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This Side of Paradise
This Side of Paradise
This Side of Paradise
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This Side of Paradise

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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The first novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, "This Side of Paradise" is the story of Amory Blaine, a young Midwesterner who leaves his home to attend boarding school and eventually Princeton. The book examines the lives and morality of the post-World War I youth through Amory's character, who has a series of romances that eventually lead to his disillusionment. This first novel by Fitzgerald was incredibly popular and would cement his position as one of America's premiere literary talents of the first part of the 20th century.
Release dateJan 1, 2010

F. Scott Fitzgerald

F. Scott Fitzgerald was born in Saint Paul, Minnesota, in 1896, attended Princeton University in 1913, and published his first novel, This Side of Paradise, in 1920. That same year he married Zelda Sayre, and he quickly became a central figure in the American expatriate circle in Paris that included Gertrude Stein and Ernest Hemingway. He died of a heart attack in 1940 at the age of forty-four.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The circumstances of the novel have blurred over the years. It is certain that I finished the book at a White Castle, perhaps avoiding aspects of my life which had veered problematic. I recall highballs, many of them. The drinks were in the novel, of course. My own problems involved living in the wrong place and that finding the reciprocity of a relationship was corroding my self-esteem. There is an echo of that within the pages. That was a funny time. Does my smile appear forced?
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Fitzgerald written about a young man named Amory. Amory comes from some old money, goes to Princeton, fights in the war, and along the way, has several intense love relationships. It's a story about self-discovery and love where Amory famously ends the novel by saying, "I know myself, but that is all--."
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book pretty much defines my college experience.

    Except for the attending Princeton part.
    And the not-being-a-hot-dude part.
    And I didn't fight in WWI either.

    okay, so maybe Amory Blaine and I are nothing alike, but we share the same sense of malaise and we're both drifting purposelessly through life.

    behold: the power of literature!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    There’s no doubt Fitzgerald was a good writer, and that he “wrote what he knew”. On the positive side of This Side of Paradise there are touching sentiments of youth, one’s college days, and lost innocence, both collectively post WWI, and individually in love lost. There are also a variety of literary forms, including some dabbling in stream of consciousness, which I give Fitzgerald credit for. “The Debutante”, the first chapter in Book Two, written in play form, is excellent.The thing that makes him hard to read for me, at least in his early efforts such as this, is that “what he knew” was such lazy affluence. The main character is given everything; he has good looks, money, talent, and attends Princeton. Unfortunately he is also egotistic, spoiled, and lackadaisical – and therefore damn hard to like. Complaining about the “tiresome” war, so removed from its horrors, stating how the lower classes are “narrower, less pleasant, and personally more selfish” among other things throughout the book … it rings of elitism.Quotes:On media:“It’s worse in the case of newspapers. Any rich, unprogressive old party with that particularly grasping, acquisitive form of mentality known as financial genius can own a paper that is the intellectual meat and drink of thousands of tired, hurried men, men too involved in the business of modern living to swallow anything but predigested food. For two cents the voter buys his politics, prejudices, and philosophy.”On religion:“And Monsignor, upon whom a cardinal rested, had moments of strange and horrible insecurity – inexplicable in a religion that explained even disbelief in terms of its own faith: if you doubted the devil it was the devil that made you doubt him.”On the outlook for women at the time:“’Rotten, rotten old world,’ broke out Eleanor suddenly, ‘and the wretchedest thing of all is me – oh, why am I a girl? Why am I not a stupid - ? Look at you; you’re stupider than I am, not much, but some, and you can lope about and get bored and then lope somewhere else, and you can play around with girls without being involved in meshes of sentiment, and you can do anything and be justified – and here am I with the brains to do everything, yet tied to the sinking ship of future matrimony. If I were born a hundred years from now, well and good, but now what’s in store for me – I have to marry, that goes without saying. Who? I’m too bright for most men, and yet I have to descend to their level and let them patronize my intellect in order to get their attention. Every year that I don’t marry I’ve got less chance for a first-class man.”On writing:“Every author ought to write every book as if he were going to be beheaded the day he finished it.”
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A decent novel. You can see the effort to become the great novelist he would become, but it seems experimental and forced at times. Additionally, Fitzgerald's worldview at twenty-three seemed to be lacking in maturity, but it is not a bad coming of age story. I would liken it to Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Maugham's Of Human Bondage except that they were better written than This Side of Paradise. Still, I am glad I read it, and I will remember it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is only my second foray into the world of F. Scott Fitzgerald. I had read "The Great Gadsby" years ago, as part of a college reading assigment. I also had seen the movie starring Robert Redford. So, over the past few weeks I approached this other great Fitzgerald work with a sense of anticipation, and maybe a little hesitation. Gadbsy had left me flat and drained. I expected Paradise to do the same. Yet, in the life meanderings of protagonist Amory Blaine, I found not a pointless pursuit of nothing much, ending in quiet tragedy. Rather, there is a sense of ultimate success on the part of Blaine, as the narrative closes. Here is a person that seemed to have no real purpose in life, other than a continuation of the first two shallow fraternity years in an Ivy League college. But Amory is no typical Ivy-Leaguer. His wealth comes from some nouveau riche earnings of his late father's smart investments. Tragedy seems to loom on every page, as his inheritance dries up and he is left with nothing. He has not even a healthy ambition to drive him. As a romancer, he can seduce, but never truly win, the most beautiful women crossing his path. They all approach their liaisons with him, fully aware that it is going nowhere. He is a rake without pretense. Blaine's frustrations with the ladies are part of his character development, in his sysiphusian forward-and-back-again career path to nowhere. But in this there is nothing really unique about the character. There is not a man alive, who wouldn't love to have the same romantic experiences as Amory. Eventually the smart ones realize that the best women are the nice ones. The most alluring ones are the ones along the edge of society, not the ones that place themselves front and center, as Amory's love interests always manage to do. So the story ends, somewhere around the year 1930, with Amory at around thirty years of age. In the final chapters, Fitzgerald wraps it up with some prescient social commentary, which seem even to point to reforms in our society that may yet be a hallmark of the Obama era. Fitzgerald pleads - why does our society not more highly value those with creative gifts? Why do we stress a liberal education, and then cast to the gutter those that excel in the liberal arts? Fitzgerald says, no wonder socialism has such an allure to the intelligentsia! If the business and monied classes cared more about letters, music, and the arts, then there would be a place for those so gifted! Yet any advanced civilization needs to celebrate those gifts! Fitzgerald has written this book as a commentary on America's need to put its money where its mouth is. If you can write and create - then it is in society's best interest to take good care of you. The failure to do so may be an overturning of our free market system (one needs only to look at people like Bill Ayers to see how it all may come topsy turvy, even in our generation). But, one wonders about Mr. Blaine at the age of fifty and beyond. I can easily envision him as a respected adademic, with a wife that is also a professor. In his late middle years he has one or two young children, that bring him great joy. He has served on several local boards by this time. And, at long last, he is happy.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Expected more of Fitzgerald even though it was his first novel. A strange tale of a self-absorbed kid.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Beautiful writing is its best attribute
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Duidelijk een eerste werk, met nog veel onvolkomenheden, maar het laat je niet los. Compositorisch moeilijk, pluriform, niet alles is even goed. Gevallen engel-thema, doorprikt zekerheden. Eerder queeste dan Bildungsroman. Een beetje zoals bij Wilde een storende opeenstapeling van quotes.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    One of the mysteries of my life is why do I have to keep on reading to the bitter end books that are incredibly boring? I felt like giving this one up many times but kept right on to the very end. It is a mishmash of novel, notes, dialogue, play, poetry all revolving around the early life and loves of Amory Blaine, an apparently extremely good-looking man and apparently an intellectual but he failed to arouse the slightest interest. I liked the short stories of Flappers and Philosophers much better. Despite the promises of the introduction there is nothing racier than a kiss in the dark, and I was really annoyed by the many mistakes (such as Cecilia on one page and Cecelia on another) - is FSF so sacred that they should not be corrected in a new edition? Overall impression: written by a student who thinks undergraduate life is riveting, and wanting to show off all his literary knowledge.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    With this first novel, 23-year old Fitzgerald was catapulted into fame as the offspring of the Jazz Age, and with no surprise. This novel, which covers the life of Amory Blaine, a wandering Princeton egoist who is bored and disillusioned with the world around him, is reminiscent not only of the lost generation after World War I, but of the great coming-of-age novels of our time, most notably Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye.It was Fitzgerald himself who said that he was merely "a product of a versatile mind in a restless generation-—with every reason to throw my mind and pen in with the radicals." The appeal of this book is hence universal and completely timeless, and just like Holden Caufield, many will take on this character and his hedonism as their own, recognizing his faults and weaknesses and learning, probably before he does, from his mistakes. Based partly on Fitzgerald's own burgeoning academic life, the author claims to capture "a new generation grown up to find all Gods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken." Probably the most experimental of all of Fitzgerald's books, filled not only with the actual story text, but also with acridly humorous lists, melodramatic poems, and even a section written like a play, all coming together seamlessly to show how Blaine learns from his friendships, affairs, and intellectual and spiritual lessons and mishaps how to become a more mature (though not necessarily a better and happier) person.Though not all will be drawn to this self-absorbed character, many still will find a thread of themselves in this man. As Fitzgerald's first novel, this is probably his most unadulterated and honest, and hence is of great value to all Fitzgerald followers. Those who have read other Fitzgerald books may not find this to be like the others. It lacks the flapper-filled floating atmosphere of The Great Gatsby, which is certainly his greatest novel. It lacks the sweet and insipid romance of such novels as my personal favorite, Tender is the Night. Still, there is a pervading sense of instability in Amory that seems extant in many of Fitzgerald's heroes and heroines, a certain off-center quality that keeps them down to earth at the same time it makes them other-worldly. Amory carries this quality like a sword and shield, and, more than any one of Fitzgerald's characters, looks at the world around him with the illusion that he is far above it because of his idiosyncrasies.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It is a joy to begin a book which has been around for some time and you finally begin to read it and marvel at the beauty of the authors gift. How many times has FSF been called the greatest writer of the 20th century? For me there is no argument. The absolute beauty of the english language undwr his pen is enough to bring tears to ones eyes. His descriptions, his euphemisms, his ability to make unsympathetic characters human is without equal. This is his first novel and a thinly veiled autobiography of his experiences as a young man. And as a young man he thinks as a young man. I wish he had written 40 books instead of 4. But maybe the beautiful prose was meant for only a few and perhaps would have been diluted if there were more.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The life of Amory Blaine, a romantic, dreamy boy, who pursues friends on his intellectual level, girls who will break his heart, and literary idols who inspire him.The only child of a dramatic mother and a father who leaves little impression, Amory was molded into a precocious boy who believes himself better than his classmates, which makes it hard for him at school until he proves himself to be a good athlete. This transition earns him the title of "eccentric", which deflects from the boy's truer nature, which is snobbery. Making friends, attending Princeton, falling in love, serving in WWI and having low-paying work cause Amory to develop a less idealistic view of himself.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This Side of Paradiseby F. Scott FitzgeraldIntroduction and Notes by Sharon G. CarsonThis Side of Paradise originally published in 1920 by ScribnerBarnes & Noble Classics trade paperback edition published in 2005 (by Barnes & Noble)ClassicsWHO: Amory Blaine,…WHAT: recounts his life as he comes of age, goes to boarding school, college, war, and falls in love a couple of times.WHERE: Blaine hails from the Mid-West, goes to Princeton and makes occasional forays into New York City to participate in social life.WHEN: The narrative covers roughly ten years, from 1908-1918, with very little time spent on Blaine’s military service in 1917.WHY: Blaine seeks to define himself philosophically…HOW: by taking into consideration his experiences, what he has been taught formally and through the mentorship of a priest.+ This Side of Paradise is a unique diary in form that functions as a thinly disguised autobiography of F. Scott Fitzgerald himself.- Without an academically informed approach, This Side of Paradise comes across as a self-indulgent account of a spoiled brat. With bad poetry.OTHER: I purchased paperback copy of This Side of Paradise (by F. Scott Fitzgerald; Introduction and Notes by Sharon G. Carson ) from Barnes and Noble (the retail store in Medford, OR.) I did not read theIntroduction and Notes by Sharon G. Carson. I learned to never do that when reading the Classics (unless the Classic is a re-read) as the academics who write these things often include spoilers. I receive no monies, goods or services in exchange for reviewing the product and/or mentioning any of the persons or companies that are or may be implied in this post.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Finally, a Fitzgerald book that is interesting and does not follow the mold. Normally, I think F. Scott Fitzgerald is a most overrated writers. The more I have read of his works, the less I like him. Sure, he knows how to turn a phrase but he lacks what is essential to all truly good writers - how to make characters who appeal to the common man. This seems to me to be his major problem and will ultimately lead to his downfall from the pedestal upon which his friends in the New York publishing world had placed him. Who cares about the spoiled wealthy and their angst over empty lives? Every one of his books are similar in this respect. However, this particular one was his first and is the freshest. It shows the promise he had failed to fulfill.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ahhhh Mr. Fitzgerald. How you woo me with your lyrical prose and bore me with your philosophical shpeel.There were times during This Side of Paradise where I was overcome by what I was reading because it was just that amazing. And then there were times where I glazed over the philosophy with dry eyes and an annoying buzz in my ears. But looking beyond those parts, I have to acknowledge Paradise as Fitz’s first novel, and therefore the good parts were made that much better since he had nothing Gatsby-like to live up to. The bits of genius were effortless and beautiful because they were the first of their kind, pure and innocent. Paradise seems like it was easy for Fitz. Fun. I feel like I can tell this is his first novel because it wouldn’t be until later that the pressure of being a “good writer” would hit him. For that reason, I enjoyed this novel tremendously.This Side of Paradise revolves around Amory Blaine. There are many words to describe Amory: self-involved, self-indulgent, self-conscious. Overly dramatic, lost, found, curious, lonely, broken, bruised. Affected. Amory is a character. He’s full of life but completely lost. He’s a dreamer and an idealist and a realist all at the same time; he is one big hypocritical oxymoron, and he’s completely overwhelmingly tragic.We begin Amory’s life from whence all his issues started: Beatrice. Beatrice is dear old mother with her delicacy and indulgences, and her personality makes Amory into the person he is because of her eccentricities and failures. We follow Amory through school and his younger years (where he’s disliked by his classmates because they don’t get him), through his college years (where he’s liked by classmates because they don’t get him), vaguely through World War I, and always through his women, until we meet Rosalind – the beginning, end, and in-between of everything Amory wanted and could never have.Amory is always looking for himself, and never finding the person he wants. He loses himself in whatever he likes at the time, whether it be school, an idea, a place, or a person. He’s never happy and never content for long. He wants to be remembered, but never sticks to anything long enough to be cause for remembrance. He’s lost, and I feel sad for him. He never quite finds what he’s looking for.The best description of Amory can be found on the twelfth page of the book:“It was always the becoming he dreamed of, never the being.”
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I read this while on a trip to Washington and made no note on what I thought of the reading. My memory is that it was OK.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I was somewhat struck by the use of a play format for heavy dialogue, and the various long poems, interspersed with a two-book structure (and interlude) and a complex structure of interwoven characters and time-shifts. Well worth the read and I can only imagine the stir it would have caused in 1920. I can only wonder what the original drat of this novel would have been line and I remain bewildered by the life experience FSF had at such a very young age.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Amory Blaine is one of the more frustrating characters I've ever come to like. He is certainly self-interested to a degree that most would consider unhealthy. His self-interested escapades see him try everything from athletics and poetry to failing on purpose, going to war, and arguing for socialism to name a few. His philosophy is that he is beautiful and superior to more or less everyone he meets, save Burne Holliday. His mother dies young (an alcoholic), he is mentored by a priest who becomes his only 'father figure'. I see that the general consensus on the thing is that this novel is in some shape or form inferior to Fitzgerald's other novels. Well I'm no critic and I've not been through all F. Scott Fitzgerald's books. Some may dislike Amory and his self-righteous monologues, but in a world in which everyone is self-interested, well you'd be crazy to be any other way.The high moments of this novel are definitely those involving women. Amory's drunken escapade falls far short of Fitzgerald's own escapades and is most definitely toned down if this novel is to be at all autobiographical. He loses many lovers but Rosalind being the key love figure. His love for Eleanor being second best, not for Amory but for the quality of the story being told.The end is the best portion of the novel. However that may be just because I, unlike Amory, am sentimental and not romantic. The difference being something between hoping that it never ends and praying to God that it does.All in all, not a bad or difficult read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This, Fitzgerald's first book written at the tender age of 23, while in my opinion clearly his worst, hints at the enormous talent underlying some of his later masterpieces. This Side of Paradise is self-consciously autobiographical and has an unfortunate tendency towards pretentiousness and self-absorption. The narrative is also less mature than his later works, and tends to wander. Nonetheless, it is worth a read for glimpses of the incomparable Fitzgerald style.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good book. I really liked it when I read it, but as I reflect now (a couple summers later), I think that Fitzgerald gets rather tiring. It's 'On the Road' that has done this to me, particularly a quote on the back mentioning that it was closer to Whitman's American Dream than Fitzgerald's. Fitzgerald is a confused boy living in a make-believe world, whereas Whitman and Kerouac celebrate Life. I prefer that. Today.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An exquisitely written book, as a first book, Mr. Fitzgerald has his prose at a high level. Slightly autobiographical, it offers interesting insight into the author, and bears comparison with The Great Gatsby, for the same themes. The original poetry in the book is quite good too.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is the story of Amory Blaine and takes place in the early 1900's, just before and after WWI. Amory was born to a family of wealth and lived a rather leisurely life.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Glanced through other reviews: bored by philosophical shpeel? It rings of elitism? There's no real plot? Obviously, everyone is entitled to their opinion. If saying so sounds dismissive, it may be because one person's entitlement to have them is different from an obligation in the rest of us to heed them.It isn't The Great Gatsby. That is true, as so many reviewers below point out, but then again all books but one aren't The Great Gatsby. This is a great example of the Bildungsroman. The journey of reading this sort of story is to see a character take shape in interaction with an environment. The interesting thing with Amory--the "Egotist"--is how conscious he seems to be of his own Self taking shape, even from a very young age. He is hyper-aware of how his poses redound upon his reputation in society. You are, I think, absolutely meant to recoil at the self-indulgence and shallowness of his patrician lifestyle. His philosophical musings are, I think, meant to sound amateurish. Many of his romantic woes are meant to seem maudlin. If he seems to be drifting through life, I think it's in the nature of his generation, it's representative of a time and place. Note the conspicuous absence of the World War; there's an elephant in the room. To those who felt there was no plot, that Amory doesn't undergo a change, that the story seems to promote class-ist sentiments, you perhaps gave up before the culminating dialogue between a thoroughly broken-down Amory and the father of one of his dead Princeton acquaintances. His love life has been repeatedly sabotaged by economic interests, his family fortune is entirely dried-up, his mentor has died beloved for his service to mankind, and Amory has no idea what to do with himself. Facing real poverty, he goes on to articulate a case for Socialism that rings true even today: a society that refuses to make concessions to its working class cannot be surprised when they resort to organization and agitation on their own behalf. He calls for a meritocracy where every child (or every male child) is begun on an equal footing with equal access to education and opportunity and called upon to achieve for the sake of honor and self-respect rather than mere financial gain. Amory plans to commit his pen to the cause of social justice. Surely this is not an argument for elitism, and surely this is a change from the Amory who cared only for his social status. Best of all, his transformation--admittedly sudden--organically arises from his experience, from thwarted love most of all. Amory himself concedes that his zeal is a sublimation of his feelings for Rosalind, and a poor substitute.There is that Ancient Greek axiomatic exhortation to "know thyself." In This Side of Paradise Fitzgerald has posited a case in rebuttal. Amory's excessive self-consciousness is his stumbling block. Even in the end he cannot escape his own scrutiny. Even he knows that his self-knowledge is an impediment. "I know myself... but that is all."So, this book: *Makes a philosophical statement about a well-lived life *Has a political message about the world *Captures the tone of a period in history *Sketches a complicated and evolving personality (personage?) *Is written in an innovative structure *Is written with powerful language *Provides insights into the early life of one of America's greatest writersand *Is capable of inspiring strongly differing opinions and perspectives.If only he'd never written The Great Gatsby. Maybe then we could read the rest of his work in peace with a clear head.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The writing is pretty good, but the story drags. There's no real plot, which I suppose not every book needs. But while I liked Amory Blaine, I also found him kind of boring. Fitzgerald had a tendency to write only what he knew, since all his books are kind of related to the same idea of disillusionment, and the the separation between the classes. I never finished it, but I got about halfway through and I thought it was okay.It was nothing compared to The Great Gatsby.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was my first Fitzgerald. The author came up in conversation and, having realized I had never read anything by him, the next time I was at the library I went to the fiction section and this was the only Fitzgerald currently on the shelf (my branch is one of the smallest in the county; much of what I read I have transferred in from the other locations).

    I had heard of This Side of Paradise, but I have no idea whether it's a good introduction to the author. As I read, I felt like I needed someone smarter than me to tell me what was important about the book.

    I noticed the changes in writing style: at times the story was told in third person, at times it was a play, at times a poem, and there was a brief couple of pages that were first person.

    I've read other fiction that takes place when this book does (the nineteen-teens), but most of it was historical fiction, while Paradisewas actually realistic fiction when it was published: a coming of age story about a young man growing up as the world around him is experiencing growing pains.

    I liked it, and I felt the writing was good, but I was alternately bored and interested. I couldn't figure out why the main character's two years at war were almost completely ignored (but I wasn't disappointed by the fact, that's for sure).

    I think my next Fitzgerald will be The Great Gatsby, for no other reason that it's the most famous.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I really like Fitzgerald, and I think this book has some redeeming qualities, but the wandering story of Amory Blaine just didn't make me care, and that's why I didn't care for this novel.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This begins slowly. You really have to work to get through the first half, but once you get through that it really pays off. There are many brilliant moments in this book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I am a big fan of The Great Gatsby, so I thought I would pick up this novel, Fitzgerald's first. Unfortunately, it was no where near as good. I liked it, but I didn't love it.Summary: This Side of Paradise is the story of Amory Blaine, an egotistical young man who lives in the elite upper class world of 1910s and 1920s America. The reader watches as Amory attends a private prep school, goes to Princeton, fights in WWI, and then drifts along as one of the "lost generation." He loves, he loses, and he believes himself to have grown from a "personality" into a "personage." I, however, am still not sure of the destinction between the two, nor do I believe that Amory changes all that much.Amory's voice reminded me a little of Holden in The Catcher in the Rye, a book that I do not really enjoy. Both boys are lazy, sarcastic, self-important characters who complain a lot but do nothing. The up side of This Side of Paradise is Fitzgerald's prose, which is lovely, and the setting of the 1920s, a time period that I find infinitely interesting. Sprinkled throughout the book is Amory's poetry, which I guess shows his growth as an artist and a person, but I found it distracting. While this book doesn't live up to The Great Gatsby, it is interesting to see how Fitzgerald grew as an author, and since This Side of Paradise is semi-autobiographical, the reader gains a lot of insight into Fitzgerald's life. All-in-all, I am glad I read it, but this was definitely not one of my favourite reads for the year. Recommended for Classics-lovers or Fitzgerald aficiandos, but that's about it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I never liked The Great Gatsby or Fitzgerald's short stories. But after reading The Beautiful and Damned, I thought I'd maybe misjudged Fitzgerald. Then I read this. If you enjoy the Great Gatsby, you'll probably enjoy this. I did not though. It was just far too much ado about nothing.

Book preview

This Side of Paradise - F. Scott Fitzgerald



A Book Publishing

Print ISBN 13: 978-1-4209-3158-7

Ebook ISBN 13: 978-1-59625-755-9

This edition copyright © 2011

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... Well this side of Paradise!...

There's little comfort in the wise.

—Rupert Brooke.

Experience is the name so many people

give to their mistakes.

—Oscar Wilde.




CHAPTER 1. Amory, Son of Beatrice

CHAPTER 2. Spires and Gargoyles

CHAPTER 3. The Egotist Considers

CHAPTER 4. Narcissus Off Duty

INTERLUDE: May, 1917-February, 1919

BOOK TWO: The Education of a Personage

CHAPTER 1. The Débutante

CHAPTER 2. Experiments in Convalescence

CHAPTER 3. Young Irony

CHAPTER 4. The Supercilious Sacrifice

CHAPTER 5. The Egotist Becomes a Personage


CHAPTER 1. Amory, Son of Beatrice

Amory Blaine inherited from his mother every trait, except the stray inexpressible few, that made him worth while. His father, an ineffectual, inarticulate man with a taste for Byron and a habit of drowsing over the Encyclopedia Britannica, grew wealthy at thirty through the death of two elder brothers, successful Chicago brokers, and in the first flush of feeling that the world was his, went to Bar Harbor and met Beatrice O'Hara. In consequence, Stephen Blaine handed down to posterity his height of just under six feet and his tendency to waver at crucial moments, these two abstractions appearing in his son Amory. For many years he hovered in the background of his family's life, an unassertive figure with a face half-obliterated by lifeless, silky hair, continually occupied in taking care of his wife, continually harassed by the idea that he didn't and couldn't understand her.

But Beatrice Blaine! There was a woman! Early pictures taken on her father's estate at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, or in Rome at the Sacred Heart Convent—an educational extravagance that in her youth was only for the daughters of the exceptionally wealthy—showed the exquisite delicacy of her features, the consummate art and simplicity of her clothes. A brilliant education she had—her youth passed in renaissance glory, she was versed in the latest gossip of the Older Roman Families; known by name as a fabulously wealthy American girl to Cardinal Vitori and Queen Margherita and more subtle celebrities that one must have had some culture even to have heard of. She learned in England to prefer whiskey and soda to wine, and her small talk was broadened in two senses during a winter in Vienna. All in all Beatrice O'Hara absorbed the sort of education that will be quite impossible ever again; a tutelage measured by the number of things and people one could be contemptuous of and charming about; a culture rich in all arts and traditions, barren of all ideas, in the last of those days when the great gardener clipped the inferior roses to produce one perfect bud.

In her less important moments she returned to America, met Stephen Blaine and married him—this almost entirely because she was a little bit weary, a little bit sad. Her only child was carried through a tiresome season and brought into the world on a spring day in ninety-six.

When Amory was five he was already a delightful companion for her. He was an auburn-haired boy, with great, handsome eyes which he would grow up to in time, a facile imaginative mind and a taste for fancy dress. From his fourth to his tenth year he did the country with his mother in her father's private car, from Coronado, where his mother became so bored that she had a nervous breakdown in a fashionable hotel, down to Mexico City, where she took a mild, almost epidemic consumption. This trouble pleased her, and later she made use of it as an intrinsic part of her atmosphere—especially after several astounding bracers.

So, while more or less fortunate little rich boys were defying governesses on the beach at Newport, or being spanked or tutored or read to from Do and Dare, or Frank on the Mississippi, Amory was biting acquiescent bell-boys in the Waldorf, outgrowing a natural repugnance to chamber music and symphonies, and deriving a highly specialized education from his mother.


Yes, Beatrice. (Such a quaint name for his mother; she encouraged it.)

"Dear, don't think of getting out of bed yet. I've always suspected that early rising in early life makes one nervous. Clothilde is having your breakfast brought up."

All right.

I am feeling very old to-day, Amory, she would sigh, her face a rare cameo of pathos, her voice exquisitely modulated, her hands as facile as Bernhardt's. My nerves are on edge—on edge. We must leave this terrifying place to-morrow and go searching for sunshine.

Amory's penetrating green eyes would look out through tangled hair at his mother. Even at this age he had no illusions about her.


"Oh, yes."

I want you to take a red-hot bath as hot as you can bear it, and just relax your nerves. You can read in the tub if you wish.

She fed him sections of the Fêtes Galantes before he was ten; at eleven he could talk glibly, if rather reminiscently, of Brahms and Mozart and Beethoven. One afternoon, when left alone in the hotel at Hot Springs, he sampled his mother's apricot cordial, and as the taste pleased him, he became quite tipsy. This was fun for a while, but he essayed a cigarette in his exaltation, and succumbed to a vulgar, plebeian reaction. Though this incident horrified Beatrice, it also secretly amused her and became part of what in a later generation would have been termed her line.

This son of mine, he heard her tell a room full of awestruck, admiring women one day, "is entirely sophisticated and quite charming—but delicate—we're all delicate; here, you know." Her hand was radiantly outlined against her beautiful bosom; then sinking her voice to a whisper, she told them of the apricot cordial. They rejoiced, for she was a brave raconteuse, but many were the keys turned in sideboard locks that night against the possible defection of little Bobby or Barbara....

These domestic pilgrimages were invariably in state; two maids, the private car, or Mr. Blaine when available, and very often a physician. When Amory had the whooping-cough four disgusted specialists glared at each other hunched around his bed; when he took scarlet fever the number of attendants, including physicians and nurses, totalled fourteen. However, blood being thicker than broth, he was pulled through.

The Blaines were attached to no city. They were the Blaines of Lake Geneva; they had quite enough relatives to serve in place of friends, and an enviable standing from Pasadena to Cape Cod. But Beatrice grew more and more prone to like only new acquaintances, as there were certain stories, such as the history of her constitution and its many amendments, memories of her years abroad, that it was necessary for her to repeat at regular intervals. Like Freudian dreams, they must be thrown off, else they would sweep in and lay siege to her nerves. But Beatrice was critical about American women, especially the floating population of ex-Westerners.

They have accents, my dear, she told Amory, not Southern accents or Boston accents, not an accent attached to any locality, just an accent—she became dreamy. They pick up old, moth-eaten London accents that are down on their luck and have to be used by some one. They talk as an English butler might after several years in a Chicago grand-opera company. She became almost incoherent—"Suppose—time in every Western woman's life—she feels her husband is prosperous enough for her to have—accent—they try to impress me, my dear—"

Though she thought of her body as a mass of frailties, she considered her soul quite as ill, and therefore important in her life. She had once been a Catholic, but discovering that priests were infinitely more attentive when she was in process of losing or regaining faith in Mother Church, she maintained an enchantingly wavering attitude. Often she deplored the bourgeois quality of the American Catholic clergy, and was quite sure that had she lived in the shadow of the great Continental cathedrals her soul would still be a thin flame on the mighty altar of Rome. Still, next to doctors, priests were her favorite sport.

Ah, Bishop Wiston, she would declare, I do not want to talk of myself. I can imagine the stream of hysterical women fluttering at your doors, beseeching you to be simpatico—then after an interlude filled by the clergyman—but my mood—is—oddly dissimilar.

Only to bishops and above did she divulge her clerical romance. When she had first returned to her country there had been a pagan, Swinburnian young man in Asheville, for whose passionate kisses and unsentimental conversations she had taken a decided penchant—they had discussed the matter pro and con with an intellectual romancing quite devoid of sappiness. Eventually she had decided to marry for background, and the young pagan from Asheville had gone through a spiritual crisis, joined the Catholic Church, and was now—Monsignor Darcy.

Indeed, Mrs. Blaine, he is still delightful company—quite the cardinal's right-hand man.

Amory will go to him one day, I know, breathed the beautiful lady, and Monsignor Dark will understand him as he understood me.

Amory became thirteen, rather tall and slender, and more than ever on to his Celtic mother. He had tutored occasionally—the idea being that he was to keep up, at each place taking up the work where he left off, yet as no tutor ever found the place he left off, his mind was still in very good shape. What a few more years of this life would have made of him is problematical. However, four hours out from land, Italy bound, with Beatrice, his appendix burst, probably from too many meals in bed, and after a series of frantic telegrams to Europe and America, to the amazement of the passengers the great ship slowly wheeled around and returned to New York to deposit Amory at the pier. You will admit that if it was not life it was magnificent.

After the operation Beatrice had a nervous breakdown that bore a suspicious resemblance to delirium tremens, and Amory was left in Minneapolis, destined to spend the ensuing two years with his aunt and uncle. There the crude, vulgar air of Western civilization first catches him—in his underwear, so to speak.


His lip curled when he read it.

I am going to have a bobbing party, it said, "on Thursday, December the seventeenth, at five o'clock, and I would like it very much if you could come.

Yours truly,

R.S.V.P.       Myra St. Claire."

He had been two months in Minneapolis, and his chief struggle had been the concealing from the other guys at school how particularly superior he felt himself to be, yet this conviction was built upon shifting sands. He had shown off one day in French class (he was in senior French class) to the utter confusion of Mr. Reardon, whose accent Amory damned contemptuously, and to the delight of the class. Mr. Reardon, who had spent several weeks in Paris ten years before, took his revenge on the verbs, whenever he had his book open. But another time Amory showed off in history class, with quite disastrous results, for the boys there were his own age, and they shrilled innuendoes at each other all the following week:

"Aw—I b'lieve, doncherknow, the Umuricun revolution was lawgely an affair of the middul clawses," or

Washington came of very good blood—aw, quite good—I b'lieve.

Amory ingeniously tried to retrieve himself by blundering on purpose. Two years before he had commenced a history of the United States which, though it only got as far as the Colonial Wars, had been pronounced by his mother completely enchanting.

His chief disadvantage lay in athletics, but as soon as he discovered that it was the touchstone of power and popularity at school, he began to make furious, persistent efforts to excel in the winter sports, and with his ankles aching and bending in spite of his efforts, he skated valiantly around the Lorelie rink every afternoon, wondering how soon he would be able to carry a hockey-stick without getting it inexplicably tangled in his skates.

The invitation to Miss Myra St. Claire's bobbing party spent the morning in his coat pocket, where it had an intense physical affair with a dusty piece of peanut brittle. During the afternoon he brought it to light with a sigh, and after some consideration and a preliminary draft in the back of Collar and Daniel's First-Year Latin, composed an answer:

My dear Miss St. Claire:

Your truly charming envitation for the evening of next Thursday evening was truly delightful to receive this morning. I will be charm and inchanted indeed to present my compliments on next Thursday evening.


Amory Blaine.

On Thursday, therefore, he walked pensively along the slippery, shovel-scraped sidewalks, and came in sight of Myra's house, on the half-hour after five, a lateness which he fancied his mother would have favored. He waited on the door-step with his eyes nonchalantly half-closed, and planned his entrance with precision. He would cross the floor, not too hastily, to Mrs. St. Claire, and say with exactly the correct modulation:

"My dear Mrs. St. Claire, I'm frightfully sorry to be late, but my maid—he paused there and realized he would be quoting—but my uncle and I had to see a fella—Yes, I've met your enchanting daughter at dancing-school."

Then he would shake hands, using that slight, half-foreign bow, with all the starchy little females, and nod to the fellas who would be standing 'round, paralyzed into rigid groups for mutual protection.

A butler (one of the three in Minneapolis) swung open the door. Amory stepped inside and divested himself of cap and coat. He was mildly surprised not to hear the shrill squawk of conversation from the next room, and he decided it must be quite formal. He approved of that—as he approved of the butler.

Miss Myra, he said.

To his surprise the butler grinned horribly.

Oh, yeah, he declared, she's here. He was unaware that his failure to be cockney was ruining his standing. Amory considered him coldly.

But, continued the butler, his voice rising unnecessarily, "she's the only one what is here. The party's gone."

Amory gasped in sudden horror.


She's been waitin' for Amory Blaine. That's you, ain't it? Her mother says that if you showed up by five-thirty you two was to go after 'em in the Packard.

Amory's despair was crystallized by the appearance of Myra herself, bundled to the ears in a polo coat, her face plainly sulky, her voice pleasant only with difficulty.

'Lo, Amory.

'Lo, Myra. He had described the state of his vitality.

"Well—you got here, anyways."

Well—I'll tell you. I guess you don't know about the auto accident, he romanced.

Myra's eyes opened wide.

Who was it to?

Well, he continued desperately, uncle 'n aunt 'n I.

"Was any one killed?"

Amory paused and then nodded.

Your uncle?—alarm.

Oh, no just a horse—a sorta gray horse.

At this point the Erse butler snickered.

Probably killed the engine, he suggested. Amory would have put him on the rack without a scruple.

We'll go now, said Myra coolly. You see, Amory, the bobs were ordered for five and everybody was here, so we couldn't wait—

Well, I couldn't help it, could I?

So mama said for me to wait till ha'past five. We'll catch the bobs before it gets to the Minnehaha Club, Amory.

Amory's shredded poise dropped from him. He pictured the happy party jingling along snowy streets, the appearance of the limousine, the horrible public descent of him and Myra before sixty reproachful eyes, his apology—a real one this time. He sighed aloud.

What? inquired Myra.

"Nothing. I was just yawning. Are we going to surely catch up with 'em before they get there?" He was encouraging a faint hope that they might slip into the Minnehaha Club and meet the others there, be found in blasé seclusion before the fire and quite regain his lost attitude.

Oh, sure Mike, we'll catch 'em all right—let's hurry.

He became conscious of his stomach. As they stepped into the machine he hurriedly slapped the paint of diplomacy over a rather box-like plan he had conceived. It was based upon some trade-lasts gleaned at dancing-school, to the effect that he was "awful good-looking and English, sort of."

Myra, he said, lowering his voice and choosing his words carefully, I beg a thousand pardons. Can you ever forgive me? She regarded him gravely, his intent green eyes, his mouth, that to her thirteen-year-old, arrow-collar taste was the quintessence of romance. Yes, Myra could forgive him very easily.


He looked at her again, and then dropped his eyes. He had lashes.

I'm awful, he said sadly. I'm diff'runt. I don't know why I make faux pas. 'Cause I don't care, I s'pose. Then, recklessly: I been smoking too much. I've got t'bacca heart.

Myra pictured an all-night tobacco debauch, with Amory pale and reeling from the effect of nicotined lungs. She gave a little gasp.

"Oh, Amory, don't smoke. You'll stunt your growth!"

I don't care, he persisted gloomily. I gotta. I got the habit. I've done a lot of things that if my fambly knew—he hesitated, giving her imagination time to picture dark horrors—I went to the burlesque show last week.

Myra was quite overcome. He turned the green eyes on her again. You're the only girl in town I like much, he exclaimed in a rush of sentiment. You're simpatico.

Myra was not sure that she was, but it sounded stylish though vaguely improper.

Thick dusk had descended outside, and as the limousine made a sudden turn she was jolted against him; their hands touched.

You shouldn't smoke, Amory, she whispered. Don't you know that?

He shook his head.

Nobody cares.

Myra hesitated.

"I care."

Something stirred within Amory.

Oh, yes, you do! You got a crush on Froggy Parker. I guess everybody knows that.

No, I haven't, very slowly.

A silence, while Amory thrilled. There was something fascinating about Myra, shut away here cosily from the dim, chill air. Myra, a little bundle of clothes, with strands of yellow hair curling out from under her skating cap.

Because I've got a crush, too— He paused, for he heard in the distance the sound of young laughter, and, peering through the frosted glass along the lamp-lit street, he made out the dark outline of the bobbing party. He must act quickly. He reached over with a violent, jerky effort, and clutched Myra's hand—her thumb, to be exact.

Tell him to go to the Minnehaha straight, he whispered. "I wanta talk to you—I got to talk to you."

Myra made out the party ahead, had an instant vision of her mother, and then—alas for convention—glanced into the eyes beside. Turn down this side street, Richard, and drive straight to the Minnehaha Club! she cried through the speaking tube. Amory sank back against the cushions with a sigh of relief.

I can kiss her, he thought. "I'll bet I can. I'll bet I can!"

Overhead the sky was half crystalline, half misty, and the night around was chill and vibrant with rich tension. From the Country Club steps the roads stretched away, dark creases on the white blanket; huge heaps of snow lining the sides like the tracks of giant moles. They lingered for a moment on the steps, and watched the white holiday moon.

Pale moons like that one—Amory made a vague gesture—make people mysterieuse. You look like a young witch with her cap off and her hair sorta mussed—her hands clutched at her hair—"Oh, leave it, it looks good."

They drifted up the stairs and Myra led the way into the little den of his dreams, where a cosy fire was burning before a big sink-down couch. A few years later this was to be a great stage for Amory, a cradle for many an emotional crisis. Now they talked for a moment about bobbing parties.

There's always a bunch of shy fellas, he commented, sitting at the tail of the bob, sorta lurkin' an' whisperin' an' pushin' each other off. Then there's always some crazy cross-eyed girl—he gave a terrifying imitation—"she's always talkin' hard, sorta, to the chaperon."

You're such a funny boy, puzzled Myra.

How d'y' mean? Amory gave immediate attention, on his own ground at last.

Oh—always talking about crazy things. Why don't you come ski-ing with Marylyn and I to-morrow?

I don't like girls in the daytime, he said shortly, and then, thinking this a bit abrupt, he added: But I like you. He cleared his throat. I like you first and second and third.

Myra's eyes became dreamy. What a story this would make to tell Marylyn! Here on the couch with this wonderful-looking boy—the little fire—the sense that they were alone in the great building—

Myra capitulated. The atmosphere was too appropriate.

I like you the first twenty-five, she confessed, her voice trembling, and Froggy Parker twenty-sixth.

Froggy had fallen twenty-five places in one hour. As yet he had not even noticed it.

But Amory, being on the spot, leaned over quickly and kissed Myra's cheek. He had never kissed a girl before, and he tasted his lips curiously, as if he had munched some new fruit. Then their lips brushed like young wild flowers in the wind.

We're awful, rejoiced Myra gently. She slipped her hand into his, her head drooped against his shoulder. Sudden revulsion seized Amory, disgust, loathing for the whole incident. He desired frantically to be away, never to see Myra again, never to kiss any one; he became conscious of his face and hers, of their clinging hands, and he wanted to creep out of his body and hide somewhere safe out of sight, up in the corner of his mind.

Kiss me again. Her voice came out of a great void.

I don't want to, he heard himself saying. There was another pause.

I don't want to! he repeated passionately.

Myra sprang up, her cheeks pink with bruised vanity, the great bow on the back of her head trembling sympathetically.

I hate you! she cried. Don't you ever dare to speak to me again!

What? stammered Amory.

I'll tell mama you kissed me! I will too! I will too! I'll tell mama, and she won't let me play with you!

Amory rose and stared at her helplessly, as though she were a new animal of whose presence on the earth he had not heretofore been aware.

The door opened suddenly, and Myra's mother appeared on the threshold, fumbling with her lorgnette.

Well, she began, adjusting it benignantly, the man at the desk told me you two children were up here—How do you do, Amory.

Amory watched Myra and waited for the crash—but none came. The pout faded, the high pink subsided, and Myra's voice was placid as a summer lake when she answered her mother.

Oh, we started so late, mama, that I thought we might as well—

He heard from below the shrieks of laughter, and smelled the vapid odor of hot chocolate and tea-cakes as he silently followed mother and daughter down-stairs. The sound of the graphophone mingled with the voices of many girls humming the air, and a faint glow was born and spread over him:

"Casey-Jones—mounted to the cab-un

Casey-Jones—'th his orders in his hand.

Casey-Jones—mounted to the cab-un

Took his farewell journey to the prom-ised land."


Amory spent nearly two years in Minneapolis. The first winter he wore moccasins that were born yellow, but after many applications of oil and dirt assumed their mature color, a dirty, greenish brown; he wore a gray plaid mackinaw coat, and a red toboggan cap. His dog, Count Del Monte, ate the red cap, so his uncle gave him a gray one that pulled down over his face. The trouble with this one was that you breathed into it and your

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