improper for us to be alone.

    Miss Whitley¬— The earl spoke in a languid tone. His dark eyes regarded her, seeming to observe every detail of her appearance. You are charming, quite charming. My sister mentioned you are the eldest daughter of my late, much lamented friend, Colonel Whitley.

    Should she believe him? She frowned. My father never mentioned the friendship.

    I daresay there is much a gentleman does not remark upon to his family.

    She inclined her head; her frown deepened. Why should his sister, whom she had never met, take the slightest interest in her?

    The earl’s smile did not warm his eyes. I dare say you wonder why she mentioned your name.

    I confess to curiosity, my lord.

    She described several eligible young ladies.

    I am not eligible because I have not yet entered polite society.

    It does not mean you are ineligible, Miss Whitley.

    He approached her. Wary of his intentions, Georgianne moved away from the hearth. She mistrusted the feverish glitter in his eyes.

    The daughter of a hero of good family is most definitely eligible. After all, one cannot thank our brave soldiers sufficiently for keeping Napoleon’s brutal army at bay. Besides, I am not seeking a lady from a noble family to be my wife; I am seeking a modest young lady of good birth to marry me. One who will be grateful to me for a title and all else I have to offer. She eyed him with distrust as he continued. Doubtless, like me, you are still in mourning. My sons are dead: one died on the hunting field, the other in battle.

    My condolences, my lord. She retreated from his steady advance until she stood with her back to the window.

    My nephew tells me your dowry is small. A pity. The daughter of so gallant an officer should be in better circumstances.

    I beg your pardon?

    Shocking of me to speak so bluntly of pecuniary matters, yet necessary, for I must make the most of this opportunity while I am alone with you.

    His fiery gaze alarmed her. Please step back, my lord.

    He obeyed, although one hand stretched toward her. For a moment, before he lowered it, she thought he would force his unwelcome touch on her. I ordered my man of business to make enquiries. Now, why should I not favour someone so pretty who is also part of the family? If you consent to be my wife, I will be a considerate husband who indulges you.

    Be his wife? Could he be serious? Georgianne stood as straight as a ramrod, her head held high. Although he appeared amiable he aroused her suspicions.

    Miss Whitley, I respect you for not falling into maidenly hysterics.

    Although she had left the schoolroom only three months before, she knew it was extraordinary for a peer of the realm to suggest marriage to an insignificant Colonel’s daughter. She frowned. What do you want of me, my lord?

    To be blunt, I need an heir of my body.

    Why? You have an heir. No sooner did she ask the question than she reprimanded herself. In response to the earl’s indelicacy, she should have ignored his frankness.

    The earl coughed gently. I do not care to speak ill of anyone. I hope you understand I only do so because I want a son to replace my nephew who is my heir.

    Georgianne repressed a shiver, and simultaneously wondered what it would be like to be the adored, pampered wife of an elderly husband. Yet, she knew she must be cautious. Earlier on, I overheard Cousin Stanton claim your younger son married days before he died. He said your son had a posthumous child. Is it true?

    The earl shrugged. After a thorough investigation, both at home and abroad, we have come to the conclusion it is no more than a rumour.

    Footsteps sounded in the hall. His lordship ignored them. Instead, he stepped toward her.

    My lord!

    One of his bony hands rested on her shoulder. His lined face drew closer to hers. Colour stained his pale cheeks. Miss Whitley, forgive me for not approaching your guardian to ask for his permission to address you. Before she could protest, he spoke again. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?

    Over his lordship’s shoulder, Georgianne saw Cousin Stanton enter the room, his hands clasped over his paunch.

    My lord, we are not alone, she protested.

    The earl let her go.

    Jezebel, Cousin Stanton’s voice thundered. Eve tempted Adam with fruit from the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden. You have deliberately tempted my uncle.

    The earl’s eyes mocked her cousin by marriage. Strive to be original, nephew.

    Georgianne glared at Stanton. You are abominable. Instead of offering me your protection, you blame me because you fear for your inheritance.

    Uncle, pay no heed to anything she says, her cousin-in-law-said. "Only consider the Whore of Babylon ‘in raiment of fine linen, and silk, and, broidered work.’"

    Georgianne cringed, insulted by the Biblical reference.

    The earl roared with laughter. Do not make yourself ridiculous, Nephew. One only needs to look at the young lady to know I am at fault. Anyway, my intentions are honourable.

    Stanton’s cheeks purpled. Stoop to marry a brazen hussy who tempted you?

    Georgianne peered at Stanton. While she felt sorry for him, knowing he was fighting for his inheritance, nevertheless, she opened her mouth to protest. He spoke before she could offer her defence. You are shameless. I will not permit scandalous behaviour in my household. Words almost fail me at the sight of you standing close to my uncle with one of his hands on your shoulder.

    Her temper rose.

    His lordship raised an eyebrow. I wish words failed you now.

    The reverend gentleman’s cheeks reddened. "Uncle, I will not create a scandal by breathing a word to anyone about you being alone with this jade, so there is no need for you to feel obliged to wed her."

    The earl held up his hand to silence his nephew. Enough! You are contemptible.

    Yes, you are contemptible. Georgianne echoed his words, appreciative of the earl’s swift defence but still wary of his motives.

    His lordship chuckled. We are in agreement about my nephew. Now, say you will marry me.

    Georgianne executed a small curtsy. I cannot marry a man with whom I am unacquainted, she replied. Her heart was full of turmoil as her younger sisters’ welfare remained uppermost in her mind. She loved them and had promised her late father she would always look after them if necessary. She knew she must find a way to keep her promise because Mamma…. No, she would not think of it now.

    Pennington smiled, revealing stained teeth. I like you even more for your caution, Miss Whitley. Another young lady might have succumbed to all I could give her.

    She must explain her refusal to marry him. Papa said I should not marry the first gentleman who proposed to me. He told me I should be certain of my affections, instead of being swayed by society’s determination to see every young lady betrothed by the end of her first season. As you know, I have yet to enjoy the London Season.

    I hope we will become better acquainted with each other when you come to town. The earl frowned. You will do so, will you not?

    She nodded, deep in thought. In spite of his title, and riches, did she want to get to know him better? Could she bring herself to marry an old man for her sisters’ sake? Yet she might enjoy being indulged by him.

    Major Tarrant and Viscount Langley entered the drawing room, splendid in their red uniforms ablaze with gold braid and gold buttons. Georgianne saw them glance at each other as though they sensed something disturbing had taken place.

    Lord Pennington. The major bowed.

    How do you do, Viscount Langley said. We met you at the levee when we made our bow to the Prince Regent.

    Pennington inclined his head. Good day to you.

    Major Tarrant smiled at Georgianne. What is wrong? He led her to a sofa on the far side of the room.

    Still amazed at the earl’s proposal she sank onto the soft upholstery.

    The major smiled and seated himself next to her. My dear Georgianne—I may call you Georgianne may I not, because although we have not seen each other for a long time, I knew you in the nursery. Allow me to offer you my condolences, this time in person. Your father and brothers were brave, loved by their fellow officers, respected by their men.

    Involuntary tears filled her eyes in response to the memory of the kind letter of condolence Major Tarrant had sent to her as well as the one he sent to her mother. Her eyes swollen with tears, Georgianne had laid it with her other treasures in an oblong, ebony box.

    Thank you. You are so kind. Now, lest sad memories overcome me, please tell me how you are.

    As fit as any one of the fleas with which I bivouacked on countless occasions.

    Georgianne giggled. You are droll, major. May I say I know how happy your safe return makes Sarah? The rest of your family must be overjoyed.

    Although he grinned, she noticed a trace of sadness, or was it wariness, in his eyes. She could not decide.

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