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Shamanic Egyptian Astrology: Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods
Shamanic Egyptian Astrology: Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods
Shamanic Egyptian Astrology: Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods
Ebook271 pages4 hours

Shamanic Egyptian Astrology: Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods

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About this ebook

Integrates the Egyptian pantheon, the ancient language of astrology, and shamanic practices

• Links each of the planets and signs in Western astrology with its Egyptian counterpart, such as Leo with Anubis

• Includes sacred invocations and shamanic rituals to invite the wisdom of each Egyptian deity into your life

• Offers a shamanic way to interpret natal horoscopes

Shamanic Egyptian Astrology integrates the Egyptian pantheon, the ancient language of astrology, and shamanic practices to promote a new way to interpret and work with natal charts. Revealing the cross-cultural mythology and astrological significance of the individual Egyptian gods and goddesses, the authors link each of the 12 zodiac signs and 11 celestial bodies of Western astrology with its Egyptian ancestor, introducing new significance to their positions and interactions in a horoscope. For example, Leo is linked with Anubis and Taurus with Hathor. Venus is associated with the goddess Isis and Jupiter with Horus.

Each chapter includes sacred invocations and shamanic rituals to invite the wisdom of each Egyptian deity into your life--such as calling on Sekhmet for action or Thoth for clarity. With sample interpretations of the charts of Barack Obama and Gloria Steinem, this book provides a practical framework for accessing the wisdom of ancient Egypt and offers astrological and shamanic tools for spiritual guidance and the coming shift in planetary consciousness.
Release dateMar 9, 2010
Shamanic Egyptian Astrology: Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods

Linda Star Wolf

Linda Star Wolf, Ph.D., has been a visionary teacher and shamanic guide for more than 35 years. The founder and codirector of Venus Rising Association for Transformation and the founder and president of Venus Rising University for Shamanic Psychospiritual Studies, she is the creator of the Shamanic Breathwork Process as well as the Shamanic Ministers Global Network and the Wise Wolf Councils. A spiritual granddaughter of Seneca Wolf Clan Grandmother Twylah Nitsch, Star Wolf is the author of Shamanic Breathwork and co-author of Visionary Shamanism, Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt, and The Anubis Oracle. She lives at Isis Cove Retreat Center near Asheville, North Carolina.

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    Shamanic Egyptian Astrology - Linda Star Wolf


    From Wounding to Purpose

    Oh sacred neteru from the Great Above, may our hearts remember the language of wholeness being sung to us by you, the Ancient Guardians of Shamanic Egypt. May we embrace our Divine Humanity and remember that our true mission has always been the embodiment of Heaven on Earth. Infinite thanks for the Secret Codes that are now being activated within our body and soul’s memory. At the Turning of the Ages, on the threshold of the New Aeon, we mend the Sacred Hoop of our wounds and dance our way into wholeness. At last we finally remember—we are the ones we’ve been waiting for!

    We live in an auspicious time. Our planet is crossing a threshold; in astrological circles this time is called the Turning of the Ages. In recent years we humans have made a quantum leap in our technological abilities. The tools we’ve created have sped up our experience of time, and some of them have proved to be destructive. We have the power to destroy our planet in the blink of an eye through the detonation of hydrogen bombs, the failure of nuclear power plants, or more slowly, the destruction of our climate and ecosystem. We are ever more powerful, and our actions affect not only each other but the Earth itself. Our very survival is at stake.

    All cultures have utilized symbolic tools that provide guidance through difficult times. These tools have come in the form of astrology, the tarot, runes, numerology, and other oracular and divination systems. These systems symbolically reflect a construct of reality as we understand it at our present level of development. Encrypted in the language of Western astrology is a description of the wounds we have suffered over the last several thousand years. This language has served us well because we are a wounded planet. The masculine and feminine forces on our planet are out of balance. This imbalance has harmed us all—regardless of

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