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Unleash Your Superpowers
Unleash Your Superpowers
Unleash Your Superpowers
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Unleash Your Superpowers

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About this ebook

UNLEASHING YOUR SUPERPOWERS is an easy to follow, guided tour into the extraordinary innate powers of your very own mind - venture into unimagined realms of possibility.
The author, Ray Harris, an experienced and successful Life Skills Coach and author, compiled this hitherto unknown information and knowledge from more than twenty years of research, experiment and practical application. Now for the first time, he presents it to you, the reader.
You will discover much hidden knowledge and realise that YOU have Superpowers at your very fingertips!
Find out what these Superpowers are, and how to activate and unleash them, by following easy to follow, step-by-step guidelines.
In this, two accurate ancient divination processes are combined in a unique and powerful way to grant you access to a whole new world!
The structure and content ensures that this eBook will not only intrigue and entertain you, but also act as a detailed reference book - even to the extent of presenting directives to enable you to use the provided material to establish an unusual and lucrative career, if you are inclined to.
An easy navigation process has been incorporated to give you access to any and every section of the book, in seconds.
Open your mind to a unique understanding, and if you so choose, unleash your hidden Superpowers now!

PublisherRay Harris
Release dateApr 29, 2017
Unleash Your Superpowers

Ray Harris

Ray Harris is a self-employed problem-solver. His achievements include several unique real estate developments, a thriving public elementary school, a full-scale development of services and residences for seniors, and most recently, an ambitious public/private partnership to restore and improve public spaces. With a little bit of moxie and a lot of mojo, Ray has made a career out of doing what people said can't be done. His hard-won knowledge on a wide variety of topics is elegantly compiled in "Welcome to Wynott."

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    Unleash Your Superpowers - Ray Harris

    Unleash Your Superpowers


    Ray Harris

    Copyright 2017 Ray Harris

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for any recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy.

    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The Author- Ray Harris


    This book is dedicated to my wife, Sharon Dawn Harris - in fact, as far as I am concerned, her name should have appeared on the cover as a co-author, as her hard work on this book at least equalled mine over the fifteen years it took to put it together! She chose not to have her name appear for technical reasons, and so it is only right and proper that she be fully acknowledged for her invaluable role in producing such a complex work.

    Sharon Dawn Harris


    CHAPTER ONE- Futurum Praedicens

    Mechanical/Rational - The Reading Board

    Energetic Level


    Charm Casting

    CHAPTER TWO - Setting Up for Gon Xi Fa Cai

    Creating your Reading Board

    Creating your Cards

    The 32 Houses on the Board and their Meanings

    The Casting Board: Creating your own Casting Board.

    Selecting your Charms

    CHAPTER THREE - Vital information

    The Grounding Exercise

    An Understanding of Time

    Destiny Points

    Free Will

    The Future

    Energy and Vibration

    CHAPTER FOUR - The Reading Procedure -Step by Step

    CHAPER FIVE - House Card Combinations with Possible meanings


    Universal Laws

    List of Western Astrological Zodiacs and their characteristics:

    CHAPTER SEVEN -Futurum Praedicens as an occupation/career.

    CHAPTER EIGHT -A Comprehensive Guide of the Entire Process


    The DayI Died

    The Dream Interpreter

    The Dream Interpreter Dictionary


    Lighten Up!

    Whispers of Africa



    Since the beginning of recorded history, and probably for hundreds or thousands of years before that, human beings have sought to divine their futures. The obvious reason is because having foreknowledge means one is forearmed and not caught unprepared by surprise events - this puts a person in a position of power and control.

    As such, men and women have sought the services of shamans, witch doctors, seers, diviners, soothsayers, necromancers, astrologers, oracles, and psychics - people who purportedly have the powers to see into the future.

    Of course, man being the devious creature that he is, many of these have been charlatans or chancers who prey on the gullible, naive, or easily influenced... usually for their own gain, be it money, power or some other advantage. This does not mean that all diviners of the future are motivated by greed - there have been thousands who have genuine abilities, and whose motivation has been primarily to help people and to assist them in avoiding calamitous situations.

    There are thousands of stories and myths from the past that show how clairvoyance has changed the destiny of people, and indeed the course of nations. This is not confined only to the past - to this very day, people seek to know the future, and stories abound where clairvoyants have assisted people in the most astonishing ways!

    The idea of clairvoyance is, of course, shrouded in mystery and mysticism. The idea that only 'special' people have the ability to see into the future has been cultured and encouraged to the advantage of those reaping the benefits from such abilities.

    Nothing could be further from the truth, since all human beings have innate clairvoyant abilities!

    If this is so, why then don't more people see into their own futures, and use readers less? The prime reason is that just as a marathon runner needs to practice extensively, so does a clairvoyant, and since most people are not prepared to put in the time and effort required, most people never develop their natural abilities.

    Clairvoyancy is real, and even science is beginning to realize it through the results of experiments that have led to astonishing conclusions related to this concept.

    Russian molecular biologist and biophysicist, Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues have been carrying out cutting-edge research on the more esoteric nature of DNA - their findings have not only been astounding, but support the reality of Clairvoyance! Sciences' laughter at the notion of Clairvoyance and its associative anomalies is becoming decidedly muted.

    Garjajev and his scientists have found that our DNA can cause disturbing patterns in vacuum, thus producing magnetized wormholes! These wormholes are the microscopic equivalent of the so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges in the vicinity of black holes, and are tunnel connections between entirely different areas of the universe, through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. Under certain conditions, the DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness. This form of communication is called Hypercommunication, and is most effective in a state of relaxation, or at least, a special state of relaxation which is discussed later in the body of this work.

    Garjajev and his team have established that Hypercommunication follows the laws of nonlinear waveform-shaping, known to science as Soliton waves. Soliton waves are temporally (mentally) extraordinarily stable and store information for a very long time (You could equate this to a sort of mental internet).

    The DNA of cells communicate with each other and the DNA of other organisms in this way, and not only 'know' about each other, but communicate instantaneously with one another.

    A gene therefore has a holographic memory, which is typically distributed, associative and nonlocal, where the holograms are 'read' by electromagnetic or acoustic fields.

    The above language may be confusing to the layman, so let me simplify it in the expression of the 'bottom line', which is that there is a hologram of all knowledge that is the expression of the universe, from which our cells have the capacity to tap into, and withdraw pertinent information.

    To express this even more simply, the human body has the capacity to tap into a target body (a person enquiring of their future) and withdraw knowledge associated with that body that it could not have previously known! The accuracy of this knowledge is largely dependent on a specific methodology which we will discuss later in this book.

    Those who like to get into the mechanics of the science behind this, can find tons of scientific data to support the statements I have made above - simply go to the internet and in the search bar, type in 'Piotr Garjajev' and follow the 'paper trail'.

    Having established that Clairvoyance is a biological fact, supported by the findings of science, we can now go on with the nitty gritty of how to tap into and develop this amazing human ability, or Superpower, which is the main aim of this book.

    Developing your Clairvoyance is relatively easy, but it does require dedication, as you will see further on. Nevertheless, even if you decide never to develop your innate capacity for Clairvoyance, I have no doubt that you will find the information in this book to be fascinating and informative.

    Remember: Just because you discover how magic works, it does not mean that magic is any less magical - enjoy!

    Ray Harris.

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    This is Latin for 'Predicting your Future', and is what I've called this system that develops your Clairvoyance and that is a practical method of tapping into the future.

    It consists of a unique combination of two ancient systems of divination, and gives rise to the most accurate predictions of the future that I know.

    The first of these systems is derived from an ancient Chinese system of divination called Gong Xi Fa Cai (pronounced Kung Shee Fatsai), closely associated with the short range (one year forward) Kau Cim method of divination. This system of reading the future has been used by the Chinese for well over five thousand years!

    The traditional way of accessing Gong Xi Fa Cai, is through 32 bamboo sticks that are shaken around in a bamboo container by the Enquirer (the person requiring the reading), and then cast upon the ground. The Reader then crawls around on the floor, analysing the fall of the bamboo sticks in accordance with its individual value and how it associates with the other fallen sticks.

    Obviously, crawling around on the ground is not very dignified, and certainly today one would not want to do that, and as such, in the interests of comfort, availability and simplicity, I have developed an equivalent method where cards and charms are used instead of bamboo sticks. As you will see, the materials used could be anything - beads, stones, runes, or whatever, provided they each have an individual decipherable value, so cards are perfectly acceptable and a lot easier to handle. I will discuss the cards in more detail later.

    Essentially, Gong Xi Fa Cai operates on three main levels, being Mechanical, Energetic and Clairvoyance, all three interacting with one another.

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    The first level is largely based on rationality, where the Chinese have very cleverly worked out the areas that most people would be interested in knowing about, regarding their future.

    This involves 32 areas or Life Aspects that effect people, but in fact, are `Pockets’ of Energy residing in the Enquirer's auric field, that are directly connected to his or her life.

    These pockets of energy represent an influence on the life of a person, like for instance, matters involving money, health, career, love, success or relatives and so on.

    In fact, there are many more than 32 such pockets of energy that affect us, but the 32 in question are the most important ones.

    In Gong Xi Fa Cai you have a reading board with 32 blocks or positions called Houses - these facilitate the 32 cards you will be using. In Chapter two you will find a guide to easily create your own Reading Board

    Each block [House] corresponds to an aspect of a person's life.

    Each card denotes the Influence [vibration] currently active.

    The Gong Xi Fa Cai technique is to read these aspects and influences in combination.

    How it works, is that the Reader combines the Symbol of the House on the board with the Symbol on the Card that falls in a particular House - this in turn produces a particular Meaning.

    I.e. if the card of Marriage falls in the House of Marriage, it means that a Marriage is imminent.

    As there are 32 Houses, and 32 Cards, simple arithmetic will tell you that there are 32 combinations:

    32 x 32 = 1024. Thus, there are 1024 possible mechanical symbolic combinations.

    In fact, there are more, as each card is influenced by the four cards directly adjacent to that card, and the 4 cards surrounding these - this in effect means that there are 8 further influences, and as such, the figure of 1024 is multiplied by 8, which gives you a figure of 8,192 combinations.

    Of course, there is no way on this earth that you could remember all the possible meanings of these combinations.

    All you have to remember is the original 32 meanings that will lead you to the combined possibilities. Later in the book, (Chapter 5,) you will be presented with a fully comprehensive reference list of all the possible main mechanical combinations and their meanings, which can be referred to for guidance.

    This however, is just the obvious mechanical meanings, but the true meaning is drawn from the lay of cards by quite a different means, which leads us on to the next level:

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    Energetic Level - the Arrangement of the cards through Energies.

    This second level is a little more difficult for some people to understand, but with a good explanation, an open mind, and using simple logic, it is in fact not so difficult.

    It all starts with the fact that there is a particle of matter that is basic in the Universe. In other words, this basic particle makes up all things in the Universe.

    The reason why things appear different and are not all the same, is because these particles vibrate at different rates. Thus, the Universe is made up of a basic substance that is vibrating at different rates, which in turn produce different elements and forms.

    How does this work?

    If a vibration is set up at a specific frequency, it will cause all the matter in the vicinity of that vibration to attract, and to form an atom.

    The vibratory rate of the atom will in turn attract other atoms to form molecules.

    The molecules will accumulate and form either an element or contribute to the formation of some substance or another. An example of an element is iron.

    An example of a `substance’ can be water, or a more complex assembly of atoms and molecules will form things like trees, plants, rocks and human beings.

    If you understand that the basic underlying influence in the Universe is vibration, then it becomes easier to follow that the vibration of something can influence the vibration of something else.

    A good demonstration of this is if you get hold of two tuning forks (what they use to tune pianos with).

    If you set up a tuning fork on one side of a room, then take the other tuning fork to the other side of the room, and strike it to cause a vibration, you will notice that very soon the first tuning fork also begins to vibrate [resonate], even though there is distance between the two.

    So it follows that, if one thing can influence another at a distance by way of vibrations, then it is easy to grasp that a person, by virtue of the fact that they themselves are vibrating, influences all the people and things they come into contact with as they move through their lives.

    Just so, the things a person comes into contact with, including other people, will be influenced by the vibrations of those things, events or people.

    So if you realize that the things and/or people around you have a vibratory influence on you, this will be evident in your own vibration.

    Since you would be doing a reading in the presence of an Enquirer (if you decide to develop your innate Clairvoyant Superpower capacity), your energy field will connect with that person's energy field, and it is in fact through that person's energy field that you will access information pertinent to them!

    As we have stated before, there are 32 main Pockets of energy that reflect these influences the most.

    These are the 32 main aspects of life; relationships, money, health, career, family and so on.

    But there is a problem here in how one would access the information in these pockets of energy. Because people are thinking, moving entities, these vibrations are constantly changing and fluctuating and this makes the reading of a person’s vibrations problematic.

    In order to keep the vibrations as static as possible, so that the reader can read the vibrations without interference, it follows that the ideal situation would be to transfer those vibrations to an inanimate object, which is static (non – moving or non - changing).

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    How to do this?

    Quite easy – by using any inanimate object and getting the person whom you wish to read, to handle that object. This in effect, transfers the vibrations of that person from themselves to the chosen object, which can then be easily read, as the vibrations are less fluid than when in the person's auric field which is constantly changing.

    So what would be the ideal object to use?

    As previously stated, in the original Gong Xi Fa Cai, bamboo sticks are the object into which the vibrations of the Enquirer are passed. For reasons already discussed, the version we will use here is by means of cards, which are also inanimate, are much easier to handle, and do exactly the same job – namely transferring the energies into the cards and 'freezing' them in time.

    Thus, when a person handles the cards, they transfer their vibrations into the cards.

    The cards are then shuffled by the Enquirer and laid face upwards’ on the reading board, starting from the Top Left Block and the cards will fall precisely as they should. I will describe the details of the cards and reading board later in the book.

    But it’s not as straightforward as that – there is a third influence and that is made up of various influences:

    The first area that is influenced are obviously the cards, which have taken on the Enquirer's vibrations, and through the shuffling thereof, the person’s Higher Self influences the arrangement of the cards by orchestrating the actual sequence of how the cards are placed.

    It is important to know that the Higher Self has a vast influence over a person’s life, whether they know it or not, and it is actually the Enquirer‘s Higher Self that has orchestrated the laying of the cards so that they are placed exactly as they should be for the reading.

    Explaining this to people can prove somewhat difficult at times, due to their background, level of open-mindedness and religious influence. You may need to pick up whether a person you are reading has the capacity to believe this or not.

    We have found that it is best to tell the Enquirer that this is the way it works, and whether they accept it or not, is up to them.

    There is another (second) influence on the above area, and that is `personages’ or `entities’ who have passed over, or died, who have a need to express something, or have a message for the Inquirer, which may influence the fall of one or more cards during the shuffling process.

    These personages may or may not be related to the enquirer.

    Again, the acceptance of this idea by the enquirer is entirely up to them.

    In any event, the shuffling process is in fact, the single most important contribution to the fall of the cards, and thus, the reading as a whole.

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    Clairvoyance/Intuition - Your Superpower!

    The third level of influence comes from the level of sensitivity of the Reader (yourself).

    Clairvoyance means the ability to look beyond the normal world and obtain information about a person, event, condition or situation through ESP or other paranormal means, such as Clairaudience (the ability to hear voices of those deceased, or of other spirits).

    Clairvoyance is sometimes referred to as `second sight’ where the presence of ghosts or spirits are perceived, but that is only one aspect of Clairvoyance - there are many others.

    Everyone has the capacity for Clairvoyance, but their level of Clairvoyance may be undeveloped, partially developed, or fully developed (For instance someone 'born' with this ability fully developed).

    We will proceed from the point where we presume that a Reader's level of Clairvoyance is undeveloped.

    The place to begin is by using the mechanical combination of the meanings of the Houses and the Cards that fall in them (Gong Xi Fa Cai), by virtue of the influence of the Enquirer’s vibrations, Higher Self, and/or `passed on entities’.

    You begin by looking at the Card that falls in each House, and decide what the mechanical symbolic combination means.

    For instance, if the card of Marriage falls in the House of Marriage, the mechanical meaning is that a marriage will occur - either the Enquirer will be married, or someone connected to the Enquirer will marry.

    This act alone will activate your Clairvoyant sensitivity, and increase it in direct relation to the number of times you read.

    Thus, the more you Read, the more sensitised your level of Clairvoyance becomes.

    Remember, everyone has to start somewhere, and this is an excellent means of raising your level of sensitivity.


    In order to help you with all the meanings, refer to the `Reference list of Symbolic meanings of Cards and Houses’ in Chapter Five. This will assist you as you progress.

    It is important to know that these are the mechanical or direct meanings and are not written in stone – the meanings may change according to what you sense, see or intuit at the time of the reading; this will depend on the development stage of your Clairvoyant sensitivity.

    As such, the real number of combinations become infinite.

    So what will you be looking for?


    Absolutely anything that comes to you, whether it comes in the form of a symbol which you will interpret according to your own frame of reference, voices, pictures, scenes that play out, or even the presence of a spirit.

    You need to be ready for anything.

    Usually you will find that symbols or colours and sometimes numbers are the first to come to you.

    As you develop, you will begin to move on to pictures and then actual scenes that play out in a sequence like in a dream or vision.

    Finally you may begin to sense and even see entities from the dimension on `the other side’ or intuitively `know’ something.

    Whatever comes to you may or may not be combined with the mechanical aspect of the meanings of the Cards. This is usually dependent on the `lay’ of the cards in relation to one another.

    The secret of Clairvoyance lies in the very first thought, image, feeling etc. that comes to you – if you have to think about it, discard it!

    Always stay with the first thing that comes into your mind.

    Provided you trust these immediate thoughts or impressions, your level of Clairvoyance will rise and this combined interpretation will provide you with an accurate divination of the cards. This is in effect, releasing your innate Superpowers, and as time goes on, you will realize that they are indeed Superpowers!

    The complexity and extent of your reading will depend very much on the Enquirer.

    You will intuitively pick up what the person’s intent is – which can vary from a bored housewife seeking entertainment, to someone looking for vital information/confirmation on something that will affect their lives to varying degrees.

    This will lead you to either a basic mechanical type reading, (for those treating it like entertainment) which can take around an hour to do. Or, you may be lead into a complex interweaving of associative Cards and Houses, together with your Clairvoyant intuition that can easily take up to four hours or so.

    The Futurum Praedicens system uses the Chinese Gong Xi Fa Cai system of divination in combination with Charm Casting.

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    CHARM CASTING is the second half of this unique divination process, and works as follows:

    Throughout the world in ancient times, virtually all tribes of every nation used a form of 'casting' in their divination process. In Africa, the 'witch doctors' use a form of this called 'throwing the bones'. I learned this process from a number of 'witch doctors', and have found that it fits very well with Gong Xi Fa Cai, in that it both confirms and adds information to a reading.

    Instead of using bones, which would be rather macabre to most people, I have converted using bones to using charms. I have included a list of these a bit further on.

    The charms are placed in a container with a lid. After the Charms have been cleared (I will inform you later how this is done), the Enquirer then lifts the lid of the container and breathes into it, over the charms - this process is called 'Breath of Life' and effectively transfers the Enquirer's vibration into the charms, just like the handling of the cards did.

    Once this is done, the Enquirer closes the lid, shakes the container around, opens the lid, and casts the charms over a half coconut shell, which has been placed in the centre of the Casting reading board.

    The charms therefore tumble out of the container and scatter around the half coconut shell, to lie in specific positions.

    Each charm has a meaning, and this meaning is divined by taking into account the charm's location in relation to the other charms on the board around it.

    Once again, the three mechanisms of divination come into play - that is, the Mechanical lay of the charms, the Energetic influence on the casting of the charms, and the Clairvoyant aspect arising from the Reader, just as in the Gong Xi Fa Cai half of the reading.

    In the Futurum Praedicens system, the Gong Xi Fa Cai half of the reading is read first.

    At the end of it, the Enquirer is given a chance to ask any questions before moving over to the Casting half of the system.

    The beauty of the Charm Casting, it that it will confirm much of what was read in the Gong Xi Fa Cai reading, as well as add further information for the Enquirer.

    Futurum Praedicens provides the Enquirer with a short-term reading; that is, for the next 90 days, and in some cases for up to a year.

    You will discover that you will also pick up some information from the Enquirer's past and present, and although not part of the future, it almost always astonishes the Enquirer that such information has come through to you, which is a good thing in a way, because it bolsters your credibility.

    Often I have brought up information from the past of the Enquirer that was secret to the Enquirer. I'll give you an example:

    One lady I did a reading for, was looking for confirmation through the reading, of a decision she was about to make. After the reading was complete, I received a sudden flash of intuition that this woman was living with a huge amount of guilt. She had a secret that nobody knew of!

    I said to her, You don't have to feel guilty about what you did on your twenty third birthday.

    She was at first confused, but then I saw understanding dawn in her eyes, and she immediately became guarded, saying, What do you mean by what I did?

    I told her, The abortion. Well, she went pale as a ghost and nearly fell off her chair. It took her a few moments to recover, and she said, I don't know what you are talking about!

    I said to her, Yes, you do, but let me explain something to you - often women get pregnant, and lose the baby naturally. This is because a biological process has begun as a result of intercourse, but a spirit has not yet attached itself to the foetus. This was the case with your foetus, and so the abortion was simply the removal of a foetus that would have aborted naturally at a later stage anyway. Of course, you could not know that at the time, which is why you had the abortion.

    She was deathly quiet for a while, and eventually said, Yes, you are right - I did have an abortion, but nobody can know about it... please don't tell anyone.

    Of course I would never do anything like that, since information received from an Enquirer is something I view as absolutely confidential. The only reason I am mentioning it now is because she has since reconciled herself to her act, and has given me permission to use the information in this book.

    So as you can see, often sensitive information arises from your readings that may need to be handled carefully and tactfully. In fact, sometimes you will not even tell the Enquirer what you have seen. An example of this is if you see their imminent death! In such cases, I usually suggest that there is a need for them to spend time with their families, and also in a roundabout way, to get their affairs in order.

    I once had a lady in for a reading, and as soon as she'd laid the cards, I could see that a shocking situation was taking place.

    I asked her if she knew that someone was plotting her death. She nodded, and told me that she had just that morning been given information by one of the black workers that she and her husband employed, that the husband had offered him a few thousand to kill her so that he could marry another woman without the fuss of divorce and the possible loss of his business.

    I warned her to not go back home, but to stay with family and friends, but she insisted that she needed to go home to recover important documents. I said to her that no document was important enough to go back for, and to rather work through the police and a solicitor.

    She left, and I never saw her again. My intuition was that she was murdered.

    Such sensitive information can affect you as the reader as well, so in some cases it is best not to divulge what you have seen or intuited.

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    Creating your own Reading Board

    The first thing you will need is a board with the positions of the cards on it. This does not need to be an elaborate affair, but its design does depend on the sort of image you are wanting to project.

    My first board was a canvas stretched for a painting - I painted koi fish on it, then superimposed rectangles over that to show the position for the laying of the cards. Later I got fancier and had a design printed on signage board - See below.

    This may be the easiest way for you to get started since any signage company could produce this for you quickly and cheaply. All you would have to provide them with is the image for them to print. The image you supply them with can be anything that takes your fancy, but should be in keeping with whatever impression or style you wish to present yourself to the Enquirer with. If you want to go Gypsy, make sure your image is in keeping with that. If you want to go Chinese, as I have done, go with a Chinese image, and so on.

    Measurements, Spacings and Sizes:

    The outside dimensions of the board are 620mm (width) x 482mm (height).

    The rectangles' markings are 90mm (height) x 64mm width) - about a millimetre bigger than the size of the cards. These will be positioned in four horizontal rows of eight blocks each.

    The spacing of the rectangle markings is critical and are as follows:

    The top row of 8 rectangles should be 30mm from the top of the board.

    The spaces between the rectangle rows from left to right are 12mm between the rectangles, with the distance of the first and eighth rectangle from the edges of the board, also being 12mm on either side.

    The spaces between the rectangle rows (3 spaces for 4 rows of 8 rectangles) should be 27mm each.

    This is going from top to bottom.

    The bottom row of 8 rectangles should be 12mm from the bottom of the board.

    You will also have to include the names of the Houses above each rectangle on the board - here you could simply put in the name of the house, or make it more mysterious as I did, by inserting symbols.

    As you can see, I used Chinese symbols as I can read Chinese, and the Enquirer would be unlikely to be able to do that. The same thing can be said of other symbols - if you choose a symbol to represent a House on the board, only you should know what that symbol means.

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    The Houses on the Gong Xi Fa Cai Board and their Meanings.

    HOUSE: Compass Thoughts

    (On the board, the position is top left of the board -1st Card in the top row)

    This House represents Thoughts of the Enquirer – past, present and future, which may be conscious or subconscious.

    They may be Thoughts on any matter pertaining to the Enquirer

    They are also thoughts of the Enquirer going outward to others.

    It may also represent the thoughts of others coming in – that is, towards or about the Enquirer from other people or entities in the spiritual realm, which includes people who have passed on.

    HOUSE: Wishes

    (Second rectangle on the top row on the board, moving to the right)

    This House represents the prevailing condition of the wishes, hopes and desires of the Enquirer – that is, whether the chances of those wishes, hopes or desires are likely to occur, or not within the next 90 days. Sometimes it can reflect that only some of these wishes, hopes and desires will come to pass, while others will not, or only come to pass later on.

    Very often the wishes may come about, but not in the way that the Enquirer envisioned.

    HOUSE: Success

    (Third rectangle on the top row of the board, moving to the right)

    This House represents the general level of success that the Enquirer will have pertaining to particular subjects or aspects of the Enquirers life during the next 90 days.

    HOUSE: Moon love

    (Fourth rectangle on the top row of the board, moving to the right)

    The House of Moon Love refers to the Enquirers Love, Romantic, or Life Partner aspects; the conditions of these, as well as whether these influences are moving towards the Enquirer or away from the Enquirer.

    It may also include family or friends that the Enquirer loves, but usually it is of a romantic nature.

    This includes people who are already married or partnered, as it can indicate a fresh wind blowing through the marriage or partnership, or a possible liaison outside of the marriage.

    HOUSE: Surprises

    (Fifth rectangle on the top row of the board, moving to the right)

    This House predicts that some Surprise will be experienced by the Enquirer within the 90 day period – it is something that is completely outside the mind of the Enquirer, who will have to wait until it occurs to find out what it is. The Reader is also blocked off from this information, otherwise the Surprise factor would fall away. Bear in mind that Surprises can be both pleasant and desirable, or unpleasant and undesirable.

    Although the direct information is blocked off from the Reader, clues as to the nature of the Surprise can be determined by scanning the cards surrounding this House.

    HOUSE: Popularity/ People / Public

    (Sixth rectangle on the top row of the board, moving to the right)

    This House represents a variety of factors connected to people and will also be influenced by the card sequence, as well as the card lay surrounding that house. This House would be connected to the public, or to specific people in the Enquirers life, and also his/her level of popularity or positive influences regarding these people.

    Very often this card links up with relatives, friends and people that the Enquirer works with.

    HOUSE: The Abode

    (Seventh rectangle on the top row of the board, moving to the right)

    The House of Abode connects the Enquirer to all matters surrounding his home condition, whether or not he owns his own home – it relates to where he is staying. If an Enquirer is hoping to buy a home, the chances of it occurring will be reflected by the card that falls in that House. Conversely, if the Enquirer is selling a home, or wanting to move, or aiming to upgrade his/her home, the card that falls in that House will point to the outcome.

    HOUSE: Journey

    (Eighth and last rectangle on the top row of the board, moving to the right)

    This House points to whether the next 90 days will involve abnormal physical movement of the Enquirer, that is, movement that is not usual to the Enquirer. The card that falls into this house will point to the direction, type or condition of such movement. For example, if the card of Journey falls into the House of Journey, it usually denotes a long distance is involved – either to a faraway city, or an overseas trip, or that he/she will be doing a lot of travelling in the next 90 days.

    It also often links up with the Abode when indicating a change of home or living quarters, or moving to another area.

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    HOUSE: Legal Papers

    (Second row far left rectangle)

    The House of Legal Papers points to Legal actions for or against the Enquirer (such as a court case or fine), but can also indicate some bureaucratical requirement that the Enquirer will be required to fulfil.

    It can also indicate a Contract or agreement between the Enquirer and someone else, or an Employment contract that is either entered into or dissolved. It can also involve Legalities of some sort, such as the pay-out of a Deceased Estate or Royalties etc.

    HOUSE: Vocation

    (Second row, second rectangle from the left)

    This House indicates the conditions surrounding the Enquirers method of income whether self-employed or employed by someone else - this includes any passive income. It can indicate the prevailing conditions of his/her job, coming changes, or levels of income to increase, decrease or be lost.

    HOUSE: Marriage/Union

    (Second row, third rectangle from the left)

    This House can indicate an actual Marriage that is in the offing (either that of the Enquirer or someone connected to the Enquirer), or the beginning or dissolution of a relationship or partnership.

    It can also predict the coming together of people, setting up of a business relationship, or conditions in a marriage or other relationship/s.

    In general, this House denotes the energies surrounding separate entities of any nature that are drawn towards one another to unify into a different condition.

    HOUSE: Happiness

    (Second row, fourth rectangle from the left)

    This House indicates the level of Happiness the Enquirer can expect over the next 90 days, or in some circumstances, the influence that the Enquirer has over the happiness of others, or a general positive condition that will prevail in some condition affecting the Enquirers life.

    HOUSE: Celebration.

    (Second row, fifth rectangle from the left)

    This House usually denotes the coming of some sort of Celebration, i.e. a birthday, anniversary, memorial, triumph or success etc. It can also predict a general positive celebratory tone in a specific area denoted by the card that falls in this House during the reading.

    HOUSE: Messages

    (Second row, sixth rectangle from the left)

    This House represents all Messages transmitted vocally – either directly, over a telephone, or a recorded message.

    The content and tone of the Message will be indicated by virtue of the card that falls into this House during the reading.

    HOUSE: Relatives

    (Second row, seventh rectangle from the left)

    This House usually points to blood Relatives, but occasionally to friends that are regarded as family. It represents various conditions which will arise during the next 90 days that are linked to a single person or group of people that the Enquirer regards as family. Whether the condition is favourable or unfavourable will depend on the card that falls into that House during the reading.

    HOUSE: Health

    (Last rectangle in second row, extreme right)

    The House of Health usually points to the physical health of the Enquirer, but can also give a positive or negative slant to a condition that arises in the general reading – these usually are confined to cycles within the reading and are also influenced by the surrounding card falls.

    It can also denote the health or level of positivity or negativity of other areas of the Enquirer's life by virtue of the card that falls in that house.

    In addition, it can denote the health condition of a relative or loved one insomuch as it would affect the Enquirer.

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    HOUSE: Money

    (Third row far left rectangle)

    The House of Money indicates the financial condition of the Enquirers life over the next 90 days, but can also indicate a windfall or loss, dependent on the card that falls into this House and the surrounding card influences. It should be noted that such influences can point to the general wealth of the Enquirer as well and not just money per se. In other words, it can have to do with value that is expressed in other terms (like ownership of land etc.).

    HOUSE: Seasons

    (Third row, second rectangle from the left)

    The House of Seasons points to literal Seasons (summer, winter etc.), but in the reading it is more likely to point to whether or not something will occur with the next 90 days, which is the ‘Season of the Enquirers reading’.

    HOUSE: Friends

    (Third row, third rectangle from the left)

    Although the House of Friends applies to whoever the Enquirer regards as a friend/s, it can also point to a family member that is so close that the Enquirer regards that person as a friend. This House points to prevailing or coming conditions with regards Friends, and/or the Enquirer's interaction with them.

    HOUSE: Gifts

    (Third row, fourth rectangle from the left)

    The House of Gifts can be literal – that is that the Enquirer can expect a Gift within the next 90 days, but it can also be a condition that gives the same feeling or emotion as when one receives a gift. In some instances it can be regarded as the receipt of a blessing, or the emergence of some talent that the Enquirer did not realize he/she possessed.

    Whatever form the Gift takes, this House indicates the influence that such a Gift will have on the Enquirer. In some cases it can also indicate that the Enquirer will give someone a gift.

    HOUSE: Letters

    (Third row, fifth rectangle from the left)

    The House of Letters represent all forms of written communication or recording of information and can include advertising and administrative activities. This House is similar to the House of Messages, but is confined to the written word. Such writing can appear on paper documents, letters, writs, sms’s, emails, faxes etc. It can also indicate literature of some sort (books), which may have an influence on the Enquirer. It is also sometimes linked to learning or the acquisition of information, or the recording of information.

    HOUSE: Trouble

    (Third row, sixth rectangle from the left)

    The House of Trouble is an indicator of negative influences in the life of the Enquirer. Even so, it can also predict the passing of a negative influence in the Enquirers life by virtue of the card that falls in this House during the reading, or by the surrounding cards.

    HOUSE: Disappointment

    (Third row, seventh rectangle from the left)

    Similar to the House of Troubles, this House also indicates a negative influence that is either prevailing in the life of the Enquirer, or such an influence that is to come. Again, it can also predict the passing of such an influence, dependent on the cards that fall into, or around this House at the time of the reading.

    HOUSE: Death

    (Last rectangle in third row, extreme right)

    The interpretations from this House is often feared by Enquirers, as it denotes Death/End literally. It may predict the Death of a family member, or of the Enquirer himself/herself! As such, one should proceed carefully with the information that arises from this House. Readers should think twice about telling the Enquirer of an imminent

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