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Galactic Goth
Galactic Goth
Galactic Goth
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Galactic Goth

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A lonely alien is humanity’s only hope...

Plant Alien Malakye Sterling hides his glowing, silver skin with white Goth makeup as he tries to blend in with human society. He owns a flower shop named Out Of This World Flowers that sells not only a wide variety of Earth plants, but also dangerous, carnivorous alien plants. He harbors a painful, secret longing in his heart for a human female, but due to his fear of rejection doesn’t intend to reveal his feelings.

A brilliant hacker out for revenge...

Super Hacker Hexa Decimal works for the ADTF (Anti-Demonic Terrorism Force) as Agent Darkhart’s personal secretary. She used to be a Major, but after a horrific encounter with a demon in Afghanistan left her paralyzed from the waist down she was forced to continue fighting against demon terrorists from the shadows instead of on the battlefront. She has no idea that her online friend is secretly in love with her, but will she be able to overcome her hatred for nonhumans, and give Malakye a chance?

The threat of alien invasion draws nigh...

Malakye’s twin brother Jedite may be his mirror image, but he couldn’t be more different. Malakye believes the Lunarians should try to live their lives in peace, coexisting with other alien races. Jedite, however, believes that Lunarians are superior, and that it is their destiny to rule the universe. Jedite wants to conquer the Earth in order to liberate the plants from the oppression of humanity, and to get his revenge on the Archangels that destroyed the Lunarians’ home planet of Flos Luna eons ago.

Release dateJun 21, 2017
Galactic Goth

KuroKoneko Kamen

Author KuroKoneko Kamen (Black Kitten Mask) has always had an interest in Japanese culture from folktales about yokai (ancient demons) to anime and manga. As a result of being an otaku a lot of her stories are set in Japan or have a Japanese theme. Even when in the midst of a pirate novel expect a samurai warrior to be thrown into the mix. Her latest passion is paranormal romance and she’s written stories where ghosts, demons, and angels find love. Keeping her company as she writes are her several dogs and cats, some of which are rescues (now including a pet turtle someone wanted to make a soup out of). To keep updated on new stories and specials visit the author’s facebook page:

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    Book preview

    Galactic Goth - KuroKoneko Kamen

    Galactic Goth

    By KuroKoneko Kamen

    Copyright 2017 by KuroKoneko Kamen

    Cover Design by Leah Keeler

    Smashwords Edition, License notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or give away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. All characters are invented. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

    Chapter 1: Venus Flytrap

    Plant alien Malakye Sterling was not lonely. Nope. Not even a tiny, little bit. Okay, well, maybe a tiny bit. Ever since his best friends - merman chef Levi Devlin, Druid Vampire Hunter, Derek Dearg, and hellcat shifter, Garth Mackenzie - found their true loves they were too busy being lovey-dovey with their fated females to remember to visit poor, lonely Malakye.

    Even though Malakye was technically alone - he didn’t feel all that lonely because he had his plants. Yep, plants. In order to blend in with human society Malakye had opened up a flower shop, which he named Out Of This World Flowers. He sold several types of Earth plants and flowers.

    And he even had alien plants for sale.

    Yep, alien plants from outer space.

    Four years ago, Malakye’s space pod crash landed to Earth, and he awoke from a cryogenic sleep that he’d been in for thousands of years. Malakye was physically twenty-seven years old, and a mortal being. The plant alien race known as the Lunarians were a mortal race.

    As a result, when Malakye had first awoken and realized how much time had passed due to the pod’s travel log he’d assumed that the last survivors of his race a.k.a his childhood friends and his twin brother Jedite were long dead.

    However, a few months ago, Malakye had had an unexpected encounter with his twin brother Jedite. Jedite had teamed up with some evil demons hell-bent on opening a portal strong enough to allow Lucifer to pass through to Earth. The demons wanted world domination, of course.

    What the demons hadn’t realized is that they’d had a wolf in sheep’s clothing in their midst. Jedite had planned to let the demons wreck havoc upon the Earth, and once the demons had enslaved humanity the alien had planned to betray the demons, kill them all, and take over the Earth for himself.

    And Malakye’s twin brother Jedite had the power to do this too.

    Lunarians had abilities of the mind: telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation, and most importantly control over time. Lunarians could stop time for two minutes every twenty-four hours. This was on average. Sometimes this rule could be stretched or broken a little, but with dire consequences to a Lunarian’s health.

    It had been up to Malakye to face his brother one-on-one in a fierce duel. Malakye was the only being on Earth capable with dealing with a Lunarian’s ‘Time Stop’ ability.

    Jedite had been extremely surprised that Malakye had not only fought against him, but had fought as his equal. His surprise stemmed from the fact that Malakye was a known pacifist who hated violence, fighting, and killing.

    But befriending Levi, Derek and Garth had changed Malakye. He wasn’t such a goody-goody, wimpy coward. Not anymore.

    Now, Malakye fought for what he believed in, and to protect his friends.

    Malakye had been taken aback that Jedite was even still alive. But during their duel, Jedite had explained to Malakye that he’d discovered the secret to immortality - nanomachines. Highly complex nanomachines developed by Jedite himself, and injected into the Lunarians had made them immortal. The nanomachines repaired aging cells indefinitely.

    Malakye had fought against his brother and had helped to prevent an Apocalypse in San Francisco. After the battle, Malakye’s brother had mysteriously disappeared. But Malakye knew Jedite was up to something, and that it was only a matter of time before Jedite made his next move. As long as Jedite was in their solar system the entire human race was in grave danger.

    Inside of Malakye’s space pod hundreds of alien plant seeds had been stored away. These seeds had been used during terraforming experiments on planets that had been conquered by the Lunarians.

    The Lunarians were a violent, warrior race, and at one time had almost conquered the entire universe. However, the Lunarians abused their ability to control time and began to travel back in time as well as into the future.

    Only God was the Master of Time, however, and seeing the Lunarian race as a threat to all of his beloved creations had decided to wipe out the race. Their annihilation would be a sacrifice for the greater good of the universe.

    A group of highly skilled Archangels had been assigned to the task of wiping out the entire Lunarian race, and their home planet Flos Luna. When it came time for one Archangel named Leviathan to kill a group of unarmed Lunarian children who were aboard a Lunarian spaceship known as the Moon Ship, however, he was unable to do so. Although the Archangels had been successful in destroying Flos Luna, Levi had ended up sparing the lives of the Lunarian children, and sealed away their ‘Time Travel’ ability.

    Malakye was a unique case since currently he had his ‘Time Travel’ ability back. This was because Archangel Gabriel had recently unsealed it. Just a few weeks ago, Gabriel had gone to Malakye’s shop, and requested the alien’s help to save the life of a vampire the angel had fallen in love with and who’d been killed by a demon.

    The main floor area of the flower shop was filled with Earth plants. Some of the plants were in pots, and others were cut flowers stored in stainless steel buckets filled with water to be used in arrangements.

    The first floor was Malakye’s shop and he lived on the second floor of the building. Directly behind the flower shop was a small greenhouse. It was inside the greenhouse that Malakye kept his alien plants.

    Malakye was currently inside of his greenhouse watering his precious plants with a plastic watering can. At least, I have you guys to keep me company. Who needs a girlfriend anyways, he was saying somewhat bitterly as he watered a blue, fern-like plant.

    The blue fern swayed as it listened to Malakye’s soothing voice, and reached out its fronds to caress his hand in a comforting manner as if it could sense his distress.

    The alien plants resembled normal Earth plants for the most part, except for their abnormal sizes, and the ability to move their tentacles or vines, as well as open and close their mouths that were filled with sharp teeth.

    The alien plants also tended to have intense, bright, glowing colors like neon-green, neon-orange, and magenta. The plants had spots and stripes making them appear tropical. As Malakye passed by a row of potted plants they reached out their fronds and vines to caress his arm affectionately.

    Most of the alien plants were harmless. The non-carnivorous ones that is. Carnivorous alien plants were good for home security. The carnivorous plants’ most unnerving characteristic was their fast moving tentacles and vines that would wrap around their prey, incapacitate them, and draw them into their mouths.

    A large, five-hundred-pound plant that resembled a Venus flytrap was Malakye’s version of a ‘guard dog’. It provided the flower shop with good security at night. The plant was red with purple spots, purple leaves, and had long tentacles. It also had long, sharp teeth. Curiously, it resembled the plant monster from the videogame Super Mario.

    Malakye had affectionately named the frightening plant Betsy. Good morning, Betsy, Malakye greeted her with a proud smile. She was getting quite big and her leaves looked very healthy. How is my beautiful girl doing today? he questioned as he set the watering can aside and approached the plant.

    Betsy reached her tentacles out towards Malakye. Malakye took one of her tentacles into his hand and stroked. Betsy purred and opened her mouth in a wide smile, showing off her white, foot-long, razor-sharp teeth. It’s time for your breakfast, Malakye was saying as he reached his hand out towards Betsy’s mouth. Betsy would usually only need a few drops of Malakye’s blood a day in order to survive.

    Betsy hummed her approval and opened her mouth expectantly. However-

    The bell above the front door of the shop chimed, alerting Malakye to the fact that he had a customer.

    Oh, a customer. I’ll be right back, girl, Malakye said distractedly as he pulled his hand back, turned around, and headed for his shop.

    In a disapproving manner, Betsy growled low in her throat as she watched Malakye leave. She was so hungry…

    Malakye made his way into his shop and walked behind the checkout counter to see that three human females had entered his shop. Why did human females always travel in packs? The alien wondered uneasily. One was hard enough for him to deal with.

    These three girls had been to Out Of This World Flowers before because they weren’t intimidated by Malakye’s Goth appearance, and had already figured him out - that he was actually a kind-hearted softy. Human females were incredibly perceptive creatures.

    Four years ago, when Malakye had first woken up from his cryogenic sleep, he’d simply walked out of the redwood forest and into the city of San Francisco in search of other intelligent life forms. He’d been unaware of the fact that on planet Earth the existence of extraterrestrials was still unproven and that human beings feared that which they did not understand, or know.

    Malakye was humanoid in appearance, except for his glowing silver skin, and slightly pointed, elvish ears, which he hid behind his long black hair.

    As soon as a group of humans had spotted Malakye and his freakish glowing skin - they’d attacked him. Malakye had ended up having to flee for his life and it hadn’t taken him very long to figure out why they’d been chasing him and trying to kill him due to their loud, scathing comments.

    Look! It’s a monster! Freak! Look at his skin…it’s glowing! You think it’s some kind of contagious disease? Kill him! No, capture him! Maybe we can sell him to the government or something! The humans had shouted as they’d chased Malakye through the bustling city.

    After narrowly managing to escape the humans, Makakye decided to wrap his exposed flesh with rags in order to hide his skin color. Unfortunately, this had only drawn more unwanted attention Malakye’s way, and he’d swiftly been reported to the police as a ‘suspicious character’ and ‘possible terrorist’.

    When the police had cornered Malakye in an alleyway, he’d resisted arrest out of fear and had been thrown into jail for a two-year prison sentence. Just like that. It was in prison, however, where he’d met his best friends and fellow nonhumans - Derek, Garth and Levi. There was always a silver lining.

    It had been the wise, worldly vampire Derek who’d advised Malakye to dress like a ‘Goth’ in order to blend in with human society easier. Goths tended to wear white makeup, black lipstick, and wear a lot of black clothes.

    Once dressed as a Goth, Malakye had not only looked fully human - he’d also looked intimidating, which had been perfect for the alien since really he just wanted to be left alone by the scary, violent humans.

    After Malakye had gotten out of prison, he worked for a time at Levi’s seafood restaurant - Poseidon’s Trident - as a potager, soup chef.

    A few months ago, Levi had given Malakye the money to open up his very own flower shop. This had been Malakye’s dream. Growing and nurturing plants was his greatest passion. And because he’d had enough money to have a greenhouse constructed behind his shop, he was finally able to plant and care for the alien plant seeds that had been in the space pod with him.

    At first, his intimidating Goth appearance had scared most of his customers away. But as time passed the human females grew braver and more curious about the handsome, lonely Goth man who ran a flower shop all by himself.

    Several women discovered that when they tried speaking with Malakye that he’d shyly and awkwardly respond to him. In the end, they realized that he was sweet and completely at odds with his intimidating appearance.

    It didn’t take long before Malakye had his very own fan club. And this was great, right? One would think this was any male’s dream come true…being surrounded by smitten girls all day long. But to shy Malakye this was actually close to a living hell. Malakye found human females to be unpredictable and illogical, and as a result scary.

    His mind spun when dealing with them. He didn’t know how he should act around them. Didn’t know what he should say or how he should say it. And when he did try to talk to the human females he’d end up blushing, breaking out into a cold sweat, and getting all tongue-tied. Sometimes he’d embarrassingly freeze up and was unable to respond to their questions at all.

    Good morning, Malakye, how are you today? Hi, Mal! Lookin fine, as usual, Mal. The girls greeted him enthusiastically.

    Um…hi…ladies…how can I help you today? Malakye stammered as he nervously wrung his hands together.

    "Isn’t he just so cute? Eeee!" The girls squealed at Malakye’s obvious shyness. His social awkwardness had become an endearing quality.

    It’s my mom’s birthday today and I wanted to get her something special, a pretty brunette with braided pigtails and glasses explained.

    A present for your mother, huh? That’s nice. Malakye smiled before approaching the area of the floor with a selection of potted plants on display. He perused the selection for a moment before selecting an exotic purple and white spotted orchid. He picked up the orchid and handed it to the brunette. What do you think of this orchid? Isn’t she a beauty? He asked as he gave the orchid a fond, loving look, and caressed one of its leaves gently.

    The girls suddenly felt jealous of the orchid. The brunette looked at the unusual looking orchid and beamed. It’s perfect! I’ll take it. How much?

    Fifty bucks, Malakye informed her.

    Okay, the brunette easily agreed and paid Malakye for the orchid using her credit card.

    Malakye gently placed the potted orchid in a large, green, paper shopping bag that had the store’s name on it in white, swirly letters. Tell your mother to use a spray bottle and to just wet the moss daily with it. Another watering method is to soak the orchid in the sink for an hour…and then do that every week. You don’t want to over water an orchid because its roots will start to rot. If the leaves turn yellow that means you’re over watering it. And if the leaves become wrinkled that means it needs more water.

    Thanks for the tips, Mal, the brunette said and turned to her friends. Let’s go, girls.

    Wait, I’m going to ask him, one of the girls said suddenly. She was a cute, petite blonde girl with wide, blue eyes.

    No, you can’t, her friend, a raven-haired beauty, tried to dissuade her.

    Mal. The blonde approached him and began to fidget nervously with her hands. Do you have a girlfriend? She held her breath as she awaited his response.

    The tips of Malakye’s ears turned red and he was glad for his white makeup. No. The blonde immediately looked hopeful and began to open her mouth to speak, but Malakye swiftly continued. "But I do have someone I like," he admitted softly. More like…I have someone I’m secretly in love with. He thought to himself.

    The blonde’s expression fell and she pouted. Oh, I see. Does she know you like her?

    Carol, that’s none of your business! the brunette chided.

    She doesn’t know. Malakye’s voice was tinged with sadness.

    Surprise flickered in the blonde’s blue eyes. You should tell her. I bet it’d make her happy, the blonde assured with a shy, supportive smile. Bye, Mal, she said before she ran for the exit of the shop in order to hide her teary eyes.

    The other girls quickly said their goodbyes and followed after the blonde.

    Bye, girls. Malakye waved goodbye. He sighed gloomily. I wish… He trailed off as he began to think of the woman he was secretly in love with, and how he didn’t plan on telling her his feelings anytime soon. As soon as she saw his freakish, silver skin she’d probably scream and run for the hills after all. Or worse she’d try to capture and dissect him.

    And this outlandish thought was perfectly possible since the woman Malakye was in love with worked for the ADTF (Anti-Demonic Terrorism Force) - a top-secret government organization that was charged with protecting America from demonic, vampiric, and extraterrestrial threats.

    The name of Malakye’s crush was Hexa Decimal, and she was a brilliant Super Hacker. Her intelligent gray eyes had captured Malakye’s attention during a rescue operation to save his friend Levi Devlin from the ADTF. It was during that rescue mission that Malakye had first seen Hexa, seated in front of her computer and typing away at a rapid pace.

    Malakye had noticed that on one of her other monitors she’d been playing a popular MMORPG (massive multiplayer roleplaying game). And it so happened that it was a game that Malakye himself had developed! Creating video games was a nerdy hobby of Malakye’s that he did in his spare time.

    As the game’s creator it had been easy for Malakye to retrieve Hexa’s account information, and to track her down within the game. Malakye had introduced himself as a Mod (moderator) named Florian. After finally managing to convince the prickly Hexa to party up with him, they’d teamed up, and gone on several quests together.

    Time passed, and they became close friends. Malakye secretly considered Hexa to be his ‘online girlfriend’. And yes, he knew he was being a total creepy stalker, but it’s not like he could ever ask Hexa to meet him in person.

    First of all, she’d find out he’d stalked her, and then she’d discover she’d been hanging out with an alien. A nonhuman.

    Within the medieval-themed game they played together, Hexa had revealed her hatred towards ‘demons’. Malakye wasn’t a demon, but he wasn’t exactly human either.

    Malakye was positive that Hexa would freak out and end up hating him. Because of this he continued to admire Hexa from afar.

    Every week, Malakye would create a beautiful arrangement of flowers that he would secretly take to Hexa’s room at the ADTF. He’d teleport inside of her room, leave the flowers on her desk, and then teleport back to his shop before he could be discovered.

    Within the game, Hexa told Malakye that she had a secret admirer that sent her flowers and that she loved them. Malakye had had to hide his goofy smile at her words. He’d been so pleased she’d liked his flowers.

    The humans’ love for flowers and plants had surprised Malakye. After his initial bad first impression of the humans, he hadn’t expected this from them. But apparently a lot of humans seemed to love plants almost as much as he did.

    Running a flower shop had taught Malakye this about the humans. Humans tended to buy flowers for happy times of celebration such as: graduations, weddings and engagements. But they also tended to purchase flowers during sad times such as: funerals or when someone was sick.

    Humans sought out flowers to brighten their days, to comfort themselves, and to increase their joy. Malakye was happy that he was able to present the humans with flowers that were able to do all these things for them. Apparently, the humans loved what he loved - plants. And because of this, Malakye’s harsh opinion of the humans began to soften.

    Humans weren’t so bad after all. Malakye had thought. There was hope.

    Malakye had an ordinary day at his shop, making arrangements for delivery, and selling cut flowers to the occasional random customer until closing time rolled around at six o’clock p.m.

    At this time, Malakye brought the potted plants he kept outside during the day back inside of the shop, and locked the front door. After that, he went to the greenhouse in order to move Betsy into the main floor area for security purposes.

    Once he’d finished getting Betsy set up in the center of the flower shop he’d usually go up to his room on the second floor, take a shower, and play a MMORPG with Hexa for a few hours until the moon would rise. Then he’d make his way up to the roof so he could catch some moon rays.

    This is what he did every single day.

    Little did Malakye know that his daily routine was about to change drastically.

    Malakye made his way up to the second floor and to his bedroom. He entered his room, entered the adjacent bathroom, and took a nice, hot shower, cleaning all of the white makeup that was on his skin off.

    Malakye turned the water off, stepped out of the shower, and grabbed a fluffy white towel, which he used to dry himself off with. He wrapped the towel around his waist, exited the bathroom, and stepped into his bedroom.

    Hmm, so that’s what you look like without the white makeup. You’re actually pretty attractive, an impish female voice had Malakye’s gaze snapping towards his bed.

    "Ack! A human female…saw me!" Malakye hugged his torso with his arms bashfully.

    The young woman that was perched on the edge of Malakye’s bed had long, sky-blue hair, bright blue eyes, and pale skin. She was wearing a blue and white Gothic Lolita style dress, and shiny, patent leather shoes. The girl hopped off the bed, smirking.

    As soon as she’d hopped off the bed Malakye realized something. He dropped his arms, and raised an eyebrow at the girl. She was extremely short, less than five feet tall. You’re not a human female…you’re just a little girl. Phew, Malakye let out a breath of relief as he wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand.

    The girl’s eye twitched in irritation. Little girl? I’ll have you know I’m much older than you, buddy! You should have more respect for your elders! Hmph! She placed her hands on her hips and glared at Malakye.

    Uh huh. Malakye walked over and patted the girl on her head. Are you lost, little girl? How did you even get up here? And past Betsy? He frowned at the unsettling thought. This little girl would be a bite-sized hors d’oeuvre for Betsy.

    The girl smacked Malakye’s hand away indignantly. I flew in through the window. She pointed at the open bedroom window in a flippant manner.

    Malakye glanced at the window. Uh huh. He took the girl’s hand in his. Come on, let’s get you home, little girl.

    The girl snatched her hand away hotly. "I’m not a lost child! For Heaven’s sake, my name is Ezekiel, and I’m your guardian angel!"

    Malakye raised an eyebrow at her and looked her over from head to toe. It wasn’t that Malakye doubted the existence of guardian angels. In fact, he knew quite a few angels personally - Archangel Uriel, Archangel Gabriel, and the fallen angel Levi Devlin who used to be known as Archangel Leviathan.

    But this little girl couldn’t be an angel. You’re an angel? No way. Malakye waved his hand through the air in a disbelieving gesture.

    Hmph! Ezekiel let out a frustrated huff before summoning her angelic powers and willing her wings to emerge from her back. Two blue, feathery wings emerged from the girl’s back and spread in a majestic fashion. The beautiful wings had light and dark blue feathers.

    Malakye’s eyes bulged at the unexpected sight, and his jaw dropped. He stumbled backwards a few steps. Holy shit! You’re actually an angel. I can’t believe it.

    A vein at Ezekiel’s temple throbbed in ire. Don’t act so surprised!

    S-Sorry, Malakye quickly apologized as he rubbed the back of his neck in an apologetic gesture. But…if you are really an angel then why are you here?

    I already told you. I’m your guardian angel, Ezekiel reiterated.

    A dark frown formed on Malakye’s face. "But…I don’t need a guardian angel."

    That’s what you think. Ezekiel’s blue eyes were glittering with something akin to mischief. "I’m here to help you redeem the entire Lunarian race of their sins."


    "You have to fall in love with a human Judge…duh. Ezekiel gave Malakye a frustrated look. I would have thought that with your high IQ you would have figured that one out. Especially, since you’re friends with Levi, Garth and Derek."

    A Judge? Malakye blinked in confusion. He knew what a Judge was. A Judge was a special human with a pure heart and soul that had the ability to redeem a demon or vampire of his or her sins so they could become a part of God’s Holy Army.

    Malakye’s friends - Levi, Derek, and Garth - had all found their destined human Judges and been redeemed of their sins in the eyes of God. His friends were now a part of His Holy Army and simply awaiting God’s commands.

    But Malakye hadn’t known that God considered him as needing redemption. The thought made him frown since he’d never really done anything wrong. He’d never actually killed anyone before, just defeated them or incapacitated them. So why?

    Malakye’s eyes widened when he came to a sudden realization. Of course - Dominic Wilde.

    Archangel Gabriel had fallen in love with an alluring vampire named Dominic Wilde, but Dominic had been killed by a sadistic centipede demon named Zepar.

    Gabriel had gone to Malakye and had begged for his help to save the man he’d fallen in love with. Malakye had agreed to help, and Gabriel had unsealed Malakye’s Time Travel ability. After that, the two of them had traveled back in time in order to save Dominic.

    They’d changed the Universal Timeline as a result. But only God was the Master of Time, and allowed to do something like that. They’d broken The Rules. They’d sinned.

    Archangel Gabriel had assured Malakye that he’d take full responsibility for their actions, and had lost his wings and elemental power as punishment.

    Now it appeared as though God hadn’t completely forgiven Malakye’s sin yet if he needed to be redeemed. This is because of Dominic, isn’t it?

    Ezekiel raised an eyebrow at Malakye and let out a sigh. "In part, yes. I mean, did you really think you could get off scot free with that? More importantly, the Lunarians, the last of them…have been conquering planets again, and now they’ve come to Earth.

    "Under normal circumstances, Archangel Kushiel would have been ordered to kill them all for their transgressions, but God has decided to put the fate of the Lunarians in your hands. There are only six other Lunarians left alive, but they’re still a threat to the entire universe. The key to saving your fellow Lunarians is love. That’s really all I’m allowed to tell you, for

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