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The Eagle´s Shadow
The Eagle´s Shadow
The Eagle´s Shadow
Ebook518 pages7 hours

The Eagle´s Shadow

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The Eagle´s Shadow is an anthology including two historical thrillers written by the author that have a common substrate, the myths that served as a spiritual basis for Nazism that  although having been defeated in the second world war still exert  an  influence in  certain circles in the present. The works that compose it are:

Himmler´s Legacy:Anchored in remote medieval origins and using a genetic distinctive feature as a red thread, the story starts in a castle in Nazi Germany, a SS training and command center.

The plot leads first to Antarctica where scientists carry on enigmatic military activities. Among them there are fanatical Nazis and skeptical scientists and soldiers, a fact that is premonitory of the conflict that will soon develop.
Some of these characters finally arrive in Argentina. Their knowledge of the activities in Antarctica expose them to persecution and great risks.
The nowadays characters attempt to unravel the strange legacy they have received, mixing strange Nazi mythology and very specific interests. They are thus faced with very evil men,
The action shifts from Buenos Aires to Rio de Janeiro and finally to an area of forests and lakes in Patagonia until its dramatic culmination.Vibrant thriller in its enterity.


Blood Runes: In the eleventh century, after leaving the misty shores of Markland a Viking drakkar is dragged to the Yucatan Peninsula where the Mayan culture flourishes. By marrying the daughter of a tribal chief, Bjarni becomes aware of a treasure hidden in the ruins of an abandoned temple. Years later he decides to return to Greenland but his ship sinks. Upon reaching land he leaves runic inscriptions referring to the Mayan treasures and to intriguing ruins of a city of white men above the Arctic Circle, site of the legendary Thule according to clairvoyants linked to Nazism. At the present time a group of researchers from a virtual society is following in his footsteps but must face a powerful group seeking to restore the Thousand Year Reich on the one hand, and looters of cultural treasures on the other.

PublisherCedric Daurio
Release dateJul 1, 2017
The Eagle´s Shadow

Cedric Daurio11

Cedric Daurio is the pen name a novelist uses for certain types of narrative, in general historical thrillers and novels of action and adventure.The author practiced his profession as a chemical engineer until 2005 and began his literary career thereafter. He has lived in New York for years and now resides in Miami . All his works are based on extensive research, his style is stripped, clear and direct, and he does not hesitate to tackle thorny issues.C. Daurio writes in Spanish and all his books have been translated into English, they are available in print editions and as digital books.

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    Book preview

    The Eagle´s Shadow - Cedric Daurio11


    The Eagle´s Shadow is an anthology including two historical thrillers written by the author that have a common substrate, the myths that served as a spiritual basis for Nazism that  although having been defeated in the second world war still exert  an  influence in  certain circles in the present. The works that compose it are:

    Himmler´s Legacy:Anchored in remote medieval origins and using a genetic distinctive feature as a red thread, the story starts in a castle in Nazi Germany, a SS training and command center.

    The plot leads first to Antarctica where scientists carry on enigmatic military activities. Among them there are fanatical Nazis and skeptical scientists and soldiers, a fact that is premonitory of the conflict that will soon develop.

    Some of these characters finally arrive in Argentina. Their knowledge of the activities in Antarctica expose them to persecution and great risks.

    The nowadays characters attempt to unravel the strange legacy they have received, mixing strange Nazi mythology and very specific interests. They are thus faced with very evil men,

    The action shifts from Buenos Aires to Rio de Janeiro and finally to an area of forests and lakes in Patagonia until its dramatic culmination.Vibrant thriller in its enterity.

    Blood Runes: In the eleventh century, after leaving the misty shores of Markland a Viking drakkar is dragged to the Yucatan Peninsula where the Mayan culture flourishes. By marrying the daughter of a tribal chief, Bjarni becomes aware of a treasure hidden in the ruins of an abandoned temple. Years later he decides to return to Greenland but his ship sinks. Upon reaching land he leaves runic inscriptions referring to the Mayan treasures and to intriguing ruins of a city of white men above the Arctic Circle, site of the legendary Thule according to clairvoyants linked to Nazism. At the present time a group of researchers from a virtual society is following in his footsteps but must face a powerful group seeking to restore the Thousand Year Reich on the one hand, and looters of cultural treasures on the other.

    Himmler´s Legacy




    SPRING OF 1242

    KONRAD VON STERNBERG spurred his horse to put away with his pursuers, knowing that if they reached him he could not expect mercy of them. Elated with their victory the Russians wanted to erase all traces of their hated Germanic oppressors. Therefore if he really was reached the young man would have no alternative but to attack singly his pursuers until he finally fell down to Earth where he would be undoubtedly killed and beheaded. His combat wounds hurt more and more, the eyesight was blurred at times and the night added the cold of the early spring to his sufferings. He knew he had no chance to reach the rearguard line of the Teutonic Knights where he could receive relief and cure for his wounds. He realized that he did not even know in what direction to steer and was really wandering at random. Moments of consciousness alternated with those of unconsciousness, and the first were turning increasingly shorter. In a moment of lucidity he thought he had seen a dark detail in the immensity of the flat and empty steppe.

    A hut, perhaps?  Anyway his foggy mind reminded him that he was in hostile territory and no relief could be expected. The horse headed without another guide than its own instinct to the blurred vision, and Konrad von Sternberg collapsed from his horse with all his cumbersome armor. A few dogs barked away, as the night progressed rapidly

    THE ORDER OF THE TEUTONIC Knights (Ordo domus Sanctæ Mariæ Theutonicorum Ierosolimitanorum, or Order of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem) was founded in 1198 during the First Crusade, after the fall of Jerusalem, when there were still several Christian kingdoms in the Holy Land. German merchants from Lübeck and Bremen had promoted its creation to give care to the German soldiers wounded during the siege of Acre, and afterwards to provide containment to pilgrims from that source. They settled in Montfort, near Acre, one of the main Christian cities and fortresses and built their castle there. They created a military monastic order, of the type of the Hospitallers and the Knights Templar, which however the German Order never matched in power and influence. Its first Grand Master was Hermann von Salza, powerful man in his time.

    After the defeat of the Crusaders in Palestine the Order transferred its activities to Europe erecting another castle named Marienburg in Malbork, Poland to host it. The Order participated for centuries in numerous European contests including that one in Hungary where they intended to form a kingdom under the protection of the Pope. They then fought in Prussia to impose Christianity by blood and fire on the then Prussian Pagans, and also in Poland and Lithuania. They were finally defeated by a Polish-Lithuanian army.

    As the Order subjugated Russia the citizens of the Republic of Novgorod called Alexander Nevsky to combat them. This military leader faced the Teuton knights led by Hermann von Buxhoeveden first in the frozen surface of Lake Chudskoye and on April 5, 1242 defeated them in a battle on the shores of Lake Peipus, on the current border between Estonia and Russia.

    Although the number of defeated Teutonic Knights was probably much lower than that reported in the Slavic narratives, this battle had a great political and psychological impact among Russians, who strengthened their self-esteem and drive to subdue the powerful armored horsemen fighting them with infantry soldiers, at a time without firearms when riders with armors were considered invincible. This confidence would help them in their long war against the Mongol invaders that was being carried out for a long time. From this battle on Lake Peipus is withdrawing our character defeated, exhausted and wounded,

    Konrad woke up in the darkness, with the nebulous awareness that it was accompanied. A strong rancid stench reached his nose; he opened his eyes and glimpsed what at first sight seemed a blurred mass which gradually outlined as a solid female figure.

    Flashing he could clarify his view and then glimpse the face of the woman, who surprised him by her flattened traits, her oblique eyes and the dark tone of her skin. He had never being in contact with members of the Mongolian race which had occupied vast areas of Russia and made vassals their Lords and inhabitants imposing on them a hard yoke. Indeed few Mongolians had come so far North at that time, since they lived dispersed in the huge Russian steppe. Konrad had heard about the ferocity of the Tartars, so a sense of fear and helplessness caused him a chill.

    However the warrior hardened in a thousand battles resumed his self-control and managed to calm his spirit.

    After a few moments, Konrad could discern that he was in a kind of tent, perhaps of made of leather, lying on a few skins probably sheep, which despite its hardiness, constituted the first bed in which he lay in more than half a year. After another short period of time, another slender female figure more came into the dwelling and spoke with the first woman in an incomprehensible and guttural language. The man became suddenly aware of his own nakedness and simultaneously had the perception that the person who had just entered was a young woman. He wanted to move but his body just responded with painful mobility, so he dropped his shame. The young woman slipped her fingers on Konrad`s skin. The soft texture of the feminine finger contact was pleasant and even caused him a brief erection, which he had no way to hide; the girl blushed and let loose a giggle. Konrad tried to talk to them asking where he was but the voice failed him and could not utter any sound; anyway he noticed that he did not know a language that they could understand.

    Several days had already passed from the moment in which Konrad had regained consciousness, although he was still bedridden now in a straw bed, alternating between periods of lucidity and new fainting. His wounds hurt more, but were already not bleeding, and he estimated that they were in the process of healing. He had been fed with an invigorating diet of sour milk and some pieces of mutton, y, and generally felt with more forces. The eldest Mongolian matron was who had fed him in his mouth at the beginning while she spoke to him words in her incomprehensible dialect.

    The young woman appeared at times staying in the background, watching him in silence and without denoting any emotions; in these brief appearances he was able to visualize her voluptuous forms and her agile path. The figure was setting in his mind, although he attributed it at the beginning to the long time that had passed since he had been with a woman.

    One day it was the young woman who brought him food, limited to leave the dish at his fingertips. However as she moved two steps away her hand slightly touched Konrad´s. This underwent an intense blush, product of the desire for the dark and tender flesh he tried in vain to conceal. After eating he incorporated to continue looking at the girl, who went to what possibly was her place in the wide tent shared by several families of the clan. An idea darkly began to form in his mind.

    The night came quickly; the knight got asleep as usual but he woke up in the middle of the gloom with a strange agitation. He stood up painfully, as he did when he had to satisfy his physiological needs and in the midst of darkness went to the site where he had seen the girl going. Stumbling between straw mattresses and junk but with stealth Konrad reached to the site he was looking for, knelt and groped in the darkness while his temples pulsed hastily; soon his hands touched a small foot, belonging without a doubt to the girl. Excited he ascended with his fingers along the soft skin of the calf, and arriving at the knee it became apparent that the young woman had awakened. This was a turning point, since if the woman shouted the tribe is would throw over him and surely it would destroy him. But she just issued a few weak whispers and growls; her thighs were opened to his hands and lips, the smell of leather and sour milk that emanated from her body instead of repelling him excited his senses even more. He finally arrived at the crotch and felt the girl sex who twisted of pleasure. Her tacit acceptance and the female skin contact produced him a strong erection and since that time he completely lost control of his actions. The man penetrated into the young woman repeatedly while their bodies moved vigorously and rhythmically, but in silence. Konrad realized that despite the external cold sweat covered them. Exhausted he tried to move away, but her hands grasped him and her thighs twisted around his body. Thrilled by the signal of acceptance he felt a soft shiver running down his spine. The man toured the breasts of the girl with his hands and lips, and stopped facing a strange dark mark on her skin, obviously a birth mark shaped as a diamond that the dim light of the rising dawn filtering through the tent door let him glimpse. He would later learn that it was a hereditary characteristic of some members of the girl´s clan.

    The young woman -named Narantsetseg, Tartar name meaning sunflower- was exultant. Since the moment the outsider had showed up she had set her eyes on him and had decided that he would belong to her. Now that she had introduced him in her bed she would not him go away, whatever the reactions of her family and other members of the camp were on the following day.

    Khongordzol, the girl´s mother sleeping nearby had heard the rumors of her daughter´s bed; what her ears did not record her instinct told her. She really did not understand that had her daughter seen in that tall, skinny and gaunt stranger, but she understood that the decision to seize what they wanted was not exclusive of Mongolian men and decided not to fight against the will of her daughter.

    A Mongolian rider arrived at full speed to the small village alternating some tents with precarious huts, given the nomadic nature of the Tartars.

    The news was serious. Although the Prince Alexander Nevsky had no rejected the relationship of vassalage with the Mongols, other armies commanded by several Russian princes had begun a campaign of extermination and expulsion of the hated Tatars oppressors of that territory that the East Slavs began to consider the mother Russia. The Slavs were approaching, killing, raping and burning, and it was already time to migrate again, returning to the eastern lands still subject to the declining power of the Golden Horde.

    Konrad gathered his small family, comprising Narantsetseg, their young daughter Odval - whose name means chrysanthemum- and his mother-in-law Khongordzol.

    The members of the tribe are going eastward. He told them. But they will be attacked and wiped out by the Russians before can meet the remnants of the Horde. Even if they could get to Mongolian territory there are only years of struggles and permanent withdrawals ahead.

    He looked at his family, and saw that they looked down understanding the danger and admitting the future that awaited them. After five years he knew all the  Mongolian codes, including  verbal and body language of meaningful silences.

    This is not what I want for my family. I already can't fight because of the wounds I have received, Odval is very little and Narantsetseg is pregnant again. We cannot endure a long flight through the steppe in the middle of the approaching winter.  Konrad spoke with difficulty the language of Turkish origin of the Mongols, learned in the years since his arrival.

    I propose taking the opposite path. To the Southwest are the lands of my family and my people. In them I am a respected noble and we will have support and peace of mind. The trip is very long and there will be risks because there are still pagan tribes along the way, but I am confident that we can negotiate the passage through their lands with them.

    Khongordzol face overshadowed and after a few moments of reflection replied.

    I am glad that my daughter and grandson may have a better destination, although I don't know how they will be received among strangers. But there is nothing for me among your people; I was born and I have always lived as a Mongolian, wandering the Plains along with my people and our animals, and so I want to continue living. I cannot understand how you can live always in one place and take root as the plants.

    Konrad asked Narantsetseg about their desires. He knew in advance that, given the nature of the woman  she would be the one who made the final decision

    You are my husband and I must think about our children. I will follow you to your land and your people.

    The silence stretched between them. Narantsetseg began to cry silently, aware of the crossroads that took her to choose between her mother and her own family.

    Tartar families traveled long distances in their wagons, but the nomadic life produced in the long run these painful separations. For this reason, Narantsetseg sought to calm her spirit and improve her outward appearance, although a thorn was tearing her guts.

    The Mongols had already departed to the East with their carts drawn by oxen, their riders and their flocks. Konrad and his family, possessing only a small and ramshackle two-wheel cart and the now aging war horse Konrad had brought upon his arrival to the camp placed their few possessions in the cart and began their march in the opposite direction in the midst of the silence of the steppe, now powered by their mood.

    After several hours of slow crossing they arrived at a high point in their path, Konrad looked back eastward. There he saw a long column of smoke and immediately knew which was their source. His heart squeezed. Those were the people who had healed him when he was wounded and had housed him all that time. He decided to avoid at any cost that his wife and daughter saw the scene, forcing him to incite his horse to get away as quickly as possible of that place.

    CHAPTER 1.1


    WINTER 1247

    The snow fell permanently forming new thick layers over the previous already frozen ones. Visibility was very poor and the small family wandered aimlessly , looking for protection against weather of one of the toughest winters of those years. Narantsetseg pregnancy was very advanced and it was clear that birth would occur within a short time. In these conditions a successful birth was unlikely and it was clear that the mother and the newborn baby would be at risk at all times. Konrad behest his horse so it would not fall exhausted by the effort and hunger, leaving the family at the mercy of the elements in a completely inhospitable area, with a few forests of conifers in the middle of the plain. The old animal already fainted by exhaustion and probably because instinct showed it of the desperate situation. Konrad already started to lose his own fighting spirit, unique factor that had brought them so far. The numbness was defeating him although he knew that if he fell asleep it would be the end for all. To increase his fears shortly before he had heard howling of wolves, no doubt hungry in that part of the year in which all of nature is retracted.

    At one point he realized that the horse had raised its head and that was walking faster and wondered for the reason, not wanting however to encourage false hopes. To be completely awaken he passed his hand through the eyes introducing therein the knuckles, as his vision sharpened Konrad  realized that the animal had altered its course eastward and after a while he could perceive a smell of burnt wood in the air. Hope was reborn in his soul: where there was a fire there would be human beings, and at this point disregarding their identities and intentions it was better to find them than to die in that desolation. After a while he spotted a tiny flashing light in the middle of the surrounding darkness. This recalled Konrad another day dying on the shores of Lake Peipus when also drawn on the back of his horse he had spotted a discontinuity in the plain and his life had been turned upside down.

    The cart stopped in front of a very small hut; awoke from the dream mixed with astonishment product of cold and hunger, the she tucked the girl. ; travelers saw with relief that an out of hole in the ceiling actually smoke was coming out denoting that the House was occupied. A wooden door slowly opened and an old peasant appeared at the uncertain light of a fire inside the cabin.

    The old man called Udo helped Konrad to carry Narantsetseg down of the truck and take her to the poor bed in the hut, which he shared with his wife Willa. Despite being in a Slavic area, the old folks were of German origin so they could communicate with Konrad, although for doing it they had to overcome dialectal differences. Willa fed the little  Odval and put her to sleep near the fire; then approached them and examined Narantsegseg. She soon stated that birth was imminent so they decided to be prepared for it. Konrad left the cabin  looking for water in an old wooden bucket full of leaks. As he did so, he fell on account of how providential it had been to find that House in the middle of nowhere. Indeed, there would have been no other possibility of carrying forward the birth in the midst of the storm that was already breaking out with force. His chest was filled with gratitude for these old peasants willing to help some unknown and poorly dressed travelers.

    Konrad decided to name  the newborn after his father Klaus von Steinberg. It seemed relevant and promising now that they were returning to his homeland.

    With the rest and the attentions of Willa -a skilled midwife- Narantsetseg quickly recovered from childbirth, but anyway they decided to accept the invitation of Udo to remain in the place until the worst part of winter was left behind. Udo and Konrad conditioned another semi-derelict hut located within a walking distance, where the children of the old, who then immigrated to Saxony had lived before. Space and comfort were minimal, but allowed the family to survive the winter.

    CHAPTER 1.2


    SPRING OF 1248

    Otthild von Sternberg walked to meet the short caravan. The villagers had carried the news that his son Konrad, heir to the County, approached in an old wagon accompanied by a strange woman and two creatures along with another cart carrying a couple of old peasants. As she approached the wagons, Otthild became prey to strong feelings. Her eldest son they knew nothing about for years and who had been presumed dead in the disastrous campaign of the Teutonic Knights in Russia, not only lived, but was now approaching his place of birth. The mother's heart beat quickly for the news. On the other hand she wondered how would Konrad now be, what kind of man was now returning. Would he remain worthy of the best family traditions?

    When Konrad descended of the wagon and headed toward her Otthild suffered an emotional shock. His appearance was not only dirty, what was expected, but also a bit wild. When her son spoke to her it was clear that he had lost the dominance of the German; indeed his sentences were short and primitive. Then, when they lowered the woman accompanying him holding a baby young and another girl hiding behind from her wide dress, her heart gave a turnaround. He had never seen a person of so dark skin, flattened traits and strange eyes. Slowly taking conscience that these creatures were the sons of Konrad, the aristocrat was invaded by strange warmth.

    You are welcome Konrad. She said, beating the storm of emotions that embargoed her. I always kept the hope that you would return.

    Thank you mother.Answered also excited Konrad. I had already lost mine.

    Mother and son, after a few moments overcame all protocol barriers and  ran to embrace each other in a sea of tears. The courtiers broke out in exclamations and greetings to the returned hero, and engaged two additional horses to the cart to speed up its arrival to the property.

    Otthild led the family into the Castle and ordered that the old couple accompanying them were Housed with the servants of the Castle, no doubt with some amenities that have never known before.

    Narantsetseg came through a secondary door into Castle Sternberg, an old and construction of medium-size for European standards of the era. When she had seen it from afar it had seemed enormous, since the woman had not met in her short years other dwellings  than huts and tents, but from the inside it looked grim, frightening and secluded, reminding her of a cavern that she had known when she was a little girl. Slowly her view and understanding were capturing the elements of comfort available in the building, including worn carpets and other decorations that filled her with wonder. Inside, Narantsegseg processed a dark determination that, as well as years before she had managed to make Konrad her man, in the future this castle would be hers too.

    Klaus von Sternberg left the remains of the deer piece that he had being devouring and drank a long sip of wine. He watched on either side of the long table where members of the family and other notables of the fief had gathered. He looked carefully at each of the diners trying with his usual sagacity and cunning to unveil their emotions and intentions. He looked first at his wife Otthild, wondering what would have prevailed in her: her love of mother who reunites with her son given by lost or her boring attachment to forms and prejudices, which would no doubt have rejected those  that fate had given her by daughter-in-law and grandchildren. Then looked at Konrad, thinking what impulse would have led him to take as his wife the woman he who could have taken by concubine. The nobles of the family always had lovers of all races that existed in the area, and his own brother Emeric had a Gypsy lover who had borne him children and lived in a comfortable but discreetly secluded cabin. Klaus' other children would no doubt be happy to see their brother, except perhaps Adalrich, the second in the line of succession and the heir of the fiefdom if Konrad had not returned. Indeed, Klaus was an old fox and knew the depths of the human soul. He wondered if he should keep Konrad as his successor in any way, or if he should press him to hide his wife and their offspring and marry a young noble woman of Brandenburg or Saxony. Anyway, he mused, it would have been an exercise in futility because he knew that his son wouldn't change what he had chosen and would only move away.

    What the hell!  Klaus finally concluded his solitary meditation. "I have never cared about conventions or protocols. If Konrad wants to keep his Tartar, let he have her! Let's now take a look at my grandchildren, especially to the little boy who bears my name and that will be in the Sternberg succession line.

    Klaus approached Konrad, with whom he spoke briefly, then to Narantsetseg and asked her by signs to hand him over the little boy; the woman the baby after a moment of hesitation. Klaus von Sternberg firmly held his grandson, aware that those present were pending of his gestures. The old warrior toured the small body with his eyes until his view stumbled upon a strange diamond-shaped spot at the base of his neck. When he looked at the baby´s eyes found in them an unexpected sheen. He raised the child high and exclaimed with a stentorian voice.

    My grandson Klaus!

    Then the old noble toured the wide space between the banquet tables, arranged in U exhibiting the child to the whole Court.

    Everyone understood the symbolism of the scene and its implications. A formidable Hurrah! Emerged from the throats of the diners. Konrad smiled and poured wine and drank it whilst it ran down his reddish beard, Narantsegseg, although she had not  understood the words had captured the message of the strong scene and his heart was full with joy as she confirmed that the purpose that she had conceived had begun to be fulfilled. Otthild thanked her husband who, for once, had imposed her a decision that was for her so hard to take. Adalrich lowered his eyes.





    JANUARY 1886

    Juan Murray Thomas gathered his men around the flag planted in the center of the vivaq. Colonel Fontana, head of the unit, had departed in one of his trips in search of fossils, mineral specimens and vegetables accompanied by a local guide, and in his absence it was Thomas who remained in command, although he had no actual military rank. He addressed the troop in his correct but laborious Spanish, even knowing that he should after translate part of the instructions to some Welsh members.

    Evans, we are short of meat. As you are the best shooter go with another man you choose and get some edible prey. Near the river it will more likely to get it than  in all the way that we did through the steppe. Calvo and Davies you go find a good place to establish a stable camp. And you Thomas. He then told Tomás Williams. Ride behind those hills and find out what is there on the other side. Don't stay away too long and don´t go too far, since you don't know the terrain.

    When he heard him Williams, the youngest member of the  Company, born in Argentina of Welsh parents, felt a sudden enthusiasm for the task which had been assigned since it was the first time they assigned him for patrolling unaccompanied.

    Sir, can I carry one of the Remingtons?

    Well, if I give you one and man task  you can surely carry a weapon suitable for men.  agreed Thomas.

    After a brief breakfast consisting of charque -that meat dried to the sol consumed at the Argentine countryside- and a mate infusion the men who have had assigned tasks left to comply with them. Thomas rode on his horse, an old zaino belonging to his family and loaded the rifle along with a good amount of ammunition and some supplies. Carrying the Remington with him was a source of pride as well as a responsibility so the boy was excited by this sort of initiation.

    He rode sparingly since the beginning knowing that the journey would be long and perhaps hard. Slowly ascended by bare hills, taking his horse to the step and perking his view  trying to discern the distinctive features of the landscape. When he reached the top of the first hill he stopped and looked all round about. The infinite landscape of the southern steppe through which the Company had come only crossed by the meandering course of the river which they had followed up to there startled him once again. The boy was born in those endless extensions that may look monotonous at times but that generate in their children an exultant sense of freedom, a spontaneous joy that at his young age was not yet darkened by concerns.

    He continued into the hills, gentle but of increasing height. The vegetation was still sparse and scattered among the rough stones, and the only fauna was represented by some large-sized birds planning high in the sky.

    Condors. Tomás told himself observing their flight with a mixture of admiration and shock. Indeed right from the steppe area close to the mountains appear the huge Andean prey birds eager to detect from great height their victims in the austral summer, never too abundant in the Patagonian desert.

    After a couple of hours riding the young man approached an elevation higher than the contour, eager to get a wide view of the lands stretching west of the hills top. The last stretch was particularly hard for the horse because of the steep slope and the loose stones that impeded the passage so that Thomas had to focus on spurring the animal and guiding it through the windings of the slope. He was therefore not prepared for the show that unfolded before his eyes across the top. The panorama, appearing suddenly momentarily cut his breath and filled his soul with joy. At the front and at the foot of the hill on whose summit was a beautiful lake of brilliant turquoise waters and generous dimensions that filled his retina for several seconds. Screening with the left hand over his eyes so as to avoid or mitigate the effects of dazzling sun slowly advancing in its march to the west, he saw on the opposite shore of the lake a forest of cypress and ñires, the first trees he saw since he arrived at the steppe with his peers. He found that the forest extended over hills and valleys as far as the eye could reach. In the background, wrapped between shreds of clouds high snowy peaks gleamed in the sunlight, still high in the long summer day on these southern latitudes. Thomas remained ecstatic a long time at the prospect until the reflection of the sun on one of the snowy peaks of the horizon woke him up. He spurred his horse down to the lake, to which the animal willingly agreed sniffing the water always scarce in the previous days. The way down to the water mirror bristled with loose rocks and thorny bushes, so man and beast walked carefully.

    In its descent Thomas distinguished some movement among some bushes close to the lakeside and forced his horse to go in that direction as he pulled the rifle from its holster. This precaution proved providential in view of what immediately was to happen. The movements, of unknown origin, raised powder so it did not allow him to distinguish what was happening, but slowly the young discerned the figure of a puma, the great American feline struggling with something that certainly was his prey. Thomas had just spotted pumas once in his life, and at great distances. Thinking that the victim was a deer of some sort the boy raised his rifle hoping for a suitable angle to rein the horse, aim and fire. Suddenly he realized that the victim assailed by the cougar was a human being, apparently an Indian. There was no time to lose! One more minute and the man would be victim of the fierce tusks. Tomás stopped completely the horse, brought the gun to his shoulder rapidly took aim and pulled the trigger all without thinking. The recoil of the rifle almost sent him down from his horse but he could rebuild their situation. A chilling roar followed the action accompanied by groans. The boy loaded cautiously the rifle before approaching, because wounded are often doubly dangerous beasts. When the dust settled saw the puma still moving so fired a second time, hitting the heart and killing the beast. Near the body of the puma the human figure was motionless and without sounds. Thomas approached with caution, finding that indeed was an Indian. He rested his rifle on his forearm, ready for any contingency. He dismounted and knelt a foot away from the fallen. He was face down, covered in blood and with his bare tattered clothes. The young man came back with caution, unsure what to do but trying not to worsen his injuries. As he saw his face he checked with regret that it was a boy, almost a child. Reassured about the possibility of being attacked put his ear on the chest of the man down perceiving relieved a slight beat. Still confused  after meditating his steps and remember instructions received in the management of injuries Tomás carried the Indian to the lakeshore, performed a tourniquet on a deep bleeding wound in the arm using a piece of cloth he had for mixed-use, and washed injuries to prevent infection from the claws and teeth of the puma. When he felt that his situation was stabilized, covered him the wounded with his blanket, mounted his horse and started back to vivaq of the Company of Riflemen of Chubut. The day was full of emotions and events and the boy could barely contain his eagerness to tell his teammates what he had seen and acted.

    Arriving Tomás found that Colonel Fontana was back. When the youth exposed his story to the sentinel they took him immediately to the military, whom  he had to explain his findings including the issue of Indian boy. He spoke to Fontana with respect to this remarkable man inspired, but safely.

    Did you find a suitable site to establish a base camp?

    Yes, my Colonel, on the shores of the lake there is a small elevated plateau, with trees around to protect us from the midday sun. The space is sufficient for our tents. In addition there is enough grass for the horses.

    Good observer! I am pleased with your progress and will tell your father about them when we come back.

    Tomás cracked down a skip; a recommendation from the Colonel Fontana for a young person was not to take on deaf ears. The military was a man respected by his subordinates and by all those who knew him, for his leader -hard but humanitarian- qualities, and was deemed a good connoisseur of men. Colonel retired and Tomás met with his comrades, who offered him to drink and eat as he was somewhat dehydrated by the prolonged exposure to the relentless summer sun.

    Rushed to help the wounded Indian they raised the vivaq in the evening and made their way to the Lake following the indications of the young. Arriving at the selected site to set up camp on the shore of the Lake, they found the Indian boy still alive yet but dam high fevers, so the company health responsible devoted him to the cure of wounds.

    He has an opportunity to live. The paramedic informed Fontana. Let´s wait and see how the infection of his wounds evolves. Having cleaned them immediately surely prevented a greater infection. In addition, the tourniquet was fairly well applied, I see that my instructions during the course of first aid were not in vain.

    The Colonel gave instructions to forward the news to the young Williams, who ultimately was responsible for the Indian to be alive.

    Fontana delegated in Tomás the establishment of a camp to spend several days and recover the strength of men and beasts after the grueling journey through the desert, given the favorable circumstance of having good-quality and abundant fresh water.

    In 1865 the schooner Mimosa sailed from Liverpool with 153 Welsh passengers, including men, women and children. After a long journey through all of the Atlantic Ocean in most of its northeast-southwest dimension, disembarked in the Golfo Nuevo, on the shores of the newly created National Territory of Chubut, in the Argentine Patagonia. They had permission from the Government of the recipient country to settle in

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