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A Quest, and a Dangerous one at that!
There is nothing that will not fall for Scarlet Wonder’s beauty, but now she has to flee the kingdom and go on a wild, thrilling Adventure, because Prince Harry was caught out to have been in her company.
Watched over by an Angel, pursued by a Demon, and followed by a Knight in Shining Armour. Absolutely everything wants to have a go at her, and she is all too willing. Be they Monster, Villain or Good Citizen, she welcomes all with open arms. Ahem. . .
The mission is simple. Accept and complete the Quest set by the Angel, and her Soul will be Saved. Fail, and the Demon will win, her Soul will go under!
Welcome to the Adventures of Scarlet Wonder, she of the red hair, bouncy tits and tight ass. An Adventurotical.

PublisherSatine Flower
Release dateJun 27, 2017

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    Book preview

    Adventurotica - Satine Flower


    The Adventures of Scarlet Wonder

    An Adventurotical

    By Satine Flower

    Copyright 2017 Satine Flower

    Characters Major

    Scarlet Wonder – A Lady Most Beautiful

    Demonica – A Demoness

    Angelicus – An Angel

    Sir Blackheart – A Knight

    Long ago, in a land far, far away. . .

    A bird’s-eye view showed a castle, complete with moat, drawbridge, turrets and chain-mailed knights on horses. The castle stood, of course, upon a hill, above a lush valley and a dark forest. It was surrounded by green lawns, except at the back, where it was surrounded by the vegetable patch.

    Well, that is what a bird’s-eye view would show. Closer inspection revealed real people, those who made the kingdom work. There were the maids, bustling about, seeing to those little things that needed seeing to such as the cooking, cleaning, washing and earning some extra money by accidentally forgetting to wear clothes when cleaning for Father Parsley in the vestry when the good Mrs. Parsley was down in the market buying something fresh for dinner.

    In the Castle Kitchen the cooks were cooking up a banquet, a process that involved the junior chef spicing meals, preparing ingredients and slaving over a hot stove while the Head Chef and the Baker, both built to the same gargantuan proportions but fortunately not of the same sex, were porking each other in the cold room. It is only a blessing that the cold room’s nail-studded oak door was thick to keep the heat out and the cold in, and the noise in the kitchen was deafening with the ringing of ladles on pots and pans, or the screaming from the Cook and the grunting of the Baker would have made the hungriest person think twice about ever touching food from that kitchen again.

    Oh, there was also a King and a Queen, but they hardly counted.

    This Tale is from old, but it’s not before told,

    From when time was still young and the world was still bold,

    When Night came down dark there was no television,

    ‘Twas a time which we think of today with Derision.

    No cars rode the streets, there was walking or horses,

    Kings ruled the country with chain-mailed forces,

    No telephone, nay, nor airplane above,

    Yet all around, in abundance, was Love!

    Flat on the ground, a-Humping and Pumping,

    Every chance they had, in Bed they’d go Jumping,

    Thrusting and thriving and moaning and screaming,

    All kinds of acts of which we’d not go dreaming!

    Arse in the Air and Head over Heels,

    Hammer it out with much Laughter and Squeals!

    Making more children for the world they must fill,

    Yes these were the days before condoms and pill,

    These were the days when Hussies still Hustled,

    When houses of Ill-Repute fairly Bustled!

    Gather round now, and let the Tale tell,

    Of the Terrible things that a Lady befell,

    Of the Quest she was set and the Path that she strode,

    And how her Hips coped with a Quite Heavy load!

    In and around the castle the affairs of the King went on. Most of it consisted of collecting taxes, protecting the Kingdom and holding council with those the King trusted most. There were also the affairs the King had with the maid who cleaned his room, the maid who lay out his clothing and any other maid he could catch alone while his wife was out for five minutes.

    But the comings and, err. . . comings of the King concerns us not.

    Neither does the house of Ill-Repute, but let us detour there, as it is well worth a visit because of the strange people who found occupation there. Oh, every form there were, big and fat and small and thin, dark and light and tall and slight, some so short they could fit under the table, and one so old you’d wonder how she made any money at all until you learned that she’d long since lost all her teeth. There was also, currently, the Lady Haverley, who was dragging from the bed of quite a nice young girl (who really didn’t deserve all the Bad Things Lady Haverley was shouting at her), the Knight Sir Haverley, who was about to learn that the Tongue of a Wife was indeed mightier than both pen and sword. Let us leave, quickly, before the shouting starts. . .

    Now, let the eye of the imagination travel outside the castle. To one side stands a rather large village, for the castle had long since grown too small for all the babies that had been made there. Here and there in the forest stood also a house on its own, such as the old Witch’s cottage, the Hermit’s hovel and the small but neat cottage of a rather interesting young Lady who went by the name of Scarlet.

    There once was a Lady, with Legs made for Love,

    With Hips made to match, for a push and a shove,

    She had Eyes which burnt with Passion enduring,

    And Lips which would part to a smile most alluring.

    She used her wills and she used her ways,

    Against Castle and Kingdom, Peasant and strays,

    She got what she wanted and never had need,

    For no man who saw her could Stifle his Greed.

    Where this Lady walked, all eyes gave a glimmer,

    For she moved just so, that the Air would Shimmer,

    Long Graceful Arms gave her Poise and Perfection,

    But the Breasts, Oh the Breasts brought a sigh and Erection!

    She lived in a forest where a River ran Wild,

    In the lee of a Castle where the Wind was Mild,


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