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Anna's Prince
Anna's Prince
Anna's Prince
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Anna's Prince

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Part 2 in the modern-day faith-based Anna’s Angels series: Anna, the Chosen Princess, has a guardian angel Andri-el who helps keep away the demons that are intent on causing Anna harm. Anna is warned that she will have a decision to make which she should make with her heart that could have far-reaching consequences. Soon thereafter suitors start showing up determined to win Anna’s hand in marriage, including two rather illustrious characters, and one royal man. With the help of her best friend Matt and good friend Iliana, how will they manage to find Anna’s Prince amidst all the drama and gamesmanship? And how will the tornado in Goshen, Alabama, change the decision that Anna is trying to make?

This story is the continuation of Part 1, Anna’s Angels, where Anna survived a train wreck with the help of the two angels Andri-el and Samu-el. Through that experience Anna learned to overcome her fears. Now she faces even more direct interaction with the forces of evil and forces of good, as they each attempt to score a victory over the other through Anna’s decision.

PublisherK A Toney
Release dateJul 13, 2017
Anna's Prince

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    Anna's Prince - K A Toney

    Anna’s Prince

    (Book 2 in the Anna’s Angels Series)

    By K. A. Toney

    Published by K. A. Toney

    Copyright 2017 K. A. Toney


    The Palm Sunday tornado in Goshen, Alabama, on March 27, 1994 was a horrible tragedy. Even though this story weaves itself in and around that tragedy, it is written entirely fictional. The human characters in this story are not meant to represent people who were in the actual destruction, but hopefully this story in some small way captures the suffering of those actual victims. Real spiritual characters may or may not have been present during that storm, but who is to say one way or the other regarding them?

    All scripture is quoted from the King James Version of the Bible.

    License Notes

    Thank you for reading this book. This book remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to purchase or download their own copy from their favorite authorized retailer. Thank you for your support.

    Cover photography credits

    Blonde Hair by Amanda Julca

    Church by K. A. Toney


    The author would like to thank Wanda for her tireless and insightful editing of this work. Her dedicated effort has made it all the more readable.

    Anna’s Prince

    (Book 2 in the Anna’s Angels Series)

    Preface – February 1994

    Anna and Matt walked up the sidewalk to her house in New Orleans, Matt had his arm around her waist, but she was totally distracted by thinking about the movie that they had just seen. It had been such a romantic comedy. She wondered what it would be like to live a romantic lifestyle, with a prince sweeping her off her feet. The longing expressions, the loving embraces, and the happily-ever-after marriages. Would she ever meet her Prince?

    Right after she and her friends were involved in the train wreck this past summer, she had learned that for some strange reason she was apparently the ‘Chosen Princess,’ whatever that meant. But every time she tried to figure out why, she never came up with a good answer. A letter from a trusted friend had tried to explain why, but in the long run it still didn’t make any real sense to her. After wondering and pondering the question for several months, she had finally resigned herself to simply not ever having a good explanation, especially since she didn’t even know a prince, let along having any intention of ending up with one.

    Would you like me to come inside? Matt asked when Anna seemed to be standing at her aunt and uncle’s front door where she lived, yet not paying any attention to him.

    When she still didn’t answer, he asked again. Anna, did you hear me? I could come inside your house if you would like me to.

    Oh, Matt, she said as if awaking from a dream. Sorry, my mind was miles away. Did you ask me something?

    I had asked about coming inside with you, but I should have looked at the time first. It is late. I hope to see you tomorrow at church, Matt told her.

    Anna looked into his eyes as she answered, It was a fun day today. First the parade this morning, then the dinner downtown, and finally the movie tonight. You’re spoiling me, you know. What will I do with myself if you ever find someone you really like spending time with?

    Maybe I have found someone, he told her quietly, looking into her eyes.

    Maybe? Well, when you figure it out, be sure to let me know, she laughed, and his attempts at a romantic mood were suddenly broken.

    Not willing for their time to be over, he went on to say, Tuesday is Mardi Gras, you know. Then the next day is Ash Wednesday. I don’t have class either day. We could spend them together, if you like.

    That sounds like fun, she told him. But for now I’m bushed. Thanks for a fun day, Matt. I’ll see you later.

    Matt would have liked to kiss her goodnight, but she had made it clear on several occasions that she was not ready for them to get to that stage yet. As she went inside the house, and he walked back down the sidewalk to his car, he couldn’t help hoping that one day she would feel differently towards him, as a boyfriend rather than just a friend.


    Anna went into the house that she shared with her Aunt Sedalia and Uncle Mike and their two children, Roy and Linette. Her aunt met her at the door and told her that she had a visitor waiting for her in the living room, asking to speak with ‘The Chosen Princess’. The visitor had arrived a few minutes earlier. Fortunately her aunt had learned not to ask too many questions before Anna was ready to talk about it. But Anna could see on her aunt’s face that there were plenty of question that could be asked.

    Curious as to whom it could be, Anna went into the living room, located on the right side of their house on the front. They rarely used this room, so that made the visitor even more mysterious, since her aunt had chosen this room for the visitor to wait in.

    As Anna entered the living room, she saw what appeared to be a short, older man standing in front of the fireplace with his back to her, looking at some pictures of her and her family on the mantle.

    Without turning around, the man immediately spoke to her, Anna, the Chosen Princess - greetings. I come with a message and a warning.

    Anna thought that was a strange way to say ‘Hello,’ so she asked him, Do I know you? Have we met before?

    You do not know me, but I have seen you. My message you should want to hear, he told her with his odd phraseology.

    Her first reaction was ‘Oh no, not another one speaking in riddles.’ After the train wreck, she had spent a couple of weeks in the care of the angel Samu-el, and he had often spoken in riddles. He had claimed to be a healer, but in the end, she had decided that he was so much more than that. However, it seemed that half the time she wasn’t sure what he had been trying to tell her because of the riddles.

    Now, here in front of her was another riddler. Do you know Samuel? she asked.

    I have also seen Samu-el, yes, but I am not here to speak of him. I come with a message and a warning for you, he repeated.

    He was now turned to face her instead of the fireplace mantle. She could not tell how old he was, but he had a very wizened appearance. She still did not remember ever seeing him before, and he did not look like either Samu-el or Andri-el, the two angelic beings that she had seen after the train wreck. Fingering the leaf necklace that Samu-el had given her, Anna decided to be bold and ask more questions before he got to his message and warning. What is your name, and how do you know me?

    In perfect English he told her, My name has no meaning in your language, but you may call me See-er because that is my role. A see-er has the gift of looking both backwards and forward.

    Anna thought about that for a minute, You mean you can see the future? You’re here to warn me about my future? Now what? I’ve already survived a plane crashing into my house when I was a child, and last year I survived a train wreck with my friends. Don’t tell me there’s another disaster headed my way? My heart can’t take any more disasters.

    He tried to explain, I am not here to warn you about future happenings, as you might call them. I can see forward, and what I see is a choice that you will be asked to make. My message is that you should choose wisely, and choose with your heart. My warning is that the wrong choice could have dire consequences, but so could the right choice. Do not choose based on consequences – choose with your heart. One choice could lead to darkness, one choice could lead to light, one choice could lead to nowhere, but only one choice will be the right choice for you.

    Is it OK if none of that makes any sense to me? she wanted to know.

    He had a ready answer for her, It is of no consequence to me if you understand the message or not, or even if you believe the message or not. Your opinion of the message is entirely inconsequential. The important thing is whether or not you follow the See-er’s advice to choose wisely and with your heart. The See-er can ask no more than that.

    She asked him, Suppose I don’t recognize the choice until it’s too late, and I have already chosen poorly?

    That is the best question you have asked the See-er so far. It is true that you may not recognize the choice. Therefore, the best course of action would be to always choose with your heart.

    And why choose with my heart?

    Because you are the Chosen Princess, and your heart belongs to The One.

    She thought about his words for a few minutes, and started to ask another question. He had been watching her think, and as soon as she opened her mouth to ask, he told her, The See-er is leaving you now. It is my pleasure to have had a chance to talk with the Chosen Princess in person. Choose wisely, my Anna.

    But what am I choosing? she blurted out as he walked to the front door.

    Choose wisely. He opened the front door, walked out, and shut the door behind him. She immediately opened the door again and looked out, but she was not surprised that he was gone.

    Apparently I’m not a See-er, she muttered under her breath, because I see no one.

    Her aunt heard her from the kitchen and asked, What my dear?

    Nothing. I was just talking to myself.

    Is that nice man gone? her aunt asked. What did he want?

    Yes, he’s gone, and none too soon. All he had to tell me were riddles, and I’m so sick of riddles. I’m going to bed.

    Goodnight Princess, was the loving reply from her aunt, with teasing in her voice. And if it’s not too much trouble for Your Royal Highness, be sure to clean your royal bathroom tomorrow morning before you get busy with other royal duties.

    Yes, Aunt Sedalia. I have not forgotten that cleaning the bathroom is part of my responsibilities while continuing to live here with you and Uncle Mike.

    Chapter One

    Matt looked at Anna, while Anna looked at the elephant. The zoo in New Orleans had always been a favorite hangout of theirs on Saturday or Sunday afternoons. They had taken the street car from downtown New Orleans, as it followed St. Charles Avenue around the curve of the Mississippi River all the way to Audubon Park and the Audubon Zoo. The day was surprisingly mild in temperature for New Orleans, and they were having a wonderful time walking around.

    Your leg seems to be doing well these days, Anna, Matt mentioned, remembering that she had not had her cast off too many months. Last summer had seen them surviving a train wreck on their way to Florida. Matt had escaped unharmed, but Anna had sustained a severe fracture to one leg and one arm, in addition to abrasions on the side of her head. Being a medical school student at the Tulane University School of Medicine helped him appreciate the trauma that she had gone through.

    Anna answered him, Sometimes when the weather changes I can feel it more than I should, but yes, you’re right. My leg and arm are both doing well. I don’t remember if I ever thanked you for continuing to search for me when everyone else had given up.

    My pleasure, he replied. Although, from what I remember, you had other helpers looking after you while you waited.

    Yes, Anna remembered. I still think Andriel and Samuel were really both angels. I don’t know how else to explain their actions and abilities.

    You haven’t mentioned seeing either of them for a long time, Matt commented, actually glad that she had been silent about them. He didn’t think most people would believe her, and some people may even think she was schizophrenic seeing projections. He might have thought the same thing except that he had also seen Andriel, and she had seemed real enough to him.

    Anna told him, I haven’t seen either of them for months. That’s probably a good thing. They seem to be around mostly when some catastrophic disaster is in the works.

    Matt took hold of her hand as they walked, and she let him hold it, but she didn’t hold his hand in return. He wondered if her former boyfriend and his former friend, Jackson, who had died in the train accident, kept her from wanting to get closer to him. Do you still miss him? Matt asked her.

    You mean Jackson? she asked, confirming his suspicions. Sometimes I do, even though I know he’s in a much better place than we are, and I would never wish him back here and away from Heaven. But the zoo reminds me of him. The three of us came here several times last summer, remember?

    I do remember. I miss him too. But you know he’s not coming back, no matter how much we miss him or wish he would, Matt told her gently, out of character from his normal jovial joking style.

    How long do you think it will be before you’re ready for another boyfriend? Matt continued, hoping her answer would be that she was ready soon, and that he had a good shot at being that next boyfriend. He had certainly become aware of his strong feelings for her while she had been recovering from the accident.

    I don’t know, Matt. I’m not trying to rush it. If my heart is still broken over Jackson, then how could I devote myself to a new boyfriend?

    What you’re saying makes sense, Anna, but maybe if you just went with it, then your heart and feelings would eventually catch up with your actions.

    Maybe. But I’m not rushing it. Oh, your mention of Andriel and Samuel reminds me of another visitor I had recently, she told him cheerfully.

    Let me guess – Jackson’s ghost came back to tell you that it would now be OK to start dating his best friend Matt.

    She looked at him for a moment, then continued. No. This really old guy was at the house waiting for me when I got home that night after our movie. He called himself a See-er. He made some strange prediction that I would have a big decision to make soon, and that I should decide with my heart. Then he left without any further explanation. Don’t you think that’s a little strange?

    Matt smiled as he answered, See, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. You should decide to date Matt, and do so with your whole heart. He said it jokingly, but he would have been happy if she would take the advice seriously.

    Matt, you’re such a jokester. I’m serious. What do you think he meant?

    What are you supposed to decide about?

    That’s just it. He wouldn’t say what I was supposed to decide. It was all very mysterious. Then as soon as he was satisfied that I had gotten the message, he left out the front door. I went after him, but he was already out of sight when I opened the door behind him.

    Maybe he was a Seer, and not a See-er. Maybe he knows things instead of just seeing them. But if he didn’t say what you had to decide, that does make it difficult to know when to decide with your heart and when not to. For example, suppose you have to decide whether to wear a blue shirt or a red one?

    Decide with my heart? she answered tentatively."

    Exactly. Now suppose you have to decide whether to have a hamburger or a hot dog for lunch? he continued.

    Decide with my heart, she was catching on to his lighthearted mood.

    You’ve got it, my dear. Now, suppose you have to decide whether to look at the elephants at the zoo or the monkeys?

    I don’t have to decide that one, she laughed, because it seems like the chief of the monkeys keeps following me around the zoo.

    And don’t you forget it, he answered. Well, if that silly See-er didn’t tell you what you have to decide, then I don’t think you should worry about it too much. Hopefully if a big decision comes along you will decide correctly, and you can also ask for advice from your friends, don’t forget.

    I won’t forget. I do appreciate your friendship, Matt. Give me time. Don’t rush me too much.

    You’ve got it, he told her, as they continued walking around the zoo. Oh, I keep forgetting to mention it, but my grandma in Alabama invited me to come and visit with her the week before Easter, and she said it would be OK to bring a friend if I wanted to. So you’re invited.

    Anna thought it might look a little strange to his grandma to be bringing a girl to visit. She was sure the wrong impression would be given. But at the same time, she and Matt had become good friends ever since the train accident, and it might be fun to get away. She was torn whether to go or not. Do you think this is that big decision that the See-er was talking about?

    I hope not, Matt assured her. I’m on Spring Break all that week, and I was thinking you might be able to take vacation from your job all or part of it also. But it’s no big deal. The town, Goshen, is really small, but it’s not too far south of Montgomery, and there are interesting things to see in Montgomery. Otherwise it’s a chance to relax and chill for a few days in the country. Farms, fields, trees, and gardens to your heart’s content. I know I need a break, and it would be nice to spend it with you as well as Grandma.

    Matt, it was really sweet of you to invite me. I’ll let you know soon, if that’s OK. Easter is still several weeks away, right?

    Anna, this is New Orleans. Mardi Gras was two weeks ago. Forty days from Mardi Gras is Easter – forty days of Lent, remember?

    You’re right of course, she told him, but I don’t find Mardi Gras to be a very religious holiday, at least the way it’s celebrated, so I often forget to make the connection to Ash Wednesday and then Easter. Parades and partying have never seemed to fit with my religious beliefs. But that’s just me, I suppose.

    Palm Sunday is four weeks from tomorrow, and that puts Easter five weeks away. I’ll probably go to visit Grandma on the Saturday before Palm Sunday. I haven’t decided if I will stay there all week, or go home to Baton Rouge and spend Easter with my folks. If you do decide to go to Alabama with me we can finalize the travel details then.

    Anna continued walking with Matt, as she told him, OK, I’ll let you know soon, but for now let’s just enjoy this beautiful day at the zoo.


    Rodrigo San Miguel, who was the next younger brother of the crown prince of Spain, had arrived in New York City with high hopes of fulfilling his father’s wishes. His father had expressly challenged him to find an American bride as a way to strengthen the relationship between the United States and his homeland of Spain.

    Unfortunately, now that he had arrived in New York City, and had started to appreciate the enormity of the situation before him, he also started to wonder if maybe more planning should have gone into the trip before embarking on the journey.

    There had been a series of lunches, dinners, activities, and entertainments scheduled with the elite members of New York society, all coordinated through a special agency hired by his father. He had to admit that the agency had done its job in continuing to find single socialite women. What they had failed to do so far in his opinion, however, had been to find even one woman who was attracted to him personally, regardless of his royal heritage and substantial wealth.

    He had planned to stay in the New York City area as long as it took to find the right woman, but he was starting to wonder just how long that might be. He had met actresses, models, daughters of Fortune 500 company CEOs, daughters of sports team owners, heiresses, wealthy young widows, and even had lunch with the President’s First Lady and their daughter one day. However, that had merely been a political courtesy, since neither was eligible for matrimony, one being married to the President, and the other still in high school.

    He was staying in the Penthouse of the most exclusive hotel in the city, so he had been told. He had his own personal chauffeur from the search agency, who was directing his activities and introductions. He had a couple of bodyguards, and a dedicated limousine and driver, to escort him safely and expediently around the bustling city. In truth, he was living the high-life, meeting the high-fliers, visiting the best restaurants and clubs, attending the ballgames in the best seats, and generally circulating exclusively in the top echelons of New York City society.

    Yet as they drove around the city, it seemed that the drive often went along the fringes of Central Park, where he could see lovers, both young and old, walking hand-in-hand along the sidewalks, or sitting side-by-side on the benches, totally enraptured in each other’s attention.

    The big disconnect was how to get from where he was, circulating in the high end of society with all the eligible female socialites, down to a simple loving relationship with one particular woman, who could appreciated him even if he were not part of the Spanish royal family or did not have its wealth backing him. Without a doubt, the socialites had all been trained in how to look right, act right, say the right things at all the right times – in other words, in how to play the part and play it well. What he had not found, he supposed, was the sincerity that he had been looking for. Where was that one particular woman who was not playing a part, but was real classy without pretending? Wasn’t there at least one in all of New York City?

    Chapter Two

    The dragon, Lu-cifer, went slithering and slinking around the Heavenly Throne room, seeking to cause as much chaos as possible. He bumped into worshipers, knocked over chairs, and made as much noise doing it as possible, until he finally got a response.

    The voice from the Heavenly Throne spoke, Yes, Satan, we know you are here. The question is, why are you here?

    The dragon gathered himself up to his full height, and boldly looked directly at the throne, I have been wandering to and fro on the earth, seeking whom I may devour. Now I am here reporting my progress.

    The voice from the Throne asked again, And what do you have to report? What surprises have you discovered? Those people against Us you have, and those people for Us you have not. It is very simple, is it not?

    The dragon considered his response carefully, Ah, yes. Those are the boundaries set forth, I totally agree. Those people whom You have chosen are for You, and those people You have not chosen are against You. But I do have a question. Where is the free choice in that?

    All humanity has a free choice. Those people that have chosen Us are for Us, and those people that have not chosen Us are with you. Again the voice from the Throne did not leave much choice in the matter. My only begotten Son died that all humanity might live. They simply must choose Him.

    The mere mention of Jesus made Lu-cifer’s blood boil, but he did his best to contain his anger while in the Throne room, Ah yes. The favored Son – I knew the discussion would get back to Him sooner or later. Those filthy humans don’t really deserve Him, now do they? They lie and cheat and steal and blaspheme Your name day after day after day. Maybe You should just curse them for all eternity, and start over somewhere else.

    The more the dragon talked, the more thunder could be heard in the background, until the thunder suddenly turned into a voice, "Thou worker of iniquity, you will soon depart from here for all eternity!"

    I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I meant no offense, the dragon cowered and slithered. I just report what I see and hear from those I meet on my journeys. But I will admit, there is one human whom I have been unsuccessful in meeting. Why is that, I must wonder?

    You speak of Anna, the Chosen Princess. Have you considered my Chosen Princess Anna? the voice from the Throne asked.

    Of course I am speaking of Anna. She has been kept away from me, and I claim it is unfair, the dragon boldly accused the Throne.

    Unfair? Laughter was heard now. Unfair? She is the Chosen Princess. Why would you have any reason to meet her? She chose Me and I have chosen her. Why does that puzzle you?

    It does not puzzle me. It surprises me. Did she really choose You? Was she really old enough to make an informed choice? If given the choice now, would she still choose You?

    Yes, she chooses Me over and over again, and I choose her, the voice from the Throne confidently answered.

    The dragon was not finished slithering his way around the room. You call Anna the Chosen Princess. Then which prince has she been chosen for? I have been called the Prince of the Power of the Air. Therefore, maybe I would like a chance to claim her as my princess.

    Laughter was again heard from the Throne. You claim her? You? Given a choice, she would still not choose you. Why would you subject yourself to that type of rejection? Go away and find an easier target for your mischief. Anna would not choose you.

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