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5 Erotic Short Stories Vol 3
5 Erotic Short Stories Vol 3
5 Erotic Short Stories Vol 3
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5 Erotic Short Stories Vol 3

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About this ebook

Five of Sophie Sin's latest erotic short stories. Included are the story of a policeman dealing with virgin temptation, a writer who has lost love only to find it, the room mate that likes to get down with men in twos, a deception of a blind woman turned love triangle and much more, and instant love for a sexy couple. All this and more in this erotica collection.

The '5 Erotic Short Stories Vol 3' collection contains these stories and more:

# His Duty (Police, Temptation)
Sgt. Brad Hope knows his duty and will not be distracted. His will is strong, but when the right woman comes along he knows he can't keep his hands off. Janet is a Christian girl who always loves to tease, but has never lived anywhere openminded enough to try going all the way. Alpha male meets girl who doesn't know who not to tease.

# Writer (Romance)
A man who lost it all in the pursuit of the love and a woman who can't help but want him. Can he put aside his pain and can she help him do it?

# Cheating Room Mates (Threesome)
Joan has always been a bad girl and John should have known this. Left to her own devices she would get herself in trouble and he was always mindful of her ability to get herself in sticky situation after sticky situation. However, some things are too much. When Joan takes an interest that goes beyond just flirtation in John’s room mate Jack, sparks fly and unforgivable things.are done.

# Blind Switch (Kinky)
Jack and Derek are more than just friends. They share women too. This time a young, innocent blind girl has caught their attention and she is in for a surprise. These two devious men are planning a switch, but it’s going to be harder than they think. Sarah may be blind, but she’s not stupid and a choice is coming for all three of them that might redefine the way they see each other.

# Falling Deep (Romance)
Jack didn't believe in love at first sight until he met Mary on a late night tour of a theme park. Mary knew he was the one the instant she laid eyes on him. Unfortunately, nothing is ever easy when it comes to love. Two hearts distant yet oh-so-close.

And many other great erotica short stories in this collection.

Release dateMay 24, 2017
5 Erotic Short Stories Vol 3

Sophie Sin

Sophie Sin is a writer of erotic fiction. She writes on a variety of topics and themes. You can find her wherever good erotic fiction is sold. Sophie Sin writes gay erotica under the pen name Dick Powers.

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    Book preview

    5 Erotic Short Stories Vol 3 - Sophie Sin


    A Law Enforcement Short Story

    Sophie Sin

    Copyright 2017 Lunatic Ink Publishing


    Blue and red lights flash and blaze in my rear view mirror. The glint of the marked patrol car’s lights burn on the wind screen like flares sent up into a dark night sky. To either side of me cars flash by. No doubt their owners are watching on in amusement.

    I grit my teeth. I was only going 10 faster than the speed limit, but this cop has it in for me. I watch the marked police car slowly cruising along behind me with it’s siren squealing. In my mind I can imagine the cop’s face: Smug. A smug faced cop with a fat belly and a desire to do harm to the general citizens of this peaceful city. Dirty. Really dirty...

    My thighs squeeze together against the warm leather of the driver’s seat. For a second I entertain the thought that he might harass me. Am I turned on by that?

    I shake my head and flick a lock of blond hair out of my eyes. I let my brand new coupe slow to a stop on the side of the long stretch of highway that I was traveling down on my way home from studying late in the university library.

    Back home in Utah cops are polite and always nice. They never get dirty or rude and they never demand anything. This is total different from the city where I’m come to study. Every single cop I have been stopped by wants to make a move on me. Being a blond is the main issue. Men here are used to brunettes and a blond is a hot target. I can’t go anywhere without getting harassed and, honestly, enjoying it.

    I finger the cross hanging around my neck in the nuzzle of my large breasts. My mother gave me when I left our small town to study business here. What am I going to say this time? Am I going to get myself in trouble?

    With a loud crash of steel the cop drags himself out of his vehicle. Thick and meaty, big and brawny, a meat head cop with a tight ass and dark black hair that is close cut.

    The man puts on his cap and stalks through the evening cold to my window. I note that his uniform is taunt over his big frame and I can nearly see his cock. It looks fat and full. My lips wetten. Dirty cop or not? I want to know.

    The window slides down after a long depress of the door button and I use my best please be nasty with me smile.

    Is there a problem? I purr.

    You were doing 10 over the speed limit, the big man growls firmly.

    I allow surprise to show on my features. I was going too fast?

    He stares down at me with a hardness that sends a chill through my lower stomach. God save me - those eyes! They are brown and hawk like. He fears little and is the kind of man that can really hurt a woman if given the motivation. I glance at his tight trousers again. This man has me intrigued and excited and that is a dangerous combination.

    The big man puts his hand on the window sill. Yes, ma’am. Can you get out of the car?

    My fingers grip on the steering wheel. He is a dirty cop! I’m going to get frisked.


    The door clanks when I open it and I walk over to the front of my car to put my hands on the bonnet.

    Ma’am, what are you doing?

    I turn my head and flip my blond hair over my shoulder and wink at him.

    You aren’t going to frisk me, big boy?

    He stares so hard that I feel a ice like lance of fear rush from my throat to my toes. I shiver. Those eyes are hard. He is the kind of man that will allow no foolery. I’m soaked.

    Walk the line.

    I stare into his rock hard brown eyes.

    You think I’m drunk? I ask doubtfully.

    Her jerks his thumb to the back of my car. There’s two empty beer cans on the seat.

    Yesterday my friend borrowed my car to go camping. It was cold last night and she must have done some drinking with her boyfriend in the back. I run a hand through my hair and compose myself.

    Where’s the line?

    He points to the side of the road where the grass meets the concrete.

    I raise a foot. I’m in heels.

    The man shakes his head and rolls an eyebrow. For a second he seems amused.


    Reaching into his pocket he pulls out a piece of chalk and draws a line on the concrete. I take a good long look at his tight ass and lick my lips.

    Is that better, ma’am?


    With a queenly air of dignity I stroll over, twirl and walk the line with a little wiggle of my buttocks to make sure he’s staring directly at my ass.

    Twirling at the end to show off my blond hair even more effectively, I note that his eyes are not where I want them. They are on mine. This annoys me greatly. Doesn’t he see how short my skirt is? My mother would be scandalized by this skirt (which is half the reason why I’m wearing it). What is wrong with this man?

    You seem to be fine, but I’m going to have to give you a ticket.

    Fuck, I groan in a whisper. I can’t afford a ticket. Looks like I’m going to have to do the usual.

    I look deeply into his eyes - mine begging him not to do this. Officer, you don’t have to do that. I stroll over to him and run a finger over his solid chest. My experience with men is limited, but I know how to get what I want. Being blond and slim with tits like mine, it becomes easy to control men when I need to. Can’t we just forget about it.

    He stares at me. His voice is rock hard.


    His big hand takes my fingers in his and throws them aside.

    And don’t touch me, ma’am.

    I take a step back. No wedding ring. Is he gay?

    But these big muscles just need to be touched, I purr in an attempt to change the direction of where this is going. Can’t you drop the ticket?

    The big man’s huge muscles tenses and he stares down into my eyes with restrained violence.


    My shoulders come together and I quiver in front of such dominance. I know I shouldn’t push my luck, but I’ve always been a flirt and a man like this is too much for a woman like me.

    But you are so cute.

    Cute? he asks. Ma’am, I don’t think you know who you are talking to.

    The ticket book comes out. I scrunch my fists. My finger nails bite into my palms.

    You are such an asshole.

    I know it’s a mistake when the words exit my mouth. His brow crinkles and I back away.

    Looks like you need a trip to the drunk tank.

    Oh no...

    The big man pulls out his handcuffs.

    I messed up big time.


    I stare through the glass at the woman sitting on the other side of the table speaking to the rookie with big hand gestures that indicate she is very pissed off. Behind me the door opens and closes. The big shape of my boss Herald Jackson - a big meaty man with graying hair and hard eyes that are harder right at this moment than usual.

    You can’t just arrest people for being rude, Brad, the chief says.

    I don’t look away from the woman when I reply.

    But she has no respect for the badge.

    My boss is a hard ass, but he doesn’t respect the law like I do and so we get situations like this where he’s upset for doing my job.

    I roll my big shoulders that have been pretty tense of late due to the stress that I’m under with my wife leaving and all and wait for what I know is coming to hit.

    You have to let her go.

    My boss’s face is hard and his eyes unforgiving. I grind my teeth. Stay calm, Brad. Stay calm.

    Can I at least give her a good brow beating?

    The chief takes a good long look into my eyes and shrugs.

    Do whatever you like, but have her out of the station before she starts asking for a lawyer.

    I nod and say, No problem.

    The older man shakes his head and pulls out a small canister of whiskey. He takes a long sip and offers me some.

    No, sir. I’m on duty.

    Herald shakes his head again.

    You need to relax. That’s half your problem.

    He leaves the small, dark room without another word and leaves me to my thoughts.

    I’m going to teach this kid some respect. That’s for sure.


    Behind me the door opens with a loud clang as the steel hits the small door stopper. In front of me at the small table that I’m sitting at Officer Keith looks up with a look of disappointment on his face at the new arrival.

    I hear his boots clap off the floor when he stops.

    I’ll take this from here.

    That voice... It sends chills down my spine.

    A cold sensation runs through my stomach. I don’t dare turn to look at him, but I can feel him standing there behind me with his arms are crossed and his eyes firmly on the back of his head. The through of him there staring at me is nearly more than I can bear.

    You tried to bribe me, are his first words to me. Admit it, he insists.

    A small chuckle escapes my lips. How stupid does this guy think I am? Any smart woman who has had her share of run ins with the police knows that you don’t admit to something like that unless you have a real death wish. It’s how not to get in jail 101.

    I did no such thing. My voice is sure, but my body is trembling. Just having him behind me like this is incredibly arousing.

    Officer Hope comes to my side where he stands close enough that I can feel the heat of his big body on my forearm. That potentially huge cock sits at my side. I lick my lips and feel their wetness. They are moist and I am very moist downstairs. I’ve never had a man his size and so many years older than me turn me on like this. This man’s eyes and voice are hot enough to drive me crazy. Yet, I’ve never really had the guts to go after a man like this full on. I know that he would do things to me that I would enjoy and have never experienced, but as one that only teases I’m not sure that I can really do anything with him even if the chance turned up.

    Then why did you try to seduce me?

    I stare him straight in the eyes. This guy...

    Because I like to tease, I admit with my voice dropping low.

    Just tease?

    I sigh deeply. Maybe if I level with this guy then he’ll let me out of here. It’s already been 3 hours and I don’t want to be here to the morning.

    I sometimes tease men to get my way.

    The huge man crosses his arms and stares down his nose at me.

    Women like you are what’s wrong with this country, Officer Hope states..

    My eyebrows raise. This man is going to say something like that and not expect a reply from an educated and independent woman like myself?

    "It’s men like you who don’t

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