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Piece by Piece
Piece by Piece
Piece by Piece
Ebook185 pages2 hours

Piece by Piece

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There’s no stronger word than LOVE. But to have that unexpectedly ripped away, leaves a feeling of being lost in a world erased. Piece by piece, a life can be destroyed, and piece by piece, it can be put back together.
Safety Transportation Investigator, Ashia Woodruff, and her girlfriend Jodie Wessen have separate flights booked from Vancouver, Canada, to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Jodie, whose Brazilian mother and half-sister, Pietra, live in Rio, is to attend a dress fitting for Pietra’s wedding, while Ashia still has a few loose ends to finish off on a recent case she’s been working on. Their flights are only a day apart, so Ashia drops Jodie off at the airport, before she heads to the office. When Ashia doesn’t receive the expected phone call to say Jodie had landed safely, she wasn’t too concerned at first, as she knew Jodie would probably be caught up in deep conversation with her mother and sister. But when co-worker Adam Ellis receives a call from his boss to say the flight had crashed somewhere in the Tijuca rain forest, Ashia is forced to endure a mentally torturous journey to find out if Jodie has survived the crash.
This story begins with the emotional turmoil a couple apart and without contact would go through, but then develops into the investigation of the crash, as they try to figure out how the plane went down, and why.

Release dateSep 16, 2016
Piece by Piece

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    Book preview

    Piece by Piece - Shiralyn Lee

    Copyright © 2016 Wicked Publishing

    First Edition

    Published through Wicked Publishing LLC 2017

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance of actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission

    Cover art by Shiralyn J. Lee.

    Piece by Piece

    All flight numbers and airline names are fictionalised, and bear no resemblance to any actual airline. Any similarities are purely coincidental.

    All characters within this story are fictional, and bear no resemblance to anyone, living or dead. Any similarities are purely coincidental.

    A Shiralyn J. Lee story, created 2016. This book, or any parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author. Piracy is a crime.

    Shiralyn J. Lee stories are downloadable on reputable sites. If, for any reason, you are reading this for free from a non-reputable site, then you viewing an illegal download. Please refrain from doing so.

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    There is no stronger word than LOVE. But to have that unexpectedly ripped away, leaves a feeling of being lost in a world erased. Piece by piece, a life can be destroyed, and, piece by piece, it can be put back together again.

    Safety Transportation Investigator, Ashia Woodruff, and her girlfriend, Jodie Wessen, have separate flights booked from Vancouver, Canada to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Jodie, whose Brazilian mother and half-sister, Pietra, live in Rio, is to attend a dress fitting for Pietra’s wedding, while Ashia still has a few loose ends to finish off on a recent case she’s been working on. Their flights are only a day apart, so Ashia drops Jodie off at the airport before she heads to the office. When Ashia doesn’t receive the expected phone call to say Jodie has landed safely, she isn’t too concerned at first, as she knows Jodie will probably be caught up in deep conversation with her mother and sister. But when Ashia’s co-worker Adam Ellis receives a call from his boss to say the flight had crashed somewhere in the Tijuca rain forest, Ashia is forced to endure a mentally torturous journey to find out if Jodie has survived the crash.

    This story begins with the emotional turmoil a couple apart and without contact would go through, but then develops into the investigation of the crash, as they try to figure out how the plane went down, and why.


    When blackness veils the light of day, and the wind drifts in a certain direction, ghostly whispers—comparisons of cries, carry through the dense forestation, as if their final moments have been trapped in time. Would they have known their own death was about to happen? Perhaps they did!

    The bleakest day on Earth does not solely belong to a mass population who have suffered an act of tragedy, but also to those who have suffered a personal loss; a loss of someone loved far beyond words could ever express. This is Ashia’s story…

    Chapter One

    Safety Transportation Investigator Ashia Woodruff awoke to the local news feed on the radio alarm clock next to her bed. Thinking that having a quickie before plunging into the routine of daily life would be a good idea, she turned over onto her side to nuzzle up to her girlfriend. They’d been together for five years, and had bought into the ultimate dream—a two-bedroom townhome in Holly Park Lane, a complex of eleven buildings, tall trees, holly bushes and well-kept gardens, on the north side of Surrey, British Columbia.

    Normally, Jodie would still be asleep, she was the sort of person who would stay in bed until the last possible minute, before Ashia would yell, ‘Jodie Amber Wessen, get your backside out of this bed before I’m forced to toss you out.’

    But this time, Ashia opened her eyes to be faced with a white fluffy pillow, the duvet thrown back, and the sheet wrinkled where Jodie had slept. She raised her head and propped herself up on her elbow, as she looked around the gray painted room. Jodie?

    She wasn’t there.

    White linen curtains hung delicately across the open window, framing it perfectly to allow the warm summer breeze to flow through the room, bringing with it the fresh scent of recently mowed grass, and a hint of lavender from the fragrant bushes in the border below the window.

    Yawning, Ashia sat up and dangled her feet over the edge of the bed, then raised her arms above her head and stretched from the tips of her fingers right down to her toes. Then, bare-footed, she walked over the reclaimed oak floorboards, tiptoeing out of the bedroom as she ventured down the narrow hallway in search of her girlfriend. Because today was going to be different to their usual routine, a rush of excited adrenaline coursed through her, and she was intrigued to find out exactly what Jodie was up to.

    The bathroom door stood ajar, and Ashia stopped when she spotted Jodie’s reflection in the silver-framed mirror above the sink. A renewed tingling sensation fluttered in her stomach, it was the same sensation she’d had when she’d first met Jodie; she’d wanted to touch her, make love to her, and just couldn’t get enough of her. Are you taking a bath?

    Jodie’s long black tresses cascaded over her shoulders and disappeared into the white bubbling foam as she slid further down into the bathtub. Wanna join me? She opened her eyes and swept her hand through the bubbles, then raised it above her, allowing the foam to run down her arm like twinkling lace. These bubbles are ticklish. Her inviting smile was intoxicating, and paired with her amber eyes—she was aware of the lover’s power she had over Ashia, and often resorted to enticing her with it one way or another.

    With her intentions still focused on her sexual desire, Ashia pushed the door fully open. I can think of something else to tickle. She stepped inside—the white travertine tiles cold beneath her feet as she lifted her night-shirt over her head and threw it down, then slipped out of her pajama bottoms, kicking them aside. The warm water moved softly around her feet and legs as she stepped into the bath and crouched down between Jodie’s thighs, parting the foam to reveal her perky soft breasts and well-defined erect nipples. What’s with the candles? she asked, noticing the shelf above the chrome bath taps had been dressed with scented tea lights, set in clear glass votive holders.

    As she scooped up a foam bubble and planted it on the tip of Ashia’s nose, Jodie sat forward—her gaze lingering—time could easily be forgotten. Well, I didn’t want to leave today without giving you something to remember me by. She raised her dark eyebrows as she offered a mischievous look of flirtation, while she stroked her fingers down Ashia’s arm, showing her desire to play.

    Ashia leaned closer and pulled her into a sensual kiss, the bubbles on her nose dissipating against Jodie’s cheek as their lips interlocked, their tongues brushing in a dance of passion. When they prized apart, Ashia playfully wiped a handful of foam on the top of Jodie’s head, then cupped her chin in her hand. You’re only going to be gone a day before I join you, silly. You’re such a soppy romantic.

    Jodie ran her foam-covered hands over her hair to brush it away from her face—her cheeks glowed a shade of red and her eyes, adoringly bright, blinked owlishly. Just one day? It’s going to feel like a year and a day as far as I’m concerned. Honey, I hate travelling alone, you know that. I only wish I’d known you were going to be held up at work, I would’ve booked my ticket for tomorrow and we could have flown together. Can’t you pull some strings at work, and get my ticket changed?

    I know, baby, and I’m sorry, but you know I can’t. You know my job isn’t like going to work nine-to-five, Monday to Friday—

    Shush, let’s not spend this hour with small talk. Now, where were we? She placed her arms around Ashia’s neck—suds dripping from the tips of her fingers as she pulled her in close. The water splashed over the side of the tub, rolling like miniature torrents, until they reached the floor and formed a sleek puddle, as the two women negotiated their body moves. Jodie raised her legs, and placed them over Ashia’s shoulders, where she crossed her ankles to keep her lover firmly in position. Ashia kissed along Jodie’s neck and under her chin, while she ran her hand over her stomach, tickling her as she moved down to insert her fingers. Using her mouth to stimulate her lover, she lifted Jodie’s leg and kissed her ankle, then caressed her foot and sucked on her big toe.

    Bubbles parted and the water lapped over Jodie’s stomach like cresting waves on a sandy beach as Ashia thrust inside her. With her hands firmly gripping the sides of the bath, and her back arched, Jodie closed her eyes and parted her lips, panting quickly to let her breath escape. I love you, she whimpered.

    It was as though Jodie had cast a lover’s spell over her. Ashia’s pulse raced. I love you too, baby.


    Chapter Two

    Jodie turned the key in the lock, then took a step back to take a final look at the outside of the house. Before she’d left, she had checked to make sure all of the lights were off and all of the windows closed and secured. Am I being OCD about making sure the house is locked up? she asked as she turned to look at Ashia for her answer.

    She had left her suitcase, a pink hard-plastic type, next to the car for Ashia to pick up and place in the trunk. Did you pack your hair straightener? Ashia asked her as she struggled to lift it up. Jesus, what didn’t you pack? I swear she’s packed her entire wardrobe; this thing weighs a ton. I bet she won’t even wear half of it, and she’ll also go and buy new outfits while she’s there. Typical Jodie.

    While still inspecting the house, Jodie walked backwards with her hands on her hips. Yes. They were the first thing I put in it, well, the second actually. The first thing was my red dress. No way in hell was I going to forget that expensive thing. A girl’s gotta show off her figure somehow.

    Ashia adored everything about her girlfriend, even though she was the type who would be thought of as a diva. She found she had a lot of patience with Jodie, and that was unusual for her tolerance level. In the past, any woman who’d been too much hard work, she’d just given up on and put it down to a bad experience, but with Jodie, there was something about her that made all of her quirks seem less troublesome. She made Ashia happy, and that wasn’t an easy task for any woman to pull off. She closed the trunk, and, with the keys in her hand, she took hold of Jodie from behind, swept her hair away from her face, and planted a soft, meaningful kiss on her cheek.

    The house is secure, I double checked everything. I really wish you weren’t so apprehensive, she whispered into her lover’s ear, brushing away a small lock of hair that had tumbled in front of her eye.

    Jodie relaxed, feeling safe with Ashia’s soothing arms wrapped around her. I know, honey. I can’t help it. I just have images of the house burning down due to my stupidity of forgetting to switch something off or unplug it. Old habits die hard, I suppose. She quickly pulled away from the hug, her eyes huge with concern, as she turned to look at the house behind her. Oh God, did we blow out the candles in the bathroom?

    Yes, I did. Now get in the car or you’ll miss your flight. She opened the driver’s side door—the morning temperature had already warmed the inside, and it felt like a flash of desert heat blasting her face.

    No matter how insistent Ashia was, Jodie was far more intent on opposing her. She walked around the car and opened the passenger’s side door. That wouldn’t be a bad thing, would it? she asked, shrugging one shoulder and blinking like a cute girl in love, a mischievous grin playing on her beautiful lips.

    Get in the car, brat.

    As soon as Ashia started the car, Jodie pulled out her cell phone and took a selfie while blowing a kiss to the camera. Without thinking, she immediately swiped the screen and opened up her Facebook app, then clicked on her friend’s private message to send her the picture.

    Turning the car right as they drove out of the complex, Ashia looked over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of who she’d sent her photo to. Who did you send it to?

    The question had been asked matter-of-factly, but Jodie, being a little on edge about flying,

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