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Winners R Grinners
Winners R Grinners
Winners R Grinners
Ebook123 pages1 hour

Winners R Grinners

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About this ebook

The Bible has a lot to say about how to be a winner. A winner in your finances, relationships, your job, and every other aspect of your life.

The words of wisdom God has shared through His Word is hard-hitting stuff. It can change your life for the better. Better than you have ever dreamed! Learn what Jesus has taught and what He says even today. See and feel the change!

You can be truly happy with God on your side. Find out how!
Release dateMay 1, 2017

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    Winners R Grinners - Trevor Rowe

    Let us get down to business.


    believe a man should be taught by another man, not by women. Call me a misogamist; call me what you like, but God’s word supports that view. When Paul and the Bible say, I don’t allow a woman to teach a man or have authority over a man or open her mouth in church as Jewish law states, Hebrew law, she shall not be in charge.

    Whatever little authority Eve had in the Garden of Eden was taken away and given to Adam. As God said after she sinned and ate the apple or ate the fruit and gave it to Adam, God said, I told you not to listen to the voice of your woman. All the authority was given to Adam. As God, the Father said to the woman, Your punishment is your desire will be towards your husband, and he shall be your master. And in childbirth, you will be in pain and bring forth children in pain. And he punished Adam as well. But that was Eve’s punishment.

    Call me a misogamist, call me what you like, the only real way to go in life is man to man. Amano to Amano, face to face, and toe to toe. It is the only way to go.

    As far as the teachings and Christianity is concerned, the two most important commands of all are, which, if you obey, you would see life. Love the Lord Thy God and love thy neighbor as thy self. Love the Lord and love thy neighbor.

    This is the Bible in a nutshell. But how do we love the Lord and love thy neighbor? I am about to teach you.

    Do not forget what St. Paul said in the Bible. A little bit of meal meals the whole and makes it rise. The problem with the Gentiles is that they are mealing too much into their batch. They’re taking on too many things, and it’s confusing them. Many people are confused and blinded by the number of things that are swimming around in their heads.

    You’ve got to take on only a few things, simple and easy things in life that are important and pearls to you – your pearls. Things that you love doing, etc. do not take on too much. Take on little. Only a little bit of meal, meals the whole batch makes it rise.

    A wise man does that. Otherwise, if you take on a lot of things in life, your batch won’t rise. It’ll be too much mealing, and you will not be a success in this life or the next. That is pure wisdom from St. Paul, and that is what to obey in this life.

    Another purely wise teaching from St. Paul is to beat your body down with many blows and be under complete submission. He says that, so he is not lost or destroyed or by any chance, a castaway.

    St. Peter writes in the Bible to ‘nourish up the flesh,’ while St. Paul writes to ‘beat it down.’ So, it’s a good idea to nourish up your flesh and make it nice and healthy, and then to exercise quite strongly and beat your flesh down and make it very strong and fit, and this is of the wise man. This brings the whole body into line and makes your mind very tight and makes you very relaxed. But, at the same time, a powerful person inwardly.

    Another big trick in the Bible that you could easily do to receive God’s blessing in peace – I know this might sound very simple, but it’s purely effective. It's 100% effective, and that is if the day is lightly warm, at least, and not very cold, you should put on shorts and a singlet, and whatever you want to wear on your feet, sandals or shoes, and you will be very natural; you will be like supernatural. And you will be in line with nature; you will be at peace, and your mind will become very tort, will be together, and you will be very relaxed and confident.

    It is like a revelation; it’s gospels in practice. The power of God in practice and believe me; it works miracles. Try it, and you will find out that what I am saying is the truth. You will completely change as a person, very much so, in the right way.

    As far as Christianity, the central core is, of course, belief, faith, and love. And the central focus of that belief and love and faith etc. is forgiveness. That is the central core of Christianity.

    Jesus said, Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you’ll be forgiven. You are the salt and the light of the earth. If the salt has lost his saltiness, how will it be salted again, it’s good for nothing to be crushed underfoot by men. So, let your light shine so that they may see your good deeds and give praise to your Father in heaven.

    Just simple good deeds, for instance, helping a woman walk up the stairs with a pram, or lending someone a little bit of money or even little deeds are greatly praiseworthy to be seen by men.

    From time to time, when the opportunity arises, try to take every opportunity as Jesus said we should do good work or good deeds. And pray, that is very important. Pray to the Lord. Make your prayers short and sweet, too.  Because as the Bible says, The Lord is up in heaven and you are down on earth, so let your words be few. Be serious in your prayers. Ask for serious things, and again, say the Lord’s prayer.

    On another topic, as far as mental illness is concenred, people with schizophrenia, etc., I believe that is demons. That is spiritual. The physical and spiritual are connected. That is why if you take care of your physical health and walk away physically from sin, you can largely get rid of schizophrenia and mental illness because the physical and spiritual are directly connected. One affects the other.

    Somebody with schizophrenia sees dark hallucinations; they always see dark hallucinations of demons, etc. They hear bad voices, which are proofs in itself that it is demons that can be driven out by the Holy Spirit in church. Usually, Angelistic Pentecostal churches.

    The Holy Spirit will drive out demons. Look at Jesus’ day. In Jesus’ day, just like today, he encountered schizophrenics and people living with mental illness.  They were demon-possessed, and he drove out the devils. No different today.


    he essence of a man is to want, as Jesus said. Want for all things, like a child which we are in truth. But many children want bad things and not good things. If you boil away all the bullshit, man is full of wants. He wants love, money, power, authority, and wants to feel good and great while some men even want God! They want proper love, goodness, and then peace. This is not the lie of the devil and the world!

    They want God’s blessings and mercies, and many want wealth, which is one of God’s blessings. God is in everything worthwhile, good, and excellent. Nothing is rewarding in the devil, human nature, or the flesh, as Jesus said. The essence of a woman, her core programming, the way God created her is to be a help – a man’s helper and a desire towards her husband. If you boil away any bullshit, this is what a woman is, this is who she is, and this is her essence. Anything other than these means that the man and woman’s nature is not the truth.

    As Christians, we are called to Mt. Zion, a spiritual mountain above. The mountain of freedom where good men are made righteous, and righteous men are made perfect. Not for Mt. Sinai, the mountain of bondage and slavery, to a burning voice out of the cloud to which the Jews begged Moses not to hear again, lest they die!

    As Christians, we are called to live by faith and not by the law. The letter of the law brings death, but the spirit of the law brings life because no one can keep the law. If you break one law, you are guilty of breaking them all. You have become a lawbreaker, as Paul writes. Jesus took the curse of the law unto himself and crucified it on the cross and crucified the flesh. As Jesus said, ‘Father, I do not pray for the world, but all those that believe and will come to believe, so keep them safe from the devil and this world.’

    Jesus also prays to the father that your faith may not fail, so do not worry! It is an important thing. This is the faith and trust of the Lord!


    n a lighter note! Did you know that you can easily play the piano and guitar like a pro in a matter of minutes? You only need a handful of significant chords and know that it is just 25 notes that you need to play 90% of all music. Any genre. From C – C – C. The C on the left of the middle C and the C on the right of the middle C on the piano.

    Guitar and piano music is the same. You

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