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Defining God v2
Defining God v2
Defining God v2
Ebook197 pages1 hour

Defining God v2

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About this ebook

Who is God? What would the gods say if they could be interviewed? Who created Man? How powerful is Man's soul? Why did war break out in heaven over Man? What was Jesus' message? Who is Satan? Who are the Anunnaki? Who are the Cherubim? This book Defining God v2 steps through the door in search of answers to these questions. Written in a unique style that includes quotes, definitions, and insight.
This book consists of a prelude, 4 chapters with 35 sub-chapters within.
Chapter 1 - Defining God, Chapter 2 - Beliefs, Chapter 3 - God Speaks, Chapter 4 - Relations.
The book was completed in 2017. It is the continuation to Defining God which is being released at the same time (2017).
This is the shortened version of the complete version of Defining God v2 in which only the pertinent information remains in this book.
The book is only 33,000 words long shortened from the original 56,000, so that people could easily read and digest the book in one sitting.

PublisherDamon Hyde
Release dateMay 23, 2017
Defining God v2

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    Book preview

    Defining God v2 - Damon Hyde

    Table of Contents


    Dedication of this Book

    Special Thanks to Others

    In Honor of My Father


    Searching for God

    God Defined

    Parts of God

    Getting to Know God

    A Look at the Bible

    Questioning God


    What are Beliefs

    Religions of the World

    Good Versus Evil

    Deciding on God

    Beliefs of Damon Shawn Hyde

    Other Beliefs

    Believing in Jesus


    Hearing God

    A Conversation with Gabriel

    A Conversation with Michael

    A Conversation with Jehovah

    Conversations with Jesus

    Conversations with Satan

    A Deception Against Man

    A Prayer for Man

    Choosing Man’s Destiny

    The Love of Understanding

    Connecting to God

    God in Man

    All Mankind Emerges Nirvana


    Relations to All Human/Living Souls

    My Contract to You Other Human/Living Souls

    My Gift to Other Human/Living Souls

    Relations to All Fictional Entities

    Relations to gods/God


    "If you resist reading what you disagree with, how will you ever acquire deeper insights into what you believe? The things most worth reading are precisely those that challenge our convictions." = Author Unknown

    Haven’t we all searched at some time in our lives for an understanding and deeper meaning of God in some manner or other? How and what is the best approach to decipher and decide on a trueness of God? When do you decide to believe and follow such a God? This book is a compilation of where these questions have manifested into my God.

    I could have asked the question – ‘Does God exist?’, but the God I present to you is defined, literally. I cannot deny existence of a God that is, and I cannot denounce a God that is above all other gods. If I can explain and tell you about my God, then you can understand who the God I am defining is. My God cannot be challenged or denied. You can choose to not accept my God, but why choose not to accept what is?

    Please do not be offended, for I have no meaning to offend anyone in any way, shape, or form throughout this book. I hope all of you see this in the writings. If I do offend some which is sure to happen, I am truly and deeply sorry. Do not take it personally, I accept your god, it is just I see your god as only a part of, in and from my God.

    That being said, I have multiple intentions for the releasing of this book. I will try to make it apparent in the book, but for those of you who like it bluntly, I will state my intentions prior.

    "He who climbs a cliff may die on the cliff, so what? Always a risk- taker by nature, now I became one by intent." = Ruth Park

    I intend for a sharing of my God to all Mankind. I intend to declare my Sovereignty as a part of, in and from God. I intend to make an offering of relations to the world and all its fictional (corporations/countries) and non-fictional inhabitants (you). I intend to make a means for my survival, freedom, happiness, life, liberty, love, and property on this Earth as long as I am here. I intend to write five versions of this book.

    So forgive me before I even begin for the selfishness that may be portrayed in many of my intents previously stated and any selfishness that may also be portrayed in the book. I see it as my duty to be able to survive in God’s physical realm that I am a part of. This should be apparent, and a duty for all of you too.

    I intend to open as many minds as I can with this book. I want you to actually put some thought into how and whom you worship. I hope that you will look at and within yourself, and ask yourself the question; why do I believe the way I do? Was I taught to believe this since I was a child? Only you know the answers for yourself, though others may help you see these answers. I do intend at least for those of you willing, that you start to question what you believe and why? Maybe even some of you will grow, change, and or expand your beliefs from that. That is up to you.

    This book is not intended to be a long read, or to cause commotion in any way. My goal is that you will be able to read this book in one sitting. The basic premise could easily be put down in just a few pages, though I could easily spend my lifetime writing about it too. I see no need to make this book long winded and drawn out. The purpose for this is I do not want to make drones of anyone, especially the weak minded and easily influenced. I intend to encourage your thoughts and have you fill in for yourself your part of, in and from God. You are as important as any other; you may just not know it, or haven’t accepted it yet. Of course I expand a little more than just a few pages to hopefully get you thinking on how this book relates to you.

    That being said, I have included a section in Chapter 2 where I cover beliefs that I have. Some of these beliefs are based on fact, some on experiences, and many I have taken from others. I am happy to admit that I have no problem in changing my beliefs when they are unquestionably proven to be wrong. These beliefs are beliefs of the parts of, in and from God. I include them for the sole purpose of stating which parts of God I desire to follow and accept due to the rewards I feel that will be given for my spiritual growth, happiness, and eternal survival.

    belief: The mental act, condition, or habit of placing trust in a thought not yet fully proven.

    I intend to claim the rights of freedom, happiness, life, liberty, love, and property through God in this book. As stated with meaning, I do not want to offend, to cause harm, or destroy any of you in any way, shape, or form. I see you as I see myself, both a living, breathing, physical and spiritual entity living in God’s realms (we are Man). I do not claim to be above any of you, though I tell you also that none of you are above me.

    "There is always a gap between intention and action." = Paulo Coelho

    To communicate properly one must have an understanding of the meaning of the words being spoken or written. To accomplish this, I will define to the best of my ability what I mean when I write certain words. Example…

    testament: A talking of and about God.

    These are my definitions given to words as best I could come up with to state my meaning. I know there are many definitions of testament, love, greed, spells, etc.…, please when I have defined it, know that it is in relation to the meaning I intended. Feel free to put any meaning you want to the words, but it is unlikely you will gain any legitimate or true understanding of what is trying to be related and they will be your words not mine.

    I hope each of you take something from this book that gives you insight, conversation, or even just mild entertainment. That is for all of you to decide on, and not my major intent. Most my intents are stated and this book is a declaration of my God to the world, how it relates to the world, and me living in this world.

    declaration: an announcement or proclamation.

    I also would like to thank all of you who are reading this book for the time you have given to hear what I have to say. God is with and in you all, even if you haven’t realized it yet. May each of us obtain what we seek, and may we all realize that we pay the price for seeking those things that cause infringements upon God.

    infringements: violating, encroaching, transgressing, and trespassing (upon what God has bestowed) with evil intent for unneeded use.

    As for myself and who is Damon Shawn Hyde. Well that is my Christian name given at birth. I have also been called Damon, Damon Hyde, sir, dad, friend, buddy, son, brother and many other names. I am a living soul embodying a flesh, blood, and bone body in this physical realm. I am able to think and move. I was supplanted here as a part of, in and from God and claim all rights as such. I AM.

    Disclaimer: I have no intent to offend any. I mean no ill towards any of you, as well as any of the gods, but I will call it as I see it in this book, thus I will now refrain from any more apologies on this subject for what I write. Note – I have included many quotes in this book. I do not agree completely with all quotes given within this book and a few I completely disagree with. I found them relevant for what I was trying to state, and I agreed with the context in relation to what I was writing. The main purpose of the quotes was to add words of wisdom, make people think, and to acknowledge those who have given the world thoughts of their own. Please, you all need to learn to think for yourselves.

    Man: Mankind, Homo Sapien, human, man, woman, all genders and races thereof; for those who are offended I use the term Man. I have no ill intent, animosity, hatred toward any gender or race. I see the soul in the body and all souls of Man, as a part of, in

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