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During (Green) Dusk
During (Green) Dusk
During (Green) Dusk
Ebook52 pages47 minutes

During (Green) Dusk

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About this ebook

This book is a collection of six erotic fantasy short stories. Each story has an element of surprise at the end. The short stories is sure to hold your interest, as well as interesting characters the twist at the end may not be what you think. The content is erotic with explicit sex scenes but very interesting story-lines.

Rosa Giles is a Scottish author and During (Green) Dusk is volume three from her Erotic Collection in a three volume set. Before (Pink) Dusk is volume one and After (Blue) Dusk is volume two.

PublisherRosa Giles
Release dateMay 13, 2017
During (Green) Dusk

Rosa Giles

I am a Scottish author and been writing since I was ten years old. I first started writing songs and then later short stories. I spent many years writing poetry and in 2014 published my first novel. I have a love of walking on beaches, reading, music and studying people. Never a more true quote than its people who will surprise you not nature! I lived on a remote Scottish Island for five years, and spent many an hour wandering down by the sea. It a place for me where I can just be myself and have the much needed thinking time I seem to crave. I love chatting to people too and where most of my idea come from, just the odd sentence or even a word, or a name can form a new and exciting character. The Bluebell Wood was released in the UK in 2014 and had excellent reviews on Amazon. The Sequel The Shetland Gypsy is a story set on a remote Scottish island and was published in January 2017. Rosa Giles Before Pink Dusk is my first erotic fantasy books and aimed to excite, surprise. As well as writing I also teach presentation skills and coach in delivering good speeches. I released Perfect Presentation in December 2017 and is a really useful booklet on helping you gain the skills you need to assist you when speaking in Public. Currently I am getting prepared to release my new novel Finding Claire which will be out in March 2018 and is a story based on a women, who goes on her own journey after discovering her husband has been cheating on her. Writing for me is a need and not a want, and simply, a passion.

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    Book preview

    During (Green) Dusk - Rosa Giles

    During (Green) Dusk

    Volume 3


    By Rosa Giles

    During (Green) Dusk

    Volume Three

    ©2017 Funfair Publishing

    Smashwords Edition

    This is a work of fiction and for adult audiences only.

    All names, characters, places, websites and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locations or persons, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise without the express written permission of Funfair Publishing.

    All rights reserved.

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Stockings and Suspenders – One

    Garden Fences - Two

    The Lunch Break - Three

    Total Workout - Four

    My Best Friend’s Wedding - Five

    The Red Shoes - Six

    Other books by Rosa Giles

    One evening, lovers were seen kissing in the dark, deep and intimate, silence all around,

    Later in the space where they had been lay only green dusk, floating in the air, and except for ghosts from yesterday’s whispers, there was not a single sound…

    A collection of six erotic short stories

    Volume three of three-(Stories thirteen to eighteen)

    Volume one and two are available -

    Before (Pink) Dusk and After (Blue) Dusk

    Stockings and Suspenders – One


    He tells me during our phone call that he likes the idea of me in stockings and suspenders. For our first date? Seems a tad forward to someone like me who hasn’t had sex in two years. I’m already wondering if he is just a sex-mad beast who only wants to fuck me. He hasn’t asked me a single thing about myself yet. He claims to have been in an eighties’ band. I like his voice. I equally admire that he had the confidence to sing a cappella.

    His hair is obviously dyed but it’s jet black and his moustache is extremely thick, and although it has tinges of grey through it, I like the look. He wears dark glasses and I remember every detail of when we met, briefly, at the train station, before I boarded, heading south, two mornings ago. Even thinking about him now makes my lips start to swell.

    His skin is olive. He seems to be about five feet eleven inches tall, and his waist size I’d guess is 34 inches. He wears black jeans with a black shirt. His blazer is Ralph Lauren and beige. He has brown eyes and thick lips and I expect dark hair spurts from his cock but I have yet to find that out. However, he looks like he would have copious amounts of body hair, and an extremely thick cock.


    She is not my usual type. She is voluptuous and incredibly sexy. I’m normally drawn to petite blondes, but I can’t get this woman out of my mind. My hard-on has been permanently there since we first said hello. I like her hair. It is dark brown with little slashes of puff-candy tones through it, like spun gold. Her locks fall to her shoulders in waves. Her hair is neither curly nor straight. She is wearing a skirt that’s black and white, and goes to just above her knees. The material is clingy, showing off her significant curves. She wears a white shirt, chiffon, and it’s in a V shape to her breasts. Whilst I stare at them, all I can think about is what it will be

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