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Lady Serra and the Draconian
Lady Serra and the Draconian
Lady Serra and the Draconian
Ebook113 pages1 hour

Lady Serra and the Draconian

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Serra’s life has been planned out for her since her conception. Attend the Elite school, Brevard, marry the Marquess Barnaby, and produce heirs. She wanted none of that, but with no choice in the matter she had resigned herself to her fate. Until Hadyn, the brooding, hot, ace of Brevard starts talking to her and trying to convince her that she is capable of much more. Can she escape the clutches of the Elite society, or will her life be defined by how many heirs she can produce?

Release dateAug 1, 2017
Lady Serra and the Draconian

Catherine Banks

Plays by Catherine Banks include Miss N' Me; It Is Solved By Walking; Bone Cage; Three Storey, Ocean View; and Bitter Rose. Bone Cage won the Governor General’s Literary Award for Drama in 2008 and It Is Solved By Walking won the GG 2012. (The latter was translated into Catalan for readings in Catalonia in 2012.) Catherine’s adaptation of Ibsen’s An Enemy of the People, In This Light, will premiere in July 2019. Her newest plays are an adaptation Ernest Buckler’s iconic novel The Mountain and the Valley, and Downed Hearts.

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    Book preview

    Lady Serra and the Draconian - Catherine Banks

    Chapter One

    The sun was still slumbering when the maids woke me for another day of school. My eyes were heavy with bad dreams and another sleepless night, but luckily my eyes didn’t need to be opened as they groomed me. The men had it so easy; they just woke up, ran their hands through their hair, threw on clothes and went to school. We, the ladies, had to spend two hours getting ready with makeup, hair, and corset cinching. If I had been born to a lower class, I could have escaped all of this. Sadly my father was a Viscount so we were part of the Elite, rich denizens who ruled and decided the fate of all of the classes below.

    I envied the boys who spent their mornings sleeping in. I envied sleeping. It had eluded me for more than a week now and if it were not for the magic potions to cover up my dark circles, I had no doubt that Mother would use magic to put me to sleep every night.

    Arms up, milady, a maid ordered.

    I lifted my arms with my eyes still closed and wondered if I could sneak out of one of my classes to take a nap. I never caused trouble, so I did not think that I would get into too much trouble if I was discovered.

    Stand, please, another maid ordered.

    I grumbled, but obeyed and was starting to fall asleep on my feet when they yanked on my corset strings and I gasped for the air they had squeezed out of my lungs.

    Apologies, one of the maids whispered behind me.

    None needed, I whispered as I took small breaths.

    Once more, the other maid said.

    I inhaled deeply and they tugged on the strings and then tied them quickly. One of the maids went to my closet and came out with my favorite pair of black breeches and a cute black and white blouse. At least she had good taste in clothes. My mother was constantly firing maids so I had stopped trying to learn their names. Every week we had a new batch.

    You have good taste in clothes, I praised the maid and then put them on.

    Thank you, milady.

    How would you like your hair? the maid behind me asked as she finished adjusting my shirt for me.


    The Lady of the House informed us not to… the newest maid started, but I interrupted her.

    Tell her I threatened you if you didn’t braid it. That way you won’t get in trouble and I get what I want at the same time, I said with a smile.

    With small nods they followed me to my chair where they began brushing my hair and applying my makeup. When I was finally ready for the day, the sun was up and my carriage waited for me outside. I climbed in and then knocked on the roof twice. The carriage pulled away from our mansion and down the street past the other mansions of the Elite. The horses trotted down the silent street, their hooves echoed hauntingly as we moved. We made a few turns and the carriage stopped.

    I hopped out and then Gustaf, the driver, held out his hand to help me up into the seat. For the past two years Gustaf had allowed me to drive the carriage on back streets where no Elite would venture and where those of the slums still slept. I gathered the reins in my hands like he had taught me and then clucked to the two horses, Prim and Proper, to make them move. They obeyed instantly and trotted down the street.

    Your posture is perfect, Gustaf praised.

    Glad to know I have a fall back job if things don’t work out as an Elite, I said with a wicked smile.

    Gustaf shook his head with a sad laugh. You are a strange girl.

    I hear that I get that from my mother, I said and Gustaf stifled a laugh.

    A lady should not spread rumors, he chastised me after he had collected himself.

    It’s not a rumor if it’s true, I reminded him, And we all know that my mother is a few crumpets short of a full tea service.

    He chortled and I kissed to the horses, making them increase their speed to a canter. Milady, he warned me.

    Oh, hush, I told him and steered the horses around the twisting roads, Let me have some fun.

    The carriage barreled down the road and then the towers of Bravard, my school, came into view. I pulled back on the reins and the horses slowed and then stopped.

    Those towers always send a chill down my spine, Gustaff said quietly as he took the reins back from me.

    Glad that I’m not the only one, I mumbled and climbed back into the carriage. He drove us up to the entrance of the school and I waited until he opened the door to climb out, accepting his hand as I stepped down. I will see you after school.

    He bowed low and said, Yes, milady.

    I pulled my bag over my head and gripped the strap tightly. Only a few more months left at the school and then I would be finished. Then I would be married. I shuddered at that thought and suddenly the school did not look so scary.

    Excuse me, a deep voice said behind me.

    I spun around and fought to keep my voice even at the sight of Hadyn, one of the most handsome Elites in the land. He was mysterious, rarely spoke to anyone, and top of the class in every subject. My apologies, I whispered as I backed two steps away from him.

    Watch out! someone yelled behind me.

    I turned to find a carriage racing straight towards me and I froze in fear. Strong hands grabbed my arms and pulled me out of the way. My face was pressed against something warm and soft and after a moment, I realized that it was Hadyn’s chest.

    Are you alright? he asked me and released my arms to step back.

    I nodded. Thank you. His eyes were the brightest shade of green I had ever seen. How had I not noticed how beautiful his eyes were before?

    A short girl in a fluffy pink dress rushed from the carriage that had almost killed me and threw her arms around me. I’m so sorry, Serra! Are you okay?

    I patted Celeste on the back and said, I’m fine, but you should talk to your driver about slowing down when he nears the school.

    Oh that bumblehead decided to put a green horse on the team today and that poor baby got scared and wouldn’t stop running, she told me.

    Celeste may have been a bit lacking in the intelligence department, but she was incredibly sweet and loved animals.

    It’s okay, Hadyn… I stopped talking when I turned around because he had disappeared. Well, I guess he did not need to stay since I was fine now.

    Celeste linked arms with me, pulled me towards the school, and told me about her terrifying ride to school in vivid detail. I tried to pay attention, but I could still smell him and feel the warmth of him as we walked. There was little interaction between him and anyone at this school. Why? Why was an Elite so quiet and secretive?

    Serra? Celeste asked.


    Are you listening?

    Yes, of course, I lied as she walked into the main hall where our first class was held.

    She resumed talking and I resumed ignoring her. A nap sounded incredible right now. A few more girls walked in and Celeste bounded off to tell them about her terrifying morning. I rested my head on my arms on top of the table and closed my eyes.

    Still having nightmares? Tanya,

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