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Blue Lives Matter. It’s a phrase Rockwell and his big brother James hear often being the sons of a cop. But their father happens to be one of the many violent and crooked cops in the town of Ellenwood. Rockwell grew up following his brother every where around the hood but as he gets older he begins to discover some dark things about Ellenwood on his own.

The drug and sex enthused basement parties is only the tip of the ice berg when it comes to some of the crazy secrets of the Ellenwood. Even Rockwell has his own secret – his attraction to men is growing and being surrounded low saggers and physically fit streetball players is making it tough for him to control himself. 

Tyson Anthony once again delivers a coming of age novel following such titles as About Him, Convicted, and Naked. A new series begins in the dangerous streets of Ellenwood introducing readers to a wide variety of new characters. 

PublisherTyson Anthony
Release dateMay 16, 2017

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    Ellenwood - Tyson Anthony

    Tyson Anthony Presents

    A Novel – Ellenwood: Lil Brother

    Join My Mailing List for Updates – Click Here

    Rated M [Graphic M/M Sex]

    -Table of Contents-

    1 – 2 -3 – 4 – 5

    6 – 7 -8 -9 -10

    11 – 12 – 13 – 14 – 15 - 16

    1 – Lil Brother

    Ever since Rockwell was five he followed his older brother James everywhere. And not only that – he copied everything James did. He liked the same music as his brother, played the same sports, and crushed on the same girls. As they both got older – they remained just as close. Most of James’ closest friends were also Rockwell’s friends though he also had a couple of his own. Rockwell was extremely close to and idolized his brother – a rivalry between the siblings rarely sparking.

    Tonight was one of those life changing nights when Rockwell decided to follow his brother. Rockwell had just had a lackluster eighteenth birthday party. But tonight their friend Sinclair was getting out of jail and was having a big party. Everybody wanted to go knowing there would be food, drugs, drinks, and girls.

    Rockwell stood in the doorway of his brother’s room waiting for him to get dressed. They both had adopted their own fashion sense. A lanky James went to college and came back one of those guys who always rocked a pressed dress shirt, slacks, and some nice shoes to go with his attire. His fade cut was clean and as neatly trimmed as the facial hair on the twenty-one-year old’s face. But no matter how nice he dressed – nothing could change the fact that James grew up hanging with the most hoods dude in Ellenwood.

    Rockwell’s style on the other hand was more simple. He wore a fitted white shirt that hugged his lean body, burgundy sweats, and some black converse. He was shorter than his brother and his mother said that would never change because he spent so much time looking up to him.

    James looked to Rockwell and smirked, You sure you wanna come?

    Hell yeah, Rockwell said, I need to bounce back from my whack ass party.

    I’m not your babysitter tonight, okay?

    Listen, I know what kinda shit gonna be going down, Rockwell said.

    James walked up to Rockwell with a serious look on his face, And if you fuck some girl tonight, wear a condom. You don’t want to have to go through what I went through when I got Canella pregnant. I know this sounds fucked up – but her miscarrying was low-key one of the happiest moments in my damn life. If you need a condom – I got you.

    Rockwell smirked, I can’t fit them small things.

    James burst out laughing and put his brother in a headlock, Alright, big man.

    Rockwell laughed as he wrestled out of his brother’s hold. He used his hands to smooth down his haircut that was shaved down on the sides and was a bit curly at the top. He followed his brother through the house they had grown up in. Their mom was in the kitchen cleaning even though the place was already spotless.

    Brenda stopped and faced her sons, Where y’all going?

    Church, James said with a smirk.

    More like to sin with Sinclair, Brenda said, Why they let that nigga out?

    Because the cops set him up, James said, That’s why. Fuck the justice system.

    Brenda threw her dish cloth at James, Don’t let your daddy here that.

    James rolled his eyes, He apart of the problem.

    You wouldn’t be standing where you at without your daddy, Brenda said, Don’t act like most of those scholarships didn’t come from the fact that you were nothing but the son of a good cop. Because your grades sure didn’t get them for you. You were too busy hanging with Sinclair. Rock, stay home.

    Rockwell shook his head, I’m going. You gonna have to catch me if you want me to stay.

    Brenda cracked her knuckles, Oh yeah?

    Rockwell and James took off running as they burst out laughing. They rushed out of the front door into the night and kept on running as their mom called for them to come back in the house. Sinclair’s party was only a few blocks away. As they walk they could hear the music and the rowdy crowd.

    Most of the guys walking towards the party looked up to no good and most of the girls were dress half naked. It was hood life at it’s finest. James kept stopping to dap his friends. Rockwell made the choice to separate from his brother and headed inside the party.

    The moment Rockwell entered the crowded party somebody snatched him from behind and scooped him up.

    Aye, this lil nigga done grew extra legs, A familiar voice shouted over the blasting rap music.

    Rockwell escaped the hold and turned around to see Sinclair for the first time in five years. A shirtless Sinclair had tattoos all over his scrawny, dark-skin body, four strands of braids in his hair that ran down his face, and smelled like weed and liquor. Sinclair’s dark jeans sagged low showing off the white Calvin Klein boxer briefs he wore that left little to the imagination. 

    Sinclair dapped Rockwell, Waddup Rock?

    Sup, Sin, Rockwell said as he was trying to take in the madness around him.

    Everywhere you looked some sort of ratcheness was going down. People were drinking, smoking, mean mugging, playing cards, and some guys were being beyond thirsty on the dance floor with the girls. This was already way better than Rockwell’s birthday party.

    James finally entered the house and dapped Sinclair, You free, nigga!

    Sinclair looked almost emotional as he pulled James in for a hug, Nigga, I missed you.

    James laughed and slightly pushed him back, Aye man, like I said, you free now.

    Sinclair let out a heavy sigh, Whew, now that I’m done being a bitch, let’s party nigga.

    James unbuttoned the top of his dress shirt, Where are the finest bitches?

    Sinclair winked, You know...the real party is in the basement. VIP only.

    Shit, I’m your best nigga so I better be in VIP, James said.

    Sinclair dapped him, You know that.

    Me too, right? Rockwell asked.

    James’ face dropped, Nah, I ain’t letting that happen.

    Sinclair laughed, Let him come. Your lil brother a man now. He got hair above his lip.

    James stepped closer to Rockwell, Nah, Rock go chill in the kitchen.

    Sinclair pulled James back from Rockwell, Aye, let him be grown. He been chillin with us since he was little. Why try to stop him now? All my best niggas invited to the basement and he on that list just as high as you.

    James stared Rockwell down. Rockwell knew that stare. It was the stare that simply meant stay behind because I’m not going to babysit you. But it was the same stare that made Rockwell more intrigued about what his brother was going to experience and he wasn’t.

    I’m coming, Rockwell said.

    James scoffed and headed downstairs into the basement.

    Sinclair put his arm around Rockwell’s shoulders, Aye, fuck him. Stick with me, okay?

    Alright, Rockwell said.

    Sinclair leaned in close to Rockwell’s ear, You smoke yet?

    When I can, yeah, Rockwell said.

    Sinclair chuckled, You sniff? You pop?

    Nah, Rockwell said, I know my limits.

    Sinclair leaned in closer as he led Rockwell to the basement door, You ever got your dick suck?

    Rockwell was too ashamed to admit to the truth but did anyways, Nah, man.

    That’s about to change, Sinclair said.

    How so? Rockwell asked.

    Sinclair ignored the question as he remained all over Rockwell as he led him down into the basement. Right away Rockwell knew why Sinclair asked him those questions. The basement was so dark you barely could see where you were stepping. But in the few spots where light shined through somebody was either doing drugs, getting their dick sucked, or fucking a moaning girl.

    Rockwell for the first time actually saw somebody injecting drugs with a syringe. One of his brother’s other friends Mario who was a big basketball player back in high school was butt naked getting his dick sucked by two girls. Rockwell then spotted James himself squeezed onto a lazyboy chair with a naked girl as she was tearing open his shirt and sucking on his nipples.

    The basement was basically one big drug fueled orgy. The music from upstairs bumping was nearly drowned out by the sounds of pleasure down here. Sinclair snatched a blunt from somebody in the dark and led Rockwell into a dark corner.

    Sinclair puffed the blunt before passing it to Rockwell, Smoke nigga.

    Rockwell took a hit before passing it back to Sinclair, Damn, what the fuck is that shit?

    Freedom, Sinclair said as he laughed, You miss me?

    Rockwell laughed, Man, I guess. You James homeboy.

    Yeah, but you were always around following him. Even now, huh?

    Rockwell looked out into the basement but only saw darkness, I just wanted to see what was down here. Y’all partying a lot harder than everybody upstairs. Did I really see somebody doing crack or is the dark playing with my eyes?

    Aye, down here you ain’t see shit, okay?

    Rockwell nodded, Cool.

    Rockwell was getting hot and losing air. He realized it was because Sinclair was all over him. The moment he was about to ask Sinclair to give him some space, the newly freed man stuck both of his hands into Rockwell’s burgundy sweatpants. Before Rockwell could resist, Sinclair was playing with his dick and balls. Rockwell’s dick got hard so quick. He didn’t even know he could get this hard.

    Sinclair whispered in his ear, I want some freedom-ass though.

    Aye man, not from me, Rockwell moaned out.

    Sinclair’s finger traveled down to Rockwell’s hole, You ever got fuck by a nigga?

    Hell fucking no, Rockwell said.

    But you liking me all over your dick though, huh?

    I mean...that shit feel good, Rockwell said.

    Sinclair laughed before he started to go down until he vanished in the dark. It wasn’t long until Rockwell had figured out where Sinclair had gone. All Rockwell could feel was Sinclair’s plump lips sliding up and down his dick. Rockwell wanted to moan but was too afraid. He didn’t want to draw any attention to their dark corner. And thoughts of the lights coming on had his heart racing. Sinclair stood up and started to kiss Rockwell.

    How did that feel? Sinclair asked.

    Good as fuck, Rockwell whispered.

    And you sure I can’t fuck that ass? Sinclair asked.

    Shit, I don’t even know why you sucking my dick, Rockwell said.

    You ain’t ever done nothing like this before?

    Never in my life, Rockwell said.

    But you like it? Sinclair questioned.

    I ain’t gonna lie – it feels good, Rockwell said.

    Sinclair laughed and kept making out with Rockwell. Rockwell found himself pinned against a wall as Sinclair was beating his dick and digging his tongue into his throat. These feelings Rockwell had – they weren’t foreign to him. He was not that foolish. Often he found himself watching Bi-Porn a bit too conflicted to skim over to the strictly gay porn. The kissing and Sinclair all over him felt good. All Rockwell wanted to do was nut. He took control and pushed Sinclair back down on his knees and into the darkness. Sinclair followed suit and went back to slurping on Rockwell’s dick.

    Somebody getting some wet head, A deep voiced shouted out in the basement.

    Rockwell stopped playing safe and let out a big moan. That wet head was coming from Sinclair’s tongue around his dick. Sinclair was working Rockwell’s dick in his mouth and massaging his balls at the same time. It felt so good it was bringing a tear to Rockwell’s eyes. Rockwell yanked at one of Sinclair’s braids as he started to unload his biggest nut ever into his mouth. Sinclair kept his lips tight around Rockwell’s dick as he nutted. Rockwell nearly collapsed because of how weak his knees had become.

    Sinclair stood up from the dark with a bit of nut on the side of his face, Damn, nigga.

    Rockwell motioned at Sinclair’s face, You got some nut on your chin.

    Sinclair licked his lips, Eat that shit. It’s yours.

    Rockwell had to think on it a bit before he moved in and licked his own nut from Sinclair’s face. Sinclair chuckled as he put Rockwell’s dick away back into his sweat pants. He kept chuckling as he put his arms back around Rockwell and started to lead him through the basement again.

    Once again Rockwell was treated to some things he could not un-see. James’ booty was in the air as he banged a girl in the lazyboy - missionary style, another guy’s face was basically covered in coke, and the basketball legend himself Mario was now getting his long dick worked by three girls.

    Sinclair led Rockwell out of the basement, You had enough for tonight.

    Sinclair shut the door on a speechless Rockwell. Rockwell needed a drink to deal with the night he just had. He went into the kitchen, grabbed a beer and sat on the porch drinking still in shock. Out of all the dudes here tonight, he didn’t expect the craziest one to have his nut in his stomach. He sat on the porch hanging out until James joined him.

    Rockwell stood up from the porch, We leaving?

    Yeah, James said, I see your lil ass fled the basement quick.

    Man, that was pure craziness down there.

    What you see...what you hear? James questioned in a serious tone.

    Rockwell saw plenty, including his brother’s amazing stroke game, Nothing.

    Lying ass, James said, You ain’t stick your dick into no pussy raw, right?

    Not at all, Rockwell quickly answered, I walked around and left quick.

    I don’t believe you, James said, But it’s whatever. All I can say is fatherhood ain’t cute.

    James started to walk away before Sinclair ran out on the porch.

    Aye, y’all niggas leaving? Sinclair shouted after them.

    Yeah, why? James asked.

    I gotta get away from this shit, Sinclair said.

    James laughed, Sin...this your party.

    I ain’t feeling it no more, Sinclair said, Lemme crash at y’all crib?

    James laughed, You serious?

    Yeah, Sinclair said as he approached them, Your lil bro still got the extra twin bed in his room, right?

    James looked to Rockwell, Can Sin crash in your room?

    You know momma ain’t gonna have that, Rockwell said.

    Sneak him through your window, James said.

    Sinclair stared Rockwell down as if this was gonna happen no matter if he objected.

    Rockwell shrugged, Alright, damn.

    Let’s go, Sinclair said as he started to lead the way.

    James shook his head at Sinclair, Nigga, you don’t need a shirt?

    Sinclair kept walking, I’ll borrow one from your lil brother.

    James laughed and caught up with Sinclair. Rockwell trailed behind them – nervous about sharing a room with the first guy

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