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Terra U.N.der Attack
Terra U.N.der Attack
Terra U.N.der Attack
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Terra U.N.der Attack

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What would you do if Earth had no Point of Return? How would you manage to salvage the planet despite extreme counter-intention from every direction to salvage what is left of the population? Join Robert Benson into his quest for a solution. Doomsday is on the horizon...

Release dateJun 15, 2017
Terra U.N.der Attack

Claire Manning

A Canadian writer, born in Quebec, Claire started her writing adventure in 2013 - It is never too late to reach a goal!, she thought. It was part of her bucket list to at least write one. The book was Terra Cotta, the future of mankind, one possible scenario since reedited and published as: Terra U.N.der Attack, a possible Scenario.Since her first publication, Claire has written several genres such as Science-Fiction, Fiction, Adventure, Thriller and Fantasy. She has created several book trailers for her books.She has recently published all her English books and some of her latest French version in paperback.The reactions and comments by those who have read her books are very positive. As she writes first in English and translates her stories in French, she reaches a wider audience. She has always made sure that the concept of the story remains the same in French. Claire is fluent in both languages.Claire is the author of the Best Seller, The Buddha Board, The Art of Letting Go.Happy Reading!

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    Book preview

    Terra U.N.der Attack - Claire Manning

    Chapter 1

    Point of no return……

    Ottawa, Canada – Tuesday, May 5TH, 3010…. Population of Earth – 1, 5 billion….

    Robert Benson exits his electric car, wearing a gas mask as he does every morning. The air is so polluted that no one dares breathe it while outside. There is a really noxious odor to the air. The sky is red and grey and no one has seen a blue sky for many years. In fact, ten generations have gone by without seeing a blue sky. Pictures and photographs at the local library are all that people can refer to see the way it should be. The ozone is less than half of what it should be and the sun’s radiation is unbearable. A third of the planet doesn’t have clean drinking water; the latest solution has been to cultivate indoor clouds in laboratories to make rain; it is then purified and distributed in ratio to the needs of each area. This is a very expensive way of producing drinking water. Livestock does not exist in many countries and biological food has to be produced in several parts of the planet.

    Many greenhouses have been built in rich countries and one ISS representative (International Service Society – international independent group that governs in every country in the world from technology to food providing, both synthetic and real, to medication, advertising, media, entertainment, population control, import, export, wild life indoor parks, etc.) has total control on distribution.

    While there has been a lot of effort to distribute what is left evenly to all from what Earth could give, there is not enough for all. Entire countries populations have disappeared.

    It is a situation that has lasted for centuries and it is now the way of life. The poorest countries are dependant of the wealthy ones to support them. Otherwise, there would not be any signs of life within days in these areas.

    Upon his arrival, Robert Benson goes through a decontamination chamber, exits and gives a salute to his guards and enters in his office.

    Robert Benson, Prime Minister of Canada, sits at his desk, picks up his Java and reads the e-newspapers on his desk screen. The country has its best year on record for employment. The financial system is in the black, nothing else special to read. Everything seems to be as usual.

    Getting bored with reading, he pushes a button on the remote control and turns on the 3DT.V. The ISS featured the latest discoveries on mental behavior wellbeing being promoted and what miracle nanomedication will need funding to produce in order to be given to unborn children…

    The headlines below the screen mention that there is a great deal of suffering and death in several countries; famine, poverty and death increase. All the food created to feed the population is completely under the ISS’s control. The whole situation is the perfect recipe for complete oblivion of all living things on this planet. No future.

    Nothing is being resolved regarding the increasing pollution and the attention is always directed towards something else. Waste of time and money has been the result. Robert has felt for a long time that the ISS was going too far and it became more obvious when he became Prime Minister. And this latest demand for more money spread the oil on an already fueled emotion towards the ISS.

    The rest of the world is in disarray and no one else and not even the most powerful countries in the world over the past century have been able to do anything for what looks to be a continuing slide down the dwindling spiral.

    Many countries in the past have fought for betterment to no avail. It seems to Robert that the entire planet is on a quality of life decline.

    Can nothing be done or is this just a message being pushed by certain individuals and special interest groups with so much repetition that the majority is beginning to believe it? Is anyone benefitting from this? If so, who are they?

    No one is against the ISS system. It was a response to certain needs at certain points of this planet’s history and remains as such today. While it once contributed to enhance survival during endless weather storms, even though these have long past, the ISS which has changed hands, still exists and has become even more powerful and controlling. Its control impinges on every aspect of life on the planet. It now demands over half of all the monies taken in by the various governments on the planet.

    It is also very secretive as to how it spends these resources. Due to its enormous financial resources, it can and does pressure governments into doing its will.

    Robert calls his parliamentary assistant and decides to set an urgent meeting for 13:00 sharp in the main conference room. No journalists allowed, no ISS representative is invited, just the team. No one is excused, attendance mandatory.

    The word goes out like lightning. When the Prime Minister calls for an urgent meeting; be well aware that this is not a gathering to talk about the next election.

    Everyone comes together in the room, MPs, secretaries, etc. more than eager to find out what this meeting is about. As Robert enters the room, people are staring at him as if they are expecting an emotional explosion of anger or perhaps even, announcing his resignation. This is a scary moment for all.

    Robert sits down at the table with all eyes on him. He adjusts the microphone around his left ear and looks around silently. Then….

    - My friends, he says, as you know, all is not right with what is happening around us, more precisely around the world. I have come to a conclusion that we are heading for disaster if we do not do something to change direction. I have been in this office for many years working with you and I think that we have made real headway for the betterment of our country. But it will not last if we do not start to look outside our borders.

    - The pollution has gotten worse over the last decade.

    - The death toll is increasing by thousands every year majorly because of the quality of air and water!

    He slammed his fist on the desk. Every one bounced back on their chairs and starred at him. They had never seen him so angry.

    - Children in countries do not see their 5th birthday because ISS leaders do not allow them to get there. Only the greedy can have some oxygen in their lungs in some countries. The rest of the population suffers from this and has been driven down into apathy.

    - This is wrong my friends and I want answers on how we can take responsibility for this and do something about it. I want a report by the end of the week as to how we can prevent the worsening condition of our planet and its people. That gives you 4 days.

    - As far as I am concerned, if we do not do something fast, we will be choked by our air and toasted by the sun’s radiation, no one will be able to survive on this planet. Budget wise, I want a full report of what is left in the account for the ISS and what they say it would be used for. I want every single detail as to where the money has been invested.

    - I am doing my own research on this matter. I expect you to consider this matter as your upmost priority as it is mine.

    - Although there have been many attempts from scientists to find solutions over the years, it seems that now it is the way it is and there is no point of return. I cannot believe this. Now, let’s see what we can do. Call all the scientists you want, get hold of anyone who you know has common sense, who is responsible, has proven that with his/her knowledge and effective actions with proven and scientific results, can prove me that something can be done and rapidly. The meeting is over.

    Robert leaves the room and returns to his office and continues his own study of the situation.

    There are several inter-galactic societies which have given helpful advice to governments on other planets but have not been able to resolve the problems on Earth.

    They were more along the lines of dealing with sophisticated electronics, faster transportation such as flying people over a country in minutes.

    These things are fine in themselves and very much appreciated but the heart of the problem has never been addressed.

    The ISS has always been thankful for these people to give a hand for betterment and has promoted them as the answer and solutions in the media and by any other possible means.

    After decades of using this type of transportation, pollution continued to rise at stellar speed and from that point on, sickness and death in adults and children proportionally increased. These helpers named Bachers were not interested in human betterment; they were getting the goods from the ISS that this planet could offer – the modern gold – Water. This water which came from subterranean caves between the US and Canada border has never been in contact with pollutants coming from above. These spring water pools were heavily guarded by the ISS and unknown to most governments. Only those with level 10 clearance within the ISS knew about this. The rest of the planet was sharing a liter a day per person.

    Recently by asking him for more financial support for their budget, Robert felt that the ISS was going too far. In fact, Robert never trusted this group and had a feeling that what they say they are doing and what they are factually doing are definitely two different things. It is everywhere in his government and this group wants to control all departments, their expenses, where the money goes, they concentrate all their efforts on the health department and defense department where most of the money is spent. They have a great deal of influence in the country.

    Robert has waged a continual battle with them regarding not giving them the whole yearly budget. He is glad that he did so when he looks at the other countries that did.

    - I’ve got to find something; someone, somewhere, there must be a specialty of some kind that addresses this matter.

    Robert paged his parliamentary assistant and asked her to find all the possible planets known to Earth that haven’t done any business with his planet.

    A few hours later, his parliamentary assistant sends him a whole list of company businesses as he requested.

    Scrolling up and down the pages and advertising, he came across a simple ad which did impinge upon him. He read as follows:

    We cannot promise you that you will make it’. But we can guarantee that you will be up to the challenge when you are done with us.

    Find out for yourself. Contact: Miss Julia Zeni via the inter-galactic Gamma.

    Signed: The SN2Y planet Institute will provide the services you need.

    Robert looked over this ad several times; his curiosity aroused.

    Chapter 2

    Afkis Zeni

    A long time ago, a man named Afkis Zeni decided to immigrate to a newly found planet that he named SN2Y which is east of the Milky Way in the galaxy Morodon. With his best friends, he decided to do something extraordinary and never before heard of. He decided to make people aware of their environment, make them realize that they are responsible for their environment and by doing so enjoy life much more than ever before.

    In order to do this, he travelled far away from his beloved planet Etka where he had accomplished his goal. A planet where there was no pollution, its inhabitants were respecting each other, no greed; everyone had their place in the society and every one enjoyed life with a freedom they have never envisioned before Zeni became their leader. It really ended up being a beautiful planet on which to live. He then moved to SN2Y, another newly discovered planet.

    To realize his dreams, he had to surround himself with people who would have a great sense of benevolence and know what it really meant. He advertised throughout the entire galaxy, sending lots of messages on these huge galactic boards that everyone could see while passing by… Since there were thousands of moons, which were where these boards are seen, it was easy for him to really get the message out.

    The making of a scientist who can solve anything on any aspect of life is very demanding. The record of these people has to be 100% on everything they have studied. Full understanding of all aspects of what the physical universe is all about is necessary.

    Several studies have shown that there is also a common denominator as to what gives life and how it is sustained.

    This is a vast subject that is not grasped by everyone. Thinking that only the physical universe is the upmost answer of the Big Mystery has not been proven. He was well aware of that and he needed some special people who had open minds to explore this new way of looking and searching for real answers.

    Zeni didn’t have an easy life. In addition to raising a child on his own; he had gone through a lot of skepticism as no one at first really believed him when he said that all that he has now accomplished could be done anywhere. A few of his friends backed him but they didn’t have the scientific knowledge and wisdom he had gained.

    Nevertheless, he had never given up on his ideal and he was quite proud of himself in helping to destroy the walls of ignorance and making science and knowledge available to all.

    For sure, he had to get people to know the basics of education, such as reading, writing, mathematics and communication skills, etc. but with the people’s willingness to just give it a try, the success might be greater than were his own expectations.

    Chapter 3


    SN2Y is very beautiful; there is a special mountain on the planet named Zen in honor of Julia Zeni a scientist, one of the levels of scientist who is capable of solving problems occurring across the whole spectrum. She has dedicated her life to helping people on several planets get rid of pollution, war, injustice and dictatorship. She has survived a lot of experiences - good and bad trying to make a difference. She is a special person, not only is she a scientist who has proven that anything can be done and that the laws of physics can be overturned, she has something that no one can explain, it is as if she has gone through a lot of other fields of study and makes her unique. No one can pin point who she really is. She has this mix of great spirituality with science. She is an enigmatic person. She never mentions anything about believing. As a scientist, proof is everything.

    - You have to observe for yourself and determine if this is true or not. Was the motto she used with her scientists.

    It always been difficult for her colleagues to pinpoint what she has that others do not. She is in fact, a very unique person.

    She has lived on this planet for over 125 years but this certainly does not show when one looks at her. Scientists have found living on SN2Y provides peoples bodies better quality of atoms and molecules that feed the body, hence the inhabitant’s age at a much slower rate. The average of its inhabitants is in Earth’s reality between 30 and 40. This is the average body age of the entire civilization. Of course they have children but they too have the choice for their final aging. So, it is fun to say that anyone can choose their age and stop the aging process with a light alteration of the body’s structure.

    Many other planets governments and greedy people have tried to accomplish this to no avail. This is a secret that Julia Zeni keeps for herself.

    She knows that one simple molecule of DNA changes everything. But she feels that it would be dangerous for some government to take this breakthrough and use it against their own people, i.e. make them get older faster by simply reverting the natural process that she knows happens every day on SN2Y.

    Several governments sent representatives to SN2Y under false pretenses, pretending to be interested in getting rid of the pollution on their planet but tried to buy out answers from Julia’s assistants.

    It never happened since her assistants, despite trying to understand the phenomena, have never found the answer. So, it was basically a return trip back to their planet empty handed. It took her several years of work and experimentation until she found this data. She would share this technology when the time would be right.

    So, this is not for broad publication. For now, on SN2Y, everyone is happy with their physical bodies and enjoy them.

    Julia Zeni is of average height, she has long white hair, glowing sparkling brown eyes and always has a smile for others. She is charismatic. She has a very rare quality, she understands things only if they are logical. She does have a full range of emotions but she doesn’t become their effect.

    Too much has been at stake during her life that she couldn’t allow emotion to take over her work. She has always been compassionate to others. She has never backed off from demanding tasks. Several planets and inter-galactic civilizations have requested that she and her assistants help get rid of what makes a society go sour. She has graduated from many scientific institutions throughout several galaxies and also taught and lectured on many planets. She has always been proud of her accomplishments. In all this time, she has asked very little in return for her teaching.

    She has never been interested in becoming one of the super wealthy in the universe despite the fact that she could have been.

    Her institution is situated at the bottom of a mountain. This mountain is very special as the trees dance in the wind, their leaves changing color every time the wind blows. Sometimes, they form a rainbow; sometimes change into nice blues and greens. And at noon, every day, they turn yellow and face the twin suns. The sky is a very nice aquatic blue. There are lots of colorful birds and they sing constantly. Sometimes, they stand at the windows looking at Zeni’s scientists and assistants in the laboratories teaching the new comers from various races and planets. But they do not disturb anyone. In front of the Institute, there is a big sea with soft waves embracing the blue and white sand.

    There are 3 seasons on the planet, spring, summer and hiberna. The latter one happens only every 5 years and lasts 5 months.

    At this time, everything in nature becomes crystal white, but it is never cold. It is just pure crystal white with a little tint of aqua blue. This season is very dear to everyone since the planet takes this little time to breath and rest.

    All of nature and the animal kingdom do the same. Some rest and some sleep. It depends on their kind. The animals more corresponding to Earth’s cats and dogs do not sleep throughout this time though. They sleep enough throughout the rest of the year.

    After these 5 months, there is magic, there is a change in the color, the seas become light blue, the flowers and plants appear from nowhere as if they were just waiting to be asked to bloom.

    Then, there is a glowing of soft blue light coming from the twin suns and everything becomes colors, spring is there with many surprises as there are new flowers and plants growing.

    Then summer comes and exposes its most beautiful art of nature.

    The air is great on SN2Y, there is a lot of oxygen and everyone can breathe easily. No one gets sick on this planet. From the people to the animals and to the smallest plant, everyone can breathe.

    The reason for this pure air at all times is that there are the little pitchnouks whose job is to eat up pollution. These little bio-flying robot bugs that are less than two inches in length can be seen starting to work when the twin suns rise in the morning. They are easy to see, they are white and blue. They have wings. When they fly, they strain the pollution through their wings that serve as filters. They transform the pollution into nutrient for themselves.

    While the population of SN2Y doesn’t produce any gas emission, it is its location near a doomed planet that is a threat. The pitchnouks were brought from the planet Etka. They are continuously working from sunrise to sunset.

    They go high up in the atmosphere and stay there getting their work done. Then at night, they come to rest on the tree leaves and have a well deserved rest. Their bellies turn pale yellow, a sign that they are digesting while sleeping.

    They also rest during Hiberna season. It is certainly well deserved. Thanks to these little helpers, SN2Y is the ideal planet for people who want to come and learn.

    Julia Zeni’s assistants also have had a lot of varied experiences, having themselves followed her path, which is to say that they have been to several planets to assist with their knowledge those who’ve asked for help. They have met with governments, politicians and independent groups and have proved over and over that anything can be resolved if it is addressed in time, with the correct technology.

    There have been many occasions where it was, unfortunately too late. The planets were too far gone, the pollution couldn’t be handled, the level of radiation was too high and it completely burned any microscopic sign of life.

    These civilizations either vanished or a very few managed to make it out, leaving the rest of the population to die. Only a few could afford to buy their way out and live on other already salvaged planets.

    Julia Zeni has always disagreed with this type of situation and it has always been very hard on her when she’s found out that nothing could be done as it was too late. Since one incident where there was blatant injustice despite promises that everyone would evacuate and that a very few made it, she has sworn to herself that she would never allow herself to be duped again.

    On some other planets, there were governments that would not let their people down and took every one, one by one out of the dangers their planet was offering. They got help and have been in good health and prospering in their new homes.

    This is what she was looking for when doing her job. She has also worked very hard to educate people so as not to let history repeat.

    Giving people the basic rules of chemistry and physics along with biology and mathematics, they could then better understand the phenomenon of decay and sub-living standards. Because these people had to earn awareness and knowledge, it made them more responsible for and respectful of their environment.

    The result she has always expected is that of a handled situation, that no one would dare return to polluting or otherwise

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