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5 Erotic Stories Vol 2
5 Erotic Stories Vol 2
5 Erotic Stories Vol 2
Ebook106 pages1 hour

5 Erotic Stories Vol 2

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About this ebook

Five stories so dirty that they shouldn’t only be read at night. A hogtied city woman experiences the ways of rural men and comes to love it; a cheater gets hers in a sexy orgy that involves many rough and tough men; A filthy tease learns that some men you just don’t push; the beast shows just how evil and sexy he can be; and That Sexy Man is something this woman will do anything to have - anything. Five stories you will love and enjoy.

The '5 Erotic Short Stories Vol 2' collection contains these stories and more:

# Hogtied City Girl (Threesome)
Two hot country lads find a wild and sexy city girl on their property and respectfully ask her to behave. Not understanding her position, she takes offense and runs for her life. Unfortunately, these good, honest men can't let her run amuck. Taking her home, they treat her right and treat her even more right when things calm down enough for their desire and her wild need to be understood.

# Cheater (Cheating)
Beth should have never cheated. Rick has secrets and this once biker gang member isn't afraid to make a woman relent her foul behavior for a better course. When naughty becomes nice, or something like that.

# Tease (Alpha Male)
A woman should know that some men you just don't tease. A steamy, all sex short with an unexpected ending that will turn you into melting butter downstairs.

# Beast (Obsession)
I use them. All women. Every one of them. It's not hate or love of hurt, but a desire - a dark desire - to use and do filth upon womankind. My plans are perfection. Evil. This time is no exception. This is my worst.

# That Sexy Man (Angry Sex)
A woman to scared to try something daring and a man that thinks she's leading him on. When shy meets angry and full of desire. Insta-obsession at its best!

These and other stories can be found in this collection.

Release dateMay 11, 2017
5 Erotic Stories Vol 2

Sophie Sin

Sophie Sin is a writer of erotic fiction. She writes on a variety of topics and themes. You can find her wherever good erotic fiction is sold. Sophie Sin writes gay erotica under the pen name Dick Powers.

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    Book preview

    5 Erotic Stories Vol 2 - Sophie Sin


    I make slow even circles in the toilet bowl letting out all of the pent up beer that has been occupying my bladder for the last hour. Outside I can hear the music blasting and the strippers squealing and shouting as men hoot and most likely grab at ample amounts of ass.

    Thinking about the fine bitches out in the bar makes me gain a little wood, but I calm it down with thoughts of my lady. I made a vow to myself that I’d keep it simple and for the last six years since I got out of the gang and started a new life selling old cars on the internet for a living instead of busting heads I’ve kept that promise. Just because I’m with the boys after a long layoff doesn’t mean I’m getting back into the saddle. I’m a regular citizen now.

    I do a few more whirls of the bowl and read the graffiti.

    The door opens and two sets of feet clomp off the floor. I know they aren’t anyone from my crew because they aren’t wearing riding boots.

    I hear them go to the urinals and unzip.

    Man, your cock is kinda red, one says.

    I smirk. Maybe I could hang out a bit longer. Some dude telling the tale of some nasty STD could be funny as shit.

    Yeah, bitch sucked me off a few hours ago.

    Really? That Latino?

    Yep. Her name is Beth and, man-oh-man, that mouth.

    Lucky fucker. How do I get some of that?

    I shake my head. Bad plan, buddy. Sharing STDs is a nasty business. Regular people are nuts.

    I got her phone number. You wanna see a pic?


    Figuring that story time is going to be awhile, I pop open the door and step out.

    The two men look back and shift forward. No matter where I go and how long I’m out people know where I’m from and who I’ve been. It’s in the size, the tats and the eyes.

    I glance to the phone as I stroll by.

    What the fuck???

    It’s like someone flicked a switch in me. I have the little fucker by the neck and his dick is squirting shit all over my pants, but I don’t give a fuck.

    Where’d you get that?

    What? he gargles.

    I said where’d you get that, fucker.

    He faints and I turn to the next guy.

    I don’t know. It’s a girl that he’s been bragging about. She meets him Fridays when her man...

    It clicks.

    I stomp him in the knee and then use my own knee to knock him out.

    Discarding the limp fuck, I take up the phone.

    Bitchhh... I breath, You fucked this fucker?

    I put the boot to him a few times in places where it will hurt for weeks to come.

    Taking the phone, I walk out of the room. My back is bent, my body aches, inside my heart is squirming. Yet, my eyes: They burn.

    I’m going to make her pay.


    So, I, like, sucked him off again.

    You slut, Karen purrs.

    I know, I say before taking a big slurp of my margarita. It tasted kinda bad, but I really needed it.

    Rick still not performing?

    He is. You know he’s big, right? It’s just so boring. All he does is sit on his computer selling shit. I don’t care about his job. I want him to pay attention to me all the time. You know, like when we first met.

    The waiter eyes me up and I lick my lips. Maybe I’ll fuck him later. I’m not sure. He’s not that cute, but lately I can’t stop myself.

    I set my glass down on the small two person table and toddle on my heels as I stand and wave to the bathroom.

    Gotta pee.

    Karen smirks at me and eyes up the waiter. I don’t mind if she has him first. Most guys prefer the blond bombshell type anyway. It’s always after they find that those girls can’t fuck that they turn to girls like me with browned skin and skills in the bedroom.

    The mirror in the women’s is cracked. I stare into it. I look good. Flushed. It’s nice.

    I walk back to the table and sit down. Karen is gone. There’s a phone on the table.

    I pick it up.

    Then I click the screen button.


    It’s me sucking Jarod’s, or whatever his name is, cock.

    I hear the roar of motorcycles outside. Whoever they are, they are just sitting there revving their engines. I don’t know what is going on.

    A big man told me to give you this.

    The waiter hands it to me and runs for the bar.

    I stare. What is going on?

    You better not be thinking you are coming home after that is all it says.

    What is going on? I ask. Did Rick find out? He’s just some tattooed up prick. There’s no way he’d have the balls to confront me.

    The roar of the motorcycles suddenly stop.



    I sit at the table. I say nothing.

    You sure? Ted asks for the 10th time.

    I nod.

    The boys sit with me. They haven’t been to my home before because I keep my past and my present separate. Looking around most of them comment that I’ve become civilized and a few of them have said that’s a good thing.

    I stare at the coffee maker in the kitchen. Every morning she would make me coffee as I settled down to check my email and do my sales. It now lies on its side where my fist collided with it when I exploded in the kitchen a few minutes before.

    Standing up, I go over,

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