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Golf Bragging Rights Guide: A Step By Step Guide To Claim Bragging Rights on the Golf Course
Golf Bragging Rights Guide: A Step By Step Guide To Claim Bragging Rights on the Golf Course
Golf Bragging Rights Guide: A Step By Step Guide To Claim Bragging Rights on the Golf Course
Ebook42 pages22 minutes

Golf Bragging Rights Guide: A Step By Step Guide To Claim Bragging Rights on the Golf Course

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About the Expert:
My name is Danial Naqvi and I am a teenager with a big dream and determined ambitions. I study Human Geography at Queen Mary University of London and hope to inspire a generation to assist an unrepresented society in the global sphere. I have played golf for 12 years and gained a rather unique insight into the game. I have a passion for explaining the psychology of golf to anyone who wants to hear it, that’s how you can improve. Between golf and university, I enjoy writing freelance for companies and hanging out with friends.

Book Description:
• Chapter 1: A gentle introduction into advice that every other golfer will try and pass off as good knowledge, but will ultimately lead to your demise.
• Chapter 2: Exposing all golfers’ worst nightmare, practice, and explaining the importance of being “in the know” when it comes to golf.
• Chapter 3: Dusting away the cobwebs of your bank account may be the only way to show off to your friends, especially when you are under practiced
• Chapter 4: The correct mindset is essential to complete a full round of golf, without your head screwed on you’ll lose shots left and right, but not centre.
• Chapter 5: This chapter is for the deceitful, there are ways to make it easier by cheating through it. Unfortunately, doesn’t show much sportsmanship, but what’s sportsmanship between friends.
• Chapter 6: Odd bits and bobs that didn’t fit into the body of the text but are helpful to keep in mind for any sort of occasion.
• Chapter 7: Learning how to play the shots you have always wanted to, they are hard but with some instruction might seem easier than ever before.

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Release dateJun 30, 2017

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    Golf Bragging Rights Guide - HowExpert

    Golf Bragging Rights Guide

    A Step By Step Guide To Claim Bragging Rights on the Golf Course

    Danial Naqvi & HowExpert Press


    Smashwords Edition


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    Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.


    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 Amateur Advice You Should Ignore

    Chapter 2 Up-To-Date Golf Knowledge

    Chapter 3 All The Gear No Idea

    Chapter 4 Get Your Head In The Game

    Chapter 5 If You Can’t Play Well... Cheat

    Chapter 6 May The Odds Forever Be In Your Favour

    Chapter 7 Perfecting Priceless Reaction Play

    About The Expert

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    Chapter 1 Amateur Advice You Should Ignore

    There are a lot of people who will tell you the best ways to show off when you play golf. Golf is a delicate game that can’t be toyed with, although it has some shortcuts; the game has been decorated for being different every time you play. Most of the following advice is often given by friends or colleagues in a comical fashion, most likely after watching a re-run of public favourites Caddyshack or Happy Gilmore (more on that masterpiece later). But how would you know? I’m here to tell you what’s what and to show you how exactly how to strut your stuff while keeping your pride intact.

    Smash it, don’t tap it!

    This is too classic; it could be actually considered as cliché. Whatever you call this phrase, ignore it. At. All. Costs. These phrases are rather slippery however, they come in many forms, most I will try to articulate here: cane it, stripe it, spank it, belt it, rip it, smoke it; which you can see can be linked to rather notorious associations, I’ll spare the details.

    Where does this form of jest normally take place? Imagine a wide, inviting hole you’ve played in the past. One that sets up picture-perfect for a smoked drive down the neck of the fairway. Know the one? We all do, and we all have the same approach provoked by our friends, mostly ending up with us eating our own words. The way to prevent is simple. Imagine a metronome for a pianist, it’s constant and in equilibrium. The golf swing is exactly the same, it’s a rhythmic parade that ultimately ends

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