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When Spencer Wilson discovers a way to turn his middle-aged, cold fish of a wife into a younger, sex-hungry version of herself, he leaps at the chance. But a bargain made with the head confectioner of Sweet's comes with certain rules, and when those rules aren't followed to the letter...

A new story from Lyka Bloom, featuring a return to bimbo-inspired sexiness, this 9000+ word tale will satisfy the sweet tooth of any transgender fantasy enthusiast!

PublisherLyka Bloom
Release dateJun 30, 2017

Lyka Bloom

Lyka Bloom writes various forms of fiction, but erotica has become a new passion. She preferstransformations and games of control, and enjoys exploring all the perverse kinks bubbling beneath the surface of sexuality.

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    Sweet's - Lyka Bloom


    by Lyka Bloom


    First Edition. June 30, 2017 at Smashwords.

    Copyright © 2017 Lyka Bloom

    Written by Lyka Bloom

    The Shoppes, a shortening of 'The Shoppes at Brightmere,' was a sprawling, open-aired collection of high-end boutiques catering to the wealthiest of Brightmere, along with those who were willing to pay a premium for something nice. Most of the population came to The Shoppes for lunch rather than shopping, peering through the display windows at the latest in fashion or the most extravagant of jewelry.

    It might seem odd, then, that a shop like Sweet's should exist at all among the opulent stores. The facade was a bright pink with a pink-and-white striped awning, plastic candy canes folded at their necks over the doorway. Pushing inside, which would jingle the old-style bell over the doorway, would place you on tile floors colored in bright primary colors, facing a counter where attendants hurried back and forth between customers, serving candies from great plastic bins behind them. The walls were likewise decorated by containers that held every type of lollipops, gumdrops, gummi bears, malt balls, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, candy canes...

    A couple of the store's employees drifted among the shoppers on the main floor, easily identifiable by the pink and white uniforms they wore, along with the high pink heels, the skirts billowing out to give the impression the uniforms were designed in the mid-1950s, but for the deep scoops at the neck that showed off the attendants' cleavage. To a one, every female employee of Sweet's, and there was only one exception, moved, looked and spoke like they had been peeled from the wet dreams of the teenage boys that came in to gawk and buy a bagful of chocolates.

    Spencer Wilson was no teenage boy. He was rapidly approaching his fifties, and already his temples were gray, along with a few streaks cutting through his otherwise-dark hair. When he entered Sweet's, he looked far too old to be in a place like that, drawing the eyes of some of the shoppers. Almost immediately, he found a slender hand resting on his forearm, the polish on those nails as pink as the uniform of the young woman suddenly beside him.

    Hey! Welcome to Sweet's! What can I tempt you with?

    Spencer grinned, an expression those who knew him would call his shark smile. He leered as he took in the sight of the shopgirl – straight blonde hair that fell over her shoulders and fell to the center of her back, a thin braid cutting across to separate her bangs, the uniform clinging to her thin waist and pushing up breasts that veritably shone with the luster of youthful beauty. The skirt hid most of her thighs, but her slim legs poised atop sharp heels, the legs clad in white hose, couldn't help but give the impression of lasciviousness. And the welcome... yes, this girl was a temptation. Spencer could appreciate the irony of a candy shop staffed by women who would have been more at home in the pages of a men's magazine.

    I'm looking for Gustav, Spencer said, patting the girl's hand on his arm. Sure, he was married, and this girl was surely no more than twenty-five, maybe younger, but Spencer knew an opportunity when he saw it. That's how he had gotten ahead.

    A look of confusion passed over the girl's face, then she brightened once more, defaulting to her sunny, perfect smile.

    "He's, like,

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