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The Athlete, Lusty Lee Log 24
The Athlete, Lusty Lee Log 24
The Athlete, Lusty Lee Log 24
Ebook31 pages25 minutes

The Athlete, Lusty Lee Log 24

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There are many ways to exact revenge on a lover who has cheated on you. The possibilities expand if the cheater doesn’t know that you knew he’d cheated. This was the position I was in with Michael Rayburn. The plan I’d chosen was to surprise him with good news and even better sex. Once he was suitably aroused...

I had spent an enjoyable hour planning my revenge as I had dressed for my meeting with Michael. First were sheer black stockings. Red was sexier, but too obvious for a law office. The stockings were held up by a black garter belt. For some reason men find retro lingerie incredibly sexy and Michael was no exception. Over the garters went red silk panties so sheer you could see the outline of my sex through them. My bra was red and just as sheer. Looking in the mirror, it was obvious how turned on I was, nowhere more obvious than the nipples straining to poke right through my bra.

The feeling of pressing the button to Michael’s office was electric. I felt it tingle into my core. I was ready!

Later, I received a report from my assistant that included a video of him wrestling in the nude with another man. I licked my lips in anticipation and decided that the best place to watch the video was sitting up in my bed...

Release dateJun 22, 2017
The Athlete, Lusty Lee Log 24

Jason Pinaster

If you would like to be on my mailing list, sign up here: will receive prompt notification ofmy new publications and special offers.I have been writing fiction for several years but in 2015 I started to concentrate on erotica.My first series featured lawyer Christopher Carter. Carter doesn't have to abide by law society rules. A little fun, lots of sex, a little adventure, and Carter's special brand of justice.Then I moved on to Lusty Lee, a private investigator. My current dominatrix series, which is nearing the end of its cycle, features specific fetishes—some outlandish—serviced by Mistress Megan.Along the way, I have written individual stories featuring wrestling, food fetishism, tickling, sex games and BDSM. I have published one novella set in Hedonism II, the notorious Jamaican resort and am presently revising a second. My current novel features a sex robot.ExperienceCourt Clerk, 2000 to date in Ontario, CanadaWriting: since Grade 3 (1983)Skills and ExpertiseWritingEditingResearchEducationB.A. (English Lit.) 1992-1995, Augustana University CollegeDiploma in Court Procedure, 1996-1998, Everest College

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    Book preview

    The Athlete, Lusty Lee Log 24 - Jason Pinaster

    24 The Athlete


    Lusty Lee Box Set 1: Prequel through Log 5

    Lusty Lee Box Set 2: Logs 6 through 10 with bonus Log 7a

    Lusty Lee Box Set 3: Logs 11 through 16

    Lusty Lee Box Set 4: Logs 16 through 20

    21 Cops

    22 Paintball

    23 Interrogation

    The logs will number 30 (six groups of five segments). Each segment will have a cover with the same bikini or lingerie top and its corresponding box set will feature the same model displaying the matching bikini or lingerie bottom.

    Copyright Notice: Copyright by Jason Pinaster 2017; all rights reserved.

    This is a work of fiction; the characters are not you.

    Cover Notes and Credits

    Back Notes: About Jason Pinaster, other books and stories by the author.

    Copyright 2017 by Jason Pinaster. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people outside your household. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Fiction: This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely and entirely coincidental and not intended by the author. In short: this story is not about you, anyone you know, or about the acts or omissions of anyone living or dead.

    Cover credits: The lady in the russet lingerie is Ashley Foxx photographed by Bob Shepherd on Flickr and her images were used either pursuant direct, not to mention generous, permission. All photoshopping was done by me.

    Acknowledgement: Many thanks for the suggestions from and proofreading by Sallyann Cole.

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