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1900 Miles of Passion
1900 Miles of Passion
1900 Miles of Passion
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1900 Miles of Passion

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Nicole knows she is only good at two things, delivering mail and satisfying men. A multitude of bizarre sexual encounters follow this postal employee as she journeys across southern highways from Florida to Colorado. Through continued distress and self-depravation with a false sense of optimism, she continues toward the aspiration of true love. Her goal is realized only through self-acceptance. 1900 Miles of Passion will make you laugh, cry, masturbate and question the mental state of the author. It will enlighten you and offend you at the same time. The ludicrous sexual encounters are accompanied by an assortment of incidental and intentional deaths. From toe punching to squeedunking Nicole wants it all. A perverts dream, she will stop at nothing and do anything to achieve the delusional objective which is waiting for her, with a cherry on top.

Release dateJun 26, 2017
1900 Miles of Passion

Nicole Parkerson

My name is Nicole. I am a first time author. I call my genre "Humerotica" although it is based on some actual events, that happened to me, I spiced it up a little by going way over the top. I want to share my book with people, and hear what they think. Tell me it's awful, tell me how offended you are, tell me you threw up, or tell me you were turned on. It is a mixture of passion, determination, friendship, and murder. It also is very offensive, so if you are easily offended please don't read, but I think I insulted all groups of people equally in this book. I finished it about a year ago, and am already 150 pages into my next manuscript. I write to create a world that helps me deal with the shit I call my life. Not a day goes by that I don't think of putting a bullet in my head. That only thing that stops me from doing it, is I would probably screw that up too, and just be a bigger burden on the people around me. Anyway, enjoy 1900 Miles of Passion. Or don't, just tell me what you think.

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    1900 Miles of Passion - Nicole Parkerson


    Copyright 2017 Nicole Parkerson

    Published by Nicole Parkerson at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents























    I sat down at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and lit my first cigarette of the day. Through the window in the morning light I watch my love play with our children and it warms my heart. Ten years has passed since we met. It seems like a lifetime ago. My name is Nicole and I am 32 years old. There is nothing special about me. At least that is what my mother always told me. I have been described as an uglier, heavier, version of Drew Barrymore. When we met I was 5’2" 148 but I carried it well. I lighten my dishwater blonde hair, but after being together for so long you tend to let the little things go. It’s not that we aren’t still in love, we just accept each other. The only thing that ever gave me confidence are my massive heaving breasts. Still, I never met a man that I couldn’t satisfy. Ten years ago I thought I knew what love was. I thought I knew it all. I was wrong. At that time in my life I had already been with plenty of men, hordes of men. I love sex. I love everything about men. The way they smell, taste, having a man dominate me, penetrate me, abuse me, but I didn’t really understand what it meant to have meaningful connection.

    I developed early, so I got a lot of attention from boys. I was poor and had no self-esteem. I had just turned 18 when a high school classmate, Charlie Banks, told me I was a cock tease. He explained it to me he dared me to show him my breasts, to prove I was not a so called cock tease. The two of us hid behind the gym. I unharnessed my perky jubblies. His eyes widened. He didn’t say a thing, but I thought he was going to pass out. The next day, He asked to see them again. I agreed to give him a glimpse of my young, tender, jugs, but only if he showed me his penis. He was reluctant at first, until I let him touch my then firm fun bags. He unzipped his pants and pulled his tiny member out of his tighty whities. I was fascinated by it. I had never seen one close up before, it was amazing. The way it hung there, the balls behind it, it looked like it was wearing a little helmet. I wanted to touch it, smell it, and taste it. I thought I saw it move and he tucked it back into his pants and ran away. I let a few other boys see my boobs, in exchange for seeing there wieners. By the time I got through high school, I was on a personal quest for cock. Each one is different. Color, shape, some had a funny tip, others looked so clean, smooth, and some were dirty and hairy. All of them gave me a tingly feeling in the pit of my stomach.

    One day, a classmate, Bob asked me if I would like to come over and study. I had never had a boy ask me out before. I was excited that a boy wanted to do something besides see my breasts. After school we went to his house. We went to the basement where he had his desk. He flipped on the light and shoved me on to the couch. I sat up, and before I could say a thing he pulled his cock out of his pants. I know you like to show off your tits. Let’s see them. He demanded. I thought you wanted to study? I asked him. His penis was larger than most of the boys in my class, and it stood straight up in the air. I’m going to study. He assured me. I’m going to study your fat jugs while I touch myself. Now get them out! He looked as if he were going to slap me. I removed my shirt. He licked his lips and spit in his hand. Yeah. Those are nice. He sat in a chair across from me. You show your tits to anybody, don’t you? Yeah. You will do anything. He grabbed his shaft and moved his hand up and down on it. I stroked my hand against my breasts as I watched him play with himself. I pinched my nipples, making them nice and hard. I just sat there, watching in awe. He was really beating his meat when he pulled up his shirt. He started gyrating, biting his lower lip. I noticed beads of sweat forming on his forehead. He was breathing like he was in gym class. I smelled his pungent body odor and he started grunting. He gripped his balls, squeezed them, and pulled them downward with one hand while tugging his tool with the other. He stopped looking at my chest and made eye contact with me. My god! You are such a whore. I didn’t understand why he was insulting me. I don’t think he knew. He was in a state of consciousness I couldn’t comprehend. He was panting while his dick continued to grow. Touch your cunt! You know you want to! He yelled at me. I lifted my skirt and started rubbing the front of my panties. He spit in my face. It shocked me, but I didn’t wipe it off. I let it dribble down my cheek. I felt a tingle and moisture between my legs. He stopped choking his chicken and stood up. He approached me trying to catch his breath. His one eyed monster staring at me. Take your panties off and hand them to me. He barked. I pulled the soaked cotton from between my legs and handed them to him. He smelled the crotch and walked behind me. The head of his cock bounced off the back of my head. You’re a virgin, aren’t you? He asked. I squeaked out a yes in response to him. He grabbed my hair and yanked my head back. Shocking. I figured a skank like you would have had a mile of cock inside of you already. He put the sopping wet crotch of my panties across my mouth, shoved my head forward, pulled the waistband around the back of my head and tied them together. I tasted and smelled the sweet nectar of my flower. He sat back in his chair and resumed stroking. Look at you. Right in your element. My eyes were focused on him tugging his tassel with one hand, while kneading his balls with the other. Fuck! He held his breath. Here it is you slut! Look at it! I was taken off guard when a thick milky substance shot from his penis. His entire body stiffened as he let out a loud sigh. Finally he relaxed back in his seat trying to catch his breath. He wiped the sweat from his brow. That was good. He said as he panted. You are mine now. His cock started to become flaccid. From now on, you do what I tell you when I tell you. He rested his head back against his chair.

    I untied the panties from my head. Overcome with curiosity, I leaned forward to get a better look at this creamy liquid. Most of it ended up on his stomach and pooled in his navel. A few drops dribbled down the length of his cock. I slid my finger along his shaft wiping it up. He was extremely sensitive and shivered when I touched him. It was opaque, white, thick, and sticky. I lifted it to my nose, it smelled like bleach. I dabbed the substance on my tongue. It was savory, salty, and oddly enough a little sweet! My desire for ejaculate started that day. I asked him to do it again and he did. Each time there was less and less. He was spent by the time I left that day. The next day I saw him in math class. I asked Bob if he wanted to go to his parent’s basement again. He ignored me, then passed me a note during class. It said, ‘you are a slut. 4:30.’ I looked back at him, I smiled and saw his dick was already hard behind his grey fleece sweatpants.

    It was the longest day ever at school. Like the day before Christmas break. I arrived at his house, we were alone. At the front door he opened my shirt and rubbed his hand across my breasts then slapped them. These are my property. You don’t show them to anyone, unless I tell you to. He took my hand and led me downstairs. He sat across from me, pulled his sweats down, and started stroking. I decided to completely remove my shirt. I licked my lips and I asked if I could touch him. He stopped stroking himself. You would love that, wouldn’t you? He asked me. Do it. He sat back in his chair and spread his legs. I knelt down in front of him. I could smell his sweating asshole. I stroked him, the same way I saw him do it to himself. With my hand wrapped around his dink I looked up at him. I asked if was doing it right. He spit at me again. Just…Don’t talk! There was rage in his eyes. You make me sick! You know this is the only reason you were born, don’t you? He slapped me across the face. It stung, but I had never been so turned on. Ah! You bitch! Look at what you’ve done. A beautiful sticky load spilled from the tip on to my hand. I gave him a few minutes of recovery then did it over and over again, discreetly feeding on his jizz, while he closed his eyes in pleasure. I milked his cock until it was empty. I licked my fingers clean and put my shirt back on. Wait. Bob stopped me, gasping for air. Give me your panties so I can smell you until tomorrow. I pulled my sticky panties off and handed them to him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him. Our lips met and his tongue slipped into my mouth. I wondered if he could taste his own sweet cream. My heart fluttered with excitement from my first kiss. I glanced back and we smiled at each other before I left him sitting there a sweaty mess.

    I walked up the stairs already anticipating tomorrow. I thought, maybe I will let Bob my touch my pussy tomorrow. I quietly walked through the kitchen toward the back door. I felt so happy. He pays so much attention to me. I think I am falling for this boy. I think I love…. Did you have a good time down there? His dad was burly bearded man. He was sitting at the table drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette. I stammered for a response, but put his hand up to stop me before I could think of an excuse. Save it. He stood up, dropped his smoke to the floor, snuffed in out on the linoleum, and walked toward me. I was shaking with fear. With his index finger, he pulled my shirt toward himself, looked down at my breasts and scoffed at me. He grabbed me around the neck and pushed me against the wall, lifting me off my feet. He smelled like a brewery. Ashes from his cigarette were stuck in his beard. I was so scared I could hardly breathe, as I looked into his bloodshot eyes. You stay away from my son. He has a future, and it doesn’t include girls like you. I know girls like you. You see a promising young man and want to sink you greedy claws into him and ruin his life. He belched. I think he vomited in his mouth and spit it on the floor. I’m not going to allow a money hungry piece of shit ruin his life the way a slut ruined mine. Get out! And stay out! He opened the door and tossed me down the steps, to the ground. I landed on my butt, my skirt rose up. Disgusting! He saw that I had not been wearing panties. He shook his head and then went back in. I sat there, rubbing my neck, trying to catching my breath. I don’t know what it was, but I was aroused by the beastly man gripping my throat.

    I tried to talk to Bob the next day at school. I told him we could go someplace else. I was crying and stopped myself just before I told him I loved him. He didn’t want anything to do with me. In front of the entire class he handed my panties back to me. The entire class was laughing and pointing at me. Bob told them that I mailed my panties to him to try to get him to notice me. He walked over to my desk. No one will ever love you. Stay away from me. I had never felt so alone in my life. I ran from the classroom and could still hear everyone laughing as I exited the building. I ran crying the entire way home. I wanted to kill myself. In my foster mom’s medicine cabinet was a bottle of sleeping pills. I did a search on how many I would have to take to just fall asleep and never wake up. I sat on the edge of my bed with the bottle in my hand. I heard arguing again from my foster parent’s room. As I walked down the hall it got louder. I peeked through the door and saw my foster mom on top of my foster dad. She was crying, pleading with him to forgive her. I’m so sorry! She cried. I know it was my fault. I gently push the door open just a little more to get a better look. They were always fighting. I heard him slap her and she screamed. Turn around, I can’t even look at you right now. She was on her hands and knees on the bed. He was on his knees behind her humping her. She screamed as her head was banging into the headboard. He yelled at her. Yeah! You see what happens. You make me so jealous so I need to teach you a lesson! He looked over and saw me watching them. He moved his arm from her hip, put it behind his back, and gave me a good view of his cock slamming into her pussy. He smiled and nodded at me. I ran back down the hall to my room. I was sick at the sight of him. Two minutes later he appeared at my bedroom door, nude. You see? That’s what a woman is for. You are all nothing more than holes. I threw a shoe at him. He caught it in midair and angrily slapped me across the face with it. Get used to it. You’re next or you are out of here. He walked away laughing. I knew they didn’t have to let me stay there anymore, but they were going to allow me stay until high school was over. My face was aching where he hit me, but I thought about what he said to my foster mom. He said she makes him jealous. That was it. I thought I will get back at Bob by making him jealous. I quickly gained a reputation, for exposing my tits, and giving hand jobs. It wasn’t just the seamen I craved, it was entire process of getting it: offering my services to a boy, seeing him get excited, just by seeing me topless. The nervous excitement in my stomach, as he removed his friend from his pants. I couldn’t believe how much power I had. The feeling of flesh growing, in my hand. Getting thicker, getting taller, and throbbing, as their fresh load made its way, from the base to the tip. Finally overflowing on to my hand as they would cry out in pleasure. I never gave oral, I would collect my meal, in the palm of my hand, and enjoy it when they weren’t looking. I didn’t want anyone to know, that I was a cumaholic. It is an addiction, and there are no support groups for such an addiction. Anyway, I am never going to give it up. Sometimes I would rub my vagina, as I lapped my reward from my fingertips. My fingers manipulating my vagina as I tasted the fruit of my labor would send a tingle through my body. It wasn’t long until I thought about enjoying my first meat Popsicle. I wanted a man. By the time Bob had come crawling back to me I was over him. I was done with boys.

    My Spanish teacher, Mr. Valenzuela was fresh out of college, Latino, couldn’t have been more than 24 and unbelievably exotic. Jet black hair, and light skin. His dark brown eyes starred in to my soul. He was thin, but muscular. I watched him write on the blackboard and thought of plunging my tongue into his asshole while I jerked his cock. What started as innocent flirting, quickly turned in to my infatuation with him. I started wearing short skirts, fitted tops, and sitting in the front row. I noticed he started to look at me in a different way. There was frustration in his eyes. On several occasions I caught him staring at me, biting his lips as his dirty thoughts consumed him. In bed at night, I rubbed myself into a frothy frenzy, thinking of what it could be like, to have him love me the way my foster dad loved my foster mom.

    One day he asked me to stay after class. As the rest of the class exited, my nipples became erect. I just knew he wanted me. With his back to me, I quickly removed my bra. My dark nipples pressed against my tight white t shirt. He closed the door and locked it. When he turned around my nipples instantly got his attention. I thought, finally, I was going to be with a man. He stood behind his desk, and began to explain that I could no longer wear the clothes I was wearing to class. I crossed and uncrossed my leg several times. Behind his khaki’s I could see the outline of his veiny vessel. I got out of my seat and walked right up to his desk and leaned over to him. My lips were inches from his. I felt his breathing getting faster, I saw fear in his eyes, and I smelled coffee on his breath. Why? I whispered. He gulped, and a single bead of sweat rolled down his temple. What are you doing? He asked. I slid my hand across his desk, closing the distance between us. He seemed nervous. I’m only doing what you let me do. I reassured him, as the tips of my fingers brushed against the growing mass in his khakis. I raised his shirt to find his thick tip protruding from the top of his pants, seemingly looking at me, taunting me. I ran my finger across it. I circled my thumb around the head then plunged my hand down his pants. I felt instant gratification as I reached in and felt every inch of it press against my fingers. Yearning for more I yanked his cock, but I couldn’t stroke it the way I wanted. As we were still separated by the desk. He placed his hands in front of him to brace himself on the desk. I unzipped his pants removing the polyester obstruction from my grasp. Slowly I used his erection as a joystick, guiding him around his desk and sitting him down in a chair. He let out a little groan, as my hand moved faster and faster. Closing his eyes his breathing became labored and short. He couldn’t help giving in to his desires. Opening his eyes he looked me over, studying me before he pulled me into him. His tongue filled my mouth. Suddenly he grabbed my head with both hands and pushed me away from his lips. My hands still wrapped around his cock. Open your mouth. I looked at him, confused. Open your fucking mouth! He ordered. I did as he said, opening my mouth and sticking out my tongue. He spit into my mouth and pushed my head into his lap. I had no idea what I was doing. I took the whole thing in my mouth and instantly gaged, as his head hit the posterior of my throat. Each time I would pull back, he pushed me back down. With my free hand I rubbed between my legs. Finally, with a mighty groan, he exploded liquid heat in to my mouth. I didn’t think cum could taste any better, but as he filled my mouth, I was in heaven. It was a much healthier load than I was used to from the boys. My lips were sealed around his crown. I did not want to waste a drop. He leaned back in the chair, as his body quivered. The last few shots of delight were deposited in to my accepting mouth. Covered in sweat, he smelled awful. He looked down at me in time to see me swallow his gift. Did you eat that? He asked. I shook my head yes and showed him my empty mouth. He slapped me across the face. You are the whore I have always wanted. My heart fluttered with joy. He told me I could never tell anyone about what had happened. Who would I tell? I wanted it as much as he did. In secret, we would meet, whenever we wanted it; in the janitor’s closet, in his car, at the movie theater, a bathroom stall, a park- wherever, whenever, we were both just a phone call away.

    Our oral sexcapade went on for several weeks. Each day after class he would give me a homework assignment, in the form of an adult film specializing in oral. I studied them, learning how to please a man. Learning the way a woman is supposed act. I mimicked what I saw in the films when I was with him. It wasn’t long until I told him I needed more than his delicious cock in my mouth. I was falling in love with him and I knew he felt the same. It was time to take our relationship to the next level. I knew he wouldn’t marry me until at least high school was over, but I am a greedy bitch. I knew what came after oral. I had waited long enough. I wanted him inside of me. I felt I deserved it. He refused to take my virginity even after I told him I loved him. He said that would be going too far. I had dreams at night of being his wife. Having him violating me, his hands all over me, squeezing me, rubbing me, fondling me. I wanted him. I needed him. The more persistent I was, the more agitated he became. I continued sitting, in the front row, wearing the shortest skirts I had. I knew he couldn’t resist looking at my smooth young legs. Each time he looked I would spread my legs, exposing my bare, soggy undercarriage. Class was drawing to an end so I unbuttoned the top two buttons on my blouse. He knew what I was doing, I could see him already growing in his pants. Beads of sweat collected above his brows. He had already sweat through his shirt in anticipation of having my mouth wrapped around his shaft. He could barely speak, as he tried to teach the class. I don’t know if the kids around me could smell it, but there was a leaky faucet between my legs.

    The bell rang, I didn’t get up from my seat. He didn’t look at me as he followed the last of the students out, and locked the door behind them. He was still looking away from me when he took a deep breath. With a heavy Spanish accent he said, We can’t do this anymore. He turned around. I had removed my skirt, unbuttoned the rest of my top, exposing my breasts, and was sitting legs spread, dripping on top of last night’s homework. He walked over to me. I wrapped my legs around him pulling him against me. His hands were shaking as I brought them to my breasts. Make love to me. I whispered to him. My hands reached to unzip his pants, but he stopped me, and took a few steps back. I cooed as his hands ran the length of my legs, starting at my ankles, and moving toward my clammy crotch. With his hands on the insides of my thighs, he spread me wide open. He dropped to his knees and buried his head into my unblemished muff. A shock wave of pleasure burst through my body as his tongue explored parts of me I didn’t know existed. Lapping at my tasty treat was making him lascivious. His hands clutched my breasts, and pulled my nipples. It only took a couple of moments of his tongue lashing at my clit and I finally knew what the women in those movies were feeling. I wanted to scream but didn’t want to draw attention to the illegal activity taking place in the classroom. After a good feeding, he stood back up, I grabbed him by his belt loops, fiercely jerking him to me. I opened his pants, releasing raging beast from its lair. I grabbed him and moved him to position. I rubbed the tip between my loose lips. He looked down to see the tip of his penis, prepared to penetrate my pure pink pie. Do it. I ordered him. I could see the fear in his eyes. He applied a little pressure. I tilted my head back. My God. Finally this is what I have been waiting for. Suddenly he stopped. No! He pushed away from me, and sat down in his chair, I could still see the residue from my box glistening on his face, as he sat catching his breath. I can’t, it’s going too far. He still stood at attention. I hopped off his desk. I rubbed his face and gently kissed his cheek. It’s okay. I will wait until it’s right. I told him as I knelt down, and gave him a good licking. I tasted my cunt, on the tip of his cock. As

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