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The Hatching: Dragon Magic, #0.5
The Hatching: Dragon Magic, #0.5
The Hatching: Dragon Magic, #0.5
Ebook31 pages23 minutes

The Hatching: Dragon Magic, #0.5

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What if a dragon looked into your eyes...and saw your soul?


Wenlyn is an orphan boy being brought up in the scullery of a small, poor village. He's practically a slave to Master Foxund, but he dreams of soaring the skies with the dragon-riding protectors of the Six Realms.


When one of them visits his village, the dragon "identifies" Wenlyn, and suddenly the world as he knows it falls away.

He must take part in a strange ceremony and find a way to embrace a completely new life. Either that, or go back to being an abused scullery boy who never amounts to anything.


Soar the skies with Wenlyn in this short prequel to Dragon Magic, an epic fantasy series. Book 1 slated for release in quarter 1 of 2022.


"Loved loved loved this short story."--Amazon Reviewer

PublisherLiesel Hill
Release dateJun 24, 2017
The Hatching: Dragon Magic, #0.5

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    The Hatching - D.B. Tarragon

    The Hatching

    D.B. Tarragon

    Copyright © [Year of First Publication] by [Author or Pen Name]

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    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.



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    The tiniest shift against the blue sky caught Wenlyn's eye. Movement, so far away against the horizon, he couldn't quite make it out. I see him, he whispered. Only the tiny, quaking leaves of the dragonberry tree heard him. Small as he was, Wenlyn could climb higher than the other children without his weight breaking the branches, and he had.

    A gasp came from somewhere below him, nearer the ground. The Fox, someone shouted. The Fox is coming! Children squealed and groaned. The tree quaked as they all slid out of it and ran back toward the village.

    The problem with climbing highest was having farthest to go to escape. He slid down the trunk, small branches whipping him as he went, bitter dragonberries staining his tunic.

    His feet thudded on the lumpy, root-filled ground below the tree. Before he could turn, something slammed into his back, between the shoulder blades, knocking him onto his belly. The air whooshed from his lungs, and spots on his ribs felt instantly sore where they'd rammed into protruding roots.

    Out of the way, Ratboy! Jemmy yelled, leaping off Wenlyn’s back and dashing toward the village. In record time, he'd disappeared.

    Wenlyn stumbled to his feet, trying to follow. He moved too slowly. Something small, strong and sharp clipped onto his right earlobe. The Fox's fingernails.

    Well, well. What have we here?

    Wenlyn's heart sank, his chance at seeing an actual Harpy's Servant with the rest of the village

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