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No Such Thing
No Such Thing
No Such Thing
Ebook32 pages25 minutes

No Such Thing

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I panted into the darkness, weeping openly, heart torn out of my chest and tossed to the pavement outside the window. At least, that was how it felt. As I hemorrhaged grief and guilt and the uncontrollable need to escape this place into the stuffy claustrophobic interior of my traitor car.

—witches aren’t real—

—there’s no such thing as magic—

This couldn’t be happening to me.

Reese is driven from the Island, forced to leave by a power she can’t conceive of or control. But when Carol breaks down, Reese is forced to confront the curse at last, and the one who cast it. Can she find the strength to break this new spell and become who the Island’s soul needs her to be?

PublisherPatti Larsen
Release dateJun 4, 2017
No Such Thing

Patti Larsen

About me, huh? Well, my official bio reads like this: Patti Larsen is a multiple award-winning author with a passion for the voices in her head. But that sounds so freaking formal, doesn’t it? I’m a storyteller who hears character's demands so loudly I have to write them down. I love the idea of sports even though sports hate me. I’ve dabbled in everything from improv theater to film making and writing TV shows, singing in an all girl band to running my own hair salon.But always, always, writing books calls me home.I’ve had my sights set on world literary domination for a while now. Which means getting my books out there, to you, my darling readers. It’s the coolest thing ever, this job of mine, being able to tell stories I love, only to see them all shiny and happy in your hands... thank you for reading.As for the rest of it, I’m short (permanent), slightly round (changeable) and blonde (for ever and ever). I love to talk one on one about the deepest topics and can’t seem to stop seeing the big picture. I happily live on Prince Edward Island, Canada, home to Anne of Green Gables and the most beautiful red beaches in the world, with my pug overlord and overlady, six lazy cats and Gypsy Vanner gelding, Fynn.

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    Book preview

    No Such Thing - Patti Larsen

    No Such Thing

    Lovely Witches Club: Episode Seven

    Patti Larsen

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2017 by Patti Larsen

    Series created by Renee Laprise and Patti Larsen

    Purely Paranormal Press

    Find out more about Patti Larsen at


    Find the Lovely Witches Club and webseries at

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    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Cover art (copyright) by Valerie Bellamy. All rights reserved.


    Chapter One

    I scrambled back to Carol, knowing I’d just made a total and complete fool of myself and unable to care if anyone knew I’d lost my last nut. Still driven by the compulsion to escape the Island as quickly as possible, emotions jumbled, the pounding in my head more painful, the constriction around my chest tightening by the moment, I collapsed in the front seat, digging around in my purse for my cell phone. I needed help. I couldn’t stay here. I needed someone to help me, to save me.

    witches aren’t real—

    there’s no such thing as magic—

    I dialed the number for the tow truck, the card left behind the last time Carol betrayed me. Got a message service. Left my name in what had to be gasping sobs, my location—best guess—hung up. I couldn’t wait.

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