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Wonderful short stories that my Grandpa told: Books for kids, #2
Wonderful short stories that my Grandpa told: Books for kids, #2
Wonderful short stories that my Grandpa told: Books for kids, #2
Ebook45 pages30 minutes

Wonderful short stories that my Grandpa told: Books for kids, #2

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No one knows exactly when did the art of storytelling started, but it all started for us when we opened our eyes to this world. There was a time when we would gather around the fireplace during the haunting stormy nights, the nights that used to scare us with their violent nature. The roaring of the thunder and the striking of lights would make us sit close to each other. 

We pretended to be the brave warriors, and we fought with the terrifying nights by the magical powers of storytelling. And if you were the bystander in our village, we would ask you about your bigger trips and experiences in the world. We would serve you a bowl of delicious hot soup, and we would also let you stay in our comfy home, that’s how much we were thirsty for stories. 
But gone the days of the golden age, where children used to gather around the fireplace and listen to the stories told by the elders and passers-by.

However, there is hope in this world now, because Mr. Magisto Thousand does not want to lose this great culture of storytelling. He revives the art of fantasy, myth, imagination and storytelling for the children to take pride in. He is an ancient tale-teller. He knows how to warm hearts through his figment of imaginations. Mr. Magisto Thousand reads children's stories from all over the world. 

With his power of invention, he takes you to an unseen world. Where dragons live and monsters are slain by the knights and kings to protect the world and keep it safe, and the vicious witches live in the dark dungeon with their evil minds, they plot against the world, but the princesses and princes sacrifice to save the kingdom from the evil plotting of wicked thoughts. 
He writes the long and the short stories that would be engraved in the child’s mind and leave them with memories to share with their grandchildren. 

Each book of Mr. Magisto Thousand contains the fragments of reality mingled with the fantasy. The combination of this work of imagination opens up a new dimension that is full of adventure, magic and remarkable, exciting stories.

These stories are not just the ordinary fairy-tales, but the extraordinary that gives us the insight, wisdom, and courage. It teaches us the life lesson that should descend to our generation to keep the art of storytelling. These varieties of concepts not only entertains us but educate us to learn from the past.

Remember these are not the children’s stories, but the stories of life and lessons. They turn to us as if we are the children in our comfortable room, sitting near the fireplace. 

Release dateMay 14, 2017
Wonderful short stories that my Grandpa told: Books for kids, #2

Mr. Magisto Thousand

Mr. Magisto Thousand it's a pen name of young but promising author, Mrs. Dina Dindin (same as in facebook profile). She is a mother of three kids, writing in her spare time, with a lot of pleasure. She always loved books, especially fairy tales and stories for children. Some facts: Dina knows already three languages - Hebrew, English and Russian. Her hobbies include: belly dancing, climbing boulders, learning Arabic language and reading a lot of books, paper and electronic. She hopes to reach the hearts of her readers and leave there a lot of warm light that will help them to come through any situation.

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    Wonderful short stories that my Grandpa told - Mr. Magisto Thousand

    Wonderful Stories that my Grandpa Told

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    Table of Contents

    Stories of Dragons, Giants and Ogres

    Rosemary and the Dragon

    The Dragon that wanted to Breathe Fire

    The Dragon who Loved Ice Cream

    The Giant with No Shoes

    The Giant Who Shrank

    The Ogre Who Ran Away

    Stories of Witches and Wizards

    The White Witch

    The Witch’s Cat

    The Wizard’s Tale

    The Wicked Witch

    Fairies and Enchanted Folk

    The Cookie Fairy

    The Tooth Fairy

    The Fairy Ring

    Goblins and Gnomes

    The Magic of Nature

    Lucy’s Hedgehog

    The bird who couldn’t fly

    Magic Wishes

    Princesses and

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