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College Girls Party Vacation
College Girls Party Vacation
College Girls Party Vacation
Ebook84 pages58 minutes

College Girls Party Vacation

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About this ebook

Four very intelligent, and strikingly beautiful, Berkeley graduates win and all expense paid trip to "The House of Romance," on of the most beautiful lesbian resorts in the world, located 30 minutes from Barcelona, Spain. Three of the graduate are there just for an all out, anything goes celebration. One of them has a very important deadline to meet along with some issues of love. One of the girls may the the saving grace for the deadline and the love. Who would that be?


"Thank you again Olivia for such an awesomely fun, wild adventure." Barbara, Springfield, IL


"I could not stop reading this one. I highly recommend this fun, joyful, full of surprises, romance adventure." Maria, San Jose, CA


"This was worth twice the money I paid for it. A great read for my plane ride." Lisa, Columbus, OH


"Excellent." Karen, NY, NY

PublisherSB Books
Release dateMay 31, 2017
College Girls Party Vacation

Olivia Hampshire

Olivia Hampshire loves writing about the adventures of women in this modern, complex world that is so male oriented and controlled.  Olivia Hampshire loves to write about love and the sexual experiences of men and women. At an early age, Olivia discovered that many people on the planet do not like to talk about sex at all.  Yet each and every one of us are a result of two or more people getting naked, hot and bothered and having sex beyond the wildest imaginations of most of the children produced by these wonderful excursions of passion.  When telling her friends and family that she pens stories of wild, lesbian sex adventure and international political sex affairs, often peoples faces appear to be appalled.   Yes, Olivia Hampshire graduated from an Ivy League school in New England dominated by nervous little boys that drank lots of beer, and feared beautiful women.  Olivia, being one of the most beautiful women in the world, loved women also.  She met her partner, also a women, in an Ivy League, graduate school program where they feel in love, moved to Vermont, adopted 5 children and live happy ever after.  Olivia, her partner the Doctor, and their children love the mountains of Vermont, their travels to all of the continents of the world as well as many long weekends in Manhattan shopping and watching people.

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    Book preview

    College Girls Party Vacation - Olivia Hampshire

    College Girls, Party Vacation

    by Olivia Hampshire


    Chapter One

    Malorie blew hot air out of her mouth. Her fingers poised over the keyboard, she waited for the words to come. On her right the other girls chatted, their voices betraying the excitement they all felt. A tinge of envy enveloped her before she pushed it away. When she finished the book, she would get her advance money and her worries would be over.

    The sharp reminder of why she was working and not enjoying the first class flight to Barcelona opened up her mind and her fingers began moving. Hesitatingly at first and then her speed picked up. So engrossed was she in her research of Russian History, that she did not hear the approach of the stewardess.

    Malorie, what will you have?

    It was Cathy, seated next to her.

    We’re having champagne to celebrate, Cathy said in her too loud voice.

    Malorie looked up at the stewardess. Coffee please, she snapped, irritated at the interruption.

    Coffee? the three girls echoed.

    Come on Malorie, be a sport, Daphne cajoled, her beach blond hair falling to her cheeks, said. We deserve to celebrate. Hell! We were the top graduates in Berkley!

    Oh shut up! I told you I have to finish this book, Malorie snapped.

    Alright, don’t bite my head off, Daphne said in a hurt tone.

    Malorie felt a lump of guilt. Daphne was the nicest of them and she was always trying to help. It wasn’t fair to take out her foul mood on her. Still, none of them understood what pressure she was under.

    I’ll just stick to coffee, Malorie said in a friendlier tone.

    The stewardess retreated.

    Suit yourself! Cathy said and promptly turned away to the other girls.

    Malorie would have loved to be in the thick of the celebration. She would have wanted to enjoy this one of a lifetime trip to Barcelona, an award from the LGBT society in college. But she had to be realistic. Unlike the other girls, she did not come from a wealthy family, and worse, Malorie was about to lose her family house.

    Her mother, a single mom who had worked in low paying jobs all her life, had missed her mortgage payments for months and the house was about to be repossessed. All because she had had a stint of not finding work and that had muddled up her finances.

    Now everything was dependent on Malorie. She just had to finish the book by the end of the trip. There was simply no choice. She felt a stab of anxiety when she thought of her mother. She had worked two jobs to get Malorie through college. Malorie gritted her teeth. She would not let her down, no matter how tempting the trip would be.

    Her mouth had practically salivated when she learned that the four of them were to spend two weeks at The Hotel of Nymphs. Everybody had heard of it and fantasized about being there. Oh why did it have to coincide with her deadline?

    For the next fifteen minutes, Malorie worked steadily on her book, taking occasional sips of her tasteless black coffee. While sipping the last of her coffee, the conversation between the girls caught her attention.

    So do you love him or not? Cathy was saying.

    By her tone, Malorie could tell she had at least several glasses of champagne in her.

    Of course I love him, how can I not? He’s a wonderful man; sexy, kind, sweet…

    Alright we get the picture, Jeanette said with a chuckle.

    The thing is though, Daphne continued, holding her flute of champagne in front of her, her tone wistful, I kind of envy you girls a little.



    Malorie dropped all pretenses of working and leaned forward to hear Daphne. She was the only one of the four of them who had never dabbled in a gay relationship. If there was one person who was undoubtedly heterosexual, it was Daphne.

    I know you girls are gay, but in this society, I don’t know if I would have the courage to open up like you have. Sometimes I see, or meet women and I am moved by their presence. I can feel their emotional, mental and physical touch, but I just tell myself no, not in this world or time.

    There was a silence as they all absorbed Daphne’s words. Then she shrugged and gave a small laugh.

    Still I love my boyfriend and the truth is, I really don’t get how you can be satisfied to be with a woman only, you know what I mean?

    They all laughed and Daphne blushed.

    No, we definitely don’t know what you mean, Cathy said, bubbling with laughter.

    Smiling, Malorie returned to her work.

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