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The Collettes: Luna
The Collettes: Luna
The Collettes: Luna
Ebook97 pages1 hour

The Collettes: Luna

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The Saga of the vampire sisters continues. Sola completed her quest for the first part of the Lazarus amulet with success. Now it is Luna Collette's turn to find her part of destiny. Her ally comes in the form of the daughter of their enemy, Creve.

Georgina Matthews, aptly nicknamed George, is a spitfire and vampire hunter who now she seeks revenge for the death of her father. When these two women meet, more than sparks of anger fly, but an attraction forms that they cannot deny. Will Luna be able to convince George that her life is meshed with the undead to save mankind? Will George be able to become something she has been taught to hate? A creature of the night, a hunter, and a drinker of blood.

PublisherDahlia Rose
Release dateJul 4, 2017
The Collettes: Luna

Dahlia Rose

Dahlia Rose is the USA Today best-selling multi genre author from Urban fantasy to Romance with a hint of Caribbean spice. She was born and raised on the island of Barbados and now currently lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. Her life revolves around her family and her grandson who she’s fondly nicknamed ‘the toddler overlord, long may he reign.” She has a love of dark fantasy, crazy sci-fi B-movies, and delving into the unknown. Dahlia writes from romance to suspense, giving her characters the voices they deserve, if she doesn’t, they surely won’t let her sleep. With over seen dozen books published, Dahlia has become a reader favorite. Not only because of her writing but her vivacious attitude in talking to her fans online and at various events. Being a BIPOC, author of color, her books feature strong heroines with a Caribbean or African American culture, that is showcased in the vibrancy of her words. Books and writing are her biggest passions, and she hopes to open your imagination to the beauty of possibilities between the pages of her books. LinkTree:

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    Book preview

    The Collettes - Dahlia Rose

    The Collette Saga: Luna

    Chapter One


    The letter arrived with no return address and the envelope seemed old, too old to be used as stationary in these days. Georgina Matthews turned the envelope over and over in her hand as she stared out into the cool New York night. She stood on the fire escape of her tiny, cramped apartment in the village and let the noise of the city fill her head for a moment. Everyone called her George as a nickname; most who dared to call her Georgina growing up ended up with a broken nose or eating dirt.

    Her father had taught her well how to fight because he knew what was out there, what lurked in the darkness, in the alleys of New York. George knew, though, that her mother hated that she lived in the city. Being a southern belle from Atlanta, Analisa Matthews felt George should be Georgina and that she should live in the country and dress in pastels and marry a rich banker. I would if the rich banker had long legs and wore stilettos.

    A wicked smile passed her lips at the thought; her mother still chose to believe that she was going through a phase and was experimenting with her sexuality, that some day she’d like men. This sure has been a long, fun-filled experiment. This time, she laughed softly at her own joke. George looked down at her low-slung jeans, her navel piercing with a chain that went around her hips and connected through the loop, and the black tank shirt that said Bitches Rule across the front. Yeah, Mom would hate to see how I am dressed today, she thought with a small smile.

    Her thoughts went back to the envelope in her hand and she breathed out a long sigh. A letter showing up in her mailbox without even a stamp on it made her uneasy. Her instincts knew what she was feeling and it was nothing good. She had not heard from her father in weeks and now this. Not delaying the inevitable any longer, she ripped the envelope open and began to read.

    To the Daughter of David Creves;

    It saddens me to my very core to have to write you this letter. I grieve now as I tell you of the loss of your father. He died doing the thing we all take pride in doing: ridding the world of the undead and the demons that walk the street. I only wish I could have fought by his side to the end, but my injuries prevented me from doing so. The only thing I can offer you is my condolences and the name of the three undead sisters that caused his untimely departure from this world. The Collette sisters: Sola, Luna and Willa, born of undead parents and a curse upon the world. They now seek the amulet pieces that will allow them to walk in the day and drink from our human blood. They must be stopped by any means necessary. Your father died trying to protect the world from them and their evil. Now you must take up where he left off. For your father’s sake, for all our sakes, because we all depend on you now.

    With each word, George felt her body chill and turn ice cold. The father who had taught her that things really did go bump in the night was gone and she never even got to fight by his side, she never even got to tell him goodbye. The note was left unsigned, but it was obvious that it was from one of his men who thought she should know how her father died. The battle he fought all his life now carried his blood. The paper crumpled in her fingers and angry tears fell down her cheeks. She then smoothed it out slowly and folded it, putting it in the pocket of her tight jeans.

    She crawled through the window back into her apartment and took a bag out of the closet. She threw in a few articles of clothing, a bible, a wooden cross and all the wooden stakes she had. She zipped the bag and threw it over her shoulders. Walking out of the studio, she locked the door and stepped into the city night. She would take up her father’s last charge to stop the Collette sisters by any means necessary, even if it meant her life. She would have her revenge.

    Chapter One

    I need to get out of here for a while.

    Everyone turned to look at Luna Collette as she paced the room in their family home. It had been days since Sola and Gideon came back with the first piece of the amulet and since then everyone was staying close to the grounds just in case Carthos sent his people after them. It was grating on Luna’s nerves. She needed to be free, to hunt. She felt like she was a caged animal ready to chew off its own leg to escape from captivity.

    Luna, you are not trapped like an animal, Willa, her sister, said in an amused voice.

    Since about a month before their three hundredth birthday things began to happen and take shape in their lives preparing them for the battle against Carthos and the hunt for the Lazarus amulet. It was the one thing that could give vampires a way to walk in the daylight with humans and both humans and vampires alike sought after the talisman. Sola began having visions and Willa could sense or read people’s emotions or thoughts. For Luna, nothing had happened yet and it began to irritate her, making her feel like even more of a freak than she already was. Born of parents that were both vampires was unheard of and now this. She just wanted to find her piece of the amulet and get it over with.

    You are not a freak either and things will happen for you in time, Willa announced firmly.

    Jesus, Willa, stop doing that! I hate you bouncing around in my mind! Luna exclaimed in irritation. She sighed and went over to hug her little sister. I’m sorry. I am just on edge. How can I find my piece of the amulet or the mate to help me if I am stuck here?

    We just want to make sure no one is coming before you go out on your own, Gideon said. Luna looked at him sitting on the sofa with her sister, Sola, sitting on his lap, their fingers intertwined. Since they came back from their quest for the first piece of the amulet, they were inseparable. They even hunted and fed together. Am I ever going to find that with someone? She asked the question of herself many times but she just did not know.

    Well, it’s been days, Gideon, and zip, no one has come. I want to go back to my apartment and I want to hunt on my own feeding grounds! Luna replied. The people in this damn town don’t taste the same. I miss the taste of city blood.

    Luna, give it another day. If no one comes, then you can go to the city. Maybe it’s there where you are supposed to find your partner, Sola added in.

    All I am saying is it better be a chick. I don’t need some dude with a dick hanging between his legs as my partner. I’d rather bite it off and spit it at him. Luna looked over at her sister’s mate, the newest member of their family. No offense, Gideon.

    He inclined his head. None taken. To Sola, he kissed her neck and said, Remind me never to sleep on my back around her.

    Gotcha, babe, Sola said, amused.

    Well, I’m glad I can amuse you guys. I’m going out to feed.

    Luna stalked out, leaving the rest of her family staring at her. She shrugged into her coat and fluffed her spiked bangs before going out the door. For

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