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THE TRUCE OF GOD - A Christmas Story
THE TRUCE OF GOD - A Christmas Story
THE TRUCE OF GOD - A Christmas Story
Ebook53 pages23 minutes

THE TRUCE OF GOD - A Christmas Story

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A Classic Christmas short story set in medieval times with a courageous young girl who affects the peace the world so badly needs. This book was written during the era of Rinehart’s serious writing. It is a medieval Christmas fairy tale about Lord Charles the Fair and his young daughter, Clotilde, who longs for something more than her gender allows at that period in time.
This is not such an unusual wish as between the 5th C. and the 15th C. there are no less than 105 women recorded as taking up arms to fight alongside their male counterparts. However this was not as easily achieved as one might think, if only because of the differences in a women’s upper-body shape to men which made the shaping of armour more difficult, not to mention more cumbersome in battle.
Mary Roberts Rinehart (August 12, 1876-September 22, 1958) was a prolific author often called the American Agatha Christie. She is considered the source of the phrase "The butler did it", although she did not actually use the phrase herself, and also considered to have invented the "Had-I-But-Known" school of mystery writing.
Rinehart wrote hundreds of short stories, poems, travelogues and special articles. Many of her books and plays were adapted for movies, such as The Bat (1926), The Bat Whispers (1930), and The Bat (1959). While many of her books were best-sellers, critics were most appreciative of her murder mysteries.
Release dateJun 11, 2017
THE TRUCE OF GOD - A Christmas Story

Mary Roberts Rinehart

Often referred to as the American Agatha Christie, Mary Roberts Rinehart was an American journalist and writer who is best known for the murder mystery The Circular Staircase—considered to have started the “Had-I-but-known” school of mystery writing—and the popular Tish mystery series. A prolific writer, Rinehart was originally educated as a nurse, but turned to writing as a source of income after the 1903 stock market crash. Although primarily a fiction writer, Rinehart served as the Saturday Evening Post’s correspondent for from the Belgian front during the First World War, and later published a series of travelogues and an autobiography. Roberts died in New York City in 1958.

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    Book preview

    THE TRUCE OF GOD - A Christmas Story - Mary Roberts Rinehart


    A Christmas Tale


    Mary Roberts Rinehart

    Originally Published by

    George H. Doran Company, New York


    Resurrected By

    Abela Publishing, London


    The Truce of God

    Typographical arrangement of this edition

    ©Abela Publishing 2017

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    Abela Publishing,

    London, United Kingdom





    Now the day of the birth of our Lord dawned that year grey and dreary, and a Saturday. But, despite the weather, in the town at the foot of the hill there was rejoicing, as befitted so great a festival. The day before a fat steer had been driven to the public square and there dressed and trussed for the roasting. The light of morning falling on his carcass revealed around it great heaps of fruits and vegetables. For the year had been prosperous.

    But the young overlord sulked in his castle at the cliff top, and bit his nails. From Thursday evening of each week to the morning of Monday, Mother Church had decreed peace, a Truce of God. Three full days out of each week his men-at-arms polished their weapons and grew fat. Three full days out of each week his grudge against his cousin, Philip of the Black Beard, must feed on itself.

    His dark mood irritated the Bishop of Tours, who had come to speak of certain scandalous things which had come to his ears. Charles heard him through.

    She took refuge with him, he said violently, when the Bishop had finished. She knew what hate there was between us, yet she took refuge with him.

    The question is, said the Bishop mildly, why she should have been driven to refuge. A gentle lady, a faithful wife—

    Deus! The young seigneur clapped a fist on the table. You know well the reason. A barren woman!

    She had borne you a daughter.

    But Charles was far gone in rage and out of hand. The Bishop took his offended ears to bed, and left him to sit alone by the dying fire, with bitterness for company.

    Came into the courtyard at midnight the Christmas singers from the

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