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Reversal of Beauty: The Second Side Series, #1
Reversal of Beauty: The Second Side Series, #1
Reversal of Beauty: The Second Side Series, #1
Ebook247 pages3 hours

Reversal of Beauty: The Second Side Series, #1

By Cay

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About this ebook

On her deathbed, Beast's governess makes him promise to save her spoiled daughter, Beauty, from herself. 

Beast is convinced that he can reform the cantankerous Beauty, and fall in love with him, saving him from his own curse of being a beast. 

This does not bode well for Beast's best friend and a servant in his castle, Camille, who has been in love with him for her entire life.

Between Beauty's explosive temper tantrums and Camille's sharp tongue, the two are put on a collision course for disaster.

Camille sparks the firestorm by stating to Beauty - "The only beast in this castle is you!"

Can Beauty really change her spoiled ways and show that her beauty is not just skin deep?

Release dateOct 19, 2016
Reversal of Beauty: The Second Side Series, #1

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    Reversal of Beauty - Cay

    Chapter 1

    "Once upon a time there lived a prince who was considered by every maiden, near and far, to be the handsomest man in all the land. Maybe it was his ashen, blond hair that fell just past his shoulders or his emerald green eyes that shone brightly against his fair skin. Or maybe it was the strength he showed in conquering any creature that stood in his way.

    "Whatever it was, he held the hearts of many girls throughout the kingdom, and their hope that someday they could win his favor. So it came as a great surprise to everyone, the young prince most of all, that he was to marry the princess from the northern country upon her sixteenth birthday. This country from the north had been warring with the prince’s kingdom for half a century, stealing livestock and burning villages that lie on the border.

    "The prince was outraged by his parents’ choice for him, but this was a prudent marriage that would bring peace between the two lands. In an attempt to appease their wishes, he visited with his future bride.

    "Upon first meeting the girl, he thought that she was stunning. Her long, fiery red hair caressed her petite face and trim figure, and her soft, green eyes were almost hidden by her sea of freckles.

    "Looks alone could not win over the prince’s heart. It took only a short conversation for him to realize that she was dull and very ordinary.

    "Even though she did show interest in him with her wooing eyes and enchanting smile, whenever he tried to learn more about her life, she would only respond with one-word answers.

    Reluctantly, the prince consented to marry her.

    That cannot be true, Marie! Camille screamed. You must be reading the story incorrectly.

    Marie stopped reading and rested the leather-bound book in her hands down on her lap. Perhaps you would like to tell me how it should be?

    The prince is supposed to marry a good princess, not one who is so drab. The exuberant glow in the young girl’s eyes suggested that she had her own ending to the tale.

    Marie studied her closely, and then she smirked. Would you like to finish this story for me then?

    Camille’s cheeks burned crimson, and she tried to hide her face behind a curtain of long, auburn hair. Retreating from her quarrel with the book, she stretched back out on the rug next to the fire, looked up at her governess and said, Do excuse me. I wish you to continue.

    Marie lifted the book back up and began to read again, Tired of being confined by his duty to his kingdom and of his overwhelming disapproval of his betrothed, the prince went on a ride through the forest to clear his mind.

    The Shadow Wood? Camille blurted out.

    The Shadow Wood, Marie replied.

    But no one should ever go through there! Camille said, exasperated.

    He is the prince, my dear. He can go where he wishes, Marie explained in a soothing tone.

    He will be all right, though, will he not?

    Marie skimmed through a couple of pages while Camille sat anxiously waiting. The ticks of the grandfather clock in the background made it feel as if time had slowed. Finally, Marie started shaking her head with a doubtful look on her face.

    What? Camille pleaded. What is it?

    It does not look good at all, I am afraid, sighed Marie.

    What! No, it cannot be! Camille cried. Why did you read this story to me then?

    Marie chuckled. Sire, why did I read this horrible piece of literature to her?

    A large, lion-like creature rolled over and two pale blue eyes fixed on Camille. His mane was shaggy and golden, and horns, much like a bull’s, grew from his head. From between his razor-sharp fangs a large, pink tongue unrolled itself into a yawn.

    I must say, Camille, Beast started, I truly wish you would pick another story to hear every night.

    But I like this one, Camille grunted.

    Then stop bothering Marie about the ending. You know how it ends, he grumbled, then rolled back over and closed his eyes again.

    Camille climbed on top of him. Do you not worry that the story will be different each time we hear it?

    One of Beast’s eyes popped open and looked at her. No!

    Hmm … Just goes to show what you know. I think you do not care because you are fifteen and I am twelve.

    What does age have to do with anything? Beast murmured.

    Camille smiled vibrantly at him and said, I am still young enough to have imagination.

    Marie closed the book, recapturing Camille’s attention. I think that will be quite enough reading for one night, she said.

    No, pleaded Camille.

    Marie brushed her brown curls away from her face, exposing the dark creases under her weary eyes. I do not know if I should continue tonight, Camille, she sighed. I am tired this evening, and you get ever so excitable every time I read this—

    I will be quiet, Camille said more impatiently. Please, I must hear how it ends … again.

    Marie studied the eager girl’s face. Camille was not one to take no for an answer, and the unspoken importance of this particular tale caused her to reopen the book. All right, where was I?

    Camille smiled contently while she crawled under the large paw lying beside her. Beast popped one eye open again and smiled at her as she hugged the huge pile of fur closer to her body and listened intently.

    Marie cleared her throat, and then continued to read, "All of a sudden a flock of birds went racing past the prince, startling his horse. The horse took off in a fury, running fast and wildly.

    "Branches from the low-swaying trees grazed the prince’s cheek as he tried to grab the loose reins and gain control. It was only a matter of seconds before a sharp blow cracked his head and he could feel himself being thrown through the air. All went dark.

    "The next thing the young prince could feel was a painful throbbing in his head and a cold cloth over his wound. ‘What happened?’ the prince muttered.

    "‘I think you hit this branch while you were riding, sire,’ said a gentle voice. ‘You really should be more careful in these woods.’

    "Both his eyes slid open to find the fairest young maiden he had ever beheld. She was about his age, with long, auburn hair and pale blue eyes.

    "She lowered the fresh cloth down to the gash on his head. The prince winced in pain. ‘Ow! That hurts!’ he cried.

    "‘Try to sit still, it will hurt less.’

    "He tried to pull the cloth away from his forehead, but the girl grabbed his hand and stopped him.

    "‘You must trust me,’ she said. ‘You cannot risk the infection that will ensue if you do not let me tend to these wounds properly.’

    "The prince’s fiery spirit made him want to argue further, but in the end, he resigned to her wishes. After all, no woman had ever spoken so forcefully to him before, and there was a moment of satisfaction knowing that his new acquaintance was quite unique.

    "The girl placed another fresh cloth to his head. This time, the prince placed his hand on hers. Instantly, his breath caught in his chest. ‘May I, at least, have the pleasure of my captor’s name?’

    "‘Your captor?’ she chuckled. ‘Christine, sire.’

    "‘Christine,’ the prince repeated. He took her hand in his, never wanting to let it go.

    "It only took that one indelible moment in time for the two to fall in love, and the prince married Christine in secret. Only after the marriage was consummated and she was with child did he go to his betrothed and break off the engagement. The girl was mortified and became the laughing stock of both countries.

    "After a few months of hiding in shame, the girl decided to sneak into the castle, and she made her way to the prince’s bedchambers, where she came across the prince and his pregnant wife. In silence, she waited.

    "After watching the happy prince rub the princess’s belly, anger overtook the girl’s senses. She broke from shadows and went straight to the princess. Placing her hand upon the pregnant belly, she said, ‘A curse be on your child. He shall be a beast and will be the heir to your throne. He will be as hideous as his father’s soul.’

    "Once the curse was set into motion, the girl quickly turned to escape. The princess, in all her shock and anguish, screamed after her, ‘Please, do not do this to him!’

    "The girl stopped dead in her tracks and then turned with a scowl. Her eyes were narrow and filled with pure rage. ‘What is done will never be undone …’

    "‘I know you have been hurt,’ sobbed the princess, ‘but my unborn son has done nothing to you. Why should you do this to him?’

    "The girl glared at the princess for a moment, but then unexpectedly, remorse flooded her whole body. ‘Unless,’ screamed the girl, ‘if the creature can find true love by his twenty-fifth birthday and earn her love in return, the spell will be broken.’

    "‘I have had enough of this nonsense!’ growled the prince. ‘Guards, seize her!’

    "A bright flash of light and smoke filled the room. When all subsided, the girl was nowhere to be found. No one ever knew what happened to the girl, for she was never seen or heard from again.

    A few months later, a beast was born to the prince and princess, just as the curse had foretold. Despite his appearance, his parents loved him dearly, and hoped in time he would break the spell that was unforgivably cast upon him. The End.

    Marie looked pale as she took a deep breath and slowly closed the book in her hands. Her mind wandered for a moment, but then her focus redirected to the two lying on the floor. I think it is time for you both to go to bed.

    Camille nestled her face closer to Beast. Do you think you can carry me?

    Beast furrowed his brow and raised his finger to his lips in thought. I do not know. What will you do for me?

    Um, I will make your bed for a week.

    I could make you do that anyway, Beast chuckled.

    You would have to get that past Marcus, pointed out Camille. Still pondering the thought, she looked over to Marie and asked, What should I do?

    This is between the two of you. I fear for my own safety that I should not take part, said Marie with a half-smile.

    A quizzical look fell upon Camille’s face. After a long moment of pause, Beast swooped Camille from her feet and threw her over his shoulder.

    Come on, he said with a laugh, We can discuss it on the way to your room.

    Camille giggled heartily. Before Beast made it out of the room with her, she squealed, Marie, I want to know something …

    With the book still in her hand, Marie slowly began to get up from her high-backed chair. A rush washed over her and the world spun. For a quick second, she lost her balance and collapsed back into the chair.

    Are you all right? Beast asked, sounding unsettled. He moved towards her, but she held up her hand to stop him from any further advance.

    I am fine. Just tired is all.

    Marie took another moment to muster up the strength to walk over to Camille, who was still slung haphazardly over Beast’s shoulder.

    What is your question, my dear? Marie asked in a gentle voice.

    Camille looked at her with great concern, but then muttered, Did the spell ever get broken?

    Marie took a deep look into Beast’s pale blue eyes as she grabbed hold of Camille’s hands, kissed them, and said in a comforting voice, I truly hope so.

    Camille’s quizzical look grew more confused. Beast jostled her and said, Off to bed with you now, before you start to cause trouble.

    I am not trouble, Camille argued back.

    Oh, yes, you are.

    No, I am not!

    Marie leaned against the doorway, watching the two bicker all the way down the hall and out of sight. Looking back down at the leather bound book she held in her hands, mounted on the cover was a golden rose. She rubbed her thumb across the smooth petal and sighed again, I truly hope so.

    The warm Saturday afternoon was enough to coax anyone out of the castle. Even as feeble as Marie had become, she still put together a picnic basket and took all the children out for lunch on the meadow-covered plateau.

    Many of the children ran around playing games, like hide and seek, but Camille and Beast chose to lie side-by-side at the edge of the precipice that overlooked the dense forest and watch the clouds roll across the sky.

    I think that one looks like a cat, Camille said and pointed up to the fluffy white cloud pouncing overhead.

    If you ask me, I think it looks more like a dog, said Beast with a smile.

    When Camille took another look, the spry kitty cloud had taken on a whole new shape that was a spitting image of a poodle. Camille playfully poked Beast in the side causing him to flinch with laughter.

    I hate when you do that, Camille snickered. It is not fair that you can make the clouds change to whatever you want.

    And you thought I had no imagination, Beast said, smiling. He then closed his eyes and exhaled a breath. The air shifted, and a warm breeze washed over the plateau. Camille giggled as she watched her hair dance in the wind.

    I find it impossible to believe that you two do not wish to burn your energy in other ways, said Marie, coming up behind them. The children are about to play some sort of tagging game. Would you not prefer that?

    The wind died suddenly. Both Beast and Camille rolled over on their stomachs and looked at Marie like she had lost her mind. Surely Beast could catch everyone with his strength and speed of four legs as opposed to the normal two feet. As for Camille, she had an overwhelming desire to stay close to Beast ever since he had stumbled across her baby basket in the middle of the Shadow Wood. Her parents were never found.

    Without hesitation, Beast took her into his arms and vowed to care for her forever. Camille hardly ever strayed from his side.

    Under Beast and Camille’s glares, Marie raised her hands up in the air to surrender. I simply thought you would like to stretch out your legs.

    Beast noticed more pallor in her cheeks. How are you feeling today?

    A bit tired, but I will be fine, Marie said with a soft smile, trying to reassure him.

    So no games for you then? she asked once more, trying to encourage them to spend more time with the other children too.

    Camille and Beast chuckled simultaneously.

    The laughter was instantly broken by a woman running towards the plateau from the castle.

    Master! Master! she screamed.

    Beast popped up to his feet. What is it, Anne?

    The woman looked distraught and was trying to catch her breath. Between heaves of air, she said, Master, you must come quickly!

    Before Beast had time to respond to her, Anne scuttled back towards the castle, gesturing at him to follow. Beast raced after her.

    They hadn’t made it far; just to the stone wall of the garden; when an ear-piercing shriek was heard from below. Beast turned while Anne remained still.

    A shudder surged through Beast’s whole body.

    It is too late, the woman muttered, stone-faced.

    Beast barreled down to the crowd gathered in the middle of the meadow. Marie was unconscious, lying in Camille’s lap. Marie’s color had gone from pale to ghost white, and there was no sign that she was breathing.

    Marie! No! Camille cried, breaking the prolonged silence.

    Without a second thought, Beast scooped up Marie’s limp body, and quickly raced up to the castle, leaving everyone on the plateau in a grief-stricken silence.

    An uncomfortable stillness settled over the castle and the once-sunny afternoon dissipated into an ominous thunderstorm.

    Camille sat in silence, staring blankly at the drawing room wall. From head to toe, she grew numb to everything around her. Fear and worry consumed every fiber of her body at the slightest thought of losing her governess forever.

    The lightning dancing across the sky outside highlighted the young girl’s face for moments at a time, and then pushed her back into the shadows. A crack of thunder slammed against the windows, causing them to rattle.

    Camille gasped, as if she were startled awake from some horrible dream. Her eyes immediately welled with tears, and she felt her stomach turn.

    No, she whimpered.

    She felt a soft hand rest on her shoulder. Barely glancing up, she noticed her good friend, Jean, standing next to her. He was covered from head to toe in dirt from playing outside with the other kids, but nothing could hide the sorrow strung across his face. His tears had cleared a path down his mud-covered cheeks.

    Is she dead? Camille whispered.

    I do not know.

    She was standing right next to me, Jean, Camille whispered, then she collapsed … like a ragdoll.

    Choking back his tears, Jean said, I think she was poisoned.

    What? Camille asked in disbelief, hoping that she had simply misunderstood what Jean had said.

    Cook found the empty bottle in the kitchen. He alerted Anne at once, Jean broke off, drying his eyes on his sleeve.

    Who would possibly? Who could possibly … Camille trailed off, looking at him in shock.

    I do not know, Camille, Jean sobbed.

    Camille rose from the chair and hugged her friend close to her. She, too, gave way to her grief and let the tears fall freely onto Jean’s shoulder.

    The Master needs you now. Jean pulled away and held Camille at arm’s length. Looking deep into her eyes, he said, You are his dearest friend, Camille. You must go to him.

    She looked away from him, saddened.

    "They took Marie to her room

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