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The Lusty Apprentice
The Lusty Apprentice
The Lusty Apprentice
Ebook96 pages1 hour

The Lusty Apprentice

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Estrelle is the senior of two apprentices under the tutelage of the sorceress Drisana. Turned into a unicorn-woman as a test of her magical abilities, she struggles with her studies, her doubts about herself, and an unrequited crush on her fellow student, the bookish catgirl Maiya.

An inadvertent conversation with a mischievous sprite creates a swirl of chaos as Estrelle finds herself abruptly switching genders. Consumed with desires she can barely control, she turns to Maiya for help. But Maiya is soon overwhelmed by her own steamy lusts, and the two young women embark on a wild sexual adventure neither could have possibly imagined.

THE LUSTY APPRENTICE is a magical tale of gender-swapping, erotic she-male fun!

Set in the same fantasy world as the HOT GOBLIN GIRLS series, the FANTASY ENVOY SERIES, and THE VIRGIN ORC'S FIRST KISS.


PublisherPaul Lucas
Release dateMay 23, 2017
The Lusty Apprentice

Paul Lucas

I grew up on the shores of Lake Erie, just a few snow drifts away from Buffalo, NY. I am a life long science fiction and fantasy fan, and avidly keep up on developments in the fields of science, technology, and ancient cultures.Currently I am a freelance writer and artist, with fifteen years of experience in the field. In 1998 I had a tabletop RPG published, and in 2005 my first novel CREATURA came out. My shorter works have seen the light of day in publications such as Strange Horizons, Afterburn, Tales of the Talisman, Fables, and others. Currently I do a lot of personal commissions and ghost writing work.

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    The Lusty Apprentice - Paul Lucas


    Paul Lucas

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    Copyright 2017 Paul Lucas

    Cover art by Paul Lucas

    On The Cover: Transformed apprentices Estrelle and Maiya summon an elemental sprite under the watchful eye of their mentor, the sorceress Drisana.

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    The sorceress floated a few inches above the grassy bank, legs casually folded into each other in a lotus position. That's it, Estrelle, she called to her student wading in the stream a dozen yards away. Keep your focus. Let the magic flow through you.

    Yes, Mistress Drisana! The tall unicorn woman said automatically, waving her hands in complex eldritch patterns. She did her best to clear her thoughts and order her mind properly as she had been taught. Handling sorcerous energy was a much more complex task than most mundanes understood.

    Estrelle measured six foot, two inches in height, a handspan or so more than her original human form. The foot-long golden horn jutting up at an angle from her forehead often made her seem even taller. The horn was framed by two equine ears poised on either side of her angular, vaguely horse-like head. She boasted a generous mane of flowing blond hair, tied off in twin tails that spilled over both shoulders. Her body was covered in a smoothly uniform coat of short white fur.

    Estrelle closed her eyes, concentrating on weaving the magic into being from the extra-dimensional Soulspace that surrounded and permeated the material world. She tried her best to avoid shivering as the chill water of the mountain stream swirled around her naked thighs.

    Maiya nodded her encouragement from a few feet away, as she stood hip-deep in the water. She lent what small trickle of her own power she could to Estrelle's spell. Maiya was a striped, dusty orange catgirl barely topping five feet high. Her bright rusty hair was punctuated by animated cat ears on top her head, and like Estrelle, she boasted a small animal-like muzzle in place of a human nose and mouth. A long animated tail, covered with short fur like the rest of her, sprung out from just above her pert backside. She was Mistress Drisana's other apprentice, and at nineteen years old was Estrelle's junior by three years.

    Through slitted eyes, Estrelle peeked at the progress of her spell. The water between Maiya and herself began swirling and cavitating unnaturally against the lazy current, saturated with sparkles of ethereal energy. Water welled up in a broad meniscus a half foot across, then formed into a large dollop levitating freely above the surface. Tendrils sprouted outward. With a flash of saturating light, the animated water contracted and contoured itself into a miniature feminine form floating just a few inches above the stream. The color and texture of the fluid shifted into more familiar human-like flesh and skin.

    The newly-created figure appeared very much like a miniature, nude elven woman a few inches tall with tan skin and an impossibly idealized figure. Her long head hair remained an iridescent blue like the stream water, the individual strands undulating softly on invisible waves of mana.

    With the unfamiliar spell complete, Estrelle breathed a gusty sigh of relief that everything had gone as planned. She lowered her hands to fully study the summoned creature. Tiny wings of iridescent light spread as the miniature watersprite opened her eyes and giggled at her creator. Hello!

    A few feet away, Maiya clapped her hands in delight, violet eyes widening in naked wonder. She's beautiful!

    The small sprite shook and shimmied, casting off stray droplets of water. The dragonfly-like wings on her back buzzed as she effortlessly lifted from the water's surface, leaving a trail of tiny magical sparks in her wake. She alighted on Estrelle's white-furred shoulder. My name is Windsong! she declared in a bright, lilting voice.

    Windsong's body felt light as a feather to the tall apprentice. H-hello! I'm Estrelle, and this is Maiya. The faerie bowed courteously to both. Estrelle continued, And on the bank there is our Mistress and teacher, the Lady Dri--

    Drisana! Windsong cried. Her glow brightened and she flew like a flash to the woman floating above the emerald grass. She orbited the sorceress, throwing off many multicolored sparks. It is so good to see you again!

    The older woman laughed in delight. Drisana had just passed the half-century mark, displaying short silvery hair and some age lines, but still boasting a trim figure. You too, Windsong.

    The two students waded into the shallows. Estrelle used a simple levitation dweomer to lift herself onto the bank two feet above the water, then turned to help Maiya up when the younger apprentice struggled with a similar enchantment. You two know each other? Estrelle asked.

    Drisana planted her feet back on the ground to stand up normally, canceling her levitation spell. I summoned Windsong way back when I was an apprentice as well. We became quite good friends.

    Sure did! Windsong said cheerily.

    Seeing her students' bewilderment, Drisana continued. Remember the lessons from your teaching scrolls. The faeries' true home is in the Soulspace, what mundanes sometimes call the ethereal plane, where they can reside for many centuries. The summoning spell you just performed only gives the Faerie spirit a physical form they can use when they enter the material world. It shouldn't seem that far fetched that your teacher--who probably isn't quite as ancient as you two believe--could have summoned the same sprite decades ago.

    "I remember from Execium's Summoning Formulae that faeries live so long because they're imprinted onto the Soulspace by magic wielders in the past, Maiya recited. Sprites like Windsong are either living spirits transferred wholly into the ether, or artificially created magical entities patterned after such."

    That's right, Drisana told

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