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United States of South Africa
United States of South Africa
United States of South Africa
Ebook226 pages4 hours

United States of South Africa

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About this ebook

This book reveals exactly how we are enslaved and how we may break the shackles and gain our freedom. After all, only you can own yourself; no one else can.
Backed up by meticulous research, this book will reveal all the ways that we are enslaved and controlled from banking and money to maritime law and the statutes that bind us. It will also lead you to wonderful ‘Aha’ moments as to how exactly we can take personal actions (if you have the courage) to begin to walk the path to liberation.

PublisherRobin Beck
Release dateMay 11, 2017
United States of South Africa

Brother Thomas

Brother Thomas is the pen name for a spiritual writer and lightworker who lives in Oklahoma. He uses this name because he encourages the skepticism of Doubting Thomas, the scientific creativity of Thomas Edison, and the careful thinking of Thomas Aquinas. Though Brother Thomas is not a Catholic, in one of his many lifetimes, he claims to have lived as a Vatican official. Brother Thomas enjoys giving personal spiritual readings and is the author of the Brother Thomas Oracle Cards, the Spiritus Lumine website, and a host of the Mystical Lodge Radio Podcast. In addition to writing and his spiritual work, Brother Thomas enjoys his grandchildren, gardening, and woodworking.

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    Book preview

    United States of South Africa - Brother Thomas


    An Affidavit of Probable Cause on how Southern Africa, instead of marching straight on to Freedom, made a short left towards the Washington Consensus;

    And, what we, the people can do to fix it;

    And, in so doing, finally finish the long walk to freedom once and for all…

    Written by


    Unified Common Law Grand Jury of Southern Africa

    Hereinafter UZA

    A peoples’ court of conscience


    Dedicated to you and all the people who carried and supported us along the way.

    Luke 12: 2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed, neither hid, that shall not be known. 3 Therefore, whatsoever you have spoken in darkness, shall be heard in the light: and that which you have spoken in the ear, in closets, shall be proclaimed upon the house tops. [KJV 1611]

    Published by

    Kima Global Publishers


    Cape Town

    ISBN: 978-1-928234-09-8

    © reserved

    Author web site

    Publisher web site

    All rights reserved. With the exception of small passages quoted for review purposes, no part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, adapted , stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or through any means, including mechanical, electronic, photocopying or otherwise without the permission of the publisher.

    Table of Contents


    Part One


    1955 Freedom Charter and the 1994 RDP Policy Framework

    Republic vs Demo(no)cracy

    Capitis Diminutio Maxima

    Constitution of the Republic of South Africa

    ACTing Justices

    Oath or Solemn Affirmation of Judicial Officers

    JSC Conflict laid bare by inconsistency

    UZA preliminary conclusion


    Part Two

    RSA Inc

    RSA Inc. Truth

    RSA Insolvency Acts

    RSA listed in the USA

    NYS Department of State


    Part Three


    A Brief History

    Age of Discovery

    Papal Rome

    Feudal Law

    The Bar

    Motu Proprio



    Part Four

    Folk Treason

    Cecil Rhodes

    South Africa Inc., The Oppenheimer Empire

    How the ANCs Faustian Pact sold our South Africa’s poorest

    South African Native National Congress

    Citibank and Project Hammer

    Tackling Illicit capital flows for economic transformation

    Uprisings but not Reawakenings


    Maxims of Equity

    Part Five


    What is Freemasonry?


    Devil’s Advocate

    Spiritualists are lost

    Do these non-entities have power?

    Maxims on Bound and Loosed

    On religion

    Law of War versus Law of Peace

    World Peace


    Maxims on Secrets

    Part Six


    The Truth

    The Pledge, Curse of Canaan

    Banksters Bloodline Curse

    Out of Thin Air

    The Financial Curse

    Bills of Exchange

    Double Jeopardy

    We live in a prepaid system

    Recapturing your Strawman Trust


    Maxims on agreements

    Part Seven


    A brief history of commerce

    Brief Biblical history of commerce


    Hiram’s revenge


    What has been done for you?

    The Nature of my work with the Vatican

    A note on the credit owed

    One People’s Public Trust

    What does this all mean?

    Maxims on Contracts

    Part Eight


    The Truth

    Brief history of the laws of England

    Law of Nations

    Hierarchy of Law

    Rule of Law

    One Law


    Divine Law

    Natural Law


    People’s Law


    Due Process




    Canons of Judicial Ethics

    Part Nine


    Reconstruction and development

    Why do we need an RDP?

    How can we do this successfully?

    The Six Basic Principles of the RDP

    The Key programmes of the RDP

    Meeting Basic Needs

    Vision and Objectives


    Health care

    Social Security and Social Welfare

    Building the Economy

    Vision and Objectives

    Integrating reconstruction and development

    Industry Trade and Commerce

    The Corporate Sector

    Resource-based Industries

    Mining and Minerals

    Reform of the Financial Sector

    Vision and Objectives

    Constituent Assembly

    Security Forces

    The Administration of Justice

    Parastatals and State Development Institutions

    Local Government

    Civil Society

    A democratic information programme

    Implementing the RDP

    Vision and Objectives

    Financing the RDP

    Truth and Reconciliation Commissions


    Part Ten

    New Earth

    UN Global Agenda 2030


    Debunking the Myth

    Behold a New Earth

    Final Conclusion

    Why settle for survival when we can thrive?

    United State of South Africa Summary

    What do we do now?

    SA People’s Referendum

    Is the system of Governance based on the will of we the people?


    It takes a huge amount of courage to be a pioneer and way shower; to challenge the enormous forces of what I know as ‘The Matrix’ and to forge the path into Truth. The cost to personal life can be great, to even raise the banner of Truth and Freedom when everyone around you seems to be only focusing on what is presented to them in order to survive, but this is exactly what the author has made his life’s mission.

    I am convinced that freedom with responsibility is something that deep down we all want; for our family, for our tribe, for our land and for all of humanity. Those who govern (govern = control) us told the South African population in 1994 that we have now gained our freedom and a rousing cheer went up across the land and echoed through the media. Now twenty years later those who were born after this date are known as the Born Frees. This is a lie presented as the truth because we are just as enslaved as we always were.

    Other nations such as the U.S.A. (land of the free) and almost the whole world are just as enslaved. How do we react to this news? My initial response was seething anger, but anger doesn’t get us anywhere unless it is channeled into action. Many of my friends go into deep denial, unable to accept that any group of people could be so consistently devious. This reaction also doesn’t go anywhere and in fact supports the status quo.

    Backed up by meticulous research, this book will reveal all the ways that we are enslaved and controlled from banking and money to maritime law and the statutes that bind us. It will also lead you to wonderful ‘Aha’ moments as to how exactly we can take personal actions (if you have the courage) to begin to walk the path to liberation. What an exhilarating ‘let off the lead’ feeling it is to learn the truth, and this is exactly the feeling that we as the publishers wish for all of you.

    Part One


    Without prejudice to the living whatsoever.

    This story is about legal fictions, imaginations and those ACTing as things that in reality do not exist. It is our duty to inform the public ofthe truth; after all, it isthe that without which not of any dispute.

    We, the well-intentioned, but ill-informed Southern Africans, like other nations, have also been lied to, and have also been deliberately confused, especially in the last 24 years, so much so that even those who are supposedly educated in law, don’t know which end is up, and everyone is even more confused because we cannot read the differences between legalese and plain language, the law-of-the-sea and law-of-the-land and the boundaries and limits of their jurisdiction. We are truly lost at sea.

    What follows is critical in order to grasp the What, Why, When, How, Where and Who of how the UNITED STATES OF SOUTH AFRICA came about.

    1955 Freedom Charter and the 1994 RDP policy framework

    The 1955 Freedom Charter and the 1994 RDP policy framework established the last lawful intent and will of we, the people ON [not in] the land of Southern Africa.

    Both of them called for direct democracy, meaning THE PEOPLE SHALL GOVERN!

    This meant all of the people, not just a few.

    Instead, in the words of Ronnie Kasrils [from his book Armed & Dangerous], Our people were sold down the river for representative democracy; meaning, a greedy and power-hungry 1% get to rule over the 99% for the benefit of the 0, 1% foreign elite. In some circles it is called neo-liberalism; in truth it is nothing more than feudal occultism of secret societies.

    It was the final push by the United Democratic Front that paved the way for our liberation. The UDF was a non-political assembly of grass roots movements from across Southern Africa. Our biggest mistake was not to continue with the UDF systems of local self-governance. Instead, the ANC elite, who were groomed by the ‘illuminati’ into secret societies while in luxurious ‘exile’, took over the reins and diverted our course from the Freedom Charter to the Washington Consensus.

    Now, the two main evils are:

    *The privately-owned Rothschild/Rockefeller Federal Reserve banking system, a global Ponzi scheme,

    * and the BAR legal system, a non-entity that cannot be sued;

    Both of them operating out of City of London, which is also a privately-owned foreign corporation, outside any canonical jurisdiction.

    The European Monarchies, the Vatican and Secret Societies of Freemasons are the beneficiaries of this global fraud. Together they hide behind the masks of corporations. Today there is no such thing as lawful government – not for any country in the West. Today all governments are merely corporations fronting as governments, and departments are merely private franchises. All they do is collect our valuable signatures on money bills and trade them for huge profits to the elite through fractional reserve banking, multiply-it-by-ten-as-you-trade-it-up scheme; operating under revolving rehabilitation bankruptcy maritime salvage rules.

    The truth is our Republican government by, for and of the people has been left vacant, but the first educated and informed sovereign people have started filling the first positions as living people by the living law-of-the-land.

    According to the 1994 RDP, to break the hold of the Freemasons, Southern Africa is supposed to have developed:

    *community banks run by the people

    *community courts free from the divided BAR

    *oversight committees in SARB and an open board of directors


    *local self-governance

    With the power of banking and creating interest-free value-backed currency back in the hands of the people, and community courts wherein all are equal before the law, bankers can be held accountable. In this way will the people truly govern, and in this way will customary law and common law be restored. The law-of-the-land will be restored and this is what the cabal fear most.

    Republic versus DEMO[NO]CRACY

    We never hear RSA being referred to as a Republic; we always hear democracy, democracy, democracy as part of the indoctrination propaganda.

    According to international legal citation our political system is a Republic. In a Republic the people are sovereign, in a Democracy THE STATE (a legal fiction) is sovereign.

    "The words ‘sovereign state’ are cabalistic words, not understood by the disciple of liberty, who has been instructed in our constitutional schools. It is our appropriate phrase when applied to an absolute despotism. The idea of sovereign power in the government of a republic is incompatible with the existence and foundation of civil liberty and the rights of property." Gaines v. Buford, 31 Ky. (1 Dana) 481, 501.

    The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996 states in Chapter One Founding Positions 1: Republic of South Africa: The Republic of South Africa is one sovereign, democratic state…

    It is not what we voted for. This means that the CON-stitution and RSA INC. is an absolute despotism, as we will further explain.


    Before we continue, it is key to grasp the difference between Republic of South Africa and REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA.

    Black’s Law Dictionary — Revised 4th Edition 1968, provides a more comprehensive definition as follows…

    Capitis Diminutio (meaning the diminishing of status through the use of capitalization).

    In Roman law, a diminishing or abridgment of personality; a loss or curtailment of a man’s status or aggregate of legal attributes and qualifications.

    Capitis Diminutio Minima (meaning a minimum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. John Doe)

    The lowest or least comprehensive degree of loss of status. This occurred where a man’s family relations alone were changed. It happened upon the arrogation [pride] of a person who had been his own master, (sui juris,) [of his own right, not under any legal disability] or upon the emancipation of one who had been under the patria potestas. [Parental authority] It left the rights of liberty and citizenship unaltered. See Inst. 1, 16, pr.; 1, 2, 3; Dig. 4, 5, 11;

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