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CAPTAIN BOLDHEART and THE LATIN-GRAMMAR MASTER - An illustrated children's story by Charles Dickens
CAPTAIN BOLDHEART and THE LATIN-GRAMMAR MASTER - An illustrated children's story by Charles Dickens
CAPTAIN BOLDHEART and THE LATIN-GRAMMAR MASTER - An illustrated children's story by Charles Dickens
Ebook48 pages17 minutes

CAPTAIN BOLDHEART and THE LATIN-GRAMMAR MASTER - An illustrated children's story by Charles Dickens

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From The Pen Of Lieutenant Colonel Robin Redforth, Aged Nine – but in reality written by Charles Dickens as book III of IV in a series titled a Holiday Romance.

The subject of our present narrative, Captain Boldheart, would appear to have devoted himself to the Pirate profession at a comparatively early age, although we are not informed exactly how early. Nevertheless, we find him in command of a splendid schooner of one hundred guns, loaded to the muzzle, and he was yet to celebrate a party in honour of his tenth birthday!

It seems that our hero, considering himself spited by a Latin Grammar Master, demanded the satisfaction due from one man of honour to another. Not getting it, he privately withdrew his haughty spirit from such low company, bought a second hand pocket pistol, folded up some sandwiches in a paper bag, made a bottle of Spanish liquorice water, and enbarked on a career of valour.

What actually happened to Captain Boldheart and his crew? Was his honour assuaged or did he have to take more drastic action to obtain satisfaction? Just how far did he and his crew have to go? Did they visit any strange and exotic far-off lands on the way? Well, you’ll just have to download and read this book to find out!
Charles John Huffam Dickens
(7 February 1812 – 9 June 1870) was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. Dickens's literary success began with the 1836 serial publication of The Pickwick Papers and he went on to be regarded as the literary colossus of his age. His works enjoyed unprecedented popularity during his lifetime, and by the twentieth century critics and scholars had recognised him as a literary genius. His novels and short stories enjoy lasting popularity.
Release dateJul 11, 2017
CAPTAIN BOLDHEART and THE LATIN-GRAMMAR MASTER - An illustrated children's story by Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens nació en Portsmouth en 1812, segundo de los ocho hijos de un funcionario de la Marina. A los doce años, encarcelado el padre por deudas, tuvo que ponerse a trabajar en una fábrica de betún. Su educación fue irregular: aprendió por su cuenta taquigrafía, trabajó en el bufete de un abogado y finalmente fue corresponsal parlamentario de The Morning Chronicle. Sus artículos, luego recogidos en Bosquejos de Boz (1836-1837), tuvieron un gran éxito y, con la aparición en esos mismos años de los Papeles póstumos del club Pickwick, Dickens se convirtió en un auténtico fenómeno editorial. Novelas como Oliver Twist (1837), Nicholas Nickleby (1838-1839) o (1841) alcanzaron una enorme popularidad, así como algunas crónicas de viajes, como Estampas de Italia (1846; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. LVII). Con Dombey e hijo (1846-1848) inicia su época de madurez novelística, de la que son buenos ejemplos David Copperfield (1849-1850), su primera novela en primera persona, y su favorita, en la que elaboró algunos episodios autobiográficos, Casa desolada (1852-1853), La pequeña Dorrit (1855-1857), Historia de dos ciudades (1859; ALBA PRIMEROS CLÁSICOS núm. 5) y Grandes esperanzas (1860-1861; ALBA CLÁSICA MAIOR núm. I). Dickens murió en Londres en 1870.

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    CAPTAIN BOLDHEART and THE LATIN-GRAMMAR MASTER - An illustrated children's story by Charles Dickens - Charles Dickens


    The story contained herein was written by Charles Dickens in 1867. It is the third of four stories entitled Holiday Romance and was published originally in a children's magazine in America. It purports to be written by a child aged nine. It was republished in England in All the Year Round in 1868. For this and four other Christmas pieces Dickens received £1,000.

    Holiday Romance was published in book form by Messrs Chapman & Hall in 1874, with Edwin Drood and other stories.

    For this reprint the text of the story as it appeared in All the Year Round has been followed.



    The subject of our present narrative would appear to have devoted himself to the Pirate profession at a comparatively early age. We find him in command of a splendid schooner of one hundred guns, loaded to the muzzle, 'ere yet he had had a party in honour of his tenth birthday.

    It seems that our hero, considering himself spited by a Latin-Grammar-Master, demanded the satisfaction due from one man of honour to another. Not getting it, he privately withdrew his haughty spirit from such low company, bought a second-hand pocket-pistol, folded up some sandwiches in a paper bag, made a bottle of Spanish liquorice-water, and entered on a career of valour.

    It were tedious to follow Boldheart (for such was his name) through the commencing

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