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South Pacific Tales - The Sagas and Stories
South Pacific Tales - The Sagas and Stories
South Pacific Tales - The Sagas and Stories
Ebook127 pages1 hour

South Pacific Tales - The Sagas and Stories

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South Pacific Tales "The Sagas and Stories"
By the seat of your pants. On a whim the decision is made to travel thousands of miles away. Fast adaptation essential, orientation for basic resources a must. Adjusting to culture quickly and casting aside fear of the known. Three travelers, leave and are reduced to one in short order. A free spirit among others roam around running into little adventures wherever he finds himself. Feel his challenges, feel his victories, his despair and loneliness, and recognition of self as he wades through interactions with fellow travelers. The South Pacific Short Series is based on real world encounters with the wonder of what is actually out there in the world and a man taken by its many surprises and situations as they arise.
Open to opportunity, looking for work, you will have to read a bit more on this to find out where the chicken plays out! A short read that will leave you wanting to travel and experience the wonder and freedom of roaming abroad with little agenda.
Included are some South Pacific Tales Favorites. A runner after picking vegetables. Random trips to a ski hill. A Random encounter hitch hiking to up the coast.

Release dateMay 17, 2017
South Pacific Tales - The Sagas and Stories

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    Book preview

    South Pacific Tales - The Sagas and Stories - Michael David

    South Pacific Tales

    The Sagas and Stories


    South Pacific Tales

    By the seat of your pantspg. 5


    South Pacific Tales

    Life Lessons, Bike Rides, and Chickenpg. 51


    South Pacific Tales

    All Starspg. 91

    South Pacific Tales

    By the seat of your pants


    Part 1


    By Michael David

    Dedicated to Griffin and Genevieve. I think about you every single day. Two of my favorite people, my hopes for you are that you are brave enough to follow your dreams. Make a life out of your passions.  Stay curious, stay yourselves, and stay on course. Although I may not have the opportunity to tell you all the time, I love you very much. You will always hold my heart. I hope you get to know me a bit better through these. I may not be with you, but will always be beside you.

    The Majority of People in existence today on earth are stuck in routines because society has conditioned them, raised them to fear change, God, the new, adventure, financial failure, and in general the unknown."

    -the Stranger


    Published by Michael David McIvor

    Dreams Publishing

    copyright 2017

    All rights reserved

    Life never really started until I left it.


    Growing up, I was put in all sorts of sports - Hockey, Lacrosse, Baseball, soccer (or better known as football) to the rest of the world. I think it was hoped that I would find one that I really appreciated and excelled at. I was all over the map. I didn’t understand that the sports had different seasons. I wanted to play them all. This went on for about two years; they were outlets for energy and time spent learning the games themselves. I often lamented to myself about the lack of programs that were in school relating to these sports.  They were never organized within the school district, but through outside organizations.  They still are in many respects today.

    School was not the greatest environment for me when growing up. Years from grade 5 through 10 were particularly difficult. I was never part of any inclusive groups, and really didn’t feel like I belonged there. At 13 or 14 I turned to skateboarding as an individual sport. This was something that did not require me to stick to a regimented schedule, and this was part of the attraction for me. In addition it gave me some unique links to people. There were lots of challenges with skateboarding in my hometown in those early years. There were lack of facilities, and understanding of the sport / culture itself along with the distance to travel to one that allowed for any skill progression. Designated skateboard areas and parks had not been built yet. The culture though would experience a surge in parks being built through the 1990’s and into the early 2000’s and my hometown would not have one built until closer to 2010, some 20 years later. There were a group of us that spearheaded drives with the community to build these parks, even appearing on the agenda and speaking at city hall to bring awareness and try to lobby for inclusion of a park or facility to be built. Eventually a small one was built however there was clearly a lack of understanding between the city designers and the skateboard community itself as the park was just a set of  inclined banks. It was an excellent start though, and good intentioned by the people that put it together.

    It wouldn’t be until years later, that an official park was proposed and built. Today it is certainly a high caliber park with many great terrain features.

    My hometown at that time was still pretty small with roughly 25,000 residents. Everyone knew one another and there were certainly lines drawn between North and South sides of town. Again, something I didn’t fully understand at the time and still don’t. I just knew that I wasn’t in the right place to do what I was meant to.

    The Grocery Store

    The grocery store was my second job. I started out as casual picking up on call shifts, and eventually working night shift. I have to give credit to the people that are or have worked night shift in their past or current positions. I didn’t realize it when I was younger but it certainly takes its toll on your body. In younger years I was willing to do these shifts because I was chasing the money that I could build up to per hour. It never occurred to me there were other ways to make money aside from a per hour basis.

    It didn’t take long to get used to the work, but the culture was not one that allowed for progression or innovative ideas. There was a great deal of lifers that were there and understood that this is what they would be doing for life.  Although there were  also a lot of great people, the culture at the store I was working in was not one in which to thrive. Many people were just waiting for the buyout whenever that would come, not knowing what that exactly entailed.  Needless to say I wouldn’t understand the concept of constructive dismissal until much later on in life from a family member who was an HR specialist for a larger utilities company.

    There are many stories about the grocery store, but those are for another time and another book. One of the benefits though that the company had was that in it’s agreement with its employees contained a year off clause  which as I would discover later would be very useful.

    I had befriended a guy in the bakery that was going to university and was about to finish. One day we had been out at a local park and he was discussing what to do following his graduation. He had decided that him and his brother would pursue an around the world trip, and casually asked if I wanted to come.

    I had thought about it for about a week, and decided it was something very interesting. At that, I communicated to him that I wanted to go and he began to make the arrangements for three;  himself, his brother and I. The tickets were priced, the routes planned and the itinerary was finalized.

    Knowing the employee agreement I had a leave clause, I began to apply for it and eventually received it. It looked like things were coming together very nicely. It was still a vague concept – going on a trip for over a year. And just, well going. There were still lots of people that I needed to advise this to as well.

    With the leave approved, the ball was now in motion. I set about to work as hard as I could to save for the trip. It was all hands on deck, and time to get as many hours in as I could to work towards this. I had almost six months.

    Friends, Family, and significant others

    I began to tell some friends and the feedback was universally positive. Most of my friends were excited for me. Many were much more excited than I was myself. It was really a neat thing to see. This was something that not too many people in town had thought of doing. The town was primarily a blue collar working town next to a major railway yard hub.

    My mother was the easiest to tell. She was so supportive and excited for me. She knew that I had been following a dream – to travel and see other places. I think she had done a bit of traveling in her earlier years before we had come along. She also had a more outgoing and open personality, very supportive of things outside the box. In many ways she has a personality appreciates such adventures. 

    I will never forget the way my father reacted. I told him at breakfast one day. Sitting across the table he had dropped his cutlery on the table and said I do NOT approve. I believe it was meant as an attempt to deter me. So it sounded. I think he had this vision for me to go to school and then get a good job within the city or another line of stable work as that was his way for so many years. I understand the place that this came from. It did come from a place of love and concern even if at the time I didn’t realize it. Looking back, it’s only the initial reaction that

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