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Break Free to Deceive: Escape From Reality
Break Free to Deceive: Escape From Reality
Break Free to Deceive: Escape From Reality
Ebook149 pages1 hour

Break Free to Deceive: Escape From Reality

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About this ebook

Deception may give us what we want for the present, but it will always take it away in the end. – Rachel Hawthorne 

How can I love her? Screw that. How can I fuck her after discovering all that is revealed about her?
Deacon Jacobs has been asking himself that question since the moment everything was uncovered. Torrance Miller strode her way into his shop and needled her way into his psyche. Past hurts come into play and have him questioning what little relationship they have developed.

Torrance has high hopes for her venture, Break Free Spa & Resort. Her wild dreams for one, Mr. Deacon Jacobs, may just call a halt to all of it if she doesn’t remain focused. The first day she wandered into his body shop she thought she'd died and gone to man candy heaven. Having the headman in charge express an interest just about bowled her over. Too much is riding on the outcome of the resort for her to allow herself to be lost to this man. In spite of herself, she finds herself doing just that
How in the hell was she supposed to tell the man that gave her the best orgasms she'd ever felt she was engaged to someone else?

How can I love her? Screw that. How can I fuck her and know what I now know about her?
Deacon Jacobs has been asking himself that question since the moment Torrance Miller strode her way back into his shop. No matter what he did to avoid her, she would find a way to get herself noticed. This latest thing may just be the final straw. He doesn't see himself forgiving this latest scheme of hers.
Torrance has had high hopes and wild dreams for one Mr. Deacon Jacobs. The first day she wandered into his body shop she thought she'd died and gone to man candy heaven. Having the headman in charge express an interest just about bowled her over.
How in the hell was she supposed to tell the man that gave her the best orgasms she'd ever felt she was engaged to someone else?

Release dateAug 15, 2017
Break Free to Deceive: Escape From Reality

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    Book preview

    Break Free to Deceive - Rose Silverstone

    ~ The art of pleasing, is the art of deceiving. Luc De Clapiers ~

    Deception may give us what we want for the present, but it will always take it away in the end. – Rachel Hawthorne

    How can I love her? Screw that. How can I fuck her after discovering all that is revealed about her?

    Deacon Jacobs has been asking himself that question since the moment everything was uncovered. Torrance Miller strode her way into his shop and needled her way into his psyche. Past hurts come into play and have him questioning what little relationship they have developed.

    Torrance has high hopes for her venture, Break Free Spa & Resort. Her wild dreams for one, Mr. Deacon Jacobs, may just call a halt to all of it if she doesn’t remain focused. The first day she wandered into his body shop she thought she'd died and gone to man candy heaven. Having the headman in charge express an interest just about bowled her over. Too much is riding on the outcome of the resort for her to allow herself to be lost to this man. In spite of herself, she finds herself doing just that.

    How in the hell was she supposed to tell the man that gave her the best orgasms she'd ever felt she was engaged to someone else?

    For enlarged photos of the maps and contact, follow the link:



    Deacon – Eldest brother, Jacobs’ Collision owner

    Jared – Cousin/Brother, part owner of Jacobs’ Collision

    Liam – Youngest brother, part owner of Jacobs’ Collision

    Torrance Miller – Owner of Break Free Resort

    Josslyn Hargrove – Jacobs’ Collision receptionist

    Lily Jacobs – Close friend and owner of Lily’s Boutique

    Ming Griffith – Tor’s Best friend & Manager

    Carly Foster – Torrance’s best friend, interior design

    Charlie Abraham – friend and war veteran

    Natasha Abraham – Charlie’s wife

    Lana Lakewood – Ex-wife

    Chelsea Lakewood – Lana’s Sister

    Alexa Wilson – Escape Luxury Tours owner

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    Chapter One

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    You’ve got to be fucking shitting me, Jared! This is major fucking bullshit and you know it!"

    I hear the raised voice of my youngest brother and begin my count. I already know I’m getting ready to be sucked in for an ear full of whiny ass shit in t-minus twenty seconds. I’m going to attempt to remain in my neutral space. Working on the car I’ve worked on so many times over the years I know it as well as I know the back of my own damn hand is my priority.

    There are a few vehicles in town, which regularly find their way to my shop. It’s almost on a weekly basis. I don’t mind as long as they’re willing to pay for my services.

    Now that just sounds wrong.

    I’ve officially made myself sound like I’m some form of escort, gigolo, or male prostitute. I’m not. I have had women offer me money after, but that’s not the point here.

    Lily, Dennis, Ellie and Natasha are a few of my regulars. They are the reason I know I will never be able to close the doors of Jacobs’ Collision. It’s not something I’ve ever given much thought to doing or anything. I enjoy working with my hands here and in the garden I maintain at home.

    Yeah, I’m that guy.

    I couldn’t help having that trait if I wanted to. My mother handed that one off to me. Her love of cooking and maintaining home went to Liam, my youngest brother. You could eat of the fucking floor of his house it’s so clean. Don’t ever try that shit unless you want to witness a grown man having a bonafide meltdown. Jared is technically our cousin, but he was raised by my parents. He has our mother’s passion for books and reading. It’s why he’s the brains behind the scenes and tends to steer clear of being under any of the cars.

    It’s a rare occasion that we can get that man out of the office at a decent hour. It’s the standard situation unless we are working on an old school restoration. That’s his other passion. Otherwise, don’t count on it. Business, home, and library functions shape that man’s world.

    Liam is the polar opposite. When he’s at work, he’s all business and you can’t get him to deter his focus from his project. I commend his work ethic. He’s a beast. That beast is what I worry about the most. The fucker can be a hot head and loud mouth at times. One of these days I’m worried he’s going to write a check his ass won’t be able to cash.

    One thing that surprises most is that we learned everything we know about cars from our mother. The business knowledge and how to run it was all Pops. Mom was and is the one that will pull on a pair of overalls over one of her simple skirts or jeans and climb on a crawler under the car with me. The woman stops by the shop once a week just to get her hands dirty. My Dad literally laughed in my face the first time I called him down to the shop to pull my mother out from under one of the cars.

    You want me to yank your mother away from one of the things she enjoys doing the most? I suggest you work something out with her or learn to live with the misery you’re allowing in your life right now.

    I took my Dad’s advice and got her to agree to a visit only once a week. She also had to agree to work when I wasn’t in the shop. Delores Jacobs giggled and looked at me with a knowing grin.

    You’re going to allow me to be in your shop alone? With just your brothers as look outs to see what I’m getting myself into?

    I simply shook my head and walked away. The woman knows me too well. Heaven and hell could be coming together in a collision course of apocalyptic measures and I’d be here watching over my mother, making sure she didn’t try to do something asinine because she tends to bite off more than she can chew.

    That’s me. I’m the one they refer to as the damn teapot. Not just because I prefer having tea over the tar my brothers call coffee. They say I keep things bottled up until I’ve reached a steaming point and break that delicate porcelain encasement into a billion pieces. I believe Gage calls it my obliteration point. I’m an ex Marine, oldest of three boys, and the son of one of the most powerful men in Escape, Colorado. I don’t have a choice but to put a lid on my shit.

    I’ve lost it once in my thirty-six years of life and I lost royally because of it. I learned my lesson and I refuse to repeat that mistake ever again.

    Big Bro. Tell me you’re not going along with this shit. You know it’s not right.

    I don’t bother to stop what I’m doing. Lily will be by in a little bit and I promised her this hunk of metal would be in running order by the time she stopped in to bring the lunch I’ve grown accustom to expecting. A few more turns, a couple more tweaks, and she’ll be good to go.

    Why do you act as if it is the end of the world as you know it if anything changes up your damn routine? I know you’re the baby of the family but does it mean you have to act the fucking title out? It’s the same shit every year!

    What do you mean every year? You’re implying this is a reoccurrence.

    I step back from Lily’s car and walk to the driver’s side and slide into the driver’s seat. Sliding the key in the ignition, I give it a twist and listen to Lily’s ride roar to life. With deep satisfaction in my skills, I smile and allow the sound of the car to drown out the voices of my bickering brothers. I’m not in the mood to play mediator even thought I know they won’t stop until I put an end to it all.

    You ‘bout done with your mini orgasm in there? Want to help me out with this?

    I look into my brother’s eyes, the same sky blue eyes as my own, and fight the urge to punch his damn lights out in response to that taunt.

    You missed your calling asshole. You should’ve been a fucking comedian. Oh nope, that wouldn’t have worked out. Damn pesky stage fright would immediately halt that career. Added bonus for me. Susie Cousins took care of me this morning, so I’m all sewn up in that department. No need for me to pump one out on my own with that sweet reception ready and willing.

    I step out of the car and watch as my brother’s lips twitch with his barely contained anger. I have Liam by the balls and he knows it. One, I know ways to incapacitate him well before he could let one of this beefy fists fly so he wouldn’t dare get in my face about this shit. He’s witnessed me in action when the cap went flying out the window. It scared the shit out of the both of us. I’d snapped and it took too much time for me to regain control of myself.

    Two, he usually dishes it out

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