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The Tale of Peter Rabbit
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
Ebook30 pages6 minutes

The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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From one of the world’s best-loved children’s authors: The timeless story of a mischievous bunny and a very angry gardener.
If there’s one thing Peter Rabbit’s mother has always told him, it’s to stay away from Mr. McGregor’s vegetable garden—or else he might end up becoming a pie like his poor father.
But while his obedient sisters, Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail, go smartly down the lane to pick blueberries, Peter has ideas of his own, and he goes off snacking on tasty lettuce and radishes from Mr. McGregor’s garden. He’s about to learn that not listening to his mother can lead a young rabbit into a whole lot of trouble.
As it has for more than a century, The Tale of Peter Rabbit continues to enchant children throughout the world with its sweet story, gentle lessons, and beautiful illustrations.
Release dateJul 4, 2017

Beatrix Potter

Helen Beatrix Potter (1866-1943) was an English writer, illustrator, scientist, and conservationist best known for her children's books featuring animals. Written as a gift for the son of her former governess, The Tale of Peter Rabbit was published in 1901. Its success enabled her to commit to full-time writing and illustrating. Potter wrote about 30 books; the best known being her 24 children's tales.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I'm reading the excellent biography "The Tale of Beatrix Potter" and that has brought me back to her beautiful, and extraordinary children's books. I don't know when I first read this, but given the childish printing of my name inside the front cover I'd say I was five years old. Peter Rabbit has stayed with me for half a century now and this simple tale of the adventures of a naughty rabbit in a vegetable garden will never grow old. (On a side note, when we are walking a family dog and someone needs to shoo away a cat or a bird, that might attract unwanted attention from the dog, we call it "doing a Mr McGregor").
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I remember reading Peter Rabbit as a child, so its nostalgic for me. I liked the illustrations for the books as well. They were warm, colorful, and made me feel at home.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The illistrations are the best part of the book, but the story is good too. I never read this book as a child, but I see why it's so popular. It's simple and sweet and there are cute little rabbits that dress in human clothing.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Peter Rabbit diobey's his mother and goes to Mr. Mcgregor's garden where he has a huge adventure running away from Mcgregor and loosing his coat and shoes. When Peter returns home he is sick and put to bed and misses out on blackberries which the others are eating. The pop up added to this story as it let you be interactive with the story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A classic and charming children's tale.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    In this book Peter rabbit lives with his mother and sisters flopsy and mopsy cottontail. The wear clothes and live in a burrow near Mr. McGregor's garden that they are not allowed to go into because that's where their father disappeared. Peter sneaks into the garden and gets caught by Mr. McGregor. As he tried to escape he leaves his jacket and shoes behind which Mr. McGregor uses as a scarecrow in his garden. Peter tried to go back and get his things but becomes ill and his mother takes care of him by giving him tea and never letting him go to the garden again. A very good book for students to learn lessons and read a classic book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is my favorite story.I have known this story since I was in kindergarten,soI feel closeness to this story.Peter, it's the name of this rabbit.He is very mischievous rabbit,so he faced dangerous events because he ignored his mother's order.But fanally, he had a narrow escapefrom being a meat pie! But when he returned his house,he was scolded his mother...But anyway, this is very good heart warming story.I recommend this book to you!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    With Potter's beautiful water color illustrations, the story of naughty Peter and Mr. MacGregor.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I liked this story. As with the other books in the series this was a lovely story. I read it again after finding it in the loft. The illustrations in the book are fantastic, they have so much depth but the writing itself was brilliant too. There was no bad grammar. I hate the 'Charlie and Lola' series that encourages bad grammar because it is perceived as cute. The grammar in this is good and it also has a large vocabulary.The story was interesting and had a good moral. I like the way it was put bluntly 'don't go into Mr. McGregor's garden; your Father had an accident there; he was put in a pie by Mrs. McGregor.' I found it interesting upon writing that quote the perceived non-British way of writing a full stop inside the speech marks. Part of the series was to show children that animals are quite easily another animals food, which peeople forget when characters are involved, so it was good that it was so blunt. However, when the same might happen to Peter you really feel for the character and want him to get away. A great story for children!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is a short story to teach a lesson to children. I suggest it be told to young children.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I kind of don't know why this is a big deal--it's a cute enough story, but are we really supposed to be riveted by how "naughty" Peter is and how he's stepping out of rabbit-nursery into rabbit-Ypres? We're not Edwardians anymore.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The tale of a curious and naughty bunny; complete with adventure, loss, danger, friendly helpers, a near escape, a resigned mother, and a moral ending. You don't get the berries and cream when you misbehave, only chamomile tea for naughty bunnies.This is all stated without judgement on the author's part, nor are there any lectures. Just a sweet story with lovely illustrations. This particular book was given me by my grandmother, Charlotte, when I was two years old. It has always been a favorite of mine.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a really good children book the pictures are beautiful and the story has a good, if somewhat stong, lesson in it. I believe children will love this book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This represents a Realistic Fiction book because it is convincingly true to life in that rabbits are real. It does not work, though because the rabbits talk in the story. This will help children examine their own lives and relate with the idea of obedience.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book is a good example of a folk or fairy tale book because the story of Peter Rabbit has been around for a long time, being told in many different variations.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Tale of Peter Rabbit (Xist Illustrated Children's Classics) Classic tale of Peter Rabbit and his bunny family. He wants what is in the farmer's gardenalthough his mother has warned him never to go near it. He can not resist and he gets caught....Great photos and story.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The Tale of Peter Rabbit is the quintessential cautionary tale, warning children about the grave consequences of misbehaving. This was my first reading of the book and I can't shake the feeling that Peter is really caught by Mr McGregor, and that the second half of the book is a mere dream sequence of being skinned and made into a pie. I don't have any evidence to back me up other than I found the story of Peter's father foreshadowing.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Tale of Peter Rabbit is a story about four little rabbits who lived with their Mother. Mother left the children to go to the baker's and told them not to get into mischief, and especially don't go into Mr. McGregor's garden. Peter Rabbit's siblings went down the lane to gather blackberries, but Peter went straight for Mr. McGregor's garden. He ate lettuce, french beans, radishes and when he was looking for some parsley, he ran into Mr. McGregor! Mr. McGregor chased Peter and Peter got trapped in gooseberry net. Some friendly sparrows helped Peter out of the net and he wandered around the garden trying to find his way out. Peter eventually found his way out and ran all the way home without looking back, but he had lost all of his clothes.This story shows that there can be consequences to your actions and that you should follow the rules. Each student could re-create their favorite scene from this book by drawing it out and write one sentence explaining why they chose that scene.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A tale that takes many of us back to our childhood. A tale that taught us then and reminds us now of what happens to little bunnies who obey and make good choices and bunnies that are naughty and almost end up in the McGregor stewpot. A tale that leaves us comforted because when Peter comes back from his misadventures, his mother did not scold him, but puts him to bed with some camomile tea for his sick tummy. A classic that delights and instructs yet another generation.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Tale of Peter Rabbit is a timeless classic that introduces children to familial concepts such as the importance of obediance, authority and consequence. Potter uses beautfifully detailed illustrations and a captivating story line to capture the hearts of her both adult and adolescent audience.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A cute story that is a timeless classic, complemented by beautiful, simple pictures.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not too much to it without the illustrations. The Raggedy Ann stories were better. They stood up well even without the illustrations.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the story of a family of rabbits. After the mother has warned her son Peter not to go into the vegetable garden, he disobeys her and does. Students will love reading this classic novel and learning what happens next.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book can be used for cause and effect because when Peter Rabbit ate the vegetables he got in trouble by his mom for disobeying. This could also teach students to about obedience.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Another classic tale about a little rabbit name peter who learns a lesson the hard way. Certainly a must read!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A cute story of a rabbit who takes chances in his quest for food. A good book to use when teaching about plot and sequencing. Also can be used to teach cause and effect.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The classic tale illustrated with Potter's illustrations. Mother knows best!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this one a lot more than I was expecting to, and so did my little boy. He gasped as he saw Peter sneaking into Mr. McGregor's garden, and looked at me with fright: "But, he'll be made into pie!?" A simple little story, full of action and delight, the pictures so lovely, and just the right length for bedtime reading.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great book for children ( and grown-ups!) with fabulous pictures.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this little tale about a young rabbit named Peter. Before going out, Peter's mother warned Peter and his siblings about not going into Mr. McGregor's garden while she was gone. Peter being the mischievous rabbit that he was, ignored his mother's instructions and ventured off to Mr. McGregor's garden anyway. After roaming around the garden and eating some lettuce, he was spotted by Mr. McGregor. Mr. McGregor went crazy and chased little Peter all over the garden. Eventually Peter made a great escape and ran straight home where he passed out from exhaustion. Peter felt terrible and went to bed. His mother didn't know what happened to him, but she gave him some medicine as he went to bed.

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The Tale of Peter Rabbit - Beatrix Potter

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