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Fatherly Figure
Fatherly Figure
Fatherly Figure
Ebook193 pages3 hours

Fatherly Figure

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Egan has a crush. A crush on a man who he knows he can never have. And that man is the father of his best friend. A man named Mark. Mark is the father on the block that everybody fears. All his neighbors treat him like he’s a pot getting ready to boil over; none of them openly trying to be on his bad side. Because Mark has a past – an abusive one. And his wife was his victim. But Egan sees a change in the man; or is he simply blinded by his lust for Mark? 

This title has been called Tyson Anthony’s hottest novel yet with an ending that will have all asking “What would I do?” – presenting Fatherly Figure. 

PublisherTyson Anthony
Release dateMay 16, 2017
Fatherly Figure

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    the sex scenes was good, but the way it ended was a cliff hanger. people don't like cliff hangers.

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Fatherly Figure - Tyson Anthony

Table of Contents

Tyson Anthony Presents

2 – Pussy

3 - Jumpin

4 -  Repair

5 - Solo

6 - Pipes

7 – The Crib

8 – The Outfit

9 - Dad

10 – Greatness


Tyson Anthony Presents

A Novel – Fatherly Figure

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Rated M [Graphic M/M Sex]

-Table of Contents-

1 – 2 -3 – 4 – 5

6 – 7 -8 -9 -10

1 - Fantasy

Egan had a crush. A crush on a man who he knew he could never have. And that man was the father of his best friend. A man named Mark. Mark was the father on the block that everybody feared. All the men treated him like he was a pot getting ready to boil over; none of them openly trying to be on his bad side. And nobody befriended his son mainly because they didn’t want to be around the man.

Mark wasn’t perfect, there being a reason a lot of people feared him. Him beating his wife was the worst kept secret. They had many public fights that ended with her leaving him and her son behind. But just like how so many overlooked his troubled past, so did Egan. Mark was funny, could fix anything, and he was a handsome man.

The moment Egan found out Mark was coming over to him and his mother’s house to fix the refrigerator he started plotting and living out a fantasy. A fantasy he was almost desperate to make happen when he decided to wear nothing but some boxers to answer the door to let Mark in.

Mark entered the house carrying a dingy back pack of tools, Where your momma?

The towering and dark-skinned Mark wore grey sweats and a fitted white t-shirt that barely could contain his muscles. He had a beard covering his pointed jaw and low buzz-cut hair. He could easily run over Egan who stopped at the man shoulders, had mocha toned skinned, a lean frame, and a fade cut.

Work, Egan said, But she told me you were coming to look at the fridge.

Mark nodded, Yeah. How you doin?

Studying, Egan said, Doing the whole college thing. Andre liking the military?

Mark rolled his eyes, He calls home complaining. But that’s what he do best.

Egan softly laughed and motioned over to the kitchen, The fridge in there.

Mark laughed, I know where fridges are, Egan.

Mark headed inside the kitchen and Egan shut the house door. He stared the man down as he walked into the kitchen. Mark oozed confidence. It’s like he knew everybody feared him, demanded his handyman skills, or secretly wanted him. He put down his bag and got to work on the refrigerator. Mark cussed under his breath as he struggled a bit to pull the refrigerator out of the corner.

Egan, Mark called out, Come help me move this.

Egan loved the way the man called his name, Alright.

Egan approached the refrigerator as Mark slipped off his shirt revealing his toned body and hung it around his neck. Though he wanted to focus on Mark, Egan kept his eyes on the fruit shaped refrigerator magnets. They started working on moving the refrigerator. Egan took a quick glance at Mark’s flexing body. The man’s sweats sagged up a bit revealing his black briefs that hugged his muscle booty. Egan couldn’t even remember when this crush had begun, but it was driving him crazy yet he loved it. They managed to get the fridge out of the corner.

Mark patted at Egan’s chest, Don't stand there trying to look strong. I did all the work.

Egan softly laughed, Yeah, but you still needed me though.

Well, I can handle everything from this point on, Mark said, Is your momma paying me for this?

She didn’t say, Egan said.

Mark scoffed, Everybody around expect me to work for free. She good this time.

Okay, Egan said.

Egan walked off and left the kitchen. But instead of heading to his room he hung out by the kitchen entry watching Mark work. The man’s cut body was making Egan’s dick hard in his boxers. And every time Mark bent over to grab a tool from his bag, his briefs would get stuck a bit between his booty. Egan couldn’t resist pulling his dick out of his boxer hole. He tried to be as quiet as possible as he started to beat off as he watched the man work.

Egan spit in his hand as he got more into pleasuring himself. He wanted Mark to come over and touch him, kiss him, but that was all a fantasy that remained in his head. Egan got brave and dropped his boxers all the way to the floor as he continued to pleasure himself only a few feet away from the man that he wanted. He shut his eyes tight as he started to bust all over the hardwood floor.

Egan’s toes curled and he did his best to contain any moan. The moment the last drop hit the floor Egan shifted his boxers around with his foot to wipe up his nut from the floor. Egan picked up his stained boxers and stared at the mess he made.

Egan, Mark shouted from the kitchen.

Egan glanced into the kitchen to notice Mark walking towards the doorway. Egan panicked and quickly slipped back on his nut stained boxers. The moment he got them around his waist Mark turned the corner and bumped into him. Mark stared Egan down like he was ready to crush him.

Yeah, Egan uttered out as he tried to maintain his cool but ended up looking more uncomfortable.

Mark looked at him puzzled, Nigga, what’s wrong with you, huh?

Huh? I’m good. What’s up? Egan asked.

Y’all keeping the cold drinks anywhere? Mark asked.

Nah, Egan said, I think she was bringing home some ice and a cooler tonight.

Shit, well imma finish working on this on the weekend, Mark said, And she can’t complain because she’s not paying. It looks like some of the wires peeling and that’s gonna take me an entire day to fix. I’m not going to get it done tonight. Let her know I’ll be back, okay?

Egan nodded, Alright.

Mark slipped on his shirt, Keep your face in those books, okay? Or you gonna end up fixing shit for free like me.

I told you I’m always studying, Egan said.

Mark dapped Egan and left the house. Egan locked the door behind the man and let out a big sigh. He came so close to literally being caught with his pants down. Egan headed upstairs to change out of his nut stained boxers and take a shower. He lay across his bed nude flipping through a text book he was tired of reading. Egan was going to school for accounting. He was always good with math. His mother made college mandatory or gave him the option of moving to deep south to stay with his father who had three other kids and an annoying wife.

Egan’s phone rang and it was Mark calling. He didn’t hesitate to answer, Hello?

Bring my bag, Mark said, I left it in the kitchen and I need it for the morning.

Egan sat up, Okay.

Egan hung up the phone and slipped on some black shorts and a red hoody, his sneakers matching the color scheme. He once again started to slip into some type of sexual fantasy.


Egan left the house carrying Mark’s heavy bag of tools. Along the way he waved at some of the neighbors he had lived next door to forever. This neighborhood was the kind where everybody knew and looked out for each other. Since he was a kid Egan ran up and down this block. There was so much history here, good and bad. Egan spotted the fire hydrant he crashed into the night he stole his mother’s car. And nobody could forget the spot on the curb where Mark’s wife sat crying with a bruised face.

Egan arrived to Mark’s house and knocked on the door. There was no answer so Egan called Mark instead but he didn’t pick up. Egan was tempted to leave the bag on the porch but didn’t want to risk Mark’s stuff getting stolen. Theft was something that happened often around here, Egan losing plenty of unchained bikes. He turned the knob and the door was actually opened. Egan slipped inside the home that was a glorified man cave. It had always looked this way even when a woman had called it home.

Mark had football merchandise of his favorite team, the Falcons, everywhere. The entire color scheme of the home matched the team colors. Mark’s home wasn’t that clean or neatly organized, definitely missing a woman’s touch. Egan put the bag down near the door and entered further into the home to let Mark know he brought his stuff. He walked down the hallway and approached Mark’s room door.

The door was cracked and the moment Egan was about to knock a nude Mark entered his view. Through the cracked door Egan was treated to a full body look at Mark’s damp and naked dark-skinned body. The man was in deep thought as he used some coconut oil from his dresser to moisturize his body that was a mass collection of muscles. Egan’s heart thumped as he got a look at the man’s muscled booty and his hanging cut dick. Not wanting lust and greed to get him caught, Egan stepped back from the room door, walked down the hall a bit, and called out Mark’s name.

Mark poked his head out of the room door, Nigga, why you in my house?

The um...door was opened and I brought your bag, Egan said, I called you.

Yeah, my bad, I was in the shower, Mark said, I’m trying to settle in before this game starts.

Oh, Egan said.

You watch football? Mark asked.

A little bit, Egan said, Lately, I’ve only been watching my books and shit.

Mark laughed, Grab two beers from the refrigerator. I’ll be out in a minute.

Egan wasn’t planning on staying. He actually needed to be studying but felt as if the more time he spent with Mark the closer they would become. Egan went into the kitchen to grab two beers out of Mark’s half empty refrigerator. He turned to leave the kitchen and ended up bumping into Mark who only wore some fitted black briefs. Mark grabbed one beer from Egan and headed into the living room. The man flopped down on the couch and turned on the game. Egan joined him and sat on the other end of the couch.

Mark smirked at him, Don’t act like you don’t drink. You and Andre used to steal my beers.

Egan smirked as he took a sip, You just got a bad memory – we ain’t took nothin.

Mark laughed, Lying ass. So how you really doing?

Me? Egan said.

Yeah, you nigga, Mark said, How’s life? Let’s talk man to man. Pour it out.

Well, besides living at home and taking boring classes, I’m good, Egan said.

Your daddy still building his new family? Mark asked.

Yeah, Egan said.

He never liked your momma, Mark said, So I wasn’t surprised when he left her. I didn’t expect him to go start another family though. He always talked about freedom. Shit, I’m loving my freedom. But I ain’t gonna sit here and pretend Lisa ain’t run from me. I did some bad things to her. Everybody know that.

Egan nodded, Yeah. But...people change.

Mark laughed, How you know if I changed or not?

Well, ain’t no females came running out your house lately, Egan poked.

Mark burst out laughing, Funny, but thank you for noticing that. A lot of people act like I’m still kicking Lisa down the stairs and shit. I was dumb and angry and now I’m not. It’s nice knowing you see that unlike all these other niggas who pretend. You real, Egan. Mark got up to go grab a beer. He returned cupping his crotch, Lisa used to suck the hell out of a dick though. That’s the only thing I miss about having her.

Egan for a moment wished he was her, Oh.

Mark laughed, Don’t act shy. I used to hear you and Andre talking nasty all the time.

That was your son doing all the talking, Egan said, He was a pervert.

Andre was the type of friend who thought flashing people was funny. He got suspended often.

Mark laughed, Oh, I know. You to though. Y’all used to steal all my magazines.

Nope, all your son, Egan said, I forgot porn magazines exist.

Mark raised his finger and rushed out of the room. He returned with a stack of porn magazines and tossed them in Egan’s lap. Egan remembered each one of these magazines. He and Andre would sneak them out of Mark’s hiding spot in the closet. Andre was lay in his bed beating off to the girls in the magazine. And Egan would lay on the floor beating off as he imagined Mark pleasuring himself to the women.

Mark sat down next to Egan smirking, I’m down if you down.

For what? Egan asked as he balanced the stack of magazines on his lap.

Mark flipped open a magazine and pulled out his dick, A jerk session, nigga.

Egan was doing his best to pretend to be interested in the magazines and not the fact that Mark was sitting next to him with his dick in his hand.


Mark’s dick hung out of his briefs as he stood up and grabbed the stack of magazines from Egan’s lap. The man grabbed one copy, flipped it open and went to go sit on the other end of the couch. He used the magazine to hide his dick as he sat jerking off.

Egan couldn’t believe this was happening. But he was sure things like this went down between guys all the time. He and Andre had jerked off before plenty of times in the same room while ogling woman. But Egan didn’t care about the woman then or now. But had to pretend at least.

Mark looked down to him, This ain’t your style no more? You can’t work with paper bitches?

Nah, Egan said as he quickly grabbed a magazine, This fine.

Mark nodded, Okay, cool.

Mark focused back on jerking off. Egan was so nervous. He’d done this before but with somebody he had zero attraction too. Egan was actually afraid that Mark would assume his hard dick was all because of him and not the women in the magazine. Egan knew he needed to own this moment. He knew if he showed Mark how comfortable he was around him more nights like this would follow.

If jerking off together was the closest he’ll ever get to the man, Egan could live with that. Instead of being reserved Egan decided to

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