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Turning Points: It Started With the Dog
Turning Points: It Started With the Dog
Turning Points: It Started With the Dog
Ebook42 pages35 minutes

Turning Points: It Started With the Dog

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About this ebook

Two women who are at turning points in their lives are brought together by Jumbo, a small black dog. In the interaction between the teenager fleeing a bad relationship and the grieving detective novel fan they discover new directions for their lives. By the end of the story they have become close enough friends that they can argue about religion. And Tina - the fashionista - makes her appearance. There are four more stories - all involve denial. And food. And dogs. Oh, and men too.

Release dateMay 29, 2017
Turning Points: It Started With the Dog

Joanne Alexander

Joanne Alexander is a free thinker and independent spirit. She lives in Salem, Oregon with her husband Lee Schrunk and dog Maggie. She loves reading, dogs, travel, gardening and playing the ukulele. In addition to writing stories and articles, she writes songs for the ukulele. She has a fascination with ancient Egypt and would love to spend more time there.

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    Turning Points - Joanne Alexander

    Turning Points: It Started with the Dog

    By Joanne Alexander

    Copyright 2015, 2016 Joanne Alexander

    Smashwords Edition


    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    It Started with the Dog

    Author Commentary

    The Roommate Dilemma Preview

    About the Author

    It Started with the Dog

    Was it Fate that brought them together, heavenly intervention, pure chance or a ‘love for dogs’ vibration? Whatever the cause it turned three lives around – two of them human.

    A pounding at the front door startled Sarah out of complete immersion in her book. She had barely noticed the developing storm and paid scant attention to the flashes of lightning or the rain hitting the roof.

    The pounding continued. No one she knew came to her door at night. She remembered reading about home invasions. Her next thought was I wish my husband was here. She put down her glass of wine and slowly approached the door, put on the chain and peeked out. There standing in the rain was a teary eyed teen-ager and a small dog - both wet and bedraggled. I’m lost and I’m scared, the young woman burbled.

    Sarah sized up the small slender woman as no threat and the soulful eyed dog as a little sweetheart. Her fear turned to compassion and curiosity. She quickly invited them in.

    I didn’t know where to go, the woman blurted out. I just wanted to run until the pain stopped, until I was so far away I would forget and now I’m lost.

    Let’s get you and the dog dry and then we can talk. Hang your coat on the rack and take off those wet shoes while I get a towel. How strange, thought Sarah, instead of home invaders I’ve got a modern version of Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf. Except her hooded raincoat is black and the wolf a small dog. But this could be Grandma’s house - somehow I’ve become that age.

    She returned with the towel. The dog’s tail kept wagging as Sarah dried his long thick hair. He seemed to enjoy the rubdown. As she dried the dog she glanced at the young woman. Her long dark hair was pulled back with bright colored barrettes revealing small silver hoops on her ears. The pink sweater she wore appeared dry but the

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